Southern Port of Keltiania

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Southern Port of Keltiania
Products Brokerage

Established in the early 41.20s PSSC, as part of an extensive merger between the West Keltian Trade Association and the Northern Sea of Storms Industrial Corporation, the Port of Southern Keltiania is a Port of Vines-based brokerage which represents all major companies based in non-Haifan territories within the Associate Domain of Keltiania.

Using the Brokerage

Company Descriptions

Agricultural Sector

Company Flag Company Name Company Description Company Type Notes
Sózhazn Laceral Lusazdéiro Agenci Sózhazn Laceral Lusazdéiro Agenci Established in a bid to restore the ranching industry in southwestern Keltia following the Hammish Civil War, and to diversify the Pallisican ranching industry which had formerly focused on the production and export of Eeli-Illt-Eda, the Sózhazn Laceral Lusazdéiro Agenci is today among the largest exporters of livestock in the world. Food
Captive Sea Imperial Trade Company Captive Sea Imperial Trade Company The largest single employer of fishermen in the Captive Sea, the Captive Sea Imperial Trade Company is the only company featured on the Port of Storms which is managed directly by the Crown of Passio-Corum. As such, employees of the company enjoy certain benefits not enjoyed by employees of other companies, including but not limited to the right to receive partial stipends in multiple regions within the Greater Pallisican Trade Association, and the right to petition the Crown for the establishment of chartered communities in any of the lands abandoned by Alexandria or Natopia in the immediate vicinity of the Captive Sea. Employees of the Captive Sea Imperial Trade Company, furthermore, may be issued letters of marque on the basis of which they may engage in limited acts of piracy against the adversaries of the Pallisican nation. Food
Passasian Agricultural Exports Passasian Agricultural Exports Passasian Agricultural Exports oversees the export of the high high quality crops which grow in the region surrounding the foothills of the Southern Hammish Highlands. Food
Witham Fruit Exports Witham Fruit Exports Witham Fruit oversees the export of tropical fruit from the Skerry Isles from the twin-cities of Ghriba and Aghir. Food
Seed of the East Agricultural Exports Seed of the East Agricultural Exports Located in the far eastern reaches of the Dependency of Tanah-Baru, Seed of the East Agricultural Exports oversees the sale and production of a range of agricultural products found nowhere else in Passio-Corum. Among the products sold by Seed of the East is a type of extraordinarily rich soil found only in a remote location beyond the nation's eastern border. Food -
Anterran Imports and Services Anterran Imports and Services Established in the years following New Zimia's victorious military campaign in the War of Jingdaoese Aggression, Anterran Imports and Services is a leading exporter of the finest pearls and abalone. Food -
Belcourt Coffee Traders Belcourt Coffee Traders A band of Interlandian merchants from near the Alexandrian city of Belcourt, the Belcourt Coffee Traders offer the highest quality coffee beans in the Micrasian east. Food -
Mountain Urchin Harvesting Company Mountain Urchin Harvesting Company The Mountain Urchin Harvesting Company is a company of hunters who specialize in the procurement of the meat of the stone urchins which live on the highest peaks of the Cherusken Mountains, in southern Keltia. Food
Captive Mountain Hemp Traders Captive Mountain Hemp Traders Based around the western slopes of the Cherusken Mountain Range, the Captive Mountain Hemp Traders specialize in the production of high quality hemp and hemp-based products. Misc.
Western Chick Pea Tick Roastery Western Chick Pea Tick Roastery The chick pea tick is a species of swarming tick that is common in the woodlands which surround the mountains of southern Keltia. When roasted, these unusual insects represent a popular snack food. The Western Chick Pea Tick Roastery is, with this said, the region's largest and oldest seller of packaged, roasted and flavored chick pea ticks. Food
Captive Sea Whaling Company Captive Sea Whaling Company Based out of the Port of Fort Carol, the Captive Sea Whaling Company is a community of whale ranchers who specialize in the ethical and sustainable production of whale meat, which is consumed in abundance across the Haifo-Pallisican Imperial Trade Union. Food
Marshmallow Merchants of Captivity Marshmallow Merchants of Captivity The Marshmallow Merchants of Captivity are a collective of confenctioners based in Fort Carol who specialize in the production of giant salt water marshmallows, a favorite delicacy of Bassarid citizens across the Trade Union. Food
Virginoan Tea Seamen Company Virginoan Tea Seamen Company Headquartered in the Passasian city of Bel-Air, the Virginoan Tea Seamen Company is a community of retired New Zimian Merchant Marines who now devote their lives to overseeing the import of fine foreign tea into the Bassarid market. Food

Mining/Energy/Manufacturing Sectors

Company Flag Company Name Company Description Company Type Notes
Preservation Hydroelectric Power Plant Preservation Hydroelectric Power Plant Located along the Rodinan River in the northern reaches of the Region of Passas, the Preservation Hydroelectric Powerplant was originally conceived in the late 35.80's PSSC, as part of an effort by the government of Passio-Corum to restore and rebuild regional infrastructure in southwestern Keltia in the aftermath of the Hammish Civil War. Today, Preservation Hydroelectric Power Plant uses state of the art technology to provide electricity to cities and rural communities across much of the Keltian continent. Energy
Trans-Rodinan Granite Agency Trans-Rodinan Granite Agency Founded in the early 35.90's PSSC in response to a growing need for stone following the conclusion of the Hammish Civil War, the Trans-Rodinan Granite Agency is responsible for the operation of a handful of large granite quarries in the Laceran Mountains. Misc.
Cherusken Metal Exports Cherusken Metal Exports Created in an effort to foster industry in Passas and surrounding regions, the Chelkran Metal Export Company oversees the extraction and export of gold from the island of Chelkran Kesh, in Southwestern Keltia. Misc.
Carol Stream Oil Carol Stream Oil Established in the early 860's WG, Carol Stream Oil oversees the export of oil from the Captive Sea and northern Eura. Carol Stream Oil is Pallisica's oldest brand, insofar as it has been in relatively continuous use since the days of the Republic of Passas. Energy.
Keltian Drilling and Exploration Agency Keltian Drilling and Exploration Agency Established in 866 WG, the Cherusken Fishing Company is the largest employer of fishermen in the region of Lake Cherusken, in Southern Keltia. Food -
East Keltian Timber Company East Keltian Timber Company The first company established under the reign of the Pallisican ruler Opyeme Amor, and the first company established following Pallisican unification, the East Keltian Timber Company oversees the export of timber from the ancient Passasian colonial city of New Kingsland, in southeastern Keltia. The company was established around the turn of the year 905 WG, as part of a joint investment between the New Zimian War League, the Protectorate of the Wallis Islands, and the government of Passas. Misc. -
Salonigrad Automobiles Factory Salonigrad Automobiles Factory The Graecian-based Salonigrad Automobiles Factory is among the leading manufacturers of cars, trucks and SUV's on the Port of Vines Misc. -

Service and Other Sectors

Company Flag Company Name Company Description Company Type Notes
Spronevandíe Border Patrol Agency Spronevandíe Border Patrol Agency Established in the immediate aftermath of a period of sectarian violence against Pallisican and Haifan practitioners of the Stripping Path in Caputia, the Spronevandíe Border Patrol Agency is responsible for monitoring the border between the region of southern former Caputia and Passas Intelligence/Other
West-Trinity Keltian Railway Corporation West-Trinity Keltian Railway Corporation Originally conceived in the late 35.90's PSSC following the collapse of Alexandrian land-holdings in southern Keltia, the West-Trinity Keltian Railway Corporation is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the nearly 8,000 kilometers of railway which span between the Pallisican cities of Port Trinibelle and Zidü Wéazde. The rails which are operated by the West-Trinity Railway Corporation are defended by the Railway Archer Regiments. Misc. West-Trinity Keltian Railway Corporation
TeamGreenSea.png Team Green Sea Team Green Sea is a community of pirates formerly affiliated with the Tax Guild of the Sea of Storms and the Maritime Free Republic of Fishermen, which began operating in the waters off the island of Niijima following an increase in tensions between the Haifo-Pallisican Imperial Trade Union and Hoenn in 39.02 PSSC. Misc.
Tax Guild of the Sea of Storms Tax Guild of the Sea of Storms Established in the late 870s WG the Tax Guild of the Sea of Storms oversees the taxation of vessels representing nations unfriendly to Passio-Corum, who seek harbor in the port cities of the Sea of Storms.

Tax Guild of the Great Western Sea

A branch of the Tax Guild of the Sea of Storms, the Tax Guild of the Great Western Sea was established in the early 36.60's on the basis of an effort to undermine the Shireithian support for Sea-Reavers operating in the Great Western Sea and eastern Taylor Bay during the War of Lost Brothers. To this end, the Tax Guild of the Great Western Sea began its operations by attempting to employ Shireithian pirates who ostensibly pledged their willingness to exchange plunder for Pallisican and USSO wages. Although they did not significantly curb the looting of USSO ships during the War of Lost Brothers, the efforts of the Tax Guild to provide payment for Sea-Reavers in the Great Western Sea resulted in a considerable increase in attacks against ships carrying goods between the Shireithian mainland and the colony of New Blackstone. Despite their reputation for fierce loyalty, this increase in attacks served to demonstrate that even Shireroth's auxiliaries, who traveled with the Shireithian Sea-Reavers, could be bought for the right price. Lacking the opportunity to enjoy financial incentives offered by Shireroth or its allies, these turned auxiliaries proved highly valuable assets in the campaign to stifle Shireithian influence in the Great Western Sea. Following the dissolution of Shireroth's empire, the role of the Tax Guild of the Great Western Sea was reduced as vessels representing the organization shifted their focus to monitoring ships flying under the banners of Batavia.

Intelligence/Other -
Riverfront-Mylecian Regional Highway Riverfront-Mylecian Regional Highway Formally constructed in the late 36.70's PSSC as part of an effort to offset the impact of the Bombardment of Blore Heath, the Riverfront-Mylecian Regional Highway represents the primary land-based trade route between the southern Strait of Haifa and Lake Cherusken. Misc. Riverfront-Mylecian Regional Highway
Valarion Fleet Valarion Fleet Established in 41.75, the Valarion Fleet is a collective of Bassarid pirates who took to the high seas following the collapse of Gran Verionia in southern Keltia, and who earn their fortunes plundering that short-lived empire's coastal communities. Following its admittance to the Alliance of the Bassarid Oceans, the Valarion Fleet was condemned by the Council of Courts for its role as a leader in human trafficking. Misc.
International Anti-Piracy League International Anti-Piracy League - Keltian Branch The International Anti-Piracy League is a community of pirate hunters established in 41.87 PSSC at the behest of the Bassarid Empress, which leads global efforts to rid the seas of Micras from the scourge of piracy. Misc.
DeeFloralCoastCompany DeeFloral Coast Company The DeeFloral Coast Company is a company of Bassarid sea-raiders who operate in the southern Dyre Staits and the northern reaches of the North Raynor Sea. Misc.

Product and Price Listing

Agricultural Sector

Product or Service Producing Company Base Price (Units/Share) Tier III Investments (Units/Share) Tier-II Investments (Units/Share) Tier-I Investments (Units/Share)
Cows Southern Laceran Livestock Agency 1.32 0.264 0.726 1.188
Goats Southern Laceran Livestock Agency 2.31 0.462 1.2705 2.079
Sheep Southern Laceran Livestock Agency 1.98 0.396 1.089 1.782
Pigs Southern Laceran Livestock Agency 1.848 0.3696 1.0164 1.6632
Chickens Southern Laceran Livestock Agency 6.6 1.32 3.63 5.94
Turkeys Southern Laceran Livestock Agency 5.28 1.056 2.904 4.752
Horses Southern Laceran Livestock Agency 0.99 0.198 0.5445 0.891
Fish Captive Sea Imperial Trade Company 2.31 0.462 1.2705 2.079
Wheat Passasian Agricultural Exports 16.5 3.3 9.075 14.85
Oats Passasian Agricultural Exports 6.6 1.32 3.63 5.94
Cereal Passasian Agricultural Exports 9.9 1.98 5.445 8.91
Hay Passasian Agricultural Exports 19.8 3.96 10.89 17.82
Tropical Fruit Wiham Fruit Exports 3.96 0.792 2.178 3.564
Fish Cherusken Fishing Company 0.99 0.198 0.5445 0.891
Assorted Vegetables Seed of the East Agricultural Exports 1.98 0.396 1.089 1.782
Assorted Nuts Seed of the East Agricultural Exports 3.3 0.66 1.815 2.97
Assorted Oils Seed of the East Agricultural Exports 4.62 0.924 2.541 4.158
Pearls Anterran Imports and Services 0.99 0.198 0.5445 0.891
Abalone Anterran Imports and Services 3.3 0.66 1.815 2.97
Coffee Belcourt Coffee Traders 5.28 1.056 2.904 4.752
Hemp Fiber Captive Mountain Hemp Traders 19.8 3.96 10.89 17.82
Hemp Oil Captive Mountain Hemp Traders 5.52 1.104 3.036 2.208
Hemp Paper Captive Mountain Hemp Traders 4.6 0.920 2.530 1.840
Stone Urchin Meat Mountain Urchin Harvesting Company 2.3 0.460 1.265 0.920
Stone Urchin Broth Mountain Urchin Harvesting Company 4.6 0.920 2.530 1.840
Original Chick Pea Tick Western Chick Pea Tick Roastery 11.04 2.208 6.072 4.416
BBQ Flavored Chick Pea Tick Western Chick Pea Tick Roastery 7.36 1.472 4.048 2.944
Sea-Salt Flavored Chick Pea Tick Western Chick Pea Tick Roastery 14.72 2.944 8.096 5.888
Guacamole Flavored Chick Pea Tick Western Chick Pea Tick Roastery 22.08 4.416 12.144 8.832
Sour Cream and Onion Chick Pea Tick Western Chick Pea Tick Roastery 5.52 1.104 3.036 2.208

Mining/Manufacturing/Energy Sectors

Product or Service Producing Company Base Price (Units/Share) Tier III Investments (Units/Share) Tier-II Investments (Units/Share) Tier-I Investments (Units/Share)
Electricity Preservation Hydroelectric Powerplant 960.00000 192 528 864
Granite Trans-Rodinan Granite Agency 4.80000 0.96 2.64 4.32
Gold Chrusken Metal Exports 0.13600 0.0272 0.0748 0.1224
Oil Carol Stream Oil 10.00000 2 5.5 9
Natural Gas Keltian Drilling and Exploration Agency 1.00000 0.2 0.55 0.9
Timber East Keltian Timber Company 7.04000 1.408 3.872 6.336
Esper Class Aircraft Carrier Shirley Stock Fund 0.00001 0.0000016 0.0000044 0.0000072
Kesh Class Modern Attack Submarine Shirley Stock Fund 0.00007 0.00001333333333 0.00003666666667 0.00006
Indigo Class Gunboat Shirley Stock Fund 0.00033 0.00006666666667 0.0001833333333 0.0003
Bijeko Class Attack Craft Shirley Stock Fund 0.00010 0.00002 0.000055 0.00009
Alpha Class Proximity Aircraft Shirley Stock Fund 0.00067 0.0001333333333 0.0003666666667 0.0006
Aead Class Attack Helicopter Shirley Stock Fund 0.00133 0.0002666666667 0.0007333333333 0.0012
Zibertian Class Cruiser Shirley Stock Fund 0.00003 0.000005714285714 0.00001571428571 0.00001142857143
Northman Class Corvette Shirley Stock Fund 0.00013 0.00002666666667 0.00007333333333 0.00005333333333
Rey Class Submersible Destroyer Shirley Stock Fund 0.00007 0.00001333333333 0.00003666666667 0.00002666666667
Simia Class Battle Tank Shirley Stock Fund 0.00200 0.0004 0.0011 0.0008
Nuncrest Class Armored Infantry Shirley Stock Fund 0.00400 0.0008 0.0022 0.0016
Ossyo Class Armored Anti-Aircraft Shirley Stock Fund 0.00500 0.001 0.00275 0.002
Lucinspire Class Heavy Tank Shirley Stock Fund 0.00200 0.0004 0.0011 0.0008
Empire Class Light Tank Shirley Stock Fund 0.00286 0.0005714285714 0.001571428571 0.001142857143
Petal Class Unmanned Aircraft Shirley Stock Fund 0.00500 0.001 0.00275 0.002
P62 Rifle Shirley Stock Fund 1.33333 0.2666666667 0.7333333333 0.5333333333
p62 Rifle W/Grenade Launcher Shirley Stock Fund 1.00000 0.2 0.55 0.4
P62 Commando Shirley Stock Fund 0.86957 0.1739130435 0.4782608696 0.347826087
P62 Covert Shirley Stock Fund 0.80000 0.16 0.44 0.32
Shirley 9mm Pistol Shirley Stock Fund 2.00000 0.4 1.1 0.8
P29 Sniper Rifle Shirley Stock Fund 0.5 0.1 0.275 0.2
836-C "83-SixtyC" Compound Intercept Shirley Stock Fund 0.00133 0.0002666666667 0.0007333333333 0.0005333333333
Momiji Class Orbital Destroyer Shirley Stock Fund 0.00001 0.000002666666667 0.000007333333333 0.000005333333333
Antractic Class Sea Bomber Shirley Stock Fund 0.00100 0.0002 0.00055 0.0004

Service and Other Sectors

Product or Service Producing Company Base Price (Units/Share) Tier III Investments (Units/Share) Tier-II Investments (Units/Share) Tier-I Investments (Units/Share)
Border Patrol Agents Spronevandie Border Patrol Agency 0.02295 0.00459 0.0126225 0.020655
Rail West-Trinity Keltian Railway Corporation 0.01692 0.003384 0.009306 0.015228
Polis Team Green Sea 0.855 0.171 0.47025 0.7695
Ransomed Captives Team Green Sea 0.0315 0.0063 0.017325 0.02835
Turned Informants Team Green Sea 0.0495 0.0099 0.027225 0.04455
Captured Vessels Team Green Sea 0.0045 0.0009 0.002475 0.00405
Liberated Majuu Team Green Sea 0.135 0.027 0.07425 0.1215
Polis Tax Guild of the Sea of Storms 1.035 0.207 0.56925 0.9315
Polis Tax Guild of the Great Western Sea 1.17 0.234 0.6435 1.053
Highway Riverfront-Mylecian Regional Highway 0.018 0.0036 0.0099 0.0162

Investor Rankings

Tier I Investors

The Port of Southern Keltiania's Tier I Regional Investors are those who own at least 2% more than average holdings (2.86% as of 41.66 PSSC).

Regional Investor Shares Owned % of Owned Shares
NewZimGov 19049 9.15%
Wallis Island 14850 7.13%
Tahna-Baru 10750 5.16%
Passas 13150 6.31%
Zibertian 14200 6.82%
Vaeringheim 17750 8.52%
Jingdao 20000 9.60%
Krasnocoria 16000 7.68%

Production Summary

NewZimGov Wallis Island Tahna-Baru Passas Zibertian Vaeringheim Jingdao
19049 14850 10750 13150 14200 17750 20000
Agricultural Sector
Cows 22,630 17,642 12,771 15,622 16,870 21,087 23,760
Goats 39,603 30,873 22,349 27,339 29,522 36,902 41,580
Sheep 33,945 26,463 19,157 23,433 25,304 31,631 35,640
Pigs 31,682 24,699 17,879 21,871 23,617 29,522 33,264
Chickens 113,151 88,209 63,855 78,111 84,348 105,435 118,800
Turkeys 90,521 70,567 51,084 62,489 67,478 84,348 95,040
Horses 16,973 13,231 9,578 11,717 12,652 15,815 17,820
Fish 39,603 30,873 22,349 27,339 29,522 36,902 41,580
Wheat 282,878 220,523 159,638 195,278 210,870 263,588 297,000
Oats 113,151 88,209 63,855 78,111 84,348 105,435 118,800
Cereal 169,727 132,314 95,783 117,167 126,522 158,153 178,200
Hay 339,453 264,627 191,565 234,333 253,044 316,305 356,400
Tropical Fruit 67,891 52,925 38,313 46,867 50,609 63,261 71,280
Fish 16,973 13,231 9,578 11,717 12,652 15,815 17,820
Assorted Vegetables 33,945 26,463 19,157 23,433 25,304 31,631 35,640
Assorted Nuts 56,576 44,105 31,928 39,056 42,174 52,718 59,400
Assorted Oils 79,206 61,746 44,699 54,678 59,044 73,805 83,160
Pearls 16,973 13,231 9,578 11,717 12,652 15,815 17,820
Abalone 56,576 44,105 31,928 39,056 42,174 52,718 59,400
Coffee 90,521 70,567 51,084 62,489 67,478 84,348 95,040
Hemp Fiber 339,453 264,627 191,565 234,333 253,044 316,305 356,400
Hemp Oil 42,060 32,789 23,736 29,035 31,354 39,192 44,160
Hemp Paper 35,050 27,324 19,780 24,196 26,128 32,660 36,800
Stone Urchin Meat 17,525 13,662 9,890 12,098 13,064 16,330 18,400
Stone Urchin Broth 35,050 27,324 19,780 24,196 26,128 32,660 36,800
Original Chick Pea Tick 84,120 65,578 47,472 58,070 62,707 78,384 88,320
BBQ Flavored Chick Pea Tick 56,080 43,718 31,648 38,714 41,805 52,256 58,880
Sea-Salt Flavored Chick Pea Tick 112,161 87,437 63,296 77,427 83,610 104,512 117,760
Guacamole Flavored Chick Pea Tick 168,241 131,155 94,944 116,141 125,414 156,768 176,640
Sour Cream and Onion Chick Pea Tick 42,060 32,789 23,736 29,035 31,354 39,192 44,160
Mining/Manufacturing/Energy Sectors
Electricity 16,458,336 12,830,400 9,288,000 11,361,600 12,268,800 15,336,000 17,280,000
Granite 82,292 64,152 46,440 56,808 61,344 76,680 86,400
Gold 2,332 1,818 1,316 1,610 1,738 2,173 2,448
Oil 171,441 133,650 96,750 118,350 127,800 159,750 180,000
Natural Gas 17,144 13,365 9,675 11,835 12,780 15,975 18,000
Timber 120,694 94,090 68,112 83,318 89,971 112,464 126,720
Esper Class Aircraft Carrier 0.14 0.11 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.13 0
Kesh Class Modern Attack Submarine 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Indigo Class Gunboat 6 4 3 4 4 5 6
Bijeko Class Attack Craft 2 1 1 1 1 2 2
Alpha Class Proximity Aircraft 11 9 6 8 9 11 12
Aead Class Attack Helicopter 23 18 13 16 17 21 24
Zibertian Class Cruiser 0.22 0.17 0.12 0.15 0.16 0.20 0.23
Northman Class Corvette 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Rey Class Submersible Destroyer 1 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 1
Simia Class Battle Tank 15 12 9 11 11 14 16
Nuncrest Class Armored Infantry 30 24 17 21 23 28 32
Ossyo Class Armored Anti-Aircraft 38 30 22 26 28 36 40
Lucinspire Class Heavy Tank 15 12 9 11 11 14 16
Empire Class Light Tank 22 17 12 15 16 20 23
Petal Class Unmanned Aircraft 38 30 22 26 28 36 40
P62 Rifle 10,159 7,920 5,733 7,013 7,573 9,467 10,667
p62 Rifle W/Grenade Launcher 7,620 5,940 4,300 5,260 5,680 7,100 8,000
P62 Commando 6,626 5,165 3,739 4,574 4,939 6,174 6,957
P62 Covert 6,096 4,752 3,440 4,208 4,544 5,680 6,400
Shirley 9mm Pistol 15,239 11,880 8,600 10,520 11,360 14,200 16,000
P29 Sniper Rifle 3,810 2,970 2,150 2,630 2,840 3,550 4,000
836-C "83-SixtyC" Compound Intercept 10 8 6 7 8 9 11
Momiji Class Orbital Destroyer 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0
Antractic Class Sea Bomber 8 6 4 5 6 7 8
Service and Other Sectors
Border Patrol Agents 393 307 222 272 293 367 413
Rail 290 226 164 200 216 270 305
Polis 14,658 11,427 8,272 10,119 10,927 13,659 15,390
Ransomed Captives 540 421 305 373 403 503 567
Turned Informants 849 662 479 586 633 791 891
Captured Vessels 77 60 44 53 58 72 81
Liberated Majuu 2,314 1,804 1,306 1,598 1,725 2,157 2,430
Polis 17,744 13,833 10,014 12,249 13,227 16,534 18,630
Polis 20,059 15,637 11,320 13,847 14,953 18,691 21,060
Highway 309 241 174 213 230 288 324
Total Units 19,603,020 15,281,896 11,062,652 13,532,454 14,612,992 18,266,240 20,581,678

Tier II Investors

The Port of Southern Keltiania's Tier I Regional Investors are those who own less than 2% more than average holdings (2.86% as of 41.66 PSSC).

Regional Investor Shares Owned % of Owned Shares
NewZimMil 8850 4.25%
Zimian 8900 4.27%
Passasian 5950 2.86%
Mycelia 6500 3.12%
Hatch Ministry 6000 2.88%

Production Summary

NewZimMil Zimian Passasian Mycelia Hatch Ministry
8850 8900 5950 6500 6000
Agricultural Sector
Cows 6,425 6,461 4,320 4,719 4,356
Goats 11,244 11,307 7,559 8,258 7,623
Sheep 9,638 9,692 6,480 7,079 6,534
Pigs 8,995 9,046 6,048 6,607 6,098
Chickens 32,126 32,307 21,599 23,595 21,780
Turkeys 25,700 25,846 17,279 18,876 17,424
Horses 4,819 4,846 3,240 3,539 3,267
Fish 11,244 11,307 7,559 8,258 7,623
Wheat 80,314 80,768 53,996 58,988 54,450
Oats 32,126 32,307 21,599 23,595 21,780
Cereal 48,188 48,461 32,398 35,393 32,670
Hay 96,377 96,921 64,796 70,785 65,340
Tropical Fruit 19,275 19,384 12,959 14,157 13,068
Fish 4,819 4,846 3,240 3,539 3,267
Assorted Vegetables 9,638 9,692 6,480 7,079 6,534
Assorted Nuts 16,063 16,154 10,799 11,798 10,890
Assorted Oils 22,488 22,615 15,119 16,517 15,246
Pearls 4,819 4,846 3,240 3,539 3,267
Abalone 16,063 16,154 10,799 11,798 10,890
Coffee 25,700 25,846 17,279 18,876 17,424
Hemp Fiber 96,377 96,921 64,796 70,785 65,340
Hemp Oil 26,869 27,020 18,064 19,734 18,216
Hemp Paper 22,391 22,517 15,054 16,445 15,180
Stone Urchin Meat 11,195 11,259 7,527 8,223 7,590
Stone Urchin Broth 22,391 22,517 15,054 16,445 15,180
Original Chick Pea Tick 53,737 54,041 36,128 39,468 36,432
BBQ Flavored Chick Pea Tick 35,825 36,027 24,086 26,312 24,288
Sea-Salt Flavored Chick Pea Tick 71,650 72,054 48,171 52,624 48,576
Guacamole Flavored Chick Pea Tick 107,474 108,082 72,257 78,936 72,864
Sour Cream and Onion Chick Pea Tick 26,869 27,020 18,064 19,734 18,216
Mining/Manufacturing/Energy Sectors
Granite 23,364 23,496 15,708 17,160 15,840
Gold 662 666 445 486 449
Oil 48,675 48,950 32,725 35,750 33,000
Natural Gas 4,868 4,895 3,273 3,575 3,300
Timber 34,267 34,461 23,038 25,168 23,232
Esper Class Aircraft Carrier 0 0 0 0 0
Kesh Class Modern Attack Submarine 0 0 0 0 0
Indigo Class Gunboat 2 2 1 1 1
Bijeko Class Attack Craft 0 0 0 0 0
Alpha Class Proximity Aircraft 3 3 2 2 2
Aead Class Attack Helicopter 6 7 4 5 4
Zibertian Class Cruiser 0 0 0 0 0
Northman Class Corvette 1 1 0 0 0
Rey Class Submersible Destroyer 0 0 0 0 0
Simia Class Battle Tank 10 10 7 7 7
Nuncrest Class Armored Infantry 19 20 13 14 13
Ossyo Class Armored Anti-Aircraft 24 24 16 18 17
Lucinspire Class Heavy Tank 10 10 7 7 7
Empire Class Light Tank 14 14 9 10 9
Petal Class Unmanned Aircraft 24 24 16 18 17
P62 Rifle 6,490 6,527 4,363 4,767 4,400
p62 Rifle W/Grenade Launcher 4,868 4,895 3,273 3,575 3,300
P62 Commando 4,233 4,257 2,846 3,109 2,870
P62 Covert 3,894 3,916 2,618 2,860 2,640
Shirley 9mm Pistol 9,735 9,790 6,545 7,150 6,600
P29 Sniper Rifle 2,434 2,448 1,636 1,788 1,650
836-C "83-SixtyC" Compound Intercept 6 7 4 5 4
Momiji Class Orbital Destroyer 0 0 0 0 0
Antractic Class Sea Bomber 5 5 3 4 3
Service and Other Sectors
Border Patrol Agents 112 112 75 82 76
Rail 82 83 55 60 56
Polis 4,162 4,185 2,798 3,057 2,822
Ransomed Captives 153 154 103 113 104
Turned Informants 241 242 162 177 163
Captured Vessels 22 22 15 16 15
Liberated Majuu 657 661 442 483 446
Polis 5,038 5,066 3,387 3,700 3,416
Polis 5,695 5,727 3,829 4,183 3,861
Highway 88 88 59 64 59
Total Units 1,120,699 1,127,031 753,464 823,112 759,796

Tier III Investors

The Port of Southern Keltiania's Tier I Regional Investors are those who own less than average holdings (2.86% as of 41.66 PSSC).

Regional Investor Shares Owned % of Owned Shares
Center 5175 2.48%
East 4030 1.93%
West 5250 2.52%
Temple 4400 2.11%
NAPI 4045 1.94%
Bayen 4525 2.17%
Redwood 2820 1.35%
East Eura 3900 1.87%
Merchant 1650 0.79%
Anterran 2850 1.37%
Corum Elec. 700 0.34%
Commonwealth Diaspora 500 0.24%
River Erik 1500 0.72%
Pretender 5000 2.40%

Production Summary

Center East West Temple NAPI Bayen Redwood East Eura Merchant Anterran Corum Elec. Commonwealth Diaspora River Erik
5175 4030 5250 4400 4045 4525 2820 3900 1650 2850 700 500 1500
Agricultural Sector
Cows 1,366 1,064 1,386 1,162 1,068 1,195 744 1,030 436 752 185 132 396
Goats 2,391 1,862 2,426 2,033 1,869 2,091 1,303 1,802 762 1,317 323 231 693
Sheep 2,049 1,596 2,079 1,742 1,602 1,792 1,117 1,544 653 1,129 277 198 594
Pigs 1,913 1,489 1,940 1,626 1,495 1,672 1,042 1,441 610 1,053 259 185 554
Chickens 6,831 5,320 6,930 5,808 5,339 5,973 3,722 5,148 2,178 3,762 924 660 1,980
Turkeys 5,465 4,256 5,544 4,646 4,272 4,778 2,978 4,118 1,742 3,010 739 528 1,584
Horses 1,025 798 1,040 871 801 896 558 772 327 564 139 99 297
Fish 2,391 1,862 2,426 2,033 1,869 2,091 1,303 1,802 762 1,317 323 231 693
Wheat 17,078 13,299 17,325 14,520 13,349 14,933 9,306 12,870 5,445 9,405 2,310 1,650 4,950
Oats 6,831 5,320 6,930 5,808 5,339 5,973 3,722 5,148 2,178 3,762 924 660 1,980
Cereal 10,247 7,979 10,395 8,712 8,009 8,960 5,584 7,722 3,267 5,643 1,386 990 2,970
Hay 20,493 15,959 20,790 17,424 16,018 17,919 11,167 15,444 6,534 11,286 2,772 1,980 5,940
Tropical Fruit 4,099 3,192 4,158 3,485 3,204 3,584 2,233 3,089 1,307 2,257 554 396 1,188
Fish 1,025 798 1,040 871 801 896 558 772 327 564 139 99 297
Assorted Vegetables 2,049 1,596 2,079 1,742 1,602 1,792 1,117 1,544 653 1,129 277 198 594
Assorted Nuts 3,416 2,660 3,465 2,904 2,670 2,987 1,861 2,574 1,089 1,881 462 330 990
Assorted Oils 4,782 3,724 4,851 4,066 3,738 4,181 2,606 3,604 1,525 2,633 647 462 1,386
Pearls 1,025 798 1,040 871 801 896 558 772 327 564 139 99 297
Abalone 3,416 2,660 3,465 2,904 2,670 2,987 1,861 2,574 1,089 1,881 462 330 990
Coffee 5,465 4,256 5,544 4,646 4,272 4,778 2,978 4,118 1,742 3,010 739 528 1,584
Hemp Fiber 20,493 15,959 20,790 17,424 16,018 17,919 11,167 15,444 6,534 11,286 2,772 1,980 5,940
Hemp Oil 5,713 4,449 5,796 4,858 4,466 4,996 3,113 4,306 1,822 3,146 773 552 1,656
Hemp Paper 4,761 3,708 4,830 4,048 3,721 4,163 2,594 3,588 1,518 2,622 644 460 1,380
Stone Urchin Meat 2,381 1,854 2,415 2,024 1,861 2,082 1,297 1,794 759 1,311 322 230 690
Stone Urchin Broth 4,761 3,708 4,830 4,048 3,721 4,163 2,594 3,588 1,518 2,622 644 460 1,380
Original Chick Pea Tick 11,426 8,898 11,592 9,715 8,931 9,991 6,227 8,611 3,643 6,293 1,546 1,104 3,312
BBQ Flavored Chick Pea Tick 7,618 5,932 7,728 6,477 5,954 6,661 4,151 5,741 2,429 4,195 1,030 736 2,208
Sea-Salt Flavored Chick Pea Tick 15,235 11,864 15,456 12,954 11,908 13,322 8,302 11,482 4,858 8,390 2,061 1,472 4,416
Guacamole Flavored Chick Pea Tick 22,853 17,796 23,184 19,430 17,863 19,982 12,453 17,222 7,286 12,586 3,091 2,208 6,624
Sour Cream and Onion Chick Pea Tick 5,713 4,449 5,796 4,858 4,466 4,996 3,113 4,306 1,822 3,146 773 552 1,656
Mining/Manufacturing/Energy Sectors
Electricity 993,600 773,760 1,008,000 844,800 776,640 868,800 541,440 748,800 316,800 547,200 134,400 96,000 288,000
Granite 4,968 3,869 5,040 4,224 3,883 4,344 2,707 3,744 1,584 2,736 672 480 1,440
Gold 141 110 143 120 110 123 77 106 45 78 19 14 41
Oil 10,350 8,060 10,500 8,800 8,090 9,050 5,640 7,800 3,300 5,700 1,400 1,000 3,000
Natural Gas 1,035 806 1,050 880 809 905 564 780 330 570 140 100 300
Timber 7,286 5,674 7,392 6,195 5,695 6,371 3,971 5,491 2,323 4,013 986 704 2,112
Esper Class Aircraft Carrier 0.008 0.006 0.008 0.007 0.006 0.007 0.005 0.006 0.003 0.005 0.001 0.001 0.002
Kesh Class Modern Attack Submarine 0.069 0.054 0.070 0.059 0.054 0.060 0.038 0.052 0.022 0.038 0.009 0.007 0.020
Indigo Class Gunboat 0.345 0.269 0.350 0.293 0.270 0.302 0.188 0.260 0.110 0.190 0.047 0.033 0.100
Bijeko Class Attack Craft 0.104 0.081 0.105 0.088 0.081 0.091 0.056 0.078 0.033 0.057 0.014 0.010 0.030
Alpha Class Proximity Aircraft 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0.22 0.38 0.09 0.07 0.20
Aead Class Attack Helicopter 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.4 1 0.187 0.133 0.400
Zibertian Class Cruiser 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.004 0.003 0.009
Northman Class Corvette 0.14 0.11 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.08 0.10 0.04 0.08 0.019 0.013 0.040
Rey Class Submersible Destroyer 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.009 0.007 0.020
Simia Class Battle Tank 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 0.3 0.2 1
Nuncrest Class Armored Infantry 4 3 4 4 3 4 2 3 1 2 1 0.40 1
Ossyo Class Armored Anti-Aircraft 5 4 5 4 4 5 3 4 2 3 1 1 2
Lucinspire Class Heavy Tank 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 0.3 0.2 1
Empire Class Light Tank 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 0.4 0.3 1
Petal Class Unmanned Aircraft 5 4 5 4 4 5 3 4 2 3 1 1 2
P62 Rifle 1,380 1,075 1,400 1,173 1,079 1,207 752 1,040 440 760 187 133 400
p62 Rifle W/Grenade Launcher 1,035 806 1,050 880 809 905 564 780 330 570 140 100 300
P62 Commando 900 701 913 765 703 787 490 678 287 496 122 87 261
P62 Covert 828 645 840 704 647 724 451 624 264 456 112 80 240
Shirley 9mm Pistol 2,070 1,612 2,100 1,760 1,618 1,810 1,128 1,560 660 1,140 280 200 600
P29 Sniper Rifle 518 403 525 440 405 453 282 390 165 285 70 50 150
836-C "83-SixtyC" Compound Intercept 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.4 1 0.2 0.1 0.4
Momiji Class Orbital Destroyer 0.014 0.011 0.014 0.012 0.011 0.012 0.01 0.01 0.004 0.008 0.002 0.001 0.004
Antractic Class Sea Bomber 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.3 1 0.1 0.1 0.3
Service and Other Sectors
Border Patrol Agents 24 18 24 20 19 21 13 18 8 13 3 2 7
Rail 18 14 18 15 14 15 10 13 6 10 2 2 5
Polis 885 689 898 752 692 774 482 667 282 487 120 86 257
Ransomed Captives 33 25 33 28 25 29 18 25 10 18 4 3 9
Turned Informants 51 40 52 44 40 45 28 39 16 28 7 5 15
Captured Vessels 5 4 5 4 4 4 3 4 1 3 1 0 1
Liberated Majuu 140 109 142 119 109 122 76 105 45 77 19 14 41
Polis 1,071 834 1,087 911 837 937 584 807 342 590 145 104 311
Polis 1,211 943 1,229 1,030 947 1,059 660 913 386 667 164 117 351
Highway 19 15 19 16 15 16 10 14 6 10 3 2 5
Total Units 1,231,900 959,334 1,249,753 1,047,412 962,905 1,077,168 671,296 928,388 392,780 678,437 166,634 119,024 357,072

Overall Production Summary

(Copy to clipboard)

Product Total Units
Agricultural Sector
Cows 168,898
Goats 295,572
Sheep 253,347
Pigs 236,457
Chickens 844,490
Turkeys 675,592
Horses 126,674
Fish 295,572
Wheat 2,111,226
Oats 844,490
Cereal 1,266,736
Hay 2,533,471
Tropical Fruit 506,694
Fish 126,674
Assorted Vegetables 253,347
Assorted Nuts 422,245
Assorted Oils 591,143
Pearls 126,674
Abalone 422,245
Coffee 675,592
Hemp Fiber 2,533,471
Hemp Oil 403,394
Hemp Paper 336,162
Stone Urchin Meat 168,081
Stone Urchin Broth 336,162
Original Chick Pea Tick 806,788
BBQ Flavored Chick Pea Tick 537,858
Sea-Salt Flavored Chick Pea Tick 1,075,717
Guacamole Flavored Chick Pea Tick 1,613,575
Sour Cream and Onion Chick Pea Tick 403,394
Mining/Manufacturing/Energy Sectors
Electricity 103,721,376
Granite 614,175
Gold 17,402
Oil 1,279,531
Natural Gas 127,953
Timber 900,790
Esper Class Aircraft Carrier 1
Kesh Class Modern Attack Submarine 9
Indigo Class Gunboat 43
Bijeko Class Attack Craft 13
Alpha Class Proximity Aircraft 85
Aead Class Attack Helicopter 171
Zibertian Class Cruiser 2
Northman Class Corvette 10
Rey Class Submersible Destroyer 5
Simia Class Battle Tank 146
Nuncrest Class Armored Infantry 292
Ossyo Class Armored Anti-Aircraft 365
Lucinspire Class Heavy Tank 146
Empire Class Light Tank 209
Petal Class Unmanned Aircraft 365
P62 Rifle 97,438
p62 Rifle W/Grenade Launcher 73,079
P62 Commando 63,547
P62 Covert 58,463
Shirley 9mm Pistol 146,157
P29 Sniper Rifle 36,539
836-C "83-SixtyC" Compound Intercept 97
Momiji Class Orbital Destroyer 1
Antractic Class Sea Bomber 73
Service and Other Sectors
Border Patrol Agents 2,937
Rail 2,165
Polis 109,400
Ransomed Captives 4,031
Turned Informants 6,334
Captured Vessels 576
Liberated Majuu 17,274
Polis 132,431
Polis 149,705
Highway 2,303
Total Units 128,557,380

Employment Statistics

Shirley Stock Fund Arms Manufacturing Capacity (Southern Port of Keltiania Branch)

The figures listed below reflect the total numbers of arms and munitions produced by the Shirley Stock Fund (Southern Port of Keltiania) based on current levels of investment and investment rankings.

Unit Number
Esper Class Aircraft Carrier 1
Kesh Class Modern Attack Submarine 9
Indigo Class Gunboat 45
Bijeko Class Attack Craft 14
Alpha Class Proximity Aircraft 90
Aead Class Attack Helicopter 181
Zibertian Class Cruiser 4
Northman Class Corvette 18
Rey Class Submersible Destroyer 9
Simia Class Battle Tank 271
Nuncrest Class Armored Infantry 542
Ossyo Class Armored Anti-Aircraft 678
Lucinspire Class Heavy Tank 271
Empire Class Light Tank 387
Petal Class Unmanned Aircraft 678
P62 Rifle 197,687
p62 Rifle W/Grenade Launcher 148,265
P62 Commando 137,409
P62 Covert 108,476
Shirley 9mm Pistol 271,190
P29 Sniper Rifle 67,798
836-C "83-SixtyC" Compound Intercept 181
Momiji Class Orbital Destroyer 2
Antractic Class Sea Bomber 148