Microvision August 2007: Difference between revisions

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No edit summary
(7 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 12: Line 12:
!width="25%"| English translation
!width="25%"| English translation
| [[File:Apiya flag.png|25px|border|Apiya]] [[microwiki:Kingdom of Apiya|Apiya]]
| {{team flag|Apiya|link=microwiki:Kingdom of Apiya}}
| ''Instrumental''
| ''Instrumental''
| Predrag Božović
| Predrag Božović
Line 18: Line 18:
| ''The Apiyan ballad''
| ''The Apiyan ballad''
| [[File:Bobalania flag.png|25px|border|Bobalania]] [[Bobalania]]
| {{team flag|Bobalania}}
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:The Beatles|The Beatles]]
| [[wikipedia:The Beatles|The Beatles]]
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| –
| –
| [[File:Craitland flag.png|25px|border|Craitland]] [[Craitland]]
| {{team flag|Craitland}}
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:Visage (band)|Visage]]
| [[wikipedia:Visage (band)|Visage]]
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| –
| –
| [[File:Durntkinstan flag old.png|25px|border|Durntkinstan]] [[Durntkinstan]]
| {{team flag|Durntkinstan||old}}
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:Saliva (band)|Saliva]]
| [[wikipedia:Saliva (band)|Saliva]]
Line 36: Line 36:
| –
| –
| [[File:Flag of Gosling.jpg|25px|border|Gosling]] [[Gosling]]
| {{team flag|Gosling}}
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:Hillsong United|Hillsong United]]
| [[wikipedia:Hillsong United|Hillsong United]]
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| –
| –
| [[File:Greenuk flag.png|25px|border|Greenuk]] [[Greenuk]]
| {{team flag|Greenuk}}
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| The Hussy's
| The Hussy's
Line 48: Line 48:
| –
| –
| [[File:Kavalos flag old.png|25px|border|Kavalos]] [[Kavalos]]
| {{team flag|Kavalos||old}}
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:Elena Paparizou|Helena Paparizou]]
| [[wikipedia:Elena Paparizou|Helena Paparizou]]
Line 54: Line 54:
| –
| –
| [[File:New brittania flag.png|25px|border|New Brittania]] [[New Brittania]]
| {{team flag|New Brittania}}
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:Arctic Monkeys|Arctic Monkeys]]
| [[wikipedia:Arctic Monkeys|Arctic Monkeys]]
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| –
| –
| [[File:New-empire flag.png|25px|border|New-Empire]] [[New-Empire]]
| {{team flag|New-Empire}}
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| Futuristic Sex Robotz
| Futuristic Sex Robotz
Line 66: Line 66:
| –
| –
| [[File:Ocia flag old 2.png|25px|border|Ocia]] [[Ocia]]
| {{team flag|Ocia||old 2}}
| [[wikipedia:Slovene language|Slovene]]
| [[wikipedia:Slovene language|Slovene]]
| [[wikipedia:Atomik Harmonik|Atomik Harmonik]]
| [[wikipedia:Atomik Harmonik|Atomik Harmonik]]
Line 72: Line 72:
| ''Beef soup''
| ''Beef soup''
| [[File:Oscland flag.png|25px|border|Oscland]] [[Oscland]]
| {{team flag|Oscland}}
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:Lemon Jelly|Lemon Jelly]]
| [[wikipedia:Lemon Jelly|Lemon Jelly]]
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| –
| –
| [[File:Flag of Pelorous.png|25px|border|Pelorous]] [[Pelorous]]
| {{team flag|Pelorous}}
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:Hard-Fi|Hard-Fi]]
| [[wikipedia:Hard-Fi|Hard-Fi]]
Line 84: Line 84:
| –
| –
| [[File:Col flag old.png|25px|border|USSC]] [[USSC]]
| {{team flag|USSC||old}}
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:English language|English]]
| [[wikipedia:The Beatles|The Beatles]]
| [[wikipedia:The Beatles|The Beatles]]
Line 99: Line 99:
!rowspan="2"| Pts.
!rowspan="2"| Pts.
![[File:Apiya flag.png|border|25px|Apiya]]
!{{team flag|Apiya|flag}}
![[File:Bobalania flag.png|border|25px|Bobalania]]
!{{team flag|Bobalania|flag}}
![[File:Craitland flag.png|border|25px|Craitland]]
!{{team flag|Craitland|flag}}
![[File:Durntkinstan flag old.png|border|25px|Durntkinstan]]
!{{team flag|Durntkinstan|flag|old}}
![[File:Flag of Gosling.jpg|border|25px|Gosling]]
!{{team flag|Gosling|flag}}
![[File:Greenuk flag.png|border|25px|Greenuk]]
!{{team flag|Greenuk|flag}}
![[File:Kavalos flag old.png|border|25px|Kavalos]]
!{{team flag|Kavalos|flag|old}}
![[File:New brittania flag.png|border|25px|New Brittania]]
!{{team flag|New Brittania|flag}}
![[File:New-empire flag.png|border|25px|New-Empire]]
!{{team flag|New-Empire|flag}}
![[File:Ocia flag old 2.png|border|25px|Ocia]]
!{{team flag|Ocia|flag|old 2}}
![[File:Oscland flag.png|border|25px|Oscland]]
!{{team flag|Oscland|flag}}
![[File:Flag of Pelorous.png|border|25px|Pelorous]]
!{{team flag|Pelorous|flag}}
![[File:Col flag old.png|border|25px|USSC]]
!{{team flag|USSC|flag|old}}
|bgcolor="ccffcc" align="center" style="font-weight:bold;"| 1
|bgcolor="ccffcc" align="center" style="font-weight:bold;"| 1
|bgcolor="ccffcc" style="font-weight:bold;"| [[File:New brittania flag.png|25px|border|New Brittania]] [[New Brittania]]
|bgcolor="ccffcc" style="font-weight:bold;"| {{team flag|New Brittania}}
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{{MV max|27}}
| [[File:Flag of Pelorous.png|25px|border|Pelorous]] [[Pelorous]]
| {{team flag|Pelorous}}
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{{MV max|5}}
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{{MV score|24}}
{{MV score|24}}
| [[File:Ocia flag old 2.png|25px|border|Ocia]] [[Ocia]]
| {{team flag|Ocia||old 2}}
{{MV max|5}}
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Line 165: Line 165:
| [[File:Greenuk flag.png|25px|border|Greenuk]] [[Greenuk]]
| {{team flag|Greenuk}}
{{MV score|3}}
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{{MV voting}}
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{{MV score|4}}
{{MV score|4}}
{{MV voting}}
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{{MV score|21}}
{{MV score|21}}
| [[File:Craitland flag.png|25px|border|Craitland]] [[Craitland]]
| {{team flag|Craitland}}
{{MV voting}}
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{{MV score|4}}
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{{MV score|4}}
{{MV score|19}}
{{MV score|19}}
| [[File:New-empire flag.png|25px|border|New-Empire]] [[New-Empire]]
| {{team flag|New-Empire}}
{{MV score|4}}
{{MV score|4}}
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{{MV score|18}}
| [[File:Oscland flag.png|25px|border|Oscland]] [[Oscland]]
| {{team flag|Oscland}}
{{MV voting}}
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{{MV score|}}
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{{MV score|16}}
{{MV score|16}}
| [[File:Flag of Gosling.jpg|25px|border|Gosling]] [[Gosling]]
| {{team flag|Gosling}}
{{MV score|1}}
{{MV score|1}}
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Line 250: Line 250:
| [[File:Bobalania flag.png|25px|border|Bobalania]] [[Bobalania]]
| {{team flag|Bobalania}}
{{MV voting}}
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{{MV voting}}
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{{MV score|2}}
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{{MV score|2}}
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{{MV score|11}}
{{MV score|11}}
| [[File:Apiya flag.png|25px|border|Apiya]] [[microwiki:Apiya|Apiya]]
| {{team flag|Apiya|link=microwiki:Kingdom of Apiya}}
{{MV voting}}
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{{MV score|1}}
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{{MV voting}}
{{MV score|}}
{{MV score|7}}<sup>1</sup>
{{MV score|7}}{{Cref2|A}}
| [[File:Kavalos flag old.png|25px|border|Kavalos]] [[Kavalos]]
| {{team flag|Kavalos||old}}
{{MV voting}}
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{{MV voting}}
{{MV score|}}
{{MV score|7}}
{{MV score|7}}
| [[File:Col flag old.png|25px|border|USSC]] [[USSC]]
| {{team flag|USSC||old}}
{{MV voting}}
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{{MV voting}}
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{{MV score|6}}
{{MV score|6}}
| [[File:Durntkinstan flag old.png|25px|border|Durntkinstan]] [[Durntkinstan]]
| {{team flag|Durntkinstan||old}}
{{MV voting}}
{{MV score|}}
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{{MV score|1}}
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{{MV score|5}}
{{MV score|5}}
<small><sup>1</sup>As per Microvision rules, Apiya was awarded two bonus points for both writing and performing its entry. The points tally reflects this addition.<small>
{{Cnote2 Begin|liststyle=disc}}
{{Cnote2|A|As per Microvision rules, Apiya was awarded two bonus points for both writing and performing its entry. The points tally reflects this addition.}}
{{Cnote2 End}}
{{Microvision Song Contest}}


Latest revision as of 22:57, 20 October 2020

The logo of the August 2007 Microvision competition, designed by New Brittania.

The August 2007 Microvision was the seventh hosting of the contest, and had a total of 13 entrants. It was held in Willow, New Brittania, and was won by New Brittania, which became the first nation to win consecutive contests.


Country Language Artist Song English translation
Apiya Apiya Instrumental Predrag Božović "Ļa Apiyano Baļadø" The Apiyan ballad
Bobalania Bobalania English The Beatles "Here Comes the Sun"
Craitland Craitland English Visage "Fade to Grey"
Durntkinstan Durntkinstan English Saliva "Click Click Boom"
Gosling Gosling English Hillsong United "What the World Will Never Take"
Greenuk Greenuk English The Hussy's "Napoleon Dynamite"
Kavalos Kavalos English Helena Paparizou "My Number One"
New Brittania New Brittania English Arctic Monkeys "Fluorescent Adolescent"
New-Empire New-Empire English Futuristic Sex Robotz "Back to the Future"
Ocia Ocia Slovene Atomik Harmonik "Goveja župca" Beef soup
Oscland Oscland English Lemon Jelly "Nice Weather for Ducks"
Pelorous Pelorous English Hard-Fi "Suburban Knights"
USSC USSC English The Beatles "Back in the U.S.S.R."


Pos. Country Voting Pts.
Apiya Bobalania Craitland Durntkinstan Gosling Greenuk Kavalos New Brittania New-Empire Ocia Oscland Pelorous USSC
1 New Brittania New Brittania 2 4 1 4 4 2 5 5 27
2 Pelorous Pelorous 5 3 5 5 3 1 2 24
3 Ocia Ocia 5 3 5 5 1 3 22
4 Greenuk Greenuk 3 4 1 5 4 4 21
5 Craitland Craitland 4 3 4 2 2 4 19
6 New-Empire New-Empire 4 3 3 1 5 2 18
7 Oscland Oscland 5 1 3 4 3 16
8 Gosling Gosling 1 2 4 1 5 1 14
9 Bobalania Bobalania 2 2 3 1 3 11
10 Apiya Apiya 1 4 7[A]
11 Kavalos Kavalos 2 3 2 7
12 USSC USSC 1 5 6
13 Durntkinstan Durntkinstan 1 2 2 5
  1. ^ A As per Microvision rules, Apiya was awarded two bonus points for both writing and performing its entry. The points tally reflects this addition.