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Orbital characteristics
Mass (Kg) 7.04E+26
Radius (Km) 53,741
Solar Day (h) 16.8
Orbital Period (days) 4,108
Semi-Major Axis (Km) 6.96E+08
Periapsis (AU) 4.65
Apoapsis (AU) 4.67
Albedo .6
Surface Temperature (K) 74.9
Surface Gravity (m/s^2) 16.3
Axial Tile (degrees) 99.7
Inclination (degrees) .627
Orbital Speed (Km/s) 12.3
Satellites Cato, Sisera, Erasmus

Nephele is the planet seventh closest to the star Atos, and the third of the system's four gas giants. It is also the second of the system's "ringed giants," with Thalassa being the first.

North Polar Regions

The North Pole of Nephele is a region of striking contrasts, bathed in a golden glow where sunlight meets thick atmospheric layers. This area is known for its vast cyclonic storms, where towering cloud bands stretch across the sky. The dominant feature of the North Pole is a massive, swirling polar vortex, an enduring storm system that shapes the dynamic weather patterns in the region. The interplay of light and shadow highlights the turbulence within these clouds, creating an eerie and enigmatic appearance.

Equatorial Regions

Nephele’s equator is defined by broad, smooth atmospheric bands in pale shades of cream, blue, and gray. These bands result from powerful jet streams that move at different speeds, sculpting the planet’s cloud layers into distinct zones. Unlike the chaotic poles, the equatorial region is relatively calm, though it remains home to periodic, long-lasting storms that ripple through the atmosphere. The muted coloration of this area suggests the presence of ammonia and water-ice clouds, possibly layered above deeper, unseen currents of atmospheric activity.

Southern Polar Regions

Similar to the north, the South Polar region of Nephele features deep cloud formations and strong atmospheric currents. However, this region appears to be in shadow, giving it a darker, more subdued tone. This hemisphere experiences seasonal changes that influence its cloud structures, with shifting weather patterns that reveal intricate atmospheric dynamics over time. The southern hemisphere’s vast storms and high-altitude winds contribute to the sculpted cloud formations seen here.

Silver Rings

Encircling Nephele is a magnificent system of thin, reflective rings, composed of ice, dust, and organic particles. These rings appear dark in the foreground, contrasting sharply against the illuminated planet. The rings are held in place by the gravitational forces of Nephele’s moons, which shepherd the material into delicate, structured bands. The subtle interplay of light and shadow within the rings creates an ever-shifting visual display, making them one of the most mesmerizing features of the planet. The faint glow seen along the rings’ edge hints at the presence of fine ice particles scattering sunlight, giving the rings their distinctive metallic sheen.


Nephele is typically depicted holding an object known as the Dome of Nightfall. As nighttime sets upon the world, Nepehele breaths upon the dome. Her breath is said to be the source of the dreams which mortals experience as they sleep.

Nephele, the Lady Divine of Clouds, emerged from the swirling mists of the early cosmos, born from the collective dreams and aspirations of primeval mortals. Her form took shape as whispers of imagination and yearning for inspiration infused the celestial realm, growing into a divine embodiment of dreams, creativity, and the ever-changing nature of clouds. Revered across Bassaridia Vaeringheim, Nephele symbolizes the ethereal beauty of the subconscious and the boundless potential of the human spirit.

Nephele in the Reformed Stripping Path

In the Reformed Stripping Path, Nephele represents the realm of dreams, imagination, and inspiration. She is seen as the mediator between the waking world and the subconscious, guiding her followers to explore the depths of their creativity and unlock their inner potential. Her presence is associated with moments of visionary insight and the transformative power of artistic expression.

Worshipers of Nephele regard her as a gentle and enigmatic muse, inspiring poets, artists, and dreamers to transcend the confines of reality and reach for the sublime. Through her influence, they find clarity in their aspirations and the courage to embrace the unknown.

Nephele in the Bassaridian Zodiac

Nephele governs the Zodiac of Nephelia, the eighth sign of the Bassaridian Zodiac and the third zodiac of the month of Thalassiel. This zodiac is associated with the Host Star Dranamos, which appears prominently at approximately 58°N latitude. Dranamos embodies clarity, inspiration, and the fulfillment of aspirations, perfectly aligning with Nephele’s domain over the creative and subconscious realms.

The zodiac of Nephelia is a time for self-reflection and creative exploration. Worshipers meditate on their aspirations and seek Nephele’s guidance to bring their dreams into reality. Under the light of Dranamos, Nephele’s influence encourages clarity of thought, visionary ideas, and the courage to pursue one’s goals with unwavering determination.

Reverie Nebulous

Reverie Nebulous, based in the city of Somniumpolis, is the mystical order devoted to Nephele. Its members, known as Dreamweavers, include poets, artists, and mystics who delve into the subconscious to harness the divine energy of imagination and inspiration.

Reverie Nebulous is renowned for its meditative practices, dream interpretation, and collaborative artistic projects. The order sees Nephele as a guiding muse, and their rituals aim to channel her ethereal presence to unlock the secrets of the mind and explore the limitless potential of the creative spirit.

Mythology: The Hymn of Nephele

The Homeric Hymn to Nephele, written by the Bassaridian playwright Eliyahu al-Bashir, tells the story of Eiramos, a poet who is granted the power to shape clouds by Nephele, the Dreamspinner of the Clouds. Despite her warnings, Eiramos’ ambition corrupts his creations, and the mists he shapes turn into destructive storms. Realizing his folly, he begs Nephele for forgiveness.

In her mercy, Nephele transforms Eiramos into the Everlasting Fog, a gentle presence that inspires mortals without overwhelming them. The hymn serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked ambition and the necessity of humility in creativity.

The hymn is recited during the Dreamweaver’s Vigil and the Oneiro Foteino (Dream of Illumination), reminding worshipers of the delicate balance between inspiration and restraint, and of Nephele’s role as both muse and guardian of the imagination.

Worship and Festivals in Bassaridia Vaeringheim

Temples and shrines devoted to Nephele can be found throughout many of the caverns which dot the red sandstone cliffs around Somniumpolis.

Oneiro Foteino (Dream of Illumination)

Oneiro Foteino, observed on Thalassiel 31 in Somniumpolis, is the primary festival dedicated to Nephele, Lady Divine of Dreams and Inspiration. This event transforms the city into an ethereal dreamscape with floating lanterns, surreal art displays, and ambient music that evokes the boundary between dreams and reality. Worshipers honor Nephele through dream interpretation workshops, artistic showcases, and rituals that celebrate her role as the mediator between imagination and creation. The festival culminates in a communal meditation where participants seek clarity and inspiration from Nephele to guide their creative and spiritual pursuits.

These celebrations highlight Nephele’s influence on the cultural and spiritual life of Bassaridia Vaeringheim, particularly in Somniumpolis. They emphasize her power to inspire creativity, bring clarity to aspirations, and guide her followers in weaving the fabric of their dreams into reality.


Nephele is celebrated through epithets that reflect her ethereal and inspirational nature. She is called the Dreamspinner, representing her connection to imagination and creativity. As the Inbreather, she embodies her role in bestowing visionary insights upon mortals. Nephele is also known as the Shroudweaver, signifying her ability to cloak the world in mist and mystery, inviting introspection and exploration of the unknown.

Iconography and Depictions

Nephele is often depicted as a radiant figure enveloped in swirling clouds, her form ever-changing and ethereal. She is frequently shown holding the Dome of Nightfall, a sacred artifact into which she breathes the dreams of mortals, infusing them with clarity and inspiration.

Symbols associated with Nephele include the Floating Cloud, representing her connection to the heavens and the transient nature of dreams, and the Open Book, symbolizing imagination and creative potential. Artistic depictions of Nephele emphasize her otherworldly presence, inviting worshipers to embrace the enchanting allure of dreams and the boundless possibilities of their imagination.