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Sam-Sam people

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Orang Sam-Sam
Samsam/Orang Laut/A'a Samsam
Sam-Sam Pala'u on the boat.jpg
Total population
c. 1.2 milion
Regions with significant populations

Kota Hilir Territory Territory of Kota Hilir
(Hiliorian Archipelago Precinct, coastal area of Hilio Tengah Precinct and Interior Precinct)

Straits Settlements Straits Settlements
(Springwind Islands, Providenciales Bonin Islands)

Tri-State Area Tri-State Area
(coastal area of Danville, Pantai Tanjeuran and Petite Martinique)

Federal Special Capital Territory Federal Special Capital Territory

Territory of Flower Territory of Flower
(coastal area of Bandar Baru Fatin, Bunam and Karaikai)

Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï
Sam-Sam language, Phineaner, Hiliorian Phineaner, Springwind Islands Phineaner, Gangwol Phineaner, Taesongean, Sangunese, Taisūg, Hulontaloan and Common Tongue
Umraism (mostly Sunni Umraism),
Jamalullailism dan Animisme

The Sam-Sam people or the Samsam people are an ethnic group in the Phineonesian maritime region, The name collectively refers to a related people who usually call themselves Sama (officially A'a Samsam, "Samsam people" or A'a Sama, "Sama people"). It is part of the Sam-Wayo race. They usually live in the ocean and coastal areas and practice a sea lifestyle, only a few of their descendants practice an inland lifestyle where their descendants are known as Sam-Sam Deyah.

Sam-Sam is only found in Kota Hilir, Tri-State Area, Federal Special Capital Territory, Straits Settlements, Territory of Flower and Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï precisely in coastal areas, islands and waters, sometimes not many Sam-Sam people live in inland areas such as in Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï. Sam-Sam is one of the largest ethnic minority groups in Kota Hilir. Sam-Sam is famous and sometimes called as "sea gypsies" or "sea nomads" just because they live in the ocean area, sometimes they are also called by the name "Orang Laut". They generally contributed greatly to the history of Kota Hilir, the Straits Settlements and Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï in particular.

In general, Sam-Sam is divided into two or three groups with different lifestyles, only two of them practice a lifestyle in the ocean. And the Sam-Sam are divided into several tribes or sub-ethnicities, and there are several Sam-Sam sub-ethnicities that have mixed ancestry and some are assimilated into Eurphineonesian society. The majority of Sam-Sams are Umraists, especially Sunni and folk Umraism, some of the Sam-Sams follow Jamalullailism, animisme and Nazarenes, especially Roman Catholics.