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Reformed Stripping Path

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Reformed Stripping Path
(Reformed Bassaridianism)
Theology: A syncretic blend of Hostian belief systems including the Stripping Path and the Alperkin mystic religion, emphasizes the veneration of deities inspired by the planets of the Atos System.
  • High Priestess of the Bassarid Temple of Vaeringheim
  • Decentralized, with spiritual leaders and practitioners guiding local congregations.
Origin: 48.67 PSSC
Split from: Stripping Path
  • Planetary Divine Cults
  • New South Jangsong Cults
  • Haifan Bassaridia Cults
  • Animist Cults
Members: ~47,174,406 (within Bassaridia Vaeringheim as of 50.51 PSSC)
Practitioners of the Reformed Stripping Path worship around the Pools of Eos not far from the Temple of Aurora Mystica.

The Reformed Stripping Path is a Hostian belief system which represents a unique and syncretic religious movement that blends the vibrant traditions of the Stripping Path, centered around the worship of Dionysus, with the mystical beliefs of the Alperkin, a religion dedicated to the worship of Lake Morovia's High Alps. The fusion of these two religions is notably furthermore distinguished by the worship of a pantheon of gods and goddesses inspired by the planets of the Atos System.

Origins and Development

The Reformed Stripping Path emerged in Bassaridia Vaeringheim in response to the cultural and spiritual intermingling of the Stripping Path and the Alperkin traditions. Influenced by a desire to integrate these diverse belief systems, spiritual leaders and practitioners initiated a reformation, weaving together the revelry of the Stripping Path, the mysticism of the Alperkin, and a cosmic reverence for the planetary deities of the Atos System.

Core Beliefs

A disciple of the Temple Illuminata meditates on the nature of the Triality of Oversouls.

At its core, the Reformed Stripping Path retains the foundational beliefs of the Stripping Path, and by extension those of the Pallisican Religion which have existed since the 19th Era PSSC. Most significantly, the religion is characterized by the belief that the universe is defined by the complex relationship - known as the Triality of Oversouls - between the cosmic forces of Order, Chaos, and Mystery.

Triality of Oversouls

The Reformed Stripping Path recognizes the Triality of Oversouls, acknowledging the interplay between Order, Chaos, and Mystery. Belief in the Triality of Oversouls is rooted in ancient Pallisican religious beliefs, and later maintained by the traditional Stripping Path, which assert that these forces constitute the three aspects of the Original God, which, at the dawn of existence, fragmented into these distinct forces. This pivotal moment, in which God fragmented, marks the commencement of time, identified as Order. As time unfurled, the universe became increasingly complex and chaotic, marking the introduction of Chaos into the fabric of the universe. The religion suggests that as time progresses, Chaos naturally evolves, suggesting an inherent tendency of the universe, towards increasing chaos. The more time elapses, the more pronounced the development of chaos becomes. Nevertheless, this intrinsic trajectory can be reversed through an understanding of the third fundamental force: mystery. Mystery serves as the impetus for restructuring Chaos into Order, functioning as the medium through which this transformation transpires. The highest spiritual aim, to this end, is to embrace and explore the Mystery of the universe, in order to gain an understanding of the nature of Chaos, so as to ultimately restore Order from Chaos.

Core Practices

Dionysus in the Reformed Stripping Path

A statue of Dionysus, the supreme god of the Bassarid religion, stands in the courtyard of the Temple of Violet Dionysus in the heart of Vaeringheim. Carved from Thalassian Purple Granite..

The Reformed Stripping Path, like the Stripping Path, regards Dionysus as the supreme god of the universe. His worship has played a central role in shaping the cultural and economic development of the Strait of Haifa for centuries. As the god of chaos, transformation, and celebration, Dionysus’ influence extends beyond religious practices, deeply affecting trade, commerce, and regional conflicts. The spread of Dionysian rituals has contributed to the rise of mercantile powers, shaped alliances, and fueled the various wars and political upheavals that have defined the region.

Dionysus is the only non-planetary Divine in the Reformed Stripping Path, regarded as a god of chaos, transformation, and ecstasy. Introduced to Micras by the Host Spirit, Dionysus is seen as greater than the Host Spirit and represents a force of cosmic disorder and liberation. His worship focuses on breaking down societal boundaries through ecstatic rituals, where personal and collective transformation is achieved. Followers of the Reformed Stripping Path view Dionysus as a critical guide to understanding the chaos inherent in both the spiritual and material worlds.

Relationship with the Host Spirit

While Dionysus is a more powerful force than the Host Spirit, his introduction to Micras by the Host Spirit symbolizes the union of divine chaos and cosmic order. This symbiotic relationship demonstrates the delicate balance between structure and freedom, with the Host Spirit representing the architecture of the cosmos and Dionysus embodying its liberating and unpredictable energy. Together, they create a spiritual dynamic that guides the evolution of both the universe and the individual, with the Host Spirit introducing Dionysus as the catalyst for transformation.

Dionysian Influence in Bassaridia Vaeringheim

Dionysian worship deeply permeates the religious and cultural practices of Bassaridia Vaeringheim, shaping its societal norms, rituals, and leadership. Festivals in honor of Dionysus serve as moments of both spiritual and social liberation, encouraging revelry and the breakdown of rigid societal structures. The Saint Mothers, key religious figures, and the High Priestess of the Bassarid Temple of Vaeringheim oversee these ecstatic celebrations, promoting Dionysian values of transformation and freedom. Military victories, political milestones, and even economic successes are often celebrated with Dionysian rituals, symbolizing the god's influence over both personal and societal evolution.

Economic Influence of Dionysian Worship

Dionysian worship influences Bassaridia Vaeringheim’s economy on an abstract, philosophical level. To this end, Dionysus represents the forces of chaos, transformation, and unpredictability, traits that mirror the dynamic nature of trade and commerce. His worship fosters an economic culture that embraces risk-taking, innovation, and constant change. This chaotic energy is reflected in the activities of the General Port of Lake Morovia, where regional investors and privateers like the Hatch Ministry Division operate in an environment of fluid competition and wealth redistribution.

Commerce in Vaeringheim is seen not just as an economic necessity but as a reflection of the Dionysian ethos of celebration and disorder, where market activities are driven by a spirit of unpredictability and growth. This abstract influence highlights how economic success in Bassaridia Vaeringheim is rooted in the transformative power of chaos, with commerce becoming a channel for Dionysian energy.

Dionysus and the Alperkin Tradition

In addition to his role in the Reformed Stripping Path, Dionysus’ worship has become deeply intertwined with the indigenous beliefs of the Alperkin people of Bassaridia Vaeringheim. His chaotic and transformative essence aligns with the Alperkin's spiritual practices that emphasize the balance between light and dark forces, particularly through their veneration of the High and Dark Alps. Festivals and rituals honoring Dionysus often blend with Alperkin ceremonies, reflecting the belief that embracing chaos and ecstasy is a pathway to enlightenment. Through these combined traditions, Dionysus’ influence in Bassaridia Vaeringheim is both spiritual and cultural, cementing his place as a central figure in the region’s religious practices.

Alp-worshipping Communion

Building upon the Alperkin traditions, followers of the Reformed Stripping Path commonly engage in the consumption of Noctic-Rabrev, which is believed to allow for communion with the god-like High Alps which inhabit the wilds of Lake Morovia. This communion is believed to offer insights into the mystical realms, wisdom, and a heightened spiritual awareness.

Planetary Devotion

A portrait of a Priestess of the Azure Sentinel Sect, a Mystery devoted to the Thalassa, the most powerful of all Divines, whose domains include the sea and the battlefield.

A distinctive feature of the Reformed Stripping Path is the worship of a pantheon of god-like entities, known as Divines, which are revered for their cosmic influences, guiding practitioners through diverse aspects of life, and which correspond to the planets of the Atos System. Though they are commonly referred to as gods and goddesses, these divine entities are regarded more as aspects of the Host Spirit, to whom the Host Spirit has delegated the responsibility of bestowing blessings and grace upon the religion's practitioners. While they are not recognized formally as gods, each Divine is nevertheless worshiped as a god or goddess by its own respective community of devoted followers, known as Mysteries.

The pantheon of the Planetary Divines is as follows:

Category Name
Description Mystery Holy City Divine Image Temple Invocation Hymn Sygil
Higher Divines Atos Divine of Light and Creation, embodying life, creation, and enlightenment. Ordo Solis Invicti Vaeringheim B20806d6-e89f-495b-88ea-cb182beb44dd (1).png Screenshot 20240805 144334 Chrome.jpg Invocation of Atos AtosSygil.png
Eos Lady Divine of dawn, symbolizing new beginnings and enlightenment. Order of Aurora Mystica Luminaria Fc3cd00d-4a59-4796-8391-1fa0031c874a.png EosTemple85.png Invocation of Eos EosSygil.png
Micras Lady Divine of balance and wisdom, embodying harmony and equilibrium. Harmony Sanctum Serena Ac758e3c-8e5f-4bad-a71a-169c77e16d09.png Screenshot 20240805 110316 Chrome.jpg Invocation of Micras MicrasSygil.png
Pyros Divine of fire, passion, and creativity. Ignis Aeternum Pyralis 0460b448-c7d7-4dc4-832b-868be4cdd8a9.png Screenshot 20240805 110338 Chrome.jpg Invocation of Pyros PyrosSygil.png
Indigo and Momiji Twin Lady Divines representing duality and change. Celestial Harmony Sect Symphonara D1722f4b-279b-4202-8dca-fcf33977e5e6.png Screenshot 20240805 110349 Chrome.jpg Invocation of Indigo

Invocation of Momiji

Chrysos Divine of wealth, thieves, spies, prosperity, and abundance. Guild of Golden Shadows Aurelia ChrysosGod.png ChrysosTemple87.png Invocation of Chrysos ChrysosSygil.png
Thalassa Lady Divine of the sea, and war, embodying mystery, depth, and fluidity. Azure Sentinel Sect Vaeringheim C2ff2087-20f0-47d1-8935-cd753cad937a.png Screenshot 20240805 110430 Chrome.jpg Invocation of Thalassa ThalassaSygil.png
Nephele Lady Divine of clouds, symbolizing dreams, imagination, and inspiration. Reverie Nebulous Somniumpolis 91ca2b68-6fec-4555-8ddd-8dcb72bfe9aa.png Screenshot 20240805 110448 Chrome.jpg Invocation of Nephele NepheleSygil.png
Glinos Divine of ice and winter, representing the cycle of life and death. Eon Fellowship Nexa 7a1d0eee-5d51-4556-8255-acfb42809a99.png Screenshot 20240805 110517 Chrome.jpg Invocation of Glinos GlinosSygil.png
Noctis Lady Divine of the night, associated with introspection and hidden truths. Order of the Umbral Oracle Lunalis Sancta 7f169741-ee25-4bf6-a5c9-1733b4b4564e.png Screenshot 20240805 110535 Chrome.jpg Invocation of Noctis NoctisSygil.png
Opsithe Lady Divine of harvest, fertility, and the cycles of nature. Mystery of the Verdant Embrace Sylvapolis F6f7a5e1-71bc-4d0a-82ab-a9f9cdf573d2.png Screenshot 20240805 110549 Chrome.jpg Invocation of Opsithe OpsitheSygil.png
Lower Gods Tarsica Lady Divine of illumination and wisdom. Conclave Illuminara Luminaria 5849b510-9127-4c4c-87d8-9f25b3160c43.png TarsicaTemple.png Invocation of Tarsica TarsicaSygil.png
Plateau Lady Divine of health and medicine. Sanctum Vitalis Saluria Fe1f92a6-68f7-432e-b8ce-c9a184599c93.png PlateauTemple.png Invocation of Plateau PlateauSygil.png
Ivory Lady Divine of purity and serenity. Temple Alabaster Aetherium 76734dcb-1c42-48d4-8403-9e5406eb0b84.png IvoryTemple.png Invocation of Ivory IvorySygil.png
Fenrir Divine of strength and tenacity. Court of the Ironclad Ferrum Citadel FenrirGod.png FenrirTemple.png Invocation of Fenrir Fenrir Sygil.png
Lukedu Divine of harmony and unity. Accord Concordia Symphonara LukeduGod.png LukeduTemple.png Invocation of Lukedu LukeduSygil.png
Styx Lady Divine of transformation and rebirth. Mystery of the Stygian Veil Acheron 651ff960-36a6-40aa-b315-1b15eabb77ef.png StyxTemple.png Invocation of Styx StyxSygil.png
Faun Lady Divine of natural balance and fertility. Sylvan Fellowship Sylvapolis 832ee589-e46a-4691-b43a-40d39cb15916.png FaunTemple.png Invocation of Faun FaunSygil.png
Silenus Divine of merriment and celebration. Mystery of Red Mirth Erythros F5bc6caa-4886-4f0a-a31a-f252a85703f3.png SilenusTemple.png Invocation of Silenus SilenusSygil.png
Cato Divine of discipline and order. Rex Catonis Catonis Atrium 0775688d-982e-43d2-a0ca-e1b403251521.png CatoTemple.png Invocation of Cato CatoSygil.png
Sisera Lady Divine of reflection and introspection. Sanctum Delphica Delphica 21069f4a-cea8-4a5a-b438-014dabeceece.png SiseraTemple.png Invocation of Sisera SiseraSygil.png
Erasmus [Divine of charity. Ordo Amicitia Koinonía Db8a3a44-76ef-4865-84d0-de4e4cd416f3.png ErasmusTemple89.png Invocation of Erasmus ErasmusSygil.png
Nikolaj Divine of Epiphanies Temple Illuminata Aureum 2c784734-7b03-40e0-9847-643c5a06e7af.png Nikolaj89.png Invocation of Nikolaj NikolajSygil.png


A Missionary of Reverie Nebulous spreads word of the Reformed Stripping Path in a cave along the Southern Strait of Haifa.

The Temples of the Divines maintain a complex network of missionaries who work to expand the teachings of the Reformed Stripping Path across Keltia and beyond, particularly in regions historically linked to the Haifo-Pallisican Imperial Trade Union. Missionaries representing all branches of the faith are stationed throughout Bassaridia Vaeringheim, along the Strait of Haifa, and in strategic regions across Keltia, Corum, and parts of Eura. Their operations are funded through investments in the Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path, which operates as part of the General Port of Lake Morovia. By leveraging the economic influence of the General Port, the missionaries ensure the continuity and expansion of their work in areas deemed receptive to the religion’s message. As of 48.69 PSSC, approximately 4,875 active missionaries were engaged in this global effort.

Beginning in 49.19 PSSC, Reformed Bassaridian cults played a pivotal and multifaceted role in the New South Jangsong Campaign, acting as both ideological architects and operational collaborators in the region's annexation by Bassaridia Vaeringheim. Supported with funding provided by the Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path, these cults framed the campaign as a divine mandate, presenting annexation as essential to uniting the territories under the spiritual protection and prosperity of the Reformed Stripping Path. Through sermons, public rituals, and direct engagement with local populations, they emphasized themes of spiritual renewal, unity, and shared cultural heritage rooted in the Haifo-Pallisican tradition, resonating deeply in the contested territories of New South Jangsong.

Missionaries and representatives from these cults were instrumental in forging alliances with local factions. For example, the Ministers of Mistress Mugwort established covert communication channels with influential leaders, offering spiritual guidance and assurances of economic backing in return for their loyalty to Bassaridia Vaeringheim. Simultaneously, the Couriers of the Lizard Queen leveraged their unique navigational and magical abilities to traverse the treacherous terrain of New South Jangsong, ensuring the safe movement of vital supplies and intelligence. In Aegirheim and Skýrophos, Reformed Bassarid cults, including the Harmony Sanctum, the Eon Fellowship, and the Order of Aurora Mystica, and in Aegirheim, the Sylvan Fellowship and the Mystery of Red Mirth, played a vital role in forging alliances with local factions and fostering cooperation. These cults served as intermediaries, mediating conflicts and easing tensions between local communities and the Bassaridian military, thereby minimizing resistance and fostering collaboration.

Economic mobilization by Reformed Bassaridian cults further secured the campaign’s success. Backed by the Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path, cult representatives facilitated targeted investments in infrastructure and trade, particularly in key cities like Skýrophos and Qandros. These investments, which included developing markets, ports, and other vital economic hubs, strengthened Bassaridian influence and created a dependency on the larger Bassaridian network. The combination of spiritual, diplomatic, and economic strategies ensured the effective annexation of New South Jangsong, laying a robust foundation for its integration into Bassaridia Vaeringheim.

Host Stars

A cultist of Sanctum Delphica performs a ritual in order to gain the blessings of the Host Star Amaenu.

In addition to its tradition of planetary devotion, the Reformed Stripping Path also maintains practices and traditions in which followers of the religion may pray to certain Northern Host Stars throughout the course of the year, in order to receive gifts and blessings. For example, practitioners of the religion may pray to Aprobelle for blessings relating to love or romance, or they may pray to Häpi or Atämíos for fortune while hunting in the wilds of Lake Morovia or for blessings upon their crops. The Commander General of the Bassaridian War League famously issued offerings to Liléigos, the Host Star of the Laurel, prior to the commencement of combat operations during the Morovian Frontier Campaign Every Host Star provides its own unique blessings, and may be prayed to throughout the course of the year. Certain Host Stars, furthermore, are closely related to the Planetary Divines - their respective blessings complementing one another. The Host Star of the sea, Ocananus, is for example closely related to Thalassa. Danaß, the Host Star of death, is closely related to Glinos. Certain rituals and practices reflect the relationship which exist between these Host Stars and their related Planetary Divine. Various Reformed Bassarid cults and mysteries may, furthermore, be subdivided according to the preferred Host Stars of their members. One such example is the mystery known as Danaßian Eon, a subdivision of the Eon Fellowship, whose members strive to attain a state of peace from their understanding of the permanence of death. The Osirían Eonists, in contrast, believe that after death all souls who have not yet attained enlightenment will be resurrected. Many of the pirates who operate around Lake Morovia and the Strait of Haifa may identify as Atämiosian Shadians - members of the Guild of Golden Shadows who pray to Atämios prior to conducting their raids and attacks against ships and foreign ports. Non-piratical, merchant followers of Chrsyos may identify as Wedían Shadists, who offer sacrifices in hopes of favorable winds as they embark across the region's waters. There is no definite estimate of the total number of such subdivisions of the various mysteries and cults.

List of Host Stars
A translated transcript of the the prayer which The Commander General of the Bassaridian War League, a follower of Thalassa, famously issued to Liléigos, the Host Star of the Laurel, prior to the commencement of combat operations during the Morovian Frontier Campaign.
Star Name Star Image
Agave Agave.png Reconciliation and forgiveness within families
Amaäz Amaaz.png Finding direction and solutions in complex situations
Amáenu Amaenu.png Wise leadership and the ability to rule with compassion and justice, seeking guidance in making fair and noble decisions.
Amap Amap.png Safe travels and successful navigation, seeking guidance and protection on journeys and endeavors across the globe.
Amazä Amaza.png Courage, strength, and resilience in overcoming challenges, seeking empowerment and protection in their endeavors.
Atämios Atamios.png Protection, guidance in the wilderness, and success in pursuits related to hunting and nature.
Aprobelle Aprobelle.png Love, beauty, and harmonious relationships.
Azos Azos.png Vision and boundless opportunities, seeking inspiration and guidance to reach potential.
Bebeakaus Bebéakáus.png Abundance, fertility, revelry, and creative inspiration.
Bulhanu Bulhanu.png Strength, courage, resilience, and protection against inner darkness or obstacles.
Crösacío Crosacio.png Strength, overcoming obstacles, resilience, and the attainment of freedom
Danaß Danas.png Acceptance, transformation, guidance through transitions, and finding peace in the cycle of life and death.
Dilëtaz Diletaz.png Love, protection, guidance, and nurturing care.
Dranamos Dranamos.png Clarity, inspiration, guidance, and the fulfillment of aspirations
Gaht Gaht.png Fertility, abundance, sustainability, and success in farming
Häpi Häpi.png Protection, swift guidance, and the ability to navigate challenges with agility and cunning,
Hazaméos Hazäméos.png Swiftness, agility, communication, guidance, and the ability to navigate life's journeys with ease and grace,
Liléigos Liléigos.png Victory, achievement, honor, wisdom, and poetic inspiration,
Nyama Nyama.png Beauty, grace, harmony with nature, and the preservation of natural landscapes
Ocananus Ocananus.png Abundance, fertility, vitality, and the sustenance of life
Orebele Orebelle.png Wisdom, insight, guidance, clarity, and foresight in decision-making and navigating life's uncertainties,
Osiríos Osirios.png Resurrection, regeneration, prosperity, protection, and guidance in matters related to the afterlife
Pythe Pythe.png Prophecy, intuition, protection from danger or malevolent forces
Sanashalo Sanashalo.png Clarity, resonance, communication, and guidance
Ta.png Wisdom, guidance, protection, and the preservation of ancient knowledge and traditions
Vi.png Prosperity, vitality, growth, and the cultivation of fruitful endeavors
Wedíos Wedios.png favorable breezes, safe voyages, skilled navigation, and the guidance to navigate the seas of life with confidence and grace

Bassaridian Zodiac

A Pyreskan groom marries his Thalassian bride, in a wedding ceremony heavily influenced by the Bassaridian Zodiac.

The Zodiac in the Reformed Stripping Path forms the foundation of cultural and spiritual life, profoundly influencing personal identity, relationships, and societal norms. This intricate system aligns 15 astrological signs with the Planetary Divines and Host Stars, intertwining divine influence with cosmic blessings to create a guide for navigating the complexities of life. Each sign represents a unique pairing of divine qualities and celestial traits, fostering a deep connection between practitioners and the cosmic order. By integrating celestial rhythms into daily practices, the Zodiac underscores the Reformed Stripping Path's core principle: the unity of personal, communal, and divine dimensions.

Cultural and Personal Significance

The Zodiac of the Reformed Stripping Path is a compass for self-discovery and spiritual growth. Practitioners explore their Zodiac signs to uncover strengths, confront challenges, and align with their divine purpose. Meditating on the influence of their Planetary Divine and the blessings of their Host Star fosters a sense of cosmic alignment.

For instance, an individual born under Atosien, governed by Atos and blessed by the Host Star Orebele, may embody visionary leadership, guided by the light of creation and the clarity of wisdom. Similarly, someone born under Glinaeus, shaped by Glinos and Osiríos, may draw resilience from the cycles of life and death, alongside the blessings of renewal and prosperity. These insights influence personal aspirations, career choices, and spiritual practices, allowing practitioners to embody their Zodiac traits fully.

Although Zodiac signs do not strictly determine cult affiliations, they often inspire spiritual inclinations. Entire cults have emerged around specific Zodiac alignments, dedicating their practices to the mysteries of a sign and its cosmic influences. A sect devoted to Eosena might celebrate renewal rituals aligned with Eos and the blessings of Sanashalo, while a group honoring Pyreska could focus on fiery rites of creativity and passion inspired by Pyros and Azos. This dynamic interplay between personal spirituality and organized devotion enriches Bassaridian culture, emphasizing cosmic harmony and individual agency.

The Importance of Shadow Signs

Shadow Signs add a layer of depth to the Bassaridian Zodiac by representing the duality and challenges inherent in each sign. While a primary sign highlights a person’s strengths and divine alignment, the corresponding Shadow Sign reflects areas of potential growth, hidden struggles, and the lessons needed to achieve balance. This interplay acknowledges that every individual carries aspects of both light and shadow within their cosmic identity.

For example, someone born under Atosien, embodying leadership and creation, may have Noctien as their Shadow Sign, urging them to confront hidden truths and develop introspection to temper their radiant optimism. Similarly, an individual born under Thalassian may grapple with the grounded realities of Opsithia as their Shadow Sign, learning to balance the mysteries of the sea with the stability of the harvest.

Shadow Signs are especially significant in relationships, both personal and professional. They reveal potential friction points, offering guidance for navigating conflicts and fostering deeper understanding. A union between Pyreska and Micrasha, for instance, may be enriched by recognizing their opposing Shadow Signs and working to integrate passion with balance. In this way, Shadow Signs serve as a tool for self-reflection and collaboration, encouraging individuals to embrace their full spectrum of traits.

In cultural practices, Shadow Signs are often invoked during rituals of transformation and healing, symbolizing the journey toward self-actualization. Cults and spiritual sects dedicated to specific signs may incorporate Shadow Sign teachings to guide their members in overcoming personal challenges and achieving harmony.

Influence on Relationships and Society

The Zodiac is a key factor in shaping relationships and societal interactions. Romantic compatibility is often evaluated through astrological alignments, with families consulting astrologers to ensure harmonious pairings. For instance, a marriage between Opsithia and Faunian might symbolize a union of fertility and natural balance, while a partnership of Pyreska and Noctien could reflect a dynamic interplay between creative passion and introspective wisdom. Weddings frequently feature rituals invoking the blessings of the associated Planetary Divines and Host Stars, imbuing ceremonies with spiritual significance.

In business and trade, Zodiac alignments influence partnerships and strategies. Entrepreneurs launching ventures under Chrysen, associated with Chrysos and Bulhanu, invoke blessings of prosperity and resilience. Similarly, alliances during the ascendance of Thalassian, guided by Thalassa and Wedíos, may benefit from harmonious adaptability and strategic clarity. Timing, often dictated by astrologers, plays a critical role in major decisions.

Political and Strategic Implications

The Zodiac also shapes military and political strategies. Campaigns and reforms are often aligned with specific Zodiac signs to maximize cosmic favor. A reformist leader might choose Eosena, symbolizing renewal and clear direction, while a general could time operations under Indomin, drawing strength from the courage and resilience of Indigo and Momiji.

The Southern Lake Morovia Campaign, for instance, took place under Nephelia, governed by Nephele and the Host Star Dranamos. This alignment reflected the campaign’s emphasis on imaginative strategy and inspired coordination, leading to an outcome infused with clarity and fulfillment of aspirations. Political treaties and alliances are similarly aligned with astrological harmony to ensure enduring success.

Zodiac Holidays/Festivals
During the Karnavali Thysias, the Silenian holiday which take place in Erythros on the 165th day of the year, men dressed as satyrs and women dressed as maenads gather in public areas for a great communal feast.

Zodiac Holidays in Bassaridian culture are significant occasions that weave together the spiritual, communal, and cosmic dimensions of life. Each holiday honors a specific Zodiac sign, its Planetary Divine, and its associated Host Star, providing an opportunity for individuals and communities to reflect on the divine and celestial influences that shape their existence. These celebrations reinforce the interconnectedness of the cosmos and the everyday lives of practitioners, grounding their spiritual practices in shared traditions.

Beyond their religious and cultural importance, the Zodiac Holidays serve as markers of the Bassaridian calendar, punctuating the year with moments of collective joy, introspection, and renewal. They inspire artistic expression, encourage communal bonding, and deepen the cultural identity of Bassaridian society. By aligning these holidays with the traits and influences of each sign, they provide a framework for individuals to engage with the divine, celebrate their place in the cosmic order, and foster unity within their communities.

Organization of the Zodiac

The Zodiac of the Reformed Stripping Path divides the 183-day year into three months: Atosiel, Thalassiel, and Opsitheiel, each lasting 61 days. These months are further divided into 15 Zodiac signs, each spanning 12 or 13 days, representing the alignment of divine and celestial forces.

Higher Planetary Divines such as Atos, Eos, and Thalassa oversee foundational principles, while lesser Divines like Styx, Faun, and Cato govern specialized aspects of transformation, fertility, and order. Host Stars amplify these influences, offering blessings that complement the divine traits. For example, Thalassian, guided by Thalassa and Wedíos, emphasizes strategic clarity and adaptability, while Silenian, shaped by Silenus and Bebeakaus, fosters merriment and community-driven creativity.

This structured interplay between divinity and the cosmos ensures a comprehensive spiritual framework for practitioners, fostering balance, harmony, and enlightenment.

By integrating the Zodiac into every aspect of life, the Reformed Stripping Path creates a society deeply connected to cosmic rhythms, ensuring that divine order influences personal growth, societal harmony, and collective prosperity.

Overview of the Bassaridian Zodiac

Today's date is 16, Atosiel (Eosena), 51 PSSC – No significant events today. – Proverb: The dawn whispers: every step is a rebirth.

Month Day Range Zodiac Sign Name Planetary Divine Host Star Divine Influence Host Star Blessing Shadow Sign Holy City Holiday and Specific Day Symbol Character/Personality Traits Suggested Career Paths
Month 1: Atosiel (Spring) 1–12 Atosien Atos Orebele Light and Creation Wisdom, insight, and clarity in decision-making Noctien Vaeringheim Bayram al-Nur (Festival of Light) – Day 6 Radiant Sun Visionary, optimistic, and confident leaders who inspire others. Philosophers, educators, diplomats, civic leaders.
13–24 Eosena Eos Sanashalo Dawn and New Beginnings Clarity, resonance, and guidance in communication Stygian Luminaria Chag Or Hadash (Festival of New Light) – Day 18 Rising Dawn Charismatic, hopeful, and driven by renewal and progress. Writers, public speakers, innovators, explorers.
25–36 Micrasha Micras Amáenu Balance and Wisdom Wise leadership and compassionate rule Pyreska Serena Symposion Eirinis (Symposium of Harmony) – Day 30 Scales of Harmony Balanced, empathetic, and thoughtful individuals with analytical minds. Judges, legal advisors, mediators, economists.
37–48 Pyreska Pyros Azos Fire, Passion, and Creativity Vision and boundless opportunities Micrasha Pyralis Alev Günü (Day of Flame) – Day 43 Flaming Torch Bold, expressive, determined creative thinkers with fiery resolve. Artisans, military strategists, engineers, performers.
49–61 Indomin Indigo & Momiji Amazä Duality and Change Courage, strength, and resilience Silenian Symphonara Tikkun Tzel (Repair of Shadows) – Day 55 Yin-Yang Blossoms Adaptable, intuitive, and balanced individuals embracing transformation. Psychologists, negotiators, fashion designers, inventors.
Month 2: Thalassiel (Summer) 62–73 Chrysen Chrysos Bulhanu Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance Strength, courage, resilience Faunian Aurelia Panegyris Chrysou (Golden Gathering) – Day 67 Golden Key Resourceful, ambitious, and shrewd personalities focused on success. Merchants, bankers, entrepreneurs, treasure hunters.
74–85 Thalassian Thalassa Wedíos Sea and Mystery Favorable breezes, safe voyages, and skilled navigation Opsithia Vaeringheim Mehtap Dalgası (Moonlit Tide) – Day 80 Ocean Wave Mysterious, deep thinkers with fluid adaptability and strategic minds. Maritime traders, poets, historians, marine biologists.
86–97 Nephelia Nephele Dranamos Dreams and Inspiration Clarity, inspiration, and fulfillment of aspirations Catosien Somniumpolis Oneiro Foteino (Dream of Illumination) – Day 92 Cloud Spiral Dreamy, imaginative, and inspired individuals with limitless creativity. Inventors, architects, dream interpreters, visionaries.
98–109 Glinaeus Glinos Osiríos Ice and Cycles of Life Resurrection, regeneration, and prosperity Thalassian Nexa Erev Galgal (Eve of Cycles) – Day 105 Frozen Star Resilient, patient, and wise individuals embracing life cycles. Conservationists, ecologists, historians, survivalists.
110–121 Noctien Noctis Häpi Night and Hidden Truths Protection, swiftness, and agility in navigating challenges Atosien Lunalis Sancta Leilat al-Kamar (Night of the Moon) – Day 115 Crescent Moon Reflective, introspective, and insightful personalities. Monks, astrologers, researchers, philosophers.
Month 3: Opsitheiel (Winter) 122–133 Opsithia Opsithe Gaht Harvest and Fertility Fertility, abundance, and sustainability Thalassian Sylvapolis Chag Tvuah (Festival of Harvest) – Day 128 Sheaf of Wheat Grounded, nurturing, and attuned to natural rhythms of life. Farmers, environmentalists, herbalists, architects.
134–145 Stygian Styx Danaß Transformation and Rebirth Acceptance, guidance through transitions, and peace Eosena Acheron Anagenesis Eirmos (Procession of Rebirth) – Day 140 Flowing River Transformative, intuitive, and accepting of life’s transitions. Counselors, undertakers, writers, transformation coaches.
146–157 Faunian Faun Dilëtaz Natural Balance and Fertility Love, protection, and nurturing care Chrysen Sylvapolis Panagia Therizis (Holy Day of the Reaper) – Day 150 Sacred Tree Balanced, harmonious, and deeply connected to nature and fertility. Midwives, animal caretakers, foresters, healers.
158–169 Silenian Silenus Bebeakaus Merriment and Celebration Abundance, fertility, revelry, and creative inspiration Indomin Erythros Karnavali Thysias (Carnival of Celebration) – Day 165 Overflowing Goblet Joyful, creative, and community-driven personalities thriving on merriment. Event planners, performers, brewers, chefs.
170–183 Catosien Cato Discipline and Order Wisdom, guidance, and the preservation of ancient knowledge Nephelia Catonis Atrium Sefar Yashar (Straight Path Celebration) – Day 175 Laurel Crown Disciplined, honorable, and methodical leaders valuing structure. Architects, military commanders, bureaucrats, urban planners.

Bassaridian Numerology

A member of Conclave Illuminara practices Bassaridian Numerology in the comfort of his own home.

Bassaridian Numerology is a divinatory system intricately linked to the Bassaridian Zodiac, which serves as a celestial map of 15 unique signs. Each sign embodies a distinct balance of the fundamental cosmic forces of Order and Chaos, and together they illustrate the dynamic nature of the universe. At the heart of this numerological system are tetragrams, four-line symbols constructed from unbroken lines (representing Order) and broken lines (representing Chaos). Through the pairing of tetragrams, practitioners explore and interpret the interplay between these forces within personal traits, relationships, and broader life circumstances.

Historical and Astrological Foundations

The Bassaridian Zodiac forms the foundation of Bassaridian Numerology. Each Zodiac sign is intricately tied to a specific tetragram, which encapsulates its cosmic traits. These tetragrams represent the precise balance of Order and Chaos inherent to the sign, providing practitioners with a symbolic framework to understand their influences on individual and collective experiences.

For instance, the sign Atosien, which represents the epitome of Order, is visualized through the tetragram:
This configuration reflects stability, clarity, and perfect harmony, serving as the Zodiac’s anchor of cosmic order. Conversely, Thalassian, the embodiment of pure Chaos, is expressed as:
- -
- -
- -
- -
This tetragram symbolizes boundless fluidity and the potential for infinite transformation.

The historical development of this system reveals a unique progression. Initially, the Zodiac’s signs served to define individual and seasonal traits. Over time, the introduction of tetragrams allowed practitioners to delve deeper, using the interplay of signs to interpret dynamic forces influencing specific circumstances. By pairing tetragrams, the Zodiac evolves from a static representation of traits into a fluid mechanism for understanding interactions between Order and Chaos.

Purpose of Bassaridian Numerology

The purpose of Bassaridian Numerology is to create a profound bridge between cosmic principles and terrestrial experiences. The system provides a structured way to understand life’s complexities by revealing the ever-present interactions between Order and Chaos. Each tetragram pairing unlocks new layers of meaning, allowing practitioners to access insights that surpass the characteristics of individual Zodiac signs.

This approach is particularly beneficial for introspection, decision-making, and relational analysis. By examining how the dynamic forces of Order and Chaos manifest within a specific context, practitioners are empowered to achieve harmony, make informed choices, and navigate transformation with clarity. Bassaridian Numerology emphasizes that all facets of existence are interconnected, showing that even conflict and tension can drive growth and evolution.

Using the Numerology System

Practitioners generate tetragrams through divinatory casting methods, such as coins, sticks, or tokens. Each casting corresponds to a line of the tetragram, with one side of the casting tool designated as Order (unbroken line) and the other as Chaos (broken line). The process involves four sequential casts to construct a complete tetragram, which may then be paired with a second tetragram for deeper insight.

For example, a casting might yield:
- -
- -
This tetragram becomes the Primary Tetragram, representing the current dynamics of the query or situation. A subsequent casting produces a Secondary Tetragram, such as:
- -
- -
- -
This secondary configuration offers guidance on how to approach, resolve, or enhance the situation.

Interpreting Tetragram Pairings

The interpretation of tetragrams involves consulting the Zodiac table to identify the corresponding signs, their associated influences, dominant forces, and insights. The practitioner analyzes the Primary Tetragram, representing the current dynamics of the situation, alongside the Secondary Tetragram, which offers guidance or actionable steps for navigating the issue. The distinction between the two tetragrams is fundamental. The Primary Tetragram reflects the present state of affairs, shedding light on strengths, weaknesses, or imbalances. In contrast, the Secondary Tetragram provides directional insights, emphasizing the adjustments, alignments, or transformations needed to address the situation effectively.

For example, if the Primary Tetragram is Pyreska:
- -
- -
it signifies bold creativity and passionate energy as the dominant forces currently shaping the situation. This state suggests a dynamic and transformative environment driven by assertive action and determination.

When paired with the Secondary Tetragram Nephelia:
- -
- -
- -
the guidance emphasizes visionary structure and balance. Nephelia suggests that while the energy of Pyreska is potent and transformational, it requires alignment with disciplined imagination and careful planning to unlock its full potential. This pairing advises that blending creativity with foresight leads to growth and harmony.

The combination of tetragrams functions as a map of interactions. The Primary Tetragram serves as a snapshot of the existing dynamics, while the Secondary Tetragram acts as a guiding light, pointing the way toward resolution or fulfillment. This dynamic interplay reveals areas of harmony, conflict, or transformation and underscores the importance of aligning Order and Chaos within the framework of the Bassaridian Zodiac and its celestial influences. By analyzing both tetragrams in tandem, the practitioner can derive nuanced insights, whether for self-reflection, decision-making, or understanding relational dynamics. This layered approach highlights the transformative power of Bassaridian Numerology, where meaning emerges through the interconnectedness of cosmic forces and their earthly manifestations.

The Connection Between Zodiac and Numerology

Bassaridian Numerology and the Zodiac are fundamentally intertwined. The Zodiac serves as the cosmic foundation, defining the traits and influences of each sign. Numerology takes this framework a step further by translating these traits into actionable insights through tetragrams. Each sign’s unique tetragram becomes a symbolic representation of its cosmic essence, bridging the abstract forces of the universe with the practical realities of human experience.

This connection ensures that Numerology remains deeply rooted in the Zodiac, while also evolving into a flexible tool for interpreting life’s complexities. Together, they form a cohesive system that aligns celestial patterns with terrestrial concerns, empowering practitioners to find meaning and direction in their lives. Through the interplay of signs, tetragrams, and the forces of Order and Chaos, Bassaridian Numerology offers a transformative lens for understanding and navigating existence.

Tetragram Table
Month Day Range Zodiac Sign Name Tetragram Dominant Force Influences Insights
Atosiel 1–12 Atosien ---
Order Stability, clarity, and unwavering focus Perfect clarity and harmony
13–24 Eosena ---
- -
Order leaning to Chaos Emerging dynamism tempered by a solid foundation Transition driven by rising energy
25–36 Micrasha ---
- -
Order leaning to Chaos Harmonious interaction of structure and adaptability The need for balanced decisions
37–48 Pyreska ---
- -
- -
Balance Creative energy guided toward constructive outcomes Transformation through action
49–61 Indomin ---
- -
Order leaning to Chaos Adaptability rooted in personal insight and evolution Stability disrupted by internal conflict
Thalassiel 62–73 Chrysen ---
- -
- -
Balance Transformation driven by resourcefulness and ambition Renewal through dynamic persistence
74–85 Thalassian - -
- -
- -
- -
Chaos Pure fluidity and the potential for infinite possibilities Chaos unbound, offering potential
86–97 Nephelia - -
- -
- -
Chaos leaning to Order Visionary integration of imagination and structure Balance emerging through creative vision
98–109 Glinaeus - -
- -
- -
Chaos leaning to Order Resilient adaptability that thrives on cycles of change Transformation through resilience
Opsitheiel 110–121 Noctien - -
- -
Balance Structured introspection yielding transformative clarity Progress guided by inner reflection
122–133 Opsithia - -
- -
- -
Chaos leaning to Order Grounded awareness fostering harmony and growth Creation from grounded energy
134–145 Stygian - -
- -
Balance Profound acceptance driving transformative outcomes Rebirth through acceptance
146–157 Faunian ---
- -
- -
- -
Chaos leaning to Order Nurturing creativity balanced with spontaneous insight Renewal rooted in spontaneous harmony
158–169 Silenian ---
- -
Order leaning to Chaos Joyful interaction and dynamic communal harmony Strength through celebration
170–183 Catosien ---
- -
Order leaning to Chaos Disciplined focus enabling structured and strategic success Structure tempered by adaptation

Relations Between the Planetary Divines

A statue at the Temple of Aurora Mystica in Luminaria - carved from Thalassian Purple Granite - depicts the moment in which Eos, in a rage, wields the dawn before Pyros, who has attempted to sabotage her.

Practitioners of the Reformed Stripping Path adhere to a series of myths which detail the relationships between the Planetary Divines, the Lesser Planetary Divines, and the Divine Court of Empress Thalassa. These myths describe the marriages between the gods, provide information about the familial lineages of the gods, and outline the social and political relationships which exist between various deities. The following table provides a breakdown of the relationships which exist between the Reformed Bassarid Deities.

Name Role Spouse Children Allies Enemies
Empress Thalassa Sea, Depth, Mystery Pyros Nyssa, Ampelos, Agnis, Triton (demi-god), Calypso (mortal) Pyros, Nephele Glinos, Micras
Pyros Fire, Passion, Creativity Thalassa Ampelos, Nyssa, Agnis, Hephaestus (demi-god), Pyrrhus (mortal) Thalassa, Agnis Glinos, Micras, Nephele, Opsithe
Ampelos Divine Healer Penthia Hygieia (demi-god), Galen (mortal) Penthia None
Penthia Guardian of the Threshold Ampelos Hermes (demi-god), Iris (mortal) Ampelos None
Nyssa Keeper of Secrets Erasmus Hypatia (demi-god), Arcana (mortal) Erasmus Styx
Agnis Passion and Creativity Faun Ignis (demi-god), Liora (mortal) Pyros, Faun Glinos
Faun Natural Balance and Fertility Agnis Verdant (demi-god), Flora (mortal) Agnis None
Chrysos Wealth, Prosperity Nephele Silenia, Penthia, Lukedu, Plutus (demi-god), Diona (mortal) Micras, Nephele Pyros
Eos Dawn, New Beginnings Glinos Icaria, Tarsica, Fenrir, Eosphorus (demi-god), Aurora (mortal) Glinos, Icaria Indigo and Momiji
Glinos Ice, Winter, Life Cycle Eos Bassaria, Fenrir, Boreas (demi-god), Glacia (mortal) Eos, Fenrir Pyros, Thalassa, Agnis
Indigo and Momiji Duality, Change None (Twin Deities) Erigone, Ariadna, Cerulean (demi-god), Autumn (mortal) Erigone, Ariadna Eos
Micras Balance, Harmony Opsithe Corythia, Plateau, Harmonia (demi-god), Lucas (mortal) Opsithe, Chrysos Pyros, Thalassa
Nephele Clouds, Dreams, Imagination Chrysos Penthia, Silenia, Lukedu, Morpheus (demi-god), Nefeli (mortal) Chrysos, Thalassa Pyros, Glinos
Noctis Night, Introspection Corythia Thyrsia, Styx, Nyx (demi-god), Selena (mortal) Corythia, Erasmus None
Opsithe Harvest, Fertility Micras Corythia, Plateau, Demeter (demi-god), Opsis (mortal) Micras, Corythia Pyros
Cato Discipline and Order Silenus Secutor (demi-god), Aurelia (mortal) Silenus Indigo and Momiji
Erasmus Wisdom and Enlightenment Nyssa Minerva (demi-god), Sophos (mortal) Noctis, Nyssa None
Fenrir Strength and Tenacity Ivory Skoll (demi-god), Freya (mortal) Glinos, Ivory Pyros
Ivory Purity and Serenity Fenrir Luna (demi-god), Selene (mortal) Fenrir, Erasmus None
Lukedu Harmony and Unity Sisera Concordia (demi-god), Pax (mortal) Sisera, Chrysos None
Nikolaj Mystery and Cosmic Insight Styx Hypnos (demi-god), Kyra (mortal) Styx None
Plateau Stability and Balance Gaia (demi-god) Terran (demi-god), Gaia (mortal) Micras, Opsithe Pyros
Sisera Reflection and Introspection Lukedu Libera (demi-god), Anteros (mortal) Lukedu, Nephele None
Silenus Merriment and Celebration Cato Lysander (demi-god), Thalia (mortal) Cato, Silenia None
Styx Transformation and Rebirth Nikolaj Phoenix (demi-god), Livia (mortal) Nikolaj, Thyrsia Nyssa
Tarsica Illumination and Wisdom Sol (demi-god) Sol (demi-god), Elara (mortal) Eos Indigo and Momiji
Ampelos Divine Healer Penthia Hygieia (demi-god), Galen (mortal) Penthia None
Ariadna Muse of Inspiration Calliope (demi-god) Calliope (demi-god), Orpheus (mortal) Indigo, Momiji None
Bassaria Majestic Herald Clio (demi-god) Clio (demi-god), Pindar (mortal) None None
Corythia Keeper of Harmony Noctis Eunomia (demi-god), Sophia (mortal) Noctis, Opsithe None
Erigone Weaver of Dreams Icaria Morpheus (demi-god), Oneiros (mortal) Indigo, Momiji None
Icaria Bringer of Light Erigone Aether (demi-god), Lux (mortal) Eos None
Nyssa Keeper of Secrets Erasmus Hypatia (demi-god), Arcana (mortal) Erasmus None
Penthia Guardian of the Threshold Ampelos Hermes (demi-god), Iris (mortal) Ampelos None
Silenia Mistress of Ceremonies Lysander (demi-god) Lysander (demi-god), Maia (mortal) Silenus None
Thyrsia Noble Counselor Arete (demi-god) Arete (demi-god), Leonidas (mortal) Styx None
Demi-Gods and Heroic Mortals
Diona, the daughter of Chrysos and the mortal Iphigenia, is widely honored with statues and murals in Erythros, where she made most of her fortune.

The Reformed Stripping Path maintains a belief in demi-gods and heroic mortals, born either from the relationships between gods under specific circumstances, or more commonly from the relationships between gods and mortals. These figures are rarely worshiped except in the case of specific fringe cults. They nevertheless play an important role in the mythos of the Reformed Bassarid religion. Information about the religion's demi-gods and heroic mortals can be found in the table below.

Name Status Divine Father Divine Mother Mortal Parent Importance
Hypatia Demi-God Erasmus Nyssa N/A Renowned for her wisdom and knowledge, often sought for guidance on uncovering hidden truths.
Hygieia Demi-God Ampelos Penthia N/A Worshiped for her healing powers and association with health and wellness.
Ignis Demi-God N/A Agnis Thalia Embodies the creative and passionate aspects of fire, inspiring artists and craftsmen.
Verdant Demi-God Faun N/A Selene Represents fertility and natural balance, promoting agricultural abundance.
Plutus Demi-God Chrysos Nephele N/A Symbolizes wealth and prosperity, often invoked for financial success.
Eosphorus Demi-God Glinos Eos N/A Heralds the arrival of dawn, guiding travelers and heralds.
Boreas Demi-God Glinos Eos N/A Commands the winter winds, affecting weather patterns and seasons.
Skoll Demi-God Fenrir N/A Hilda Embodies strength and tenacity, protector of warriors.
Concordia Demi-God Lukedu Sisera N/A Personifies harmony and unity, fostering peace among communities.
Morpheus Demi-God Chrysos Nephele N/A Brings dreams and inspiration, influencing artists and visionaries.
Aether Demi-God N/A Icaria Pythia Represents clarity and enlightenment, illuminating minds and paths.
Hermes Demi-God Ampelos Penthia N/A Guardian of travelers and messenger of the gods, facilitating communication.
Luna Demi-God Fenrir N/A Damon Symbolizes purity and serenity, guiding individuals towards inner peace.
Secutor Demi-God Cato N/A Drusilla Embodies discipline and order, enforcing laws and regulations.
Libera Demi-God Lukedu Sisera N/A Represents freedom and introspection, aiding in personal growth.
Minerva Demi-God Erasmus Nyssa N/A Goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare, highly respected for her intellect.
Hypnos Demi-God Nikolaj N/A Selena God of sleep, providing rest and rejuvenation.
Sol Demi-God Chrysos Opsithe N/A Represents the sun and brings light and vitality to the world.
Phoenix Demi-God Nikolaj Styx N/A Embodies transformation and renewal.
Calliope Demi-God N/A Ariadna Orpheus Known for her boundless inspiration and creativity.
Clio Demi-God N/A Bassaria Pindar Majestic herald known for eloquence and commanding presence.
Arete Demi-God N/A Thyrsia Leonidas Represents noble counsel and profound wisdom.
Arcana Mortal N/A Nyssa Lycurgus Known for her ability to decipher complex mysteries and secrets.
Galen Mortal Ampelos N/A Cleon Famous healer whose techniques are still studied and practiced.
Liora Mortal N/A Agnis Thalia Celebrated for her fiery spirit and exceptional artistic talents.
Flora Mortal N/A Faun Selene Known for her deep connection to nature and healing plants.
Diona Mortal Chrysos N/A Iphigenia Esteemed merchant who brought immense prosperity to her city.
Aurora Mortal N/A Eos Phaedra Inspirational figure for new beginnings and hopeful endeavors.
Glacia Mortal Glinos N/A Callisto Revered for her endurance and ability to thrive in harsh conditions.
Freya Mortal Fenrir N/A Hilda Renowned warrior and leader, symbol of courage and resilience.
Pax Mortal Lukedu N/A Helena Known for her efforts in diplomatic negotiations and peacemaking.
Nefeli Mortal N/A Nephele Leander Known for her imaginative storytelling and dream interpretations.
Lux Mortal N/A Icaria Pythia Famous philosopher who shed light on many profound truths.
Iris Mortal N/A Penthia Evander Known for her speed and agility, delivering important messages.
Selene Mortal N/A Ivory Damon Revered for her tranquil presence and soothing influence.
Aurelia Mortal Cato N/A Drusilla Famous for her leadership and organizational skills in governance.
Anteros Mortal N/A Sisera Tycho Known for his reflective nature and philosophical insights.
Sophos Mortal Erasmus N/A Cassandra Renowned sage whose teachings have influenced many scholars.
Kyra Mortal Nikolaj N/A Selena Known for her calming influence and ability to heal through rest.
Cult Relations

The relationships between the various cults of the Reformed Stripping Path are shaped by deep ideological divides, regional rivalries, and historical events that have defined the cults’ interactions for centuries. These relationships often revolve around conflicts of doctrine, elemental dominion, and regional influence, creating a landscape where alliances and enmities fluctuate over time. Some events, like the War of the Crescent Sea, caused rifts that still linger today, while others, such as the Confluence of the Three Suns, fostered temporary alliances.

Key Alliances
The Rite of the Golden Accord, the most powerful of all alliances within the Reformed Stripping Path, was agreed upon by the leaders of the Order of Aurora Mystica, Harmony Sanctum, and the Mystery of the Verdant Embrace following a period of extreme religious violence carried out by followers of Ignis Aeternum.

The alliances within the Reformed Stripping Path are often built around shared doctrinal values. The Order of Aurora Mystica, Harmony Sanctum, and the Mystery of the Verdant Embrace have been united since the Rite of the Golden Accord, which formalized their cooperation against the aggressive tactics of Ignis Aeternum. These cults emphasize balance, introspection, and the protection of natural elements, positioning themselves against Ignis Aeternum’s fiery doctrine of transformative chaos.

Harmony Sanctum and the Web of Allies
The alliance between the Harmony Sanctum, the Guild of Golden Shadows, and the Mystery of the Verdant Embrace was solidified following the cults' collective defense of the Ivory Tower against Ignis Aeternum extremists.

The Harmony Sanctum stands as the heart of a vast network of allied cults. The Sanctum’s emphasis on equilibrium and mutual respect has made it a popular ally for cults such as the Guild of Golden Shadows, the Mystery of the Verdant Embrace, and the Conclave Illuminara. The Siege of the Ivory Palace was a defining event that solidified these alliances, as the Harmony Sanctum united its allies to defend against an attack led by Ignis Aeternum and the Azure Sentinel Sect. This battle saw the death of many prominent Harmony Sanctum leaders, which deepened the ideological divide between those who seek balance and those who crave change through destruction.

The Isolation of Ignis Aeternum

Ignis Aeternum’s doctrine revolves around the concept of purifying flame—embracing change, destruction, and renewal. This aggressive stance has led to many conflicts, including the notorious Cleansing of the Azure Temple, where Ignis Aeternum sought to destroy rival shrines. The hostility of Ignis Aeternum’s ideology led to its isolation, with even the Guild of Golden Shadows and the Azure Sentinel Sect withdrawing support after the Searing of the Ephemeral Flame caused widespread destruction across central Keltia. The cult’s insistence on using fire as a means of achieving dominance alienated most of the other sects, who view its methods as reckless and dangerous.

Celestial Harmony Sect and the Balance of Power
Resolution to the Taming of the Red Hunt occurred only after extensive negotiations between the parties which were involved. Many of these negotiations took place in the Harmony Gardens surrounding Symphonara.

The Celestial Harmony Sect has always occupied a pivotal role within the Reformed Stripping Path, serving as a mediator in conflicts and a balancing force. However, during the Taming of the Red Hunt, the Sect took a more active stance by aligning with the Order of the Umbral Oracle against the Azure Sentinel Sect. This marked a shift in its traditionally neutral position and altered the balance of power, pushing the Order of Aurora Mystica into a more active role as a counterweight to the growing influence of Ignis Aeternum. The sect’s emphasis on duality and opposing forces allows it to navigate between warring factions, positioning itself as an arbiter when disputes arise.

Role of the Southern Lake Morovia Campaign in Shaping Cult Relations

The Southern Lake Morovia Campaign was deeply rooted in sectarian violence between the two dominant factions of the Reformed Stripping Path: Reverie Nebulous and the Court of the Ironclad. The theological and territorial disputes between these factions, centered on their divergent interpretations of the faith, escalated into widespread violence, claiming the lives of over 5,000 civilians. This devastating conflict not only destabilized the region but also created the conditions that allowed insurgent groups inspired by the Order of Rochefort to exploit the chaos. The resulting humanitarian crisis and the strategic importance of the region prompted the Hatch Ministry to intervene, initiating the multi-phase counter-offensive that became the Southern Lake Morovia Campaign.

The early stages of the campaign revealed the extent to which sectarian divisions had fragmented the Reformed Stripping Path. In villages like Kardamyli and Elios, brutal clashes between Reverie Nebulous and the Court of the Ironclad devastated local communities, with temples burned, trade routes disrupted, and entire families displaced. These events underscored the inability of the cults to resolve their differences independently and demonstrated the urgent need for external mediation. The Hatch Ministry’s military operations not only targeted insurgents but also sought to impose order on the warring factions, forcing them to the negotiating table under the auspices of Bassaridian governance.

As the campaign progressed, the Ministry worked to rebuild trust and stability by addressing the underlying causes of the conflict. Public ceremonies and joint efforts to reconstruct religious sites provided a platform for reconciliation, while Ministry officials facilitated dialogue between the factions. Although this approach achieved some success in fostering cooperation, the deep-seated animosities between Reverie Nebulous and the Court of the Ironclad remained a significant challenge. The campaign thus highlighted both the destructive potential of sectarian violence and the necessity of a unified Reformed Stripping Path to maintain stability in regions critical to Bassaridian influence. It marked a turning point in cult relations, serving as a sobering reminder of the consequences of division and the enduring need for collaboration within the faith.

The Role of Neutral Cults
This scene captures the aftermath of the Bleeding Petals Accord, signed between the Accord Concordia and Temple Alabaster in the snow-covered city of Aetherium. The accord was established during the height of the Shattered Orb Conflict, when Temple Alabaster's neutrality was mistaken for complicity by the aggressive Court of the Ironclad, leading to a devastating assault.

Despite the polarizing nature of many cults, there are those who have managed to remain neutral. The Accord Concordia and Temple Alabaster are two such cults, preferring to focus on spiritual enlightenment and health, rather than engaging in broader conflicts. However, during the Shattered Orb Conflict, the Court of the Ironclad mistook Temple Alabaster’s neutrality as complicity with Ignis Aeternum and launched a brutal attack, leading to the Bleeding Petals Accord, where both cults agreed to a mutual non-aggression pact. Such events demonstrate that neutrality is not always a safe position in the volatile landscape of the Reformed Stripping Path.

The Influence of New South Jangsong’s Normarkian Cults
The cults of New South Jangsong, such as the The Veil of Changing Faces, have historically attempted with more or less success to remain neutral in their dealings with their southern counterparts.

The Normarkian cults of New South Jangsong, including the Circle of the Turning Wheel and the Fellowship of the Crosswinds, have retained a distinct identity, rooted in the elemental worship and seasonal cycles of the Normarkian people. The Fall of the Saffrock City marked the point when these cults first asserted their autonomy, refusing to participate in the Siege of the Ivory Palace that involved many of the other major cults. Although they are generally neutral, their influence in New South Jangsong serves as a counterweight to the more militant sects, offering an alternative path that values the preservation of natural cycles and community ties.

Popularity and Isolation

The Order of Aurora Mystica stands as the most respected cult within the Reformed Stripping Path. Its popularity stems from its consistent defense of neutrality and balance, as well as its protection of other cults during the Solemn Pact of the Sapphire Strand, which prevented Ignis Aeternum from invading neutral territories. The Harmony Sanctum’s emphasis on cooperation and unity has also contributed to its broad network of allies, ensuring its prominence. On the other hand, Ignis Aeternum is seen as a pariah, its popularity diminished by the devastation caused during the Cleansing of the Azure Temple and the Dusk of the Bronze Veil. Its extreme ideology of transformation through destruction has left it with few allies and many enemies.

Ideological Differences
Ignis Aeternum - devoted to Pyros - is reviled for the extreme and bizarre ritual practices of its most extreme followers.

The core of the conflict between the major cults can be traced back to their differing interpretations of the cycle of creation, balance, and destruction. Cults like the Order of Aurora Mystica and the Harmony Sanctum emphasize a stable equilibrium, with a focus on growth, preservation, and protection. In contrast, Ignis Aeternum’s philosophy is one of radical change, where fire serves as a purifying force that destroys to create anew. The Azure Sentinel Sect, though more moderate, still leans towards embracing change, making it more sympathetic to Ignis Aeternum’s cause. Meanwhile, the Celestial Harmony Sect sees itself as embodying the balance between these extremes, often acting as the voice of reason amid the chaos of ideological clashes. The Normarkian cults, with their focus on elemental worship and seasonal cycles, add a regional dynamic, valuing natural rhythms over the more abstract theological debates that define the central cults.

Overview of Cult Relations
Cult Name Primary Divine Allies Enemies
Ordo Solis Invicti Atos None None
Order of Aurora Mystica Eos Eon Fellowship, Conclave Illuminara, Circle of the Turning Wheel Celestial Harmony Sect, Ignis Aeternum, Claw of the Unseen Hunt
Harmony Sanctum Micras Mystery of the Verdant Embrace, Guild of Golden Shadows, Fellowship of the Crosswinds Ignis Aeternum, Azure Sentinel Sect, Court of the Ironclad, Claw of the Unseen Hunt
Ignis Aeternum Pyros Azure Sentinel Sect, Sylvan Fellowship Eon Fellowship, Harmony Sanctum, Reverie Nebulous, Mystery of the Verdant Embrace, Order of Aurora Mystica, Court of the Ironclad, Bloom of the Lotos Vale
Celestial Harmony Sect Indigo and Momiji Order of the Umbral Oracle, The Veil of Changing Faces Order of Aurora Mystica, Conclave Illuminara, Rex Catonis, Circle of the Turning Wheel
Guild of Golden Shadows Chrysos Harmony Sanctum, Reverie Nebulous Ignis Aeternum, Azure Sentinel Sect, Deeproot Covenant
Azure Sentinel Sect Thalassa Ignis Aeternum, Reverie Nebulous, The Gloaming Tide Eon Fellowship, Harmony Sanctum, Guild of Golden Shadows, Circle of the Turning Wheel, The Veil of Changing Faces
Reverie Nebulous Nephele Guild of Golden Shadows, Azure Sentinel Sect, Fellowship of the Crosswinds Ignis Aeternum, Eon Fellowship, Court of the Ironclad, Bloom of the Lotos Vale
Eon Fellowship Glinos Order of Aurora Mystica, Court of the Ironclad, Bloom of the Lotos Vale Ignis Aeternum, Azure Sentinel Sect, Sylvan Fellowship, Reverie Nebulous, Claw of the Unseen Hunt
Order of the Umbral Oracle Noctis Harmony Sanctum, Ordo Amicitia, Deeproot Covenant Celestial Harmony Sect
Mystery of the Verdant Embrace Opsithe Harmony Sanctum, Ordo Amicitia, The Veil of Changing Faces Ignis Aeternum, Court of the Ironclad, Claw of the Unseen Hunt
Conclave Illuminara Tarsica Order of Aurora Mystica, Circle of the Turning Wheel Celestial Harmony Sect
Temple Alabaster Ivory Court of the Ironclad, Ordo Amicitia None
Court of the Ironclad Fenrir Eon Fellowship, Guild of Golden Shadows Ignis Aeternum, Harmony Sanctum, Reverie Nebulous, Mystery of the Verdant Embrace, Fellowship of the Crosswinds
Accord Concordia Lukedu Sanctum Delphica, Deeproot Covenant None
Mystery of the Stygian Veil Styx Temple Illuminata, Noble Counselors, Order of the Hewn Path Ordo Amicitia, Deeproot Covenant
Sylvan Fellowship Faun Ignis Aeternum Eon Fellowship, Harmony Sanctum, Claw of the Unseen Hunt
Mystery of Red Mirth Silenus Rex Catonis, Bloom of the Lotos Vale None
Rex Catonis Cato Mystery of Red Mirth, Bloom of the Lotos Vale Celestial Harmony Sect
Sanctum Delphica Sisera Accord Concordia, Reverie Nebulous, Fellowship of the Crosswinds None
Ordo Amicitia Erasmus Order of the Umbral Oracle, Mystery of the Verdant Embrace, Circle of the Turning Wheel Mystery of the Stygian Veil
Temple Illuminata Nikolaj Mystery of the Stygian Veil, Order of the Hewn Path None
Circle of the Turning Wheel Skaroth Order of Aurora Mystica, Fellowship of the Crosswinds, Conclave Illuminara The Gloaming Tide, Claw of the Unseen Hunt, Celestial Harmony Sect
The Gloaming Tide Vyriss The Veil of Changing Faces, Azure Sentinel Sect Claw of the Unseen Hunt, Circle of the Turning Wheel, Order of the Hewn Path
The Vales of Tempest Qandros Circle of the Turning Wheel, Fellowship of the Crosswinds, Deeproot Covenant None
The Veil of Changing Faces Iylara The Gloaming Tide, Bloom of the Lotos Vale, Celestial Harmony Sect Order of the Hewn Path, Circle of the Turning Wheel, Claw of the Unseen Hunt
Fellowship of the Crosswinds Kalithros Circle of the Turning Wheel, Reverie Nebulous, Order of the Umbral Oracle Claw of the Unseen Hunt, Court of the Ironclad
The Silent Vessel Arlyon Order of the Hewn Path, Deeproot Covenant None
Order of the Hewn Path Thariel The Silent Vessel, Bloom of the Lotos Vale, Mystery of the Stygian Veil The Veil of Changing Faces, Claw of the Unseen Hunt
Bloom of the Lotos Vale Lothaya The Veil of Changing Faces, Order of the Hewn Path, Mystery of Red Mirth None
Deeproot Covenant Myrgon The Silent Vessel, Accord Concordia The Gloaming Tide, Mystery of the Stygian Veil
Claw of the Unseen Hunt Seraphon None Circle of the Turning Wheel, Fellowship of the Crosswinds, The Gloaming Tide, Eon Fellowship, Harmony Sanctum

Normarkian Religion

Faithful Devotees of Lothaya worship at the Shrine of the Lotos Faces.

In addition to the Planetary Divines, Host Stars, demi-gods, and heroes of the Reformed Stripping Path in Bassaridia Vaeringheim proper, the people of New South Jangsong also maintain religious traditions centered around the worship of the ancient gods and goddesses of the Normarkian people who inhabit the Northern Strait of Haifa. These deities, connected to the region’s natural elements and local myths, oversee vital aspects like time, storms, trade, and fertility. Each god has developed a unique following, with mysteries and cults such as the Circle of the Turning Wheel and the Silent Vessel, preserving ancient rituals. These gods play an important role in blending local beliefs with the broader structure of the Reformed Stripping Path, linking regional traditions with the wider religious framework.

The religious practices of New South Jangsong and the Reformed Stripping Path share a complex and interwoven relationship, reflecting a blend of local reverence for nature and the broader cosmology of Bassaridia Vaeringheim. While the people of New South Jangsong worship a pantheon rooted in the natural forces and mythical elements of their local environment—such as the gods of storms, fertility, and trade—the Reformed Stripping Path adherents focus on the Planetary Divines, Host Stars, and demi-gods, each embodying universal principles like creation, balance, and transformation.

An excerpt from the Rathnir Azurnir Veylor Varth - or the Hymn of the Azure Sailor's Path, a hymn recited by New South Jangsongian sailors as they depart along the northern Strait of Haifa.

In the hybridized religious context of New South Jangsong, the local gods are often interpreted as extensions or regional avatars of the greater Planetary Divines. For example, Thariel, the god of roads and trade in New South Jangsong, is viewed as a complementary deity to Thalassa, the Lady Divine of the sea and war, suggesting that the paths and trade routes governed by Thariel are linked to Thalassa’s control over maritime routes and the flow of goods. Worshipers may pray to both Thariel and Thalassa during the same ritual, seeking the favor of each in securing safe passage and successful trade.

Ritually, the complementary nature of the two religious systems is evident in their ceremonial practices. While the structured, temple-based ceremonies of the Reformed Stripping Path often feature elaborate invocations, sacrificial offerings, and planetary alignments, the rituals in New South Jangsong remain more intimate, with practitioners gathering in secluded groves or by sacred rivers to honor their local deities. These ceremonies, often characterized by communal feasts, music, and symbolic acts of appeasement, invoke the primal forces associated with each god. The rituals of both faiths are frequently intertwined: a sacrifice to a Normarkian storm deity, such as Qandros, may precede a hymn to the Lady Divine Eos, who embodies dawn and new beginnings, symbolizing the merging of the local and cosmic order.

This integration also plays out in how the priesthoods of the two traditions interact. The cults and mysteries of New South Jangsong, such as the Circle of the Turning Wheel and the Silent Vessel, maintain their own hierarchies and rites but often send representatives to the larger temples of the Reformed Stripping Path. Conversely, the priestesses of the Reformed Stripping Path, known for their elaborate masks and magical abilities, occasionally journey to New South Jangsong to offer their expertise in rituals calling for cosmological balance or divine intervention on a larger scale.

In many temples, shrines to the Planetary Divines stand side-by-side with the local shrines, reflecting the acceptance and integration of both faiths within the broader religious community. This synergy creates a shared space where regional and universal beliefs coexist, each enriching the other. Through this relationship, the people of New South Jangsong have found a way to honor their distinct identity while simultaneously affirming their place within the grander cosmological order of the Reformed Stripping Path.

Description Divine Name Description Mystery Holy City Divine Image Temple Invocation Hymn Sigil
Normarkian Divines Skaroth God of Time, Agriculture, and Seasons, governing sun-cycles and planting seasons. Circle of the Turning Wheel Bjornopolis Skaroth.png SkarothTemple.png Invocation of Skaroth File:SkarothSigil.png
Vyriss Goddess of Bioluminescence, the Sea, and Will O' Wisps, governing glowing creatures of the deep. The Gloaming Tide Norsolyra VyrissImage.png VyrissTemple.png Invocation of Vyriss File:VyrissSigil.png
Qandros God of Storms, War, and Endurance, testing the strength of the faithful through trials. The Vales of Tempest Aegirheim QandrosImage.png QuandrosTemple.png Invocation of Qandros File:QandrosSigil.png
Iylara Goddess of Identity, Masks, and Transformation, associated with shifting identities and the Cult of Maskmakers. The Veil of Changing Faces Skýrophos IylaraImage.png IylaraNewTemple.png Invocation of Iylara File:IylaraSigil.png
Kalithros God of the Borderlands, Trade, and Travelers, guiding merchants through the desert. Fellowship of the Crosswinds Bjornopolis KalithrosImage.png KalithrosTemple.png Invocation of Kalithros File:KalithrosSigil.png
Arlyon God of Secrets, Medicine, and Forgotten Knowledge, guarding ancient healing arts. The Silent Vessel Myrene ArlyonImage.png ArlyonTemple.png Invocation of Arlyon File:ArlyonSigil.png
Thariel God of Roads, Monuments, and Stone, protecting roads and monuments of the gods. Order of the Hewn Path Thorsalon TharielImage.png TharielTemple.png Invocation of Thariel File:TharielSigil.png
Lothaya Goddess of Fertility, Rebirth, and Lotos Faces, called upon for blessings in childbirth. Bloom of the Lotos Vale Ephyra LothayaImage.png LothayaTemple.png Invocation of Lothaya File:LothayaSigil.png
Myrgon God of Mining, Secrets of the Earth, and Hidden Wealth, revered by miners. Deeproot Covenant Halicarn MyrgonImage.png MyrgonTemple.png Invocation of Myrgon File:MyrgonSigil.png
Seraphon God of Retribution, Justice, and the Hunt, called upon during conflict and revenge. Claw of the Unseen Hunt Pelagia SeraphonImage.png SeraphonTemple.png Invocation of Seraphon File:SeraphonSigil.png

Animist Mysteries

Practitioners of the Orphalistic cults frequently congregate in the mushroom forests in the heart of the Gloom Forest near Sylvapolis.

Animist mystery cults within the Reformed Stripping Path focus their worship on ephemeral and terrestrial creatures found throughout Lake Morovia, the Strait of Haifa, and surrounding regions. These creatures are seen as embodiments of the divine, protecting the delicate balance between the physical and spiritual realms. Unlike the cosmic deities worshiped by the broader Reformed Stripping Path cults, animist sects focus on the natural world, finding divinity in creatures that exist at the boundary between worlds. Ephemeral species such as the Orphalim, Pyralian Emberfey, and Aetherith Cloudgazer are central to their rituals, which emphasize protection, guidance, and the interconnection between life, nature, and the spiritual planes.

Ephemeral Worship

Worshippers of the Cloudgazer experience profound ecstasy at the moment the ephermal beast appears in the clouds outside of Lunalis Sancta.

Ephemeral species hold a significant place in the cosmology of these animist cults. These creatures are believed to traverse multiple planes of existence, acting as intermediaries between the mortal world and higher dimensions. Their transient nature makes them both mysterious and revered, as they are seen as protectors of sacred lands and guides to those seeking spiritual insight. Notable Ephemeral Species Worshiped by animist cults include the Orphalim, the Pyralian Emberfey, and the Aetherith Cloudgazer. Resembling a floating flower, the Orphalim is thought to phase between planes of existence, providing protection and guidance in forests. Cults that worship the Orphalim often conduct rituals in deep woods, calling upon the creature to guard sacred spaces and bless followers with its otherworldly wisdom. The Pyralian Emberfey thrives near hot springs and geysers in the region of Pyralis. Known for its ability to phase between realms, the Emberfey is revered for its representation of transformation and transcendence. Rituals to honor the Emberfey are held near volcanic sites, where cultists attempt to harness the creature’s energy for enlightenment and spiritual journeys. The Cloudgazer drifts through the skies, serving as a symbol of harmony between worlds. It is believed to watch over travelers and provide safe passage through difficult terrain. Worshipers of the Aetherith Cloudgazer often conduct skyward-facing meditations, seeking the creature's blessing for peace and clarity.

Terrestrial Animism: The Commune of the Garganid Apostles

The Commune of the Garganid Apostles is among the most prominent of the animist mysteries of the Reformed Stripping Path, having established themselves among the powerful and wealthiest commercial cults featured on the General Port of Lake Morovia.

The Commune of the Garganid Apostles stands apart from the ephemeral-focused cults by worshiping a more tangible, terrestrial entity — the Garganram. This massive beast, which roams the lands surrounding the Strait of Haifa, is revered for its immense strength and its connection to the earth. The cult views the Garganram as a physical manifestation of the planet's will, guarding sacred lands and maintaining natural balance. The Garganid Apostles offer sacrifices of earth and stone to honor the Garganram. Their rituals often involve building stone circles or cairns as symbols of protection. Dances that mimic the movements of the Garganram are performed, and the cult’s leaders claim that through these rites, they channel the beast’s immense power to safeguard their communities. The Apostles often act as protectors of significant religious sites within the Reformed Stripping Path. Their alignment with the Planetary Devotion sects ensures that the physical spaces revered by the religion remain untainted by foreign influence. This aligns the cult with broader efforts to maintain harmony between the earth and its divine protectors.

Relationship with Major Cults of the Reformed Stripping Path

While the animist cults are distinct in their focus on natural and ephemeral creatures, their beliefs closely align with the broader principles of the Reformed Stripping Path. The Reformed Stripping Path's core philosophy emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings and realms, which echoes the animist belief in creatures that transcend both physical and spiritual planes. The Planetary Devotion cults often collaborate with the animist sects to safeguard sacred sites. The ephemeral beings worshipped by the animist cults, such as the Ilython Wisps and Morovian Wisps, are believed to protect these holy spaces from spiritual contamination. In turn, the Planetary Devotion cults honor these creatures in their larger cosmic ceremonies, acknowledging their role in maintaining the balance between worlds. The animist cults also share common ground with the Normarkian branches of the Reformed Stripping Path. Both emphasize harmony with nature, and while the Normarkian sects focus more on cosmic cycles, the animist cults focus on the creatures that navigate and protect the natural world. The Orphalim and Aetherith Cloudgazer, for instance, are seen as guardians of cosmic pathways by both groups, strengthening their ties.

Symbols and Iconography

The symbols and iconography of the Reformed Stripping Path, which are largely derived from those of the traditional Stripping Path and the religion of the Alperkin people, reflect the movement's commitment to self-discovery, Dionysian ecstasy, and cosmic reverence. These symbols are often used in rituals, ceremonies, and as representations of the key principles of the religion. The religion's most notable symbols and images are described below.

The Grapevine

A majority of male practitioners of the Reformed Stripping Path continue to honor the traditions of the Stripping Path by having grapevines tattooed onto their right arms.

The most ancient and important of all Bassarid images, the grapevine represents abundance and fertility, and is seen as a manifestation of the blessings of the Supreme God of the Bassarid religion. Insofar as the grapevine undergoes cycles of growth, dormancy, and renewal, the vine serves as a symbol of transformation and rebirth. The emergence of the grapevine also represents the interconnection between man and nature, and of man's direct, personal relationship with Dionysus. The appearance of a new vine, and the growth of new grapes, are seen as positive omens, whereas the death of a grapevine is regarded as the worst of all possible omens.

The Serpent

A statue of a golden serpent stands guard over an opulent vineyard outside the city of Aurelia.

Serpents ranging from snakes and lizards to fish, insects like centipedes and millipedes, and small mammals such as weasels, represent significant symbols of the complex, often contradictory nature of Dionysus and carry great significance within the religious context. Reptiles especially carry profound symbolic significance in the Bassarid religion. To this end, the shedding of a reptile's skin represents the rebirth and renewal which one experiences when following the religion's teachings. Such creatures, especially venomous snakes, also represent the intoxicating effects of Dionysus, and the god's mysterious, sacred chaos.

The Mermaid/Melusine

Stripping Path tradition holds that mermaids are the descendants of the first pirates who inhabited the Strait of Haifa, and that the queen of the mermaids, Melusine, was the most faithful servant of Ariadne, the bride of Dionysus. With that said, mermaids represent the feminine energies of creation, intuition, and receptivity which are central to Bassarid practices. They also represent the the exploration of the subconscious and the mysteries of the human soul. In the same way as mermaids inhabit and explore the deepest, darkest depths of the ocean, the Bassarid worshiper inhabits and explores the depths of their own individual spirit and existence.

The Sacred Hounds

Great Pyrenees are very commonly employed in the protection of temples, woodland shrines, and other places regarded as holy in the Reformed Stripping Path.

The Reformed Stripping Path reveres two breeds of dogs above all others, regarding them as sacred companions of the Supreme God - the beagle and the great pyrenees. The beagle is the most faithful companion of Bacchus, and represents the tenacity which is required for for self-discovery, and the pursuit of authenticity. The Great Pyrenees is regarded as the protector of the Temples of Dionysus, and of the souls of his followers, and is regarded as a symbol of of devotion to the spiritual path.

The Juniper Tree

The fast-growing Juniper tree is regarded in the Reformed Stripping Path as a symbol of chaos. The rapid and often unpredictable expansion of juniper forests creates an environment that is constantly changing. This symbolizes the ever-shifting nature of life and the inability to pass through the same forest twice, emphasizing the impermanence of experiences, and the struggle of man to find order - direction - in the apparent chaos of nature.

Community Structure


The High Priestess of the Bassarid Temple of Vaeringheim rule from her ancient throne, known as the Aegis of Seraphic Dominion..

Governance of the Reformed Stripping Path falls under the jurisdiction of the High Priestess of the Bassarid Temple of Vaeringheim, one of the three co-equal heads of state who comprise the Council of Kings, the supreme authority over Bassaridia Vaeringheim. The High Priestess is responsible for appointing Bassarid Priestesses to the Bacchanalia, the body of priestesses who are delegated the responsibility of overseeing the affairs of the religion's various Mysteries, or sects. The Bacchanalia, to this end, stands as a cornerstone of the religion's political framework, as it works on behalf of the High Priestess in order to ensure cohesion and to safeguard the sanctity of the spiritual practices embraced by the followers of the various Mysteries associated Reformed Stripping Path.


The Reformed Stripping Path draws significant influence from the other major Hostian belief systems, namely the Stripping Path for which the religion is named, the Pallisican Religion, and to a lesser extent the Alperkin religion. Of these, the Reformed Stripping Path is most heavily influenced by the former, although it is characterized by some key differences, especially with respect to its inclusion of indigenous religious traditions and its increased emphasis on the worship of Planetary Divines. The Reformed Stripping Path also deviates from the Stripping Path with respect to its views on the Triality of Oversouls. It is the case that whereas the Stripping Path promotes an embrace of chaos and a general rejection of order, the Reformed Stripping Path aligns its views with those of the Pallisican Religion, regarding the pursuit of order as the highest of spiritual aims. On the basis of this difference of views with respect to the Triality of Oversouls, the Reformed Stripping Path is regarded as being a significantly less extreme and subversive religion than the Stripping Path.