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Orbital characteristics
Mass (Kg) 7.04E+26
Radius (Km) 53,741
Solar Day (h) 16.8
Orbital Period (days) 4,108
Semi-Major Axis (Km) 6.96E+08
Periapsis (AU) 4.65
Apoapsis (AU) 4.67
Albedo .6
Surface Temperature (K) 74.9
Surface Gravity (m/s^2) 16.3
Axial Tile (degrees) 99.7
Inclination (degrees) .627
Orbital Speed (Km/s) 12.3
Satellites Cato, Sisera, Erasmus

Nephele is the planet seventh closest to the star Atos, and the third of the system's four gas giants.

North Polar Regions

Equatorial Regions

Southern Polar Regions


Nephele is typically depicted holding an object known as the Dome of Nightfall. As nighttime sets upon the world, Nepehele breaths upon the dome. Her breath is said to be the source of the dreams which mortals experience as they sleep.

Nephele, the Lady Divine of Clouds, is believed to have emerged from the swirling mists of the early cosmos, born from the collective dreams and aspirations of primeval mortals. As the whispers of imagination and the yearning for inspiration permeated the celestial realm, Nephele took form, embodying the beauty and ever-changing nature of clouds. With each gentle breeze and billowing wisp, Nephele's presence grew, until she ascended as the Lady Divine of Clouds, symbolizing dreams, imagination, and inspiration.


Nephele is adorned with epithets that reflect her divine essence and influence. Among these titles are "Dreamspinner" symbolizing her connection to the realm of imagination and creativity, and "Inbreather," representing her role in bestowing visionary insights upon mortals. She is also known as the "Shroudweaver," signifying her ability to cloak the world in veils of mist and mystery.

Worship and Festivals in Bassaridia Vaeringheim

Temples and shrines devoted to Nephele can be found throughout many of the caverns which dot the red sandstone cliffs around Somniumpolis.

In the realm of Bassaridia Vaeringheim, worshippers of Nephele gather to honor their divine patron through solemn rituals and contemplative festivals, most famous of which is the "Dreamweaver's Vigil." This sacred ritual takes place during the darkest hours of the night when the boundary between dreams and reality is thinnest. Members of the Reverie Nebulous gather in a tranquil sanctuary adorned with flowing fabrics and soft candlelight, creating an atmosphere conducive to introspection and contemplation. Each participant brings with them a dream journal and a symbol of their deepest aspirations. The Dreamweaver's Vigil begins with a period of silent meditation, allowing participants to quiet their minds and connect with the ethereal realm of dreams. They then embark on a guided visualization journey led by the sect's spiritual leaders, delving into the depths of their subconscious minds under Nephele's watchful gaze. As the night progresses, participants share their dreams and aspirations with the group, weaving a tapestry of collective imagination and inspiration. Through storytelling, poetry, and artistic expression, they honor Nephele as the muse of their creative endeavors and seek her guidance in unlocking the secrets of the subconscious. At the culmination of the vigil, participants engage in a communal dream-sharing ceremony, where they offer prayers and invocations to Nephele, thanking her for her divine influence and guidance. They then write down any insights or revelations gleaned from the experience, cherishing them as sacred gifts from the Lady Divine of Clouds.

Reverie Nebulous

At the heart of Nephele's worship lies the Reverie Nebulous, a mystical order based in Somniumpolis, which is dedicated to the exploration of dreams, imagination, and inspiration. Comprised of poets, artists, and dreamweavers, the order seeks to harness Nephele's divine energy to unlock the secrets of the subconscious mind and unlock the boundless potential of the imagination. Members of the order engage in meditative practices, dream interpretation, and collaborative artistic projects, guided by Nephele's gentle touch and visionary guidance.


Ancient myths and legends depict Nephele as a figure of ethereal beauty and boundless imagination, her origins intertwined with the dreams of mortals and the ever-shifting patterns of clouds. She is often portrayed as a muse-like deity, inspiring poets, artists, and dreamers to reach beyond the confines of reality and explore the depths of their imagination. Tales of Nephele's influence on mortal affairs abound, with her presence heralding moments of creative brilliance and visionary insight.

Iconography and Depictions

In art and iconography, Nephele is often depicted as a luminous figure enveloped in swirling clouds, her form ethereal and ever-changing. She is frequently portrayed holding what is known as the Dome of Nightfall, into which she blows the breath of dreams. Symbols associated with Nephele include the floating cloud, representing her connection to the heavens, and the open book, symbolizing the boundless realms of imagination and creativity. Depictions of Nephele capture her otherworldly presence, inviting worshipers to surrender to the enchanting allure of dreams and inspiration.