Jääland in Microvision 2022

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Jääland took part in Microvision Song Contest 2022 with the song "Links Rechts" ("Left right") by Snollebollekes. The song is sung in Batavian. This act was performed second in this year's contest.

In Jääland every summer when the weather is acceptable, large crowds from across the globe come together to drink beer and celebrate happiness. This song was chosen to represent the small Batavian community of Jääland who enjoy being in Jääland, and describe the events of the festival.



Lyrics may be found in the video, but interlinear lyrics with Istvanistani translation may be found here.


Points awarded by Jääland
Score Recipient
12 points Lac Glacei Lac Glacei
10 points South Sea Islands South Sea Islands
8 points Mercury Mercury
7 points Tellia Tellia
6 points Ransenar Ransenar
5 points Natopia Natopia
4 points Shireroth Shireroth
3 points Normark Normark
2 points Krasnovlac Krasnovlac
1 point Hurmu Hurmu

Reactions and propaganda

Floria Floria: The song was praised by Florian football fans as it was similar to traditional Florian football songs such as the "Bouncy".