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Language family
  • Language

Template documentation

Template:Infobox language

This template is used to create an infobox for language-related articles. It is designed to present detailed information about a language, such as its native name, speakers, language family, writing system, and more.


To use this template, copy and paste the blank example below into your article and fill in the appropriate parameters. Parameters left blank will not be displayed in the infobox.

Blank Example

{{Infobox language
| Name           = 
| NativeName     = 
| altname        = 
| altname2       = 
| image          = 
| caption        = 
| Pronunciation  = 
| NationSpoken   = 
| region         = 
| ethnicity      = 
| Speakers       = 
| LangFamily     = 
| WritingSystem  = 
| Source         = 
| EarlyForm      = 
| dialects       = 
| NationOfficial = 
| minority       = 
| LangRegulator  = 
| ISO639Codes    = 
| map            = 
| map2           = 
| module         = 

Filled Example

Alexandrian Common Tongue
Standard Alexandrian
Pronunciation /əˈlɛk.sən.dri.ən/
Spoken natively in Nouvelle Alexandrie
Ethnicity Alexandrians
Number of speakers Approximately 628 million
Language family


  • Alexandrian
Writing system Audente alphabet
Source Derived from Madlandian, Audente
Old Alexandrian
Middle Alexandrian
Modern Alexandrian
Official status
Official language in
Recognised minority
language in
Recognized minority language in Shireroth Shireroth
Regulated by Académie Alexandrienne
Language codes
MOS-9 codes ALX


Below are the parameters available for the template:

  • Name: The name of the language.
  • NativeName: The native name of the language.
  • altname, altname2: Alternative names for the language.
  • Pronunciation: The phonetic pronunciation of the language.
  • NationSpoken: Countries or regions where the language is spoken natively.
  • region: The geographic region where the language is spoken.
  • ethnicity: The ethnicity associated with the language.
  • Speakers: The number of speakers.
  • LangFamily: The language family.
  • WritingSystem: The writing system(s) used for the language.
  • Source: Source or origin of the language.
  • EarlyForm: Any early forms of the language.
  • dialects: List of dialects.
  • NationOfficial: Nations or regions where the language is an official language.
  • minority: Recognized minority languages.
  • LangRegulator: The organization or agency that regulates the language.
  • ISO639Codes: Language codes for the language.
  • map, map2: Maps showing the geographic distribution of the language.
  • module: Any additional content or modules to be displayed.