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Elian Trading Company (Whales)

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The Elian Trading Company (Whales) (ETC Whales; Hurmu: Elianska Koopmannasamhevasamlageð (Hvalrike), ; Saxon: Elianisches Handelsunternehmung (Walstaat); Sangunese: 恵理貿易會社(鯨國), Eri Bōekigaisha (Kujirakuni)) is the Whales filial of the Elian Trading Company. Registered in Walstadt, Whales, it cooperates with the Elian Trading Coordination Company and the Elianska Koopmannasamlageð i Hurmu in ensuring trade, mostly, between Whales and Hurmu, and benefitting from the Hurmu–Raspur Pact Free Trade Agreement.

Its ownership is as follows:

Owner Share
Principality of Whales 25%
Lordship of Kigazeki 10%
Hurmu Gate Company 10%
Order of the Holy Lakes 5%
Government of Hurmu 5%
Lordship of Chur 5%
Chur-Szandoh Walfanggesellschaft 5%
Lordship of Delfinenstrand 5%