1707 Imperial Constancian State Visit to Hurmu

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His Imperial Majesty Basileus Giakoumis made a state visit to Hurmu in 1707, beginning on 10.X.1707 and concluding on 14.X.1707, immediately after the 1707 Hurmu general elections.

This was the first state visit of the Basileus after his accession to the Imperial Throne of Constancia.


Invitation and Planning

The impetus for the state visit was provided by the Foreign Ministry of the Imperial State of Constancia, noting that in light of the Çakari succession crisis, Vanic Insurgency, and other related geopolitical developments, there was a need to very publicly enforce Constancian support for Hurmu, which lay at the center of these events.




Day 1 Upon touching down at Vesüha International Airport, the Basileus was greeted by Her Serenity Princess Lyudmila Eduardovna, in her capacity as Senator and Chair of the Senate's diplomatic committee, and the Prime Minister of Hurmu, Senator Daniyal al-Osman (both of whom, incidentally, are brothers-in-law). An honour guard was present, while the two Senators escorted the Basileus to a limousine.

The limousine cortège then drove to the Palace of the Elenaran, where the Basileus was invited to an audience with the full Senate, followed by lunch together with the Senate. After lunch, the Basileus was given a tour of the Palace and its gardens, and it was here that he would sleep later in the night.

After the tour, the Basileus visited a local school, and was afterwards taken to the Hurmu Gate, from whence he was transported to Ghawlama. Upon his arrival there, the Basileus was treated to a choir of Lontinian throat singing, followed by Krasnocorian Orthodox religious chants.

Day 2 At dawn the Basileus, accompanied by the Prime Minister of Hurmu and the members of the Senatorial Committee for the Hurmu Peace Corps, reviewed a parade of the Ghawlama garrison of the HPC, after which he was driven out of the city for a tour of the battlefields of the Barikalus-Hurmu war in Al-Khadra and Qurtuba. A banquet was organised for the sovereign by the burghers of Khanabad, where the visiting party was joined by Johannes Klaron Djupvik, the commissioner of the occupied territories, and the legate Linus Truls Thorgilsson.
