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Azardokht Boragchin Erdenechuluuniin al-Osman

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Azardokht Boragchin Erdenechuluuniin al-Osman, as of 1724 AN.

Azardokht Boragchin Erdenechuluuniin al-Osman (born 1694 AN, 48 AN years), daughter of Ghawetkiin Enkhjargal and Daniyal al-Osman. Educated in the Sarayzenana of Raspur from 1702 AN to 1706 AN. Participated in trial precursor to Conditioned Social Harmonisation, 1706 AN. Response to conditioning stimuli deemed favourable. Selected for further development by N&H Future Leadership Programme. Transferred to the Bothan Institute in 1706 AN and graduated in 1710 AN. Attached to the Benacian Institute of Labour Studies during 1710 AN1711 AN for a gap year spent on work placements in the Autonomous Bailiwick of Mishagrad and the Unified Governorates of Benacia. Induction into the Humanist Vanguard by special arrangement with the N&H National Sector Party of the UGB occurred during 1711 AN. Arrangement included appointment to the Regional Sector Party for Mishagrad as a Regional Cadre Member upon the completion of mandatory tasks whilst assigned to duties in the retirement and terminations ward of the Mishagrad Labour Camp, a facility provided to the Benacian Institute of Labour Studies from the Benacian Labour Reserve. Awarded the Red Hand lapel badge in 1711 AN. Returned to Chryse in 1712 AN to attend the Benacian Academy. Attended the School of Medicine, reading in the Chamber of the Anatomists, studying in each antechamber. Delivered her magistral dissertation upon the physiological and cranial deformities of native specimens recovered from Leng in 1717 AN. Dispensation from N&H Future Leadership programme to continue with academic vocation on condition of donation of genetic samples and consent for employment of surrogates at the discretion of the programme. Awarded magistral doctorate of humanist anatomical philosophy by the favour of the Lord High Rector, Henry Royston Merrick, 1718 AN. Inducted into the Guild of Academicians, 1718 AN. Appointed Reader of Anatomy, 1719 AN. Organised voluntary blood donations by protected persons in Chryse as support for home country during 1719 Hurmu government crisis. Authored study of physiology of retired Raspurid footballing kuls, 1722 AN. Appointed Chief Medical Officer for the Red Lion and Sun Society of Eura in 1723 AN. Appointed Inspector of Health Services for Allied Administration of Captive Hostiles, 1723 AN. Subject of favourable biographical articles and human interest stories, with emphasis on philanthropic activities, published by Hurmu Herald on a semi-regular basis from 1723 AN, intention of preparing public for her return to Hurmu and eventual political role within the Coalition for Democratic Humanism. Suitable candidates for political marriage, with preference to candidates from Hurmudan Apollonia, sought for evaluation by N&H Future Leadership Programme and CDH Secretariat, with process commencing from 1723 AN onwards. Matched to Viric Merrick, owing to political considerations regarding the stabilisation of Apollonian Hurmu in the aftermath of the 1719–1720 Hurmu civil conflict, with the formal matrimonial contracts being inked in the sixth month of 1727 AN.

Recalled to Constancia for the Petropolis Gala and to assume position of Deputy Minister of Molivadia and Governor of Modan, Molivadia, effective 27.XV.1740. Concurrently appointed to the Subcommittee on Infrastructure, Central Euran Coordination and Cooperation Committee.

Elected to the Board of Directors of Oranjesion Shipping Corporation effective 1.I.1742.

Honors and Awards

Published works

  • Monographs
    • Anatomical Study of Native Lengoise Abhuman Forms, Benacian Academic Press, Chryse, 1717
    • Impacts of Sporting Duties, International and Domestic, on the Physical Form of Servile Eurans (1719–1721), Benacian Academic Press, Chryse, 1722
  • Pamphlets
    • Humanism as Incentivised Directed Altruism, Coalition for Democratic Humanism Central Secretariat Publishing Unit, Huyenkula, 1723