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Chetgavan Accords

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The Chetgavan Accords are an international agreement between the Kingdom of Craitland and the Alduro-Wechua Federation which covers the transfer of sovereignty of the territory of Incontinentia in 1692 AN.

The agreement was signed in the city of Chetgavan on 12.VI.1692, ratified by both Alduria-Wechua and Craitland on 13.VI.1692, and came into force at midnight on 01.VII.1692.


Following the transfer of sovereignty of Lakkvia and the decolonisation of New Vaduz, the Craitish government's "Great Consolidation" policy subsequently focused on Incontinentia, Craitland's longest-standing overseas territory. Initially established in 1526 AN as a trading post, Incontinentia developed into somewhat of a multicultural, international financial centre and was granted increased autonomy in 1566 AN. Since 1686 AN, the territory had been bordered by the Alduro-Wechua region of Valencia and, as a result, had established close, visa-free infrastructure ties with the nearby large city of Mayenne; a similar situation to that which New Vaduz had established with Cochabamba further north on Keltia. Having long-established positive relations, and coupled with the amicable occupation of New Vaduz after its decolonisation, the Craitish and Alduro-Wechua governments began talks over the peaceful transfer of the territory's sovereignty.

Support for the agreement was high among the Incontinentian population, due in part to its large percentage of residents of an immigrant background; a factor which had been influential in shaping the multicultural landscape of the territory since its foundation. Despite Craitland's long-established sovereignty over the land, ethnic Craits constituted a minority percentage of the territory's people, with notable communities being formed by Alexandrians, Valencians and Caputians: three of the major groups within the demographics of Alduria-Wechua. Of the territory's three main political parties, only the Incontinentian nationalist Partiya ICT voiced objection to the agreement, while the fiscally-conservative Unity and socially-liberal Yurta espoused what they believed were the benefits of the sovereignty transfer for the region. Both political and cultural ties to the Craitish mainland had frayed slightly following the nation's USSO membership referendum in 1657 AN, in which the Incontinentian vote was significantly incongruous with the general overall majority.


  • Craitland relinquishes all sovereignty over the land governed as Incontinentia.
  • Alduria-Wechua assumes sovereignty over this land.
  • The land shall be integrated fully into the subdivision of Valencia and as such be governed regionally from Chambéry.
  • Alduro-Wechua citizenship shall be offered to all permanent residents of the former Incontinentia.
  • Repatriation arrangements shall be made for all permanent residents of the former Incontinentia who wish to retain Craitish citizenship and relocate to the Craitish mainland.
  • Any Craitish corporations registered under or headquartered in the former Incontinentia will be re-registered in the Craitish mainland with temporary headquarters in Cherry Trees.
  • Usage of the Craitish Cräite and Incontinentian Talar shall cease, with currency exchange drives held for the conversion of cash into Alduro-Wechua écu at a fixed rate.
