Sisera (moon)

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Orbital characteristics
Mass (Kg)
Radius (Km)
Solar Day (h)
Orbital Period (days)
Semi-Major Axis (Km)
Periapsis (AU)
Apoapsis (AU)
Surface Temperature (K)
Surface Gravity (m/s^2)
Axial Tile (degrees)
Inclination (degrees)
Orbital Speed (Km/s)
Satellites None

Sisera is the second of the three major moons of the planet Nephele.

North Polar Regions

The North Polar region of Sisera is a stark and frigid landscape, characterized by extensive ice fields and rugged mountainous terrain. This region experiences prolonged darkness due to the moon's axial tilt, resulting in extremely low temperatures. The surface is dominated by thick layers of ice interspersed with rocky outcrops, creating a harsh and inhospitable environment. The ice sheets are ancient, with visible stratifications that tell the story of millennia of accumulation and compression. Occasionally, geothermal vents beneath the ice release steam and gas, which freeze instantly in the frigid air, forming frost patterns around the vents. The polar region also experiences weak auroras, visible as faint, shimmering lights caused by the interaction of Sisera's magnetic field with charged particles from Nephele.

Equatorial Regions

The Equatorial region of Sisera is the most geologically diverse and active part of the moon. This area receives the most direct sunlight, resulting in relatively milder temperatures compared to the poles. The landscape includes vast plains of dark basalt rock, indicative of ancient volcanic activity, and regions of lighter, sandy areas. One of the most striking features of this region is the presence of extensive crater fields, suggesting a history of significant meteorite impacts. These craters vary in size and depth, with some containing frozen lakes formed from past glacial meltwater. The equatorial zone also experiences frequent dust storms, driven by temperature differences between day and night, which sweep across the plains, reshaping the surface and revealing new geological layers. Additionally, this region is home to several inactive volcanic craters, evidence of the moon’s volcanic past.

Southern Polar Regions

The South Polar region of Sisera is characterized by a complex and dynamic landscape dominated by glacial and geothermal activity. This area experiences cycles of partial melting and refreezing due to geothermal heat emanating from the moon's interior. The terrain features smooth, reflective ice fields interspersed with rugged, rocky outcrops. The South Pole is particularly noted for its subglacial lakes, kept liquid by geothermal warmth, which may harbor unique microbial ecosystems. Periodic ice geysers erupt from these lakes, sending plumes of water vapor and ice particles high into the thin atmosphere. These geysers can create temporary ice halos around the moon, visible as faint rings when backlit by Nephele. The dynamic interplay of ice and geothermal activity results in constantly shifting ice flows and the formation of intricate ice caves.


The goddess of introspection and reflection, Sisera is the patron deity of the Temple University of Deplphica.

Sisera, the Lady Divine of Reflection and Introspection, is believed to have emerged from the primordial mists of creation, embodying the essence of self-awareness and inner contemplation. Her origins are rooted in the ancient waters of the Well of Echoes, a mystical source said to reveal the deepest truths to those who dare to look within.


Sisera is revered by many names that capture her divine essence. Among her epithets are "The Mirror of Souls," signifying her role in reflecting the true nature of one's inner self, and "Mistress of the Still Waters," highlighting her connection to serene and introspective states of being.

Worship and Festivals in Bassaridia Vaeringheim

In Bassaridia Vaeringheim, the worship of Sisera is marked by profound rituals of contemplation and meditation. One of the most significant festivals is the "Ritual of the Reflective Veil." This ceremony is conducted during the annual Festival of Echoes and involves a profound and mysterious process designed to deepen self-awareness and spiritual insight. During the Festival of Echoes, select devotees, known as the Veilbearers, are chosen for their exceptional dedication and introspective abilities. These individuals undergo a month-long period of isolation and preparation within the sacred chambers of the Temple University of Delphica. This period is marked by fasting, meditation, and the recitation of ancient hymns dedicated to Sisera. On the night of the ritual, the Veilbearers don special robes woven with threads imbued with reflective materials, creating a shimmering, almost ethereal appearance. They gather at the Lake of Mirrors, a sacred body of water believed to be the portal to Sisera's own reflective realm. As moonlight dances on the surface of the lake, creating a mesmerizing display, the Veilbearers wade into the water until they are waist-deep. Each Veilbearer is handed a reflective veil, a delicate fabric that mirrors their image when draped over their heads. They are instructed to gaze into the veil's reflection, focusing intently on their own eyes. It is believed that this intense self-reflection, combined with the mystical properties of the veil and the sacred waters, allows the Veilbearers to transcend their physical forms and commune directly with Sisera. During this trance-like state, the Veilbearers are said to experience profound visions and insights, revealing hidden truths about themselves and the universe. Some report encountering Sisera herself, who guides them through their inner landscapes and imparts wisdom that can only be obtained through such deep introspection. The ritual culminates as the first light of dawn touches the lake, symbolizing the return from the reflective journey with newfound clarity and enlightenment. The Ritual of the Reflective Veil is a deeply revered and secretive practice within the Sanctum Delphica, known only to the most devout followers. It is considered a great honor to participate, and those who complete the ritual are often regarded as enlightened beings, carrying the divine wisdom of Sisera back to their community to guide others on their paths of self-discovery.

The Cult of Sanctum Delphica

A Delphic cultist wades into the Lake of Mirrors during the Ritual of the Reflective Veil.

Based in the city of Delphica, The Sanctum Delphica is the primary cult devoted to Sisera. This cult is responsible for managing the Temple University of Delphica, a renowned institution dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and self-discovery. The cult's members, known as Delphic Scholars, engage in rigorous study and meditative practices to cultivate deep introspection and understanding. The temple university serves as both a place of worship and a center of learning, attracting students and pilgrims from across Bassaridia.


Myths surrounding Sisera often tell of her interactions with mortals who seek wisdom and understanding. Legends speak of her appearing in dreams and reflections, guiding individuals through their personal journeys of self-discovery. One famous tale recounts how Sisera helped a lost prince regain his kingdom by showing him the true nature of his heart in a mirror, teaching him the values of humility and wisdom.

Iconography and Depictions

Sisera, Lady Divine of reflection and introspection, is often depicted wearing flowing robes and a modest veil, symbolizing purity and tranquility. Central to her imagery is a large bowl or brazier with a gentle flame, representing the light of inner truth and enlightenment. A small, intricately designed urn beside her symbolizes the collection and preservation of wisdom gained through introspection. These elements together emphasize her serene presence and invite worshipers to embrace quiet reflection and seek hidden truths within themselves.