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Aldurian Soil Reclamation Project

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The Aldurian Soil Reclamation Project (ASRP), widely known as "Project Sun," is an extensive and ongoing environmental initiative dedicated to the rehabilitation of lands, waters, and ecosystems impacted by radioactive contamination in Alduria. Launched in 1671 AN by the Euran Environmental and Geological Studies Initiative (EEGSI) and the Department of Interior of the then-independent Republic of Alduria[1], the project has been instrumental in transforming Alduria from a relatively underdeveloped republic into what it is today, the largest and most economically significant Region in Nouvelle Alexandrie.


Project Sun traces its origins to a pivotal moment in Euran history: the Babkhan Holocaust of 1598 AN. This cataclysmic event, marked by the self-inflicted nuclear devastation of the Kingdom of Babkha, resulted in an unprecedented environmental and humanitarian crisis across significant portions of Eura. The detonation of Babkha's entire nuclear arsenal not only obliterated the nation itself but also profoundly altered the continent's geological and ecological landscape. The aftermath saw the emergence of Alexandrium (discovered in 1729 AN[2]), a new element synthesized under the extreme conditions of nuclear fusion and subsequent radiation, within the soil of the devastated areas.

In the wake of this disaster across Eura, Alexandria's Euran provinces of Luthoria and Leon-Venezia suffered greatly. The Imperial University of Alexandria in Ali'Kaona, Luthoria, established the Euran Environmental and Geological Studies Initiative (EEGSI) in 1605 AN. This initiative aimed to comprehensively study the long-term effects of the nuclear fallout on Eura's ecosystem and geology. Leveraging the expertise of renowned scientists, the EEGSI embarked on a mission to understand the full impact of the Holocaust and to explore possibilities for the continent's recovery and rejuvenation.

The collapse of Alexandria in 1651 AN due to a devastating flu pandemic further underscored the urgency of addressing Eura's environmental challenges. The remnants of the Imperial University, supported by the Alexandrian Patriots' Association and Natopia, persisted in their research endeavors despite financial constraints. This period of adversity galvanized the newly founded nation of Alduria, established in 1669 AN by the Alexandrian diaspora as a beacon of hope and renewal. Alduria's proclamation as a republic in 1670 AN, with Punta Santiago as its capital, marked a significant milestone in the diaspora's quest for a new beginning.

The establishment of the University of Punta Santiago and the relocation of the EEGSI headquarters to this city in 1670 AN from Triegon, Natopia represented a renewed commitment to environmental remediation. It was against this backdrop that Project Sun was launched in 1671 AN by EEGSI and the Department of the Interior of the new Aldurian Republic. The project was heavily prioritized under President Alejandro Campos and subsequent Presidents until Alduria and the Wechua Nation joined to form Nouvelle Alexandrie in 1698 AN.


Legislative History



The overarching goal of Project Sun extends beyond mere phytoremediation. It ambitiously targets the comprehensive decontamination of vast territories in Eura marred by the shadows of nuclear devastation. At its core, the project seeks to rehabilitate not just the soil but also rivers, water bodies, and ecosystems, restoring them as much as possible to their pre-contamination state. This involves the deployment of a multifaceted approach that combines traditional phytoremediation with cutting-edge scientific and technological innovations aimed at minimizing radioactivity and restoring environmental health on a grand scale.

Programs and Techniques

Since its inception, the ASRP has seen the distribution and planting of millions of sunflowers and other phytoremediating plants across Alduria, led by the Department of Research and Development (Nouvelle Alexandrie) in partnership with the regional government of Alduria, various agencies and non-profit organizations. The initiative quickly grew into a strategic planting and reforestation effort across Alduria of dense native vegetation belts around contaminated zones to prevent the spread of radioactive dust and particles using recycled or desalinated water. These green barriers, consisting of fast-growing, radiation-resistant plant species that are native to Eura, act as natural filters, trapping contaminants and reducing airborne transmission.

This initiative, which started in in 1671 AN[4], has evolved over the years to include advanced research and development projects, in collaboration with esteemed institutions such as the University of Punta Santiago, ESB Research, the Carrillo National Health System, the Dos Gardenias School of Medicine, and the Imperial University of Alexandria in Triegon, Natopia, and the University of Aqaba in Constancia. These partnerships have fostered significant technological advancements and innovations in the field of environmental remediation, including the development of genetically modified plants for enhanced phytoremediation, advanced chemical and biological processes for radioactive material separation, and innovative soil and water decontamination techniques.

Electrokinetic Soil Remediation

Adding to its successful phytoremediating plants program, the ASRP deployed in 1673 AN its service a technique that applies electrical currents through contaminated soil to mobilize and remove heavy metals and radioactive elements.[5] This process, developed in partnership with the University of Punta Santiago and ESB Research, allows for the precise targeting and removal of contaminants without adversely affecting soil fertility.

Microbial Remediation

In 1672 AN, EEGSI researchers make a breakthrough in microbial bioremediation, isolating and genetically enhancing bacterial strains with exceptional capabilities for radioactive waste degradation.[6] These microbes are introduced into contaminated soil samples from Susa and Alcala, showing promising results in reducing radioactivity levels significantly. The ASRP, in partnership with the Imperial University of Alexandria, ESB Research, and the Ziegeland Technical Institute, began implementing this as a cornerstone decontamination method.

Thermal Desorption

Introduced in 1679 AN, thermal desorption has been a crucial technique in the ASRP for the removal of volatile and semi-volatile contaminants from soil. By heating contaminated soil to temperatures where contaminants vaporize but the soil does not combust, this process effectively separates radioactive particles from the soil matrix.[7] The vaporized contaminants are then condensed and treated separately. This method is particularly effective for areas with concentrated contamination, allowing for the recovery and reuse of large land areas previously deemed uninhabitable.

Chemical Immobilization

Despite widespread controversy, the ASRP also uses chemical agents to stabilize radioactive elements in the soil, transforming them into insoluble compounds that are less likely to leach into water sources or become airborne.[8] This method is particularly effective in areas where total removal of contaminants is impractical. The use of these chemicals has given rise to a widely circulated conspiracy theory among some segments of the Aldurian population. Skeptics mistrust official narratives on the environmental intervention and are concerned that the chemicals affect people neurologically. Others believe that the chemicals affect people by "turning them gay". Despite these controversies, scientific consensus and empirical evidence continue to support chemical immobilization as a safe and effective method for addressing soil contamination by radioactive substances.

Groundwater Remediation

In addition to surface decontamination efforts, the ASRP has implemented advanced groundwater remediation techniques since 1675 AN to address subsurface contamination.[9] This involves the use of permeable reactive barriers (PRBs), strategically placed in the subsurface across contaminated aquifers. These barriers are designed to filter out radioactive isotopes as groundwater flows through them, utilizing reactive materials such as zero-valent iron to chemically reduce contaminants into less harmful forms. This method has proven effective in preventing the spread of radioactivity into broader water supplies and ensuring the safety of drinking water.

Air Filtration and Purification

Recognizing the importance of air quality in the wake of nuclear fallout, the ASRP, in collaboration with the Dos Gardenias School of Medicine, ESB Research, and Javelin Industries, has developed sophisticated air filtration and purification systems since 1678 AN. These systems are deployed around heavily affected zones and population centers, using HEPA filters combined with activated carbon and ion exchange resins to capture airborne radioactive particles and gases. This initiative aims to reduce the inhalation of radioactive contaminants by the local population, significantly lowering the risk of radiation-induced health issues.

Soil Washing

Soil washing techniques were introduced in 1682 AN as a part of the ASRP's comprehensive approach to land decontamination. This process involves the physical separation of contaminated soil particles from clean ones through a series of washing with chemical solutions that bind to radioactive materials.[10] The contaminated sludge is then treated separately, while the cleaned soil can be returned to the environment. This technique is especially useful for treating soils with high levels of surface contamination, allowing for the rapid rehabilitation of agricultural lands and natural habitats.

Plasma Remediation

Plasma remediation, launched as a pilot project in 1684 AN, employs high-energy plasma to decompose radioactive contaminants into less harmful substances. This cutting-edge technique generates a plasma field at temperatures sufficient to break down the molecular bonds of contaminants, rendering them inert.[11] The process, developed in collaboration with the University of Punta Santiago and ESB Research, has shown promising results in treating both soil and water contaminants, offering a rapid and efficient solution to neutralize radioactivity without generating secondary waste.

In Situ Vitrification

In situ vitrification, operational since 1690 AN, involves the application of intense heat to contaminated soil to melt and subsequently cool it into a glass-like solid, effectively encapsulating the radioactive material.[12] This method, suitable for deeply contaminated sites, prevents the leaching of radioactive elements into groundwater and the environment. The vitrified soil also acts as a barrier to further contamination spread, providing a long-term solution to nuclear waste containment challenges.

Biochar Amendment

Biochar amendment has emerged as a prominent and popular method within the ASRP since its introduction in 1695 AN. By incorporating biochar, a highly porous carbon-rich material produced from organic matter, into contaminated soils, this approach not only immobilizes radioactive particles but also enriches the soil. [13] The biochar's structure increases soil fertility by enhancing water retention, nutrient availability, and microbial activity, leading to improved plant growth and ecosystem restoration. This method, celebrated for its dual benefits of decontamination and agricultural revitalization, has been widely adopted across Alduria, transforming previously barren lands into productive farmlands.

Constructed Wetlands

Constructed wetlands have been part of the ASRP's strategy since 1700 AN, acting as natural filtration systems for the treatment of contaminated water. These artificially created wetlands mimic the processes of natural wetlands, where plants, soil, and their associated microbial life interact to remove contaminants from water passing through.[14] This method is particularly effective for the long-term treatment of large volumes of low to moderately contaminated water, including runoff from decontaminated lands, contributing significantly to the restoration of Alduria's aquatic ecosystems.

Advanced Oxidation Processes

Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) were added to the ASRP toolkit in 1705 AN, employing powerful oxidizing agents to break down radioactive contaminants in water.[15] These processes generate hydroxyl radicals, which react with contaminants, effectively destroying them or converting them into harmless substances. AOPs are used for the treatment of contaminated groundwater and surface water, showcasing high efficiency in removing a wide range of radioactive compounds. This technology, in collaboration with the Carrillo National Health System, ESB Research, and the Dos Gardenias School of Medicine, represents a significant advancement in ensuring the safety of water resources in Alduria.


The ASRP succeeded in 1727 AN, in partnership with Javelin Industries and the National Research and Development Corporation, applying nanotechnology for the targeted removal of radioactive particles. Nanoparticles with specific affinities for radioactive isotopes are dispersed in contaminated areas, binding with the particles and facilitating their extraction from the environment.[16] This method shows particular promise for purifying water bodies, effectively filtering out radioactivity from rivers and lakes.

Biopolymer Application

The latest advancement under the ASRP includes the use of biopolymers for soil stabilization and radioactive containment. Since 1728 AN, research conducted by the University of Aqaba and the Carrillo National Health System has led to the development of biodegradable polymers that can encapsulate radioactive particles, preventing their migration and spread. These biopolymers are introduced into the soil and water systems, where they form a gel-like matrix that immobilizes contaminants.[17] This environmentally friendly approach not only aids in the containment of radioactivity but also contributes to the restoration of soil structure and fertility, promoting the return of biodiversity to treated areas.


Despite its successes, Project Sun faces ongoing challenges, including the scale of contamination and public apprehension towards living or working in decontaminated areas. The project's comprehensive approach, blending traditional techniques with cutting-edge research, continues to address these concerns head-on.


Private Firms

Joint Projects

Constancian Reclamation Prgram

Suren Remediation Program

Oportian Remediation Program

Ransenari Remediation Program

Alalehzamin Recovery Program

See also
