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Elham al-Osman

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Elham al-Osman
File:Elham al-Osman.png
Physical information
Species Human
Race Babkhi
Gender Male
Biographical information
Date of birth 1693 AN (52 AN years)

Elham al-Osman, born in 1693 AN, is the youngest son of Daniyal Aurangzeb Kalirion-Osman, the former Szodan of Elluenuueq. Khan of Vijayanagara, and claimant of the title of Count Palatine of Mirioth and Amity from 1732 AN onwards.




Service career

In 1724, with the appointment of his elder brother Ismail al-Osman as Mesazon, he was seconded as a senior staff member, serving until the end of 1725.

In the fifth month of 1727 AN, following his elder brother's introduction to the Surenid court, and receipt of a firman confirming his appointment to as shahrbān (satrap) in the Suren Ostan, he followed to assist as well, as a senior staff member, serving until the eighth month of 1729 AN



Obliged to marry Andrea Karlsdatter Silk in 1713 AN, marriage concluded at Nivardom, resulting in four children.

