Strait of Haifa

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The Strait of Haifa

The Eastern Vine / The Great Vine
Location of Adarma
Location Eastern Keltia
Type Rift Valley
  Native Name Misc.
Basin Countries Alperkin, Bassarids, Natopia, Jezeraah, Imperial Federation
Minimum Width 43.2 km
Maximum Width 384 km (Lake Morovia)
Abbreviation SoH

The Strait of Haifa, otherwise known as the Vine of Keltia or the Eastern Vine, is the narrow, elongated, shallow sea which separates central and eastern Keltia. The Strait is situated between longitudes 100E and 130E, and latitudes 20N and 70N.

Today the Strait of Haifa is dominated by commerce between the states which constitute the Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa. With that said, piracy is extremely common in the region, especially in regions which lie to the south of Lake Morovia.

Countries which have claimed territory bordering the Sea of Storms include: the Haifo-Pallisican Imperial Trade Union, Alperkin and Natopia, and most recently, the Imperial Federation.


Satelite imaging highlights the important role which the Strait of Haifa plays in central Keltian society.

The Strait of Haifa is a dormant continental rift zone in eastern Keltia which was formed when the East Keltian Continental Plate diverged from the Laceran and Caledonian plates.

Southern Strait of Haifa

The Southern Strait of Haifa lies to the south of Lake Morovia, and connects Lake Morovia to the Corprian Ocean. In terms of climate, the Southern Strait of Haifa is hot and semi-arid or arid. To that extent, the region's southernmost reaches lie within the bitterly hot Eastern Mykonos, and the rocky Thalassapolis deserts. In addition to its harsh, unforgiving climate, the Southern Strait of Haifa is home to a large number of very powerful pirate communities which operate out of the Port of Blore Heath. Most notable of these communities is the Bacchian Vine Fleet, a band of pirates who sail upon ships made from living vines, who - like most of the religious communities along the Strait of Haifa - worship the god of wine and ritual madness.

Major active cities along the Southern Strait of Haifa leading to the 1700's include Blore Heath, Mylecia, and Jogi. Inactive, or independent city-states include Fort Itainen, Bursesti, Newstone, Lewisburg, and Nouvelle Geneve. These latter cities are especially vulnerable to attack by pirates, such as those mentioned above, as well as by the giant fishermen who inhabit the coastal shore-lines of the Thallasopois Desert, who sometimes take exception to the high commercial traffic in the region, which is known to disrupt their efforts to catch the whales, sharks, and dolphins on which they subsist. These myriad challenges resulted in a relative, protracted decline in the number of independent city-states along the Southern Strait. Eventually, the Imperial Federation took limited control of the inland portions of the Strait near Lake Moravia and the southern Keltian coastline from 1718 AN.

The Southern Strait is regarded as the birthplace of Bassaridianism.


Lake Morovia

Dozens of ancient Amasebéiri del hed Amash stand tall over the Abeisan Archipelago, the group of islands which marks the eastern boundary of Lake Morovia.

Despite its name, and its depiction on most official maps as a lake, Lake Morovia is not a lake but a vast swampland which sits in the heart of an ancient, dormant super-volcano. With that said, Lake Morovia is a large body of fresh water which drains directly into the briny Strait of Haifa. Accessible in only certain locations to large sea-going vessels, Lake Morovia is a foreboding land of twisting waterways and wetlands which has historically served as the home of notable nations such as Ocia and Haifa. Located in the center of the temperate climate region known as the Valley of Haifa, Lake Morovia is a region rife with Haifan pirates who derive inspiration from the adventures of Captain Ismael Hatch. With this said, the most savage inhabitants of the waterways of Lake Morovia are not pirates, but the vampiric alps who inhabit the region, and their worshipers - known as the Alperkin - whose brutal and bizarre rituals center around the extensive consumption of the toxic, raw leaves of the wild Noctic-Rabrev.

Lake Morovia is home to the Bassarid state of Haifa, to the Haifan city of Vaeringheim, to the indigenous Alperkin nation, and to the Greater Morovian Independence Intiative and its separatist allies in Jezeraah. Tension between these various stakeholders resulted, in the period following the collapse of Caputia, in the outbreak of the Haifan Civil War. These conflicts were, for the most part, inherited by the Imperial Federation when it colonized so-called Imperial Haifa in the closing years of the 1710's AN, in an effort to stem piracy along the Straits and open overland trade between its northwestern holdings and Normark.

Fauna and Flora of Lake Morovia

Lake Morovia and surrounding regions are home to a range of highly unique and diverse range of plants and animals found nowhere else on Micras. Examples of the region's unique species can be seen in the tables below.

Aquatic Fauna

Picture Species Name Class Order Range Description
Swampjelly2.png Atterian Sea Nettle - - The Atterian Sea Nettle is a captivating and graceful jellyfish known for its stunning, bioluminescent appearance. Residing in the depths of Lake Morovia, it possesses unique characteristics that set it apart from the region's other jellyfish.

Atterian Sea Nettles are predominantly found in the deep, dark waters of Lake Morovia, where their gentle pulsating movements and glowing tentacles create a mesmerizing spectacle. They are rarely seen in shallower waters, preferring the mysterious depths.

Generally peaceful, Atterian Sea Nettles can be found drifting through the depths of the Lake, and using their bioluminescence to communicate with one another. They often form small colonies, creating stunning displays of underwater light shows. They are primarily carnivorous, hunting smaller aquatic organisms with their poisonous tentacles.

In the rare instances when Atterian Sea Nettles encounter threats, they can release a cloud of toxic mucus as a defense mechanism. This mucus not only deters potential predators but also creates a temporary smokescreen to escape from danger.

Swampsquid.png Ocian Swamp Squid - - The Ocian Swamp Squid is a mysterious and elusive squid that inhabits the dark, murky waters of swamps and wetlands of Lake Morovia. This unusual creature is known for its unassuming appearance, and its fascinating abilities.

Ocian Swamp Squid are primarily found in the shadowy depths of swampy environments of Lake Morovia. They are known to thrive in stagnant and brackish waters, using the concealment of the murky, sediment-filled surroundings to their advantage.

Mostly solitary and reclusive, the Ocian Swamp Squid prefers to remain hidden within the murky waters of their swampy homes. They are expert ambush predators, using their camouflage to remain undetected until an unsuspecting prey item comes within reach. Their docile appearance can be misleading, as they become highly defensive when threatened.

Ocian Swamp Squid are Known for their complex and strange courtship rituals, which often involve intricate color displays and synchronized movements. Breeding occurs in the deeper parts of their swamp habitats, and the newly hatched larvae go through several stages of development before reaching maturity.

Swampshrimp2.png Odiferan Marsh Shrimp - - The Odiferan Marsh Shrimp is a unique and mysterious shrimp found in the Odiferan Marsh. This small, elusive creature boasts a captivating array of features and abilities that distinguish it from the region's other shrimp.

Odiferan Marsh Shrimp thrive in the murky and nutrient-rich waters of the Odiferan Marsh, a region filled with dense vegetation and unique flora. They are often found in shallow, slow-moving streams and pools within the marsh.

Odiferan Marsh Shrimp are primarily nocturnal creatures, emerging from their hiding spots at night to forage for food. They use their bioluminescent lure to attract insects and small aquatic invertebrates, which they capture using their agile swimming and precision strikes. Although they are generally peaceful, these creatures can become more aggressive when competing for resources or territory in the marsh.

During the breeding season, male Odiferan Marsh Shrimp engage in intricate dance-like courtship displays, showcasing their bioluminescent lures to attract potential mates. Once courtship is successful, females lay their eggs among the aquatic plants in the marsh.

Hatchsray.png Hatch's Ray - - Hatch's Ray is an extraordinary and unusual creature known for its unique adaptation to swampy environments, which has evolved to thrive in the murky waters of swamps and marshes of Lake Morovia.

Hatch's Rays are predominantly found in the heart of swampy regions, where dense vegetation and shallow, brackish waters provide the ideal habitat for these extraordinary creatures. They are most commonly sighted in slow-moving streams, sloughs, and muddy ponds.

Hatch's Rays are known for their solitary and reclusive nature, preferring the serenity of the swamp's quieter corners. They are expert ambush predators, often remaining partially buried in the swamp's mud and vegetation, awaiting unsuspecting prey to come within striking distance.

These creatures are territorial by nature, and disputes over prime hunting grounds are not uncommon. Hatch's Rays communicate through a series of infrasound vocalizations that are imperceptible to humans, but can be heard by other Rays

Mating rituals among Hatch's Rays involve elegant and synchronized swimming displays, where potential mates perform a mesmerizing dance that often culminates in courtship and, eventually, egg-laying among the reeds and aquatic plants of the swamp.

Morovianswampshark.png Atteran River Shark - - The Atteran River Shark is a formidable, large shark, aptly named for its imposing presence and its preference for the turbulent waters of the Strait of Haifa. This apex predator is a master of its domain.

Atteran River Sharks are primarily found in the fast-flowing and murky waters of the Strait of Haifa, especially in the waters surrounding the Abeisan Archipelago. They are often sighted in the deeper, churning sections of the region's waterways.

Atteran River Sharks are solitary predators, with each individual claiming its own territory along a stretch of the Atteran River. This shark is highly territorial and fiercely defend their hunting grounds from other predators. While formidable in battle, they tend to be patient hunters, lying in wait for fish and aquatic creatures to venture into their domain.

During the breeding season, male Atteran River Sharks engage in fierce territorial battles to establish dominance. Once a territory is secured, the winning male performs an intricate courtship display to attract a female. The female lays her eggs in a secluded area of the river, and the male guards them diligently.

Armoreddolphin.png Haifan Armored Lake Dolphin - - The Haifan Armored Lake Dolphin is a remarkable and unique creature, which resides in the murky waters of the Haifan region, it is known for its elegant beauty and formidable defensive capabilities.

Haifan Armored Lake Dolphins are most commonly found in the calm shallow waters of Lake Morovia. These tranquil environments provide the perfect sanctuary for these graceful creatures, where they can flourish and thrive.

Haifan Armored Lake Dolphins are sociable creatures, often found swimming in small family groups or pods. They communicate using their sonic pulses, creating a harmonious symphony of sound that resonates throughout the waters of the Haifan region. While generally peaceful, they become fiercely protective when their habitat is threatened.

These dolphins are expert hunters, using their echolocation abilities to locate prey with remarkable precision. They feed on fish, aquatic invertebrates, and occasionally aquatic plants, making them vital components of their ecosystem.

During the breeding season, Haifan Armored Lake Dolphins engage in mesmerizing underwater displays, showcasing their agility and grace. Mating pairs often engage in synchronized swimming.

Stmoredwhaleb.png Vaering's Armored Whale - - Vaering's Armored Whale is an awe-inspiring, massive whale, celebrated for its majestic presence and known for its formidable strength and unwavering endurance, this colossal creature roams the vast waters of Lake Morovia and the central Strait of Haifa.

Vaering's Armored Whales are most commonly found in the open oceans of Lake Morovia, where they navigate the depths and expanse of the lake with ease. They often undertake long migrations across the lake, following elusive currents.

Leading a a relatively solitary life, these whales occasionally forming small, temporary pods when encountering other individuals. They communicate through a series of deep, resonant calls, often echoing through the vast lake. Their songs are considered one of the wonders of the natural world, captivating all who hear them.

These whales are expert foragers, utilizing their hydrokinetic powers to corral schools of fish and other prey. They are key figures in maintaining the ecological balance of the oceans, as they often feed on overpopulated species to prevent depletion of marine resources.

During the breeding season, Vaering's Armored Whales engage in elaborate courtship displays, which involve synchronized swimming, breathtaking breaches, and intricate sonic rituals. After mating, the female typically gives birth to a single calf, which she cares for and protects diligently.

Landocto2.png Orange Forest Land Octopus - - The Orange Forest Land Octopus is an extraordinary and enigmatic terrestrial octopus, which inhabits the Gloom Forest of Perpetual Autumn, this creature has evolved to thrive in the eerie and mystical environment of the forest, where it feeds on the parasitic will-o-wisps that illuminate the dark woods.

The Orange Forest Land Octopus calls the mysterious Gloom Forest its home, a place shrouded in legends and mystery. This haunted forest is known for its luminous will-o-wisps, which serve as both the primary food source and an integral part of the Octopus's ecosystem.

A solitary creature, the Land Octopus is often seen prowling the dark depths of the Orange Forest in search of will-o-wisps. It moves stealthily through the underbrush, its ghostly camouflage concealing it from potential predators and prey.

The Orange Forest Land Octopus is seldom observed by humans, as it is a master of remaining hidden within the mystical forest. Its presence in the Orange Forest has contributed to the numerous legends and tales that surround this eerie woodland.

Swampwalrus.png Abeisan Walrus - - The Abeisan Walrus is a remarkable and resilient creature, celebrated for its commanding presence and unique adaptation to the swampy coastal regions of the Abeisan Archipelago.

Abeisan Walruses are primarily found in the Abeisan Archipelago, where they inhabit the brackish waters, coastal marshes, and frigid beaches. They are known to rest on ice floes during colder months and venture into the coastal swamps when the weather is warmer.

Abeisan Walruses are sociable creatures, often congregating in small herds along the frigid coastlines of the Abeisan Archipelago. They are expert foragers, diving deep into the cold waters to hunt for fish, crustaceans, and other aquatic prey.

These Walruses are known for their distinctive, eerie calls, which can be heard echoing across the coast. Their vocalizations serve as a means of communication within their herds and, during the breeding season, as courtship songs.

During breeding season, male Abeisan Walruses engage in powerful, tusk-clashing displays to establish dominance and attract potential mates. Females typically give birth to a single calf, which they protect and nurture in the safety of their swampy coastal habitats.

SwampTortoise.png Greater Morovian Giant Turtle - - The Greater Morovian Giant Turtle is a majestic and venerable beast, renowned for its colossal size and serene presence. Inhabiting the waters of the Morovian region, this ancient creature is a symbol of wisdom and endurance.

Greater Morovian Giant Turtles are most commonly found in the brackish coastal waters of Lake Morovia. They prefer secluded coves and peaceful bays, where they find refuge and sustenance.

The Greater Morovian Giant Turtle is a gentle and solitary creature, often observed drifting gracefully through the the Lake's coastal waters. These ancient creatures are known to live for centuries, displaying a deep connection with the ebb and flow of the lake.

Their colossal shells serve as a haven for smaller aquatic species, including algae, and fish. This symbiotic relationship benefits both the Greater Morovian Giant Turtle and the species that take refuge on its back, creating a thriving ecosystem.

During the breeding season, male Greater Morovian Giant Turtles engage in elaborate courtship rituals, involving synchronized swimming and the generation of seismic vibrations to attract potential mates. Once a pair is established, the female lays her eggs on the sandy shores of the Morovian coastline.

TarWorm.png Tar Worm - - The Tar Worm is a formidable and highly unusual creature, known for its tenacious existence in the treacherous tar-pits of its native region. This creature, has evolved to thrive in the hazardous and unforgiving environment of the tar-pits of the Gloom Forest of Perpetual Autumn.

Tar Worms are primarily found in the vast, gloomy tar-pits of their native region, where they navigate the viscous, oil-like substance with surprising ease. They can also be encountered in the surrounding areas, which often feature geothermal activity.

Tar Worms are solitary and relentless hunters, making the tar-pits their home and feeding on smaller creatures that become trapped in the tar. Their venomous bites and powerful strikes are essential for subduing prey, and they are known for their patience in waiting for an opportunity to strike. Tar Worms are also infamous for feeding on human remains deposited in the tar-pits as part of Alperkin funerary customs.

Despite their formidable appearance and territorial nature, Tar Worms play a vital role in the ecosystem of their native region. Their presence helps control the population of smaller creatures and maintains the balance within the tar-pits' delicate environment.

The Tar Worms' adaptation to the harsh tar-pits has made them an central part of local folklore and legend, often symbolizing resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

Morocroc.png Rift Valley Crocodile - - The Rift Valley Crocodile is a formidable creature, known for its powerful presence in the vast waters of the Haifan Rift Valley. This ancient creature, is known for its resilience and survival instincts in its unique habitat.

Rift Valley Crocodiles primarily inhabit the expansive Haifan Rift Valley, where they make their homes in the numerous lakes and rivers found within this geographic wonder. They are frequently encountered along the muddy banks and calm, freshwater bodies of the central Strait of Haifa and its tributaries.

Rift Valley Crocodiles are solitary and territorial creatures, often seen basking in the sun along riverbanks or floating stealthily in the calm waters of the Strait of Haifa and Lake Morovia. They are patient hunters, relying on their camouflage to ambush unsuspecting prey that ventures too close.

Their nests are hidden within the riverbanks, where females lay their eggs and protect them diligently. Once hatched, the young crocodiles are highly vulnerable and require their mother's care and protection until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

The large presence of Rift Valley Crocodiles in the Strait has led to their inclusion in local mythology and tales, symbolizing both the danger and the enduring beauty of the region.

Armorghapuffer.png Atterian Armored Pufferfish - - The Atterian Armored Pufferfish is a unique and extraordinary fish which inhabits the coastal waters of Lake Morovia. This resilient creature is known for its intricate armored plating and its formidable defenses.

Atterian Armored Pufferfish are most commonly found among Lake Morovia's coral reefs and shallow, sandy seabeds where they can find both protection and sustenance.

Atterian Armored Pufferfish are known for their gentle disposition and their preference for a peaceful coexistence with other organisms in the reef ecosystem. They are skilled hunters, using their water manipulation abilities to corral small fish and invertebrates into the confines of the coral reefs.

When confronted by threats, they employ their unique defensive strategy of inflating their steel-plated bodies, rendering them nearly impervious to attack. This behavior is often sufficient to deter predators, and they generally prefer to avoid confrontations whenever possible.

Mating rituals among Atterian Armored Pufferfish involve intricate displays of coordinated swimming and water manipulation. Once a mating pair is established, the female will lay her eggs in a secluded crevice within the reef, and both parents will diligently guard the nest.

Amanitacrab.png Amina Crab - - The Amina Crab is a massive and formidable crab which inhabits the coastal waters of the Lake Morovia.

Amina Crabs are most commonly found along the rocky coastlines and in the clear, temperate waters of Lake Morovia. They favor areas with abundant underwater caves and crevices, where they seek shelter and protection.

Amina Crabs are solitary and territorial creatures, often found lurking in underwater caves or patrolling the rocky Lake bed. They are expert hunters, capturing fish, crustaceans, and other marine life with their mighty claws.

Their territorial nature often leads to disputes with other Amina Crabs over prime hunting grounds. These battles are fierce and can result in significant changes in territory ownership.

During the breeding season, male Amina Crabs engage in elaborate displays of strength and agility to impress potential mates. After mating, the female lays her eggs in a secluded underwater crevice, where she guards them diligently.

Swamproach.png Low Valley Swamp Roach - - The Low Valley Swamp Roach is a formidable trilobite, known for its distinctive appearance and predatory nature, which inhabits the murky waters of the Morovian swamps.

Low Valley Swamp Roaches are primarily found in the dark, swampy waters of the Lake Morovia region. They make their homes in the muck and sediment, where they prowl for prey among the aquatic plants and detritus.

Low Valley Swamp Roaches are solitary and territorial, often claiming specific hunting grounds within the swamp. They are patient and stealthy hunters, relying on their camouflage and ambush tactics to capture small aquatic creatures and insects.

These creatures are known for their mysterious behavior, often lurking in the darkness of the swamp for hours before striking at their prey. They are also known to scavenge on decaying matter and plant material, serving as integral components of the swamp's ecosystem. They are also known to pose a danger to humans, and have been observed hunting people.

Mating rituals among Low Valley Swamp Roaches involve intricate displays of underwater acrobatics, with males competing to impress potential mates. After mating, the female lays her eggs among the submerged vegetation, and both parents diligently guard the nest.

Terrestrial Fauna

Picture Species Name Class Order Range Description
Nakedlowlandgiraffe.png Naked Lowland Giraffe - - The Naked Lowland Giraffe is a peculiar and rare creature, characterized by its unique appearance. Unlike its furry relatives, this subspecies of Giraffe has evolved to adapt to the damp lowland swamp forests of Lake Morovia. It is known for its distinct lack of fur, giving it a sleek, naked appearance. Instead, its skin is equipped with specialized pores that secrete a protective layer of mucus, helping it to regulate body temperature and to keep it free of parasites.

Naked Lowland Giraffes are typically found in the wet lowland forests of Lake Morovia. They are known to roam in small herds, peacefully grazing on the abundant vegetation the forest provides

The Naked Lowland Giraffe's neck is exceptionally long, allowing it to reach high into the treetops to feed on leaves and vegetation. It has a prehensile tongue, which can extend up to 6 feet, making it a masterful forager. This creature is also known for its graceful and agile movements, enabling it to navigate the open savannas with ease.

While generally peaceful and herbivorous, the Naked Lowland Giraffe possesses powerful, whip-like tails that it can use to defend itself against predators. Its calm demeanor and serene gaze have made it a symbol of patience and tranquility in many local cultures.

It is said that those who encounter a Naked Lowland Giraffe in the wild are truly fortunate, as it represents a harmonious balance between nature and adaptation.

Sasquatch23.png Morovian Sasquatch - - The Morovian Sasquatch, a legendary and elusive creature, is renowned for its towering presence within the deep, ancient forests of the Lake Morovia. This gentle giant possesses an exceptional ability to thrive in the harshest of environments.

The Morovian Sasquatch is exclusively found within the deepest and most ancient of the region's forests, where it maintains the delicate ecological balance of its lush, mystical surroundings.

Covered in a thick coat of moss and lichen, the Morovian Sasquatch is a master of camouflage, allowing it to blend seamlessly into the lush undergrowth of the forest. Its large, sturdy feet, adapted for snowy terrain, enable it to traverse the wintry landscapes of the Morovian wilderness with ease.

Despite its imposing appearance, the Morovian Sasquatch is a docile and reclusive creature. It is known to be a guardian of the forest, protecting the delicate balance of its habitat and the creatures that reside within it.

Sightings of the Morovian Sasquatch are exceedingly rare, often regarded as a sign of great fortune. In local folklore, it is said that those who encounter this mystical creature will find themselves blessed with the ability to communicate with the spirits of the forest.

MoroVianWaterBuffalo.png Morovian Water Buffalo - - The Morovian Water Buffalo is a remarkable and gentle giant of the aquatic world, renowned for its adaptability and harmonious presence in the wetlands of Lake Morovia.

Morovian Water Buffaloes are commonly found in the wetlands, marshes, and riverbanks of Lake Morovia, where they thrive in the rich and diverse aquatic ecosystem.

With its imposing size and powerful build, the Morovian Water Buffalo is an impressive sight. Its sleek, water-resistant coat helps it navigate through swampy marshes and riverbanks with ease. This creature's broad, flattened hooves allow it to traverse muddy terrain without getting stuck. Its horns, while large, are used primarily for breaking through thick aquatic vegetation and are not generally used as weapons.

Morovian Water Buffaloes are known for their strong sense of community and cooperation. They often move in herds, working together to forage for aquatic plants and graze on the rich vegetation along riverbanks. Their presence is a vital part of the Morovian wetlands' ecosystem, as they help control plant growth and maintain the health of their aquatic environment.

In local culture, the Water Buffalo is a symbol of resilience and the importance of maintaining the balance of nature. Local folklore speaks of their ability to bring life and prosperity to the lands they inhabit.

Chamois.jpg Alp Chamois - - The Alp Chamois is a remarkable and nimble Pokémon native to the rugged mountainous regions of the region surrounding Lake Morovia.

Alp Chamois inhabit the steep, rocky, and mountainous terrain of the Alperkin region. They are often found in altitudes that challenge most other species.

With its sleek and agile physique, the Alp Chamois is an expert climber and jumper. Its powerful legs, designed for scaling steep cliffs and bounding across rocky landscapes, grant it the ability to move with grace and precision at high altitudes. Its distinctive curved horns are not just for show; they assist with balance and are used for agile maneuvers and defending against predators.

Alp Chamois are known for their spirited and independent nature. They tend to live in small herds and are constantly on the move in search of fresh vegetation. Their uncanny ability to navigate the treacherous mountain terrain and locate patches of nourishing flora is a testament to their adaptability. The Alp Chamois is famously one of the region's only species which is entirely immune to the toxic effects of Noctic-Rabrev.

In the Alperkin region's folklore, the Alp Chamois is revered as a symbol of determination and tenacity. It is said that encountering one of these elusive creatures is a sign of impending success and a reminder to persevere in the face of challenges.

Morovianhippo.png Morovian Horned Hippo - - The Morovian Horned Hippo is a majestic and imposing presence along the riverbanks and waterways of the region surrounding Lake Morovia.

Morovian Horned Hippos are commonly found near the riverbanks, lakes, and other water bodies of the Morovian region, where they are integral to the aquatic ecosystems.

With its hulking, barrel-shaped body and sturdy legs, the Morovian Horned Hippo is a true embodiment of strength and resilience. Its imposing presence is only matched by the pair of long, curved horns that sprout from its forehead, which are used for both defense and territorial displays. Its tough, water-resistant hide acts as armor against the rigors of its environment.

These remarkable creatures are often found in groups along riverbanks, where they graze on aquatic vegetation and bask in the sun. Despite their formidable appearance, they are known for their calm and communal nature. They play a vital role in maintaining the health of the Morovian waterways, helping to control vegetation growth and shaping the landscape with their movements.

In Morovian culture, the Horned Hippo is seen as a symbol of protection and stability. Folklore tells of their ability to guard the waterways and bless those who live near them with prosperity and abundance.

Camel3.png South Haifan Camel - - The South Haifan Camel is a resilient and indispensable creature of the Haifan wetlands.

South Haifan Camels are typically found in the open, marshy wetlands of Lake Morovia and the Strait of Haifa, where they play a vital role in assisting swamp-dwelling communities.

With its distinctive humpbacked silhouette and long, sturdy legs, the South Haifan Camel is perfectly adapted for traversing vast stretches of marshy wetlands

Known for their strong sense of direction and survival instincts, South Haifan Camels are often relied upon by swamp nomads and travelers as trusted companions. These creatures are renowned for their ability to cover great distances without tiring, and their resistance to extreme temperatures.

In the culture of the South Haifan region, the Camel is a symbol of endurance and reliability. Local stories suggest that encountering a South Haifan Camel in the swamp is a sign of hope and guidance, leading travelers to safety and sustenance.

Horned Bear.png Morovian Highland Horned Bear - - The Morovian Highland Horned Bear is a majestic and awe-inspiring Pokémon, native to the rugged mountainous regions of the Upper Morovian Highlands.

Morovian Highland Horned Bears inhabit the lofty mountainous regions and highland terrains of the Upper Morovian Highlands, where their adaptability to high altitudes is unmatched.

With its formidable size and powerful build, the Morovian Highland Horned Bear is a true mountain monarch. Its shaggy fur, colored in shades of brown and gray, acts as insulation against the frigid highland temperatures. However, what truly sets this bear apart are the impressive curved horns that adorn its head, serving both as weapons and symbols of its dominance.

These bears are known for their solitary and territorial nature, often establishing their domains at high altitudes where few other species dare to venture. They are experts in traversing the steep, rocky slopes and surviving in the harshest of conditions. Despite their imposing presence, they are not aggressive unless provoked, and are often seen as guardians of the highlands.

In local culture, the Highland Horned Bear is revered as a symbol of strength and resilience. Folklore tells of their ability to guide lost travelers through the treacherous mountain paths and protect the highlands from threats.

Haifanlion.png Upper Haifan Woolly Lion - - The Upper Haifan Woolly Lion is a regal and imposing Pokémon, native to the highland landscapes of regions north of Lake Morovia.

Upper Haifan Woolly Lions are primarily found in the mountainous regions to the north of Lake Morovia, where they reign as the dominant predator.

With its majestic mane of thick, woolly fur and powerful physique, the Upper Haifan Woolly Lion is the undisputed monarch of the mountains. Its thick fur not only provides insulation against the mountainous cold but also acts as a striking display of its beauty and authority. This Pokémon's piercing blue eyes are both captivating and chilling, a reflection of the wilderness in which it dwells.

Woolly Lions are known for their solitary and majestic nature, often roaming the vast, rocky expanses in search of prey. They are experts in navigating the mountainous terrain and are incredibly stealthy hunters, despite their size. These Pokémon are often seen as symbols of the raw power of nature and are revered by those who call the mountains their home.

In Upper Haifan folklore, the Woolly Lion is believed to be a guardian of the mountains and a harbinger of impending storms. Encounters with this magnificent creature are seen as both a blessing and a reminder of the awe-inspiring power of the Upper Morovian Highlands.

Swampsloth.png Wetland Ground Sloth - - The Wetland Ground Sloth is a unique and fascinating creature, native to the marshy wetlands and boggy landscapes of the region.

Wetland Ground Sloths are primarily found in the marshy wetlands and boggy regions of Lake Morovia, where they navigate the muddy waters and aquatic vegetation with ease.

With its impressive size powerful limbs, the Wetland Ground Sloth is a distinctive presence in the marshes. Its shaggy fur is designed to repel water and mud, ensuring that it remains dry and comfortable in its boggy environment. This sloth's sharp, curved claws are well-suited for digging and foraging for submerged vegetation and prey.

These sloths are known for their calm and solitary nature, often residing in the dense, murky swamps, where they are seldom seen by humans. Despite their slow, deliberate movements, they are remarkably efficient hunters and foragers, capturing fish and aquatic plants with stealth and precision.

In regional folklore, the Wetland Ground Sloth is seen as a symbol of patience and adaptation to challenging environments. Encounters with this elusive creature are considered a stroke of luck and a reminder of the quiet but resolute strength of nature.

ShelledrhinoB.png Oceanic Shelled Rhino - - The Oceanic Shelled Rhino is a remarkable and imposing creature known for its unparalleled defensive capabilities.

Oceanic Shelled Rhinos can be found in a variety of habitats around Lake Morovia, but they are often called upon to protect valuable locations, resources, and areas that require a guardian's watchful eye.

With its massive frame and solid, armored-plated shell, the Oceanic Shelled Rhino is an imposing sight. Its horn is not only a formidable weapon but also a symbol of its resilience.

Oceanic Shelled Rhinos are known for their solitary and steadfast nature, often seen patrolling their territories with unwavering determination. Despite their imposing presence, they are not aggressive unless provoked. Their remarkable defensive capabilities make them nearly impervious to harm, and they are often called upon to protect precious locations and rare resources.

In folklore and local legend, the Oceanic Shelled Rhino is revered as a symbol of unyielding strength and protection. Encounters with these mighty creatures are seen as a sign of safeguarding against adversity and a reminder of the power of unwavering resolve.

Haifanporcupine.png Bassaria's Porcupine - - Bassaria's Porcupine is a unique and fascinating creature, native to the lush forests of the region surrounding Lake Morovia.

Bassaria's Porcupines are primarily found in the dense and ancient forests of the Lake Morovia region, where they thrive in the rich and diverse woodland ecosystems.

With its small yet distinctive form, the Bassaria's Porcupine is covered in a coat of sharp, needle-like quills, which provide excellent protection against potential threats. Its large, round eyes and keen sense of smell allow it to navigate through the dense undergrowth of the forest with ease. This animal's quills serve both as a means of defense and as a deterrent to predators.

Porcupines are known for their solitary and independent nature, often dwelling in the treetops of the ancient Morovian forests. Despite their prickly exterior, they are gentle creatures, living in harmony with the other Pokémon of the forest.

In Bassarian folklore, the Porcupine is revered as a symbol of protection and respect for the natural world. Encounters with these intriguing creatures are seen as a sign of the forest's benevolence and a reminder of the importance of coexistence with the environment.

52114a78-124d-42cb-8eee-0cf3c9361589.png Harpy's Giant Land Otter - - The Harpy's Giant Land Otter is a unique and captivating Pokémon native to the wetlands and riverbanks of the region surrounding Lake Morovia.

The Harpy's Giant Land Otter is primarily found in the lush wetlands, riverbanks, and marshy areas of the region, where it plays a vital role in maintaining the health of the aquatic ecosystems.

With its sleek, semi-aquatic form, the Harpy's Giant Land Otter is an enchanting presence along riverbanks and marshes. Its webbed paws make it an agile swimmer. This creature's keen eyesight and sense of smell help it catch fish and other aquatic prey with incredible precision.

These otters are known for their communal nature, often forming tight-knit family groups that work together to hunt and protect their territory. Despite their imposing appearance, they are gentle and intelligent creatures, known for their vocal communication and intricate social behaviors.

In the Harpy region's folklore, the Giant Land Otter is revered as a symbol of harmony and cooperation. Encounters with these remarkable creatures are seen as a sign of unity and a reminder of the value of working together to protect their delicate wetland homes.

Alpslemur.png Alpert's Lemur - - The Alpert's Lemur is a mysterious and unique Pokémon native to the dense, moonlit forests of the Alperkin region.

Vampiric Alpert's Lemurs primarily inhabit the dark forests and forest canopies of the Alperkin region, where they maintain the balance of the nocturnal ecosystem.

With its small, nimble form and large, expressive eyes, the Alpert's Lemur is an enigmatic presence in the moonlit forest canopies. Its wing-like membranes stretch between elongated fingers, allowing it to glide through the night with eerie grace. This creatures's distinctive fangs are used for piercing its prey's skin, drawing sustenance from their life force.

These nocturnal creatures are known for their solitary and secretive nature, often dwelling high in the treetops of the Alperkin region's forests. They are masterful hunters and have an uncanny ability to disappear into the shadows. Despite their ominous reputation, they are essential for controlling the population of nocturnal pests in the region.

In Alperkin folklore, the Alpert's Lemur is revered as a symbol of balance in the forest, as it keeps the nocturnal ecosystem in check. Encounters with these mysterious creatures are seen as a sign of protection against the dangers of the night and a reminder of the intricate web of life in the forest.

Garganram.png Garganram - - The Garganram is a colossal and awe-inspiring creature, known for its incredible size and unparalleled strength.

Garganram are typically found in the most remote and rugged landscapes, where their colossal forms shape and define the environment.

With its immense form and solid rock-like body, the Garganram is a sight to behold. Its tough, fur-covered exterior is adorned with ancient, weathered carvings, giving it a sense of grandeur and history. This creature's massive, stone-like limbs are capable of causing earthquakes with each step it takes.

Garganram are known for their solitary and elusive nature, often residing deep within the most remote and rugged landscapes. They are believed to be ancient protectors of the land, with the power to shape and reshape the very earth itself. Encounters with these colossal creatures are extremely rare and considered a testament to the vastness and power of the natural world.

In local legends and folklore, the Garganram is revered as a symbol of Micras' might and endurance. Their presence is believed to be a sign of the land's resilience and the lasting legacy of nature's strength.

Woolyjack.png Haifan Wooly Pouch Rabbit - - The Haifan Wooly Pouch Rabbit is a charming and delightful Pokémon, native to the plains regions surrounding Lake Morovia.

With its fluffy, snow-white fur and distinct, floppy ears, the Haifan Wooly Pouch Rabbit is an endearing presence amidst the region's open landscapes. Its rounded, pudgy body exudes an aura of warmth and comfort. This creature's small, round pouch, nestled beneath its belly, is not just for appearance; it acts as a cozy nest for its young, keeping them warm and protected.

Wooly Pouch Rabbits are known for their sociable and family-oriented nature, often seen in groups, where they forage together for vegetation. These adorable creatures are gentle and inquisitive, making them a beloved sight for those who venture into the region's plains.

In Haifan culture, the Wooly Pouch Rabbit is revered as a symbol of family and community. Encounters with these lovable creatures are seen as a sign of unity and the enduring bonds.

C2135044-a944-46d2-81da-7722cc865865 (1).png Deepwood Gloom Wolf - - The Deepwood Gloom Wolf is a mysterious and elusive creature, native to the darkest and most remote corners of the Lake Morovia region.

Deepwood Gloom Wolves are primarily found in the darkest and most remote sections of the region surrounding Lake Morovia, where their shadowy existence is integral to the ancient forest's balance.

With its sleek, shadowy form and piercing yellow eyes, the Deepwood Gloom Wolf is a haunting presence within the undergrowth of the forest. Its fur seems to absorb the surrounding darkness, making it nearly invisible to the naked eye. This wolf's sharp claws and teeth are as formidable as they are deadly, ensuring it remains a feared and revered entity within the hidden depths.

Gloom Wolves are known for their solitary and enigmatic nature, rarely seen by humans. They are masterful hunters, often emerging under the cover of night to stalk their prey. Despite their ominous reputation, they play an essential role in maintaining the delicate balance of the forest ecosystem.

In the legends and folklore of the region, the Gloom Wolf is revered as a symbol of the forest's mystery and resilience. Encounters with this elusive creature are seen as a sign of the forest's enduring spirit and a reminder of the delicate equilibrium within the ancient woods.

Avian Fauna

Picture Species Name Class Order Range
Rainbowbird2.png Morovian Rainbow Bird - -
Thalassianeagle2.png Thalassian Eagle - -
Haifasflamingo2.png Haifa's Flamingo - -
Gloomvulture.png Hatch's Gloom Vulture - -
Morovianostrich2.png Uppper Morovian Swamp Ostrich - -
Nocticshummingbird.png Tar's Hummingbird - -
Harpy925b.png Rift Harpy - -
Antenaeowl.png Atterian Whiskered Owl - -
Peackock2.png Aminian Lowland Peacock - -
Swampdove2.png Lesser Morovian Swamp Dove - -
Ferianmoa.png Odiferian Moa - -
Kingbird.jpg Morovian Kingbird - -
Sinspenguin.png Sin's Penguin - -
Salinehoatzin.png Salin Mimic - -
Imperialwoodpecker.png Red-Crested Imperial Woodpecker - -

Northern Strait of Haifa

In addition to vicious harpies, the Northern Strait of Haifa is also home to a race of sasquatch known outside the region as Haifasquatch. Haifasquatch feature prominently in Alperkin folklore.

The Northern Strait of Haifa lies to the north of Lake Morovia, and connects it to northern Keltia's Guardian Bay. A vast and mystical region rich in game and resources, the Northern Strait of Haifa is almost entirely devoid of human settlement - there are no major cities anywhere along the 1600+ kilometers of waterways which separate the Port of Vaeringheim from the city-state of Jangsong. Indeed, even the boldest of pirates who make their living in the Southern Strait or in Lake Morovia is generally unwilling to traverse the Northern Strait of Haifa, lest they encounter any number of the region's relentless ghosts, or fierce harpies or sasquatch. It was only in the late 1710's that naval forces felt strong enough to traverse these treacherous trade routes and escort the boldest merchants in their respective countries.

Ghosts of the Northern Strait

A ghost, or wisp, hunts its prey along the edge of a forest near the city of Vaeringheim.

The Ghosts of the Northern Strait are an aggressive species of parasitic Will o' Wisp, which live by feeding on the life-force of mammals. The prevalence of these extremely dangerous creatures has long prevented humans from journeying through, or from settling in, the Northern Strait of Haifa. With that said, those who do make the journey through the Northern Strait have long relied on the powers of the Couriers of the Lizard Queen, whose magical abilities can be used to treat the maddening effects of the region's parasitic spirits. Among those who have famously relied on the services of the Couriers of the Lizard Queen to combat the effects of the Ghosts of the Northern Strait is Captain Ismael Hatch, whose crew suffered an onslaught of ghosts during its voyages to and from the city of Jangsong. Following the example of Captain Hatch, many of the arctic pirates who sail under the flag of the Hatch Ministry are known to take special care in fostering close relationships between themselves and the Couriers of the Lizard Queen


Regarded by the pirates who sail under the banner of the Hatch Ministry as being the servants of the goddess Aganippe, the Harpies of the far north are revered for their semi-mythical ability to ward off the Ghosts of the Far North. Travelers passing through the strait, for this reason, often rely on the presence of harpies for protection against the region's deadly, parasitic spirits. With that said, such practices are not actually encouraged, insofar as harpies are known to viciously prey upon any unfortunate human who carelessly manages to obtain their notice.

Gulf of Jangsong

A painting of the Seasama, the first vessel captained by the famous Morovian pirate Ismael Hatch.

The primary domain of the Hatch Ministry, a well-financed and savage community of Normarkian and Haifan pirates which formed following the series of raids in the region carried out by Captain Ismael Hatch in the 35.60's PSSC, The Gulf of Jangsong is the body of water which defines the northern mouth of the Strait of Haifa. It is bordered by the Bassarid states of Jangsong and the Bassarid Kingdom of New Normark, and by the formerly Natopian demesne of Elijah's Rest, which is now a part of the Elwynnese autonomous republic of Normark.

Strait of Haifa Campaign

The Gulf of the Jangsong was the site of the Strait of Haifa Campaign, an informal, undeclared military conflict between the Haifo-Pallisican Imperial Trade Union and Natopia, which occurred in the final stage of the War of Lost Brothers. Despite its relatively limited scope in contrast to the war's other conflicts, the Strait of Haifa Campaign is perhaps the most infamous of the campaigns to have occurred during the war. This fact is due to the asymmetrical nature of the campaign, which featured the extensive employment of guerrilla-style tactics by forces supported by the Bassarid Empire, including espionage, piracy, and outright terrorism. This campaign resulted in a stalemate defined by the continued existence of the Bassarid Kingdom of New Normark.

The Crookening

The distorting effects of the Crookening are depicted in this picture of a wanderer at a Bassarid temple near the city of Jangsong. While the scene appears mostly normal at first glance, one notices that the towers which appear faintly in the background appear to be constructed at an unusual angle.

The Crookening is an unusual type of fog that occurs in the region surrounding the Gulf of Jangsong, which causes objects when viewed at a distance to appear crooked or lop-sided. It has been observed, although not scientifically confirmed, that the Crookening tends to take in the periods before and after the occurrence of the aurora borealis.


The presence of the Strait of Haifa on the official map of the MCS has long been a contentious issue amongst the organization's members, as many have historically argued that the waterway is unrealistic or poorly defined. This argument was largely resolved by a 2015 poll in which the majority of respondents voted in favor of recognizing the waterway as a "narrow sea."

On 21 December 2017, the name of the Strait of Haifa was voted onto the MCS's physical map by 75% of Micras' nations.