ESB Group (Cibola)
A regional directorate of the Honourable Company, active on the continent of Cibola and headquartered in the Principality of Whales. Initially concerned with resource extraction and corporate security. Operates two oil drilling rigs, ESB Alpha Site and ESB Bravo Site, in the Sanaman Antarctic Territory.
Headed by then-Senior Commercial Officer Anton Trexeller since 1675, who was promoted a year later to the post of Director of Cibolan Operations.
Administratively domiciled by resolution [1] of the Board of Directors bearing date at 17.IX.1687, Aqaba, in the easier-accessed Ayreon's Bay Residency in Waffel Plains, where a ziggurat, flaktowers, and an airport have been constructed. Arndt-Viggo Gautier, Senior Deputy Director for Cibolan Operations, has held office in the Ayreon's Bay Residency since 1.I.1688 and primarily deals with administrative minutiae not otherwise to the pleasure of the Director of Cibolan Operations, who tends to spend his time in Elwynn and elsewhere in Benacia, under the careful stewardship of a well-trained ESB staff complement.
A Residency was established in Asara Eliana, with a subresidency office in Szandoh. A branch of the Imperial and Emirati Bank of the Sathrati Islands, a subsidiary of the Honourable Company, as well as the Imperial & Emirati Bank of Alalehzamin and Constancia both operate in Szandoh.
The ESB-Kosaken-Brunïakis-Afzælt, based in the Lordship of Chur (Whales), provides corporate security services for ESB facilities and personnel within the Cibola directorate.
A commercial-grade port is being built in Delfinenstrand by ESB Construction under a private contract by an undisclosed Shirerithian firm.
The primary focus for ESB operations in Cibola is the extensive industrial archaeology programme which explores the ruined cities of Alexandria, Germania, Matbaa, Treisenberg, and numerous others besides in an effort to salvage technological artefacts belonging to past civilisations which could be utilised to unlock new scientific advances for the Honourable Company and with applications in the economies of member states of the Raspur Pact. The Luix-Satyria Scientific-Production Association LLC, established in 1689 AN, was created to develop and place into production new patterns of vehicles and weaponry made possible by the recovery of artefacts and personnel from the ungoverned interior of Cibola.
In 1702 AN, recognising a gap in the market, ESB entered into the horse-breeding business with a new start up subsidiary rejoicing under the name of the Equine Services Bureau.
After the conclusion of the Sanaman Civil War, the Honourable Company began to rapidly expand its Residency in Niyi Axi, the capital of Sanaman Cibola, a holdout of the vanquished former regime. This outpost would subsequently be abandoned following the capture of the territory by an expeditionary force of the revolutionary government.
In 1704 AN the Directorate purchased a 35% share in the Elian Trading Company (Whales), with the blessing and support of the government of the principality of Whales.
As of 1734 AN the Cibolan Directorate was headed by Assumpta Gul, a native of Baudrix with Alexandrian and Babkhan ancestry.
ESB Residency Ayreon's Bay
ESB Residency Chur
ESB Residency Delfinenstrand
ESB Residency Duro Freeport
ESB Residency Geneva
ESB Residency Glacier City
ESB Residency Luix-Satyria
ESB Residency Naval
ESB Residency Nordhafen
ESB Residency Port Carrillo
ESB Residency Rherci
ESB Residency Vadoma City
ESB Residency Walstadt