Company of Merchant Adventurers to New Lands

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Political map of Niijima, with the blue parts under the Order of the Holy Lakes sovereignty and orange parts under Constancian sovereignties. Excepting Augustinium (Kanse County), the counties within the Constancian zone of control fall within the gift of the company, to disburse amongst its investors and settlers as it sees fit.

The Company of Merchant Adventurers to New Lands is a corporation registered under the authority of the Thema Oranjesion of the Imperial State of Constancia, in accordance with Imperial Constancian law. It is administered by a Governor and a Court of Directors.


The following advertisement was published in The Economic Intelligencer, the newspaper of commercial record in The Imperial State of Constancia:

The Company of Merchant Adventurers to New Lands, registered under the authority of the Thema Oranjesion of the Imperial State of Constancia, in accordance with Imperial Constancian law, announced today, 22.I.1690, that it was seeking individual members of the public who were interested in investing 9,301,000 Natopos in exchange for 1 share of the Company, to which the shareholder would be receive 1,000 acres of land of the Company. The Company has made it a rule that only shareholders of the Company are permitted to receive land of the Company, and that settlers of the land shall have inalienable rights to liberty of worship. The Company shall govern the affairs of the land, to which shareholders, by virtue of being so, shall have inalienable seat, voice and vote at the Annual General Assembly and election of the Court of Directors.

Upon complete subscription of the shares, admission to the Company will thereafter only be by patrimony, that is, being the eldest surviving legitimate, non-adoptive offspring of a person who was a shareholder at the time of the child's birth, and who subsequently lawfully inherited or purchased the aforesaid share; by being an employee of the Company and subsequently permitted and perfected purchase of a share, or by resolution of the Governor and Court of Directors of the Company - all of which who would be obliged to remit first a fee as set by resolution of the Governor and Court of Directors.

Interested parties may inquire further via message to the Secretary of the Company of Merchant Adventurers to New Lands.


Public disclosures revealed that the Company has issued 1 share each to the following individuals, corporations, and corporations sole: the Prince of Molivadia, the Princess of Arboria, the Lord of Delfinenstrand, Jaime Augustin Joaquin Primo de Aguilar, Esmeralda al-Osman de Aguilar, the Osman-Aguilar Holdings Corporation, and the Micras Chovgan-Tzykanion-Polo Federation.

Further public disclosures also indicate that the Company subscribed to 5,000,000,000 Natopos worth of asset-backed commercial paper of the Oranjesion Private Equity Capital corporation, a 6,000,000 Natopo cash deposit to an undisclosed brokerage account in the Constancian Commercial Exchange Corporation, as well as a donation of 800,000 to the Arboria Polo Federation, and another donation of 13,000 to the Imperial Constancian Tzykanion Association.

Implicated in the Iron Harbour Papers scandal of 1699.


The portion of territory on the island of Nijima under Constancian rule, known informally but nowhere officially as "Constancian Nijima", is administered in accordance with the policies of the Court of Directors of the Company and at its sole discretion.