One Company to Rule Them All

Amity Merrick

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Amity Merrick
Amity Merrick.png
Full name Dr Henrietta Merrick
AKA Amity Merrick
Physical information
Species Human
Gender Female
Hair color and style Brunnette
Eye color Brown
Skin color White
Biographical information
Father Henry Royston Merrick
Mother Magdalena Baier
Date of birth 12.XI.1659 AN (83 AN years old)
Place of birth Shirerithian Quarter, Zalae, Caputia
Allegiance(s) ESB ESB
Occupation Doctor of Industrial Archaeology; OHL consul in Yasutomi

Dr Henrietta Merrick, known to her intimates as Amity, is an eminent archaeological-technologist whose services are retained by the Industrial Archaeology Programme of the Honourable Company. Since 1737, she is also the consul of the Order of the Holy Lakes in Yasutomi, Sangun (Mondosphere).

She specialises in the evaluation and recovery of the technology of failed states and collapsed civilisations, the reverse engineering of which enables the ESB Design Bureau in Lindstrom to retain its competitive advantage over its myriad rivals in the crowded defence manufacturing sector. She is widely travelled and equipped to contend with the diplomatic and political aspects that her work entails. A former member of the N&H National Sector Party of Elwynn and its predecessor, her membership was revoked in 1694 AN following her refusal to participate in the N&H Future Leadership Programme and her decision to remain unmarried and subsequently childless into her thirties. As of 1695, she was known to be part of the faculty of Euran University.

On 13.VI.1720 AN, she was directed by the General Inspectorate of the Trans-Euran Continental Theatre Command to make herself available as a technical specialist and advisor for exploratory missions dispatched by allied powers to the formerly Bassarid domains of Corum. By 19.VI.1720 this nebulous tasking had taken a more definite form as an appointment to position of Director of Exploration and Supervisor of Monuments and Ruins with the Regional Inspectorate of Corum.

Rumoured to have increasingly "gone native" in East Zimia and the Wallis Islands during the early 1730s. A further cause for increased estrangement between herself and her family.

Nominated to receive Constancian honors several times, but this has been deferred several times as well due to "unspecified security concerns".


Honours and Awards