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Orbital characteristics
Mass (Kg) 7.99E+18
Radius (Km) 77.1
Solar Day (h) 9.29
Orbital Period (days) .71
Semi-Major Axis (Km) 1.78E+04
Periapsis (AU) 15,793(km)
Apoapsis (AU) 19,881(km)
Albedo .09
Surface Temperature (K) 182
Surface Gravity (m/s^2) .08
Axial Tile (degrees) 3.05
Inclination (degrees) 2.04
Orbital Speed (Km/s) 23
Satellites None

North Polar Regions

The North Polar region of Ivory is characterized by its extreme cold and predominantly icy surface. This region is enveloped in a thick layer of frost and ice, which reflects a significant amount of sunlight. The terrain is rugged, featuring sharp ice ridges and deep fissures formed by the constant freeze-thaw cycles. The perpetual cold creates a desolate environment with minimal atmospheric movement, leading to a still, serene landscape. Occasionally, weak auroras dance across the sky, caused by the moon's interaction with the magnetosphere of the dual planet system.

Equatorial Regions

The Equatorial region of Ivory experiences the most varied and dynamic climate on the moon. This region benefits from moderate temperatures and receives the most sunlight, leading to a more temperate environment compared to the poles. The landscape includes vast plains of dark, rocky soil interspersed with lighter, sandy stretches that might contain valuable mineral deposits. The equator also features several large impact craters, suggesting a history of meteorite activity. These craters sometimes act as basins for transient liquid water during warmer periods. The presence of some cloud cover indicates active weather patterns, including occasional rain showers that temporarily transform the arid surface.

Southern Polar Regions

The South Polar region of Ivory, while similar to the North Polar region in terms of cold temperatures and icy terrain, has distinct geological features. This area is slightly warmer, allowing for intermittent melting and refreezing of the ice. The terrain is a mix of smooth ice plains and rugged, rocky outcrops, creating a visually striking contrast. The South Pole is also home to several large subglacial lakes, which are kept liquid by geothermal heat from the moon's interior. These lakes are of particular interest to scientists studying the potential for microbial life. The dynamic interplay between ice and geothermal activity results in unique formations such as ice caves and meltwater channels.

A picture of Ivory which also shows Momiji, Indigo, and Plateau.

The smallest of the moons, and indeed of all identified major bodies in the Atos System, Ivory enjoys a close orbit around the planet Momiji, which itself orbits Indigo.


The goddess of purity and serenity, Ivory is heavily revered by members of Temple Alabaster in the northern, mountainous reaches of Aetherium.

Ivory, the Lady Divine of Purity and Serenity, is said to have emerged from the crystalline depths of the purest ice, embodying the pristine beauty and tranquility of untouched snow. Born amidst the shimmering frost of the winter realm, she radiates with the essence of purity and calm, bringing clarity and serenity to all who seek her presence.


Ivory is adorned with epithets that reflect her divine nature and influence. Among these titles are "Frostkeeper," symbolizing her dominion over the icy realms of winter, and "Mistress of Tranquility," representing her role in bringing peace and serenity to troubled hearts. She is also known as the "Lady of Crystals," signifying her ability to dispel illusions and reveal truth through her pure essence.

Worship and Festivals in Bassaridia Vaeringheim

Members of the cult of Temple Alabaster, known as Alabastites, prepare for the Frost Veil Ceremony at a glacial spring in the mountains east of Aetherium.

In the frost-kissed landscapes and snow-capped peaks of Aetherium, worshipers of Ivory gather to honor their divine patron through rituals of purification and contemplation. The most famous of these is the Frost Veil Ceremony. During this ritual, initiated devotees venture into the heart of the snow-cloaked wilderness, guided by the flickering light of torches and the hushed whispers of the icy winds. Carrying with them sacred offerings of crystalline water and rare alabaster stones, they ascend to a secluded plateau nestled amidst the frosted peaks. Upon reaching the chosen site, participants gather around a shimmering pool fed by melting snow and glacial streams. With reverence, they pour the offerings into the icy waters, invoking the presence of Ivory and her divine essence of purity and serenity. As the offerings mingle with the crystalline pool, a veil of mist begins to rise, shimmering in the moonlight like ethereal tendrils of frost. Participants enter a meditative state, focusing their thoughts and intentions on the swirling mists before them. In this heightened state of consciousness, participants perceive visions and insights shimmering within the veil of mist, whispered messages from Ivory herself. These revelations may take the form of symbolic images, cryptic whispers, or profound sensations of peace and clarity. As the ceremony reaches its climax, participants immerse themselves in the swirling mist, allowing it to envelop them in its ethereal embrace. They commune with the mystical energies of the winter realm, feeling the gentle touch of Ivory's presence infusing their spirits with tranquility and renewal. As dawn breaks over the wintry landscape, participants emerge from the mist, their hearts lightened and their souls refreshed by the experience. They carry with them the wisdom and serenity bestowed by Ivory's divine presence, knowing that they have been touched by the purity of her essence.

The Temple Alabaster

At the heart of Ivory's worship lies the esteemed Temple Alabaster, a sacred sanctuary nestled amidst the snowy mountains surrounding the city of Aetherium. Carved from pristine alabaster stone and adorned with intricate frost motifs, the temple serves as a haven of tranquility and reflection for Ivory's devoted followers. Members of the temple conduct rituals of purification, meditation, and contemplation, seeking to commune with Ivory's divine essence and embody her qualities of purity and serenity.


Ancient myths and legends depict Ivory as a figure of transcendent beauty and serene grace, her origins intertwined with the crystalline essence of the winter realm. She is often portrayed as a gentle yet resolute deity, guiding mortals through the trials of life with her calming presence and luminous wisdom. Tales of Ivory's influence on mortal affairs abound, with her presence bringing clarity of thought and purity of heart to those who seek her guidance.

Iconography and Depictions

In art and iconography, Ivory is often depicted as a luminous figure enveloped in a cloak of swirling snowflakes and frost crystals, her form radiating with an inner light. She is frequently portrayed holding a delicate snowflake or crystal orb, symbolizing her connection to the purity and clarity of winter's embrace. Symbols associated with Ivory include the Rift Harpy, which congregate in great numbers in the mountains around Aetherium - the city of Ivory, and the lotus flower, symbolizing spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Depictions of Ivory capture her serene presence and otherworldly beauty, inviting worshippers to find solace and tranquility in her divine embrace.