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All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production

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All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production
Type Koïsoßwerke
Industry Organophosphorus chemistry
Founded 24.XI.1720 AN
Founder(s) August Schrader
Headquarters Iridian Isles, UGB
Area served Benacia
Products Herbicides  · Insecticides  · Pesticides
Owner(s) Benacian Union
Employees 1,124
Parent Chamber of Public Works (Commission for the Sacred Treasury, High Presidium of the Benacian Union)

The All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production, is a Benacian state unitary enterprise that specialises in organophosphorus chemistry. Founded on 24.XI.1720 AN by August Schrader, it has become a leading producer of herbicides, insecticides, and pesticides in the region.

Headquartered in the Iridian Isles, which is a part of the Unified Governorates of Benacia (UGB), the All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production serves the entire Benacian Union. Its products are used extensively in agriculture, forestry, and public health to control pests, weeds, and insect-borne diseases.

As an enterprise owned by the Benacian Union, the All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production operates under the umbrella of the Chamber of Public Works, specifically the Commission for the Sacred Treasury as directed by the High Presidium of the Benacian Union. This ensures that the enterprise is aligned with the overall goals and objectives of the Union, including sustainable agricultural practices and environmental protection.

The main focus of the All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production is the production and distribution of high-quality and effective pesticides. Through extensive research and development, the company continuously strives to improve its products and develop new formulations that are more environmentally friendly and less harmful to non-target organisms.

In addition to its primary function as a pesticide producer, the All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production also plays a role in promoting education and awareness about safe pesticide use. It collaborates with the Guilds of Benacia, government agencies, and research institutions to provide training programmes and informational resources to farmers and pest control professionals.

The All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production operates with a strong commitment to environmental stewardship and safety. It adheres to strict regulations and standards set by the Benacian Union, Community of Goldfield, and the Raspur Pact, to ensure that its products are safe for deployment within their specified application range. The enterprise invests in state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and employs highly skilled scientists and technicians to guarantee the quality and efficacy of its products.

Owing to the sensitivity of the site, access is prohibited to all protected persons as well as to any meritorious subjects who lacked accreditation from the Chamber of Public Works.


The All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production prides itself on its notable facilities, which include a patent office responsible for registering and protecting intellectual property rights for its formulations.

Patent office

The patent office within the All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production plays a crucial role in safeguarding the company's intellectual property. It ensures that the registered formulations remain exclusive to the enterprise, preventing unauthorised use or reproduction by competitors. This protection allows the enterprise to maintain its competitive advantage and continue investing in research and development to further advance the field of organophosphorus chemistry and pesticide production.

By securing patents for formulations such as Dimethylamidophosphoric dichloride and Dimethylammonium chloride, the All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production not only protects its intellectual property but also contributes to the overall growth and advancement of the pesticide industry. These formulations serve as valuable tools for farmers, foresters, and pest control professionals, enabling them to effectively manage pests and weeds while promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

Industrial facilities

The manufacturing site is designed and equipped to support the production and development of organophosphorus-based chemistry for the manufacturing of herbicides, insecticides, and pesticides.

The industrial facilities of the enterprise include:

  1. Manufacturing Units: These units consist of state-of-the-art production facilities where the synthesis and formulation of pesticide compounds take place. Equipped with advanced chemical reactors, distillation columns, and purification systems, these units ensure the efficient and precise production of high-quality pesticide products. Stringent quality control measures are implemented at every stage of the manufacturing process to maintain product consistency and effectiveness.
  2. Research and Development Laboratories: The enterprise boasts well-equipped research and development laboratories staffed by highly skilled scientists and technicians trained by the Benacian Academy School of the Sciences. These labs serve as the innovation hub of the enterprise, constantly exploring new formulations, testing their efficacy, and improving existing products. Cutting-edge equipment and analytical techniques are employed to study the properties and behaviors of pesticide compounds, facilitating the development of more targeted and environmentally friendly solutions.
  3. Quality Assurance and Testing Facilities: The All-Union Enterprise prioritizes the quality and safety of its products. Dedicated quality assurance and testing facilities are responsible for ensuring that all pesticides meet or exceed stringent regulatory standards. These facilities conduct rigorous testing for efficacy, toxicity, residue levels, and environmental impact to guarantee the safety and effectiveness of the enterprise's products.
  4. Packaging and Distribution Centers: Once the pesticides are manufactured and tested, they are packaged in appropriate containers and labeled with necessary instructions and safety warnings. The enterprise operates modern packaging and distribution centers that handle the packaging, labeling, and distribution of the final products. These centers ensure that the pesticides are securely packaged and prepared for shipment to customers across the Benacian Union.
  5. Environmental and Safety Measures: The All-Union Enterprise is committed to environmental sustainability and adheres to strict safety protocols. The industrial facilities incorporate measures to minimize waste generation, manage hazardous materials, and prevent environmental contamination. Efforts are made to implement eco-friendly practices and comply with relevant environmental regulations, ensuring responsible production and minimising the ecological footprint of the enterprise.

The industrial facilities of the All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production are a testament to the enterprise's commitment to excellence, innovation, and responsible manufacturing. Through these facilities, the enterprise efficiently produces and delivers high-quality pesticide products, contributing to the advancement of organophosphorus chemistry and supporting the agricultural and forestry sectors in their pest control and weed management efforts.

Residential facilities

The worker barracks at the site include modern and functional accommodations designed to provide a safe and comfortable living environment for the employees of the All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production. These barracks are an integral part of the overall infrastructure of the facility, ensuring that the workers have a suitable place to rest and recharge after their shifts.

Key features of the worker barracks include:

  1. Sleeping Quarters: The barracks are equipped with spacious dormitory-style rooms that can accommodate a significant number of workers. These rooms are furnished with comfortable beds, lockers, and basic amenities to ensure a restful sleep for the workers.
  2. Common Areas: The barracks include common areas where workers can relax and socialize during their free time. These areas may feature recreational facilities such as TV lounges, game rooms, or outdoor spaces for sports and leisure activities. Providing spaces for social interaction helps foster a sense of community and camaraderie among the workers.
  3. Dining Facilities: The barracks have dining areas or cafeterias where workers can enjoy nutritious meals prepared by the enterprise's catering services. These dining facilities adhere to strict hygiene standards and offer a variety of food options to cater to different dietary needs and preferences.
  4. Sanitary Facilities: Adequate and well-maintained sanitary facilities, including bathrooms and shower areas, are provided within the worker barracks. These facilities ensure proper hygiene and sanitation for the workers, promoting their well-being and overall health.
  5. Safety Measures: The worker barracks prioritize safety and security. They are equipped with fire prevention and detection systems, emergency exits, and other safety features to ensure the well-being of the occupants. Regular inspections and maintenance are conducted to uphold safety standards.
  6. Support Services: The barracks may also house administrative offices or support services that provide assistance to the workers. These offices may include a personnel department, medical center, counseling services, or recreational coordinators to address any work-related concerns, provide healthcare support, or organise recreational activities for the workers.

The worker barracks at the All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production reflect the enterprise's commitment to the welfare and well-being of its employees. By providing comfortable living quarters and necessary amenities, the enterprise aims to create a conducive environment that promotes employee satisfaction, productivity, and a healthy work-life balance.


Security for the All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production is entrusted to the Security Directorate of the Honourable Company (ESB Group), acting on behalf of the Benacian Union. The Security Directorate is a specialised division within the ESB Group that is dedicated to ensuring the safety and security of various establishments and facilities across the Union, including Residencies, and internationally.

The Security Directorate detachment in the Iridian Isles operates with a highly trained and professional security team that is equipped to handle a wide range of security challenges and potential threats. Their primary objective is to protect the enterprise's personnel, assets, and confidential information from unauthorized access, theft, vandalism, or any other forms of security breaches.

Key responsibilities of the Security Directorate include:

  1. Access Control: The security team is responsible for maintaining strict access control measures at the facility. They monitor the entry and exit points, verify the identity of individuals entering the premises, and ensure that only authorised personnel have access to sensitive areas.
  2. Patrol and Surveillance: The security personnel conduct regular patrols and surveillance throughout the facility to detect and deter any suspicious activities. They utilise advanced surveillance systems, such as CCTV cameras and monitoring equipment, to maintain a constant watch over the premises.
  3. Emergency Response: In the event of emergencies, such as fire, medical incidents, or security threats, the security team is trained to respond swiftly and effectively. They are knowledgeable in emergency protocols and evacuation procedures to ensure the safety of all personnel.
  4. Risk Assessment and Management: The Security Directorate carries out regular risk assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities and security risks within the facility. They develop and implement appropriate security measures and protocols to mitigate these risks and enhance overall security.
  5. Incident Management: In the event of security incidents or breaches, the security team promptly responds, assesses the situation, and takes appropriate actions to contain and resolve the issue. They work closely with law enforcement agencies, particularly the Corps of the Gentlemen-at-Cudgels and the Magisters-Carnifex, if necessary, to ensure the proper handling of any criminal activities.
  6. Training and Awareness: The Security Directorate provides ongoing training and awareness programs to the facility's personnel. This includes security awareness sessions, emergency response drills, and education on best practices for maintaining a secure work environment.

The involvement of the Security Directorate of the Honourable Company (ESB Group) in providing private security services for the All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production demonstrates the commitment of the Benacian Union to safeguarding the facility and its operations. By engaging a specialised security provider, the enterprise can benefit from the expertise, professionalism, and comprehensive security measures implemented by the Security Directorate, ensuring the protection of its personnel, assets, and sensitive information.

Off-site security assets for the All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production include a formidable rapid reaction unit comprised of various military and security resources. These assets are strategically deployed to provide additional protection and swift response capabilities in case of any potential threats or security incidents.

The rapid reaction unit is structured around the following assets:

  1. Helicopter Gunships: Four helicopter gunships are part of the off-site security assets. These gunships are equipped with advanced weaponry and surveillance systems, enabling them to provide aerial support and engage potential threats if necessary. They are capable of rapid deployment and can quickly reach any location within the vicinity of the enterprise.
  2. Motor Torpedo Boats: Two motor torpedo boats are included in the rapid reaction unit. These high-speed vessels are designed for maritime security and patrol duties. They are equipped with torpedoes and other defensive systems, providing an additional layer of security and surveillance along the waterways surrounding the enterprise.
  3. Spotter Aircraft: A spotter aircraft is employed to enhance situational awareness and surveillance capabilities. This aircraft is equipped with advanced reconnaissance equipment, including cameras and sensors, to gather intelligence and provide real-time information about potential security threats in the surrounding area.
  4. Motorised Machine-Gun Demi-regiment: A motorised machine-gun demi-regiment is a ground-based security asset included in the rapid reaction unit. This force consists of six hundred highly trained personnel equipped with motorised vehicles mounted with heavy machine guns. They provide additional firepower and a rapid response capability to counter any potential ground-based threats.

These off-site security assets are strategically positioned and ready to respond to any security incidents or threats that may arise. Their presence acts as a deterrent, showcasing the commitment of the Benacian Union to safeguarding the All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production and its operations. The combination of aerial and maritime assets, along with the motorised machine-gun demi-regiment, ensures a comprehensive security posture both within the facility and in its surrounding areas.

The Benacian Union recognises the need for robust security measures to protect not only the facility itself but also the critical resources, intellectual property, and personnel associated with the enterprise.

Beginning in early 1732 AN, the newly deployed Umraid Auxiliary Service Regiment was engaged in close technical cooperation with the All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production, and would accordingly be available to provide additional reinforcements if requested and required.


The All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production takes pride in its diverse and robust workforce, which is carefully organized to meet the demands of its operations. While exact figures may vary, the following breakdown provides an embellished estimation of the numbers within each branch:

  1. Research and Development Team: This highly skilled group comprises approximately 150 scientists, chemists, and engineers. They work collaboratively in state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities to develop cutting-edge formulations and innovative solutions. Visiting international subject matter experts are also to be commonly encountered.
  2. Manufacturing and Production Staff: The enterprise employs a sizable workforce of around 500 technicians, operators, and production line workers. They work in shifts to ensure continuous manufacturing and production of pesticides, operating advanced machinery and adhering to strict quality control protocols.
  3. Quality Assurance and Control: To ensure the highest standards of product quality, the enterprise employs a dedicated team of approximately 120 quality assurance professionals. They conduct rigorous testing, sampling, and analysis throughout the production process to maintain the efficacy and safety of the pesticides.
  4. Logistics and Supply Chain: The smooth functioning of the supply chain, coordinated by Fountainpen AI, is supported by a team of approximately 200 professionals. This includes procurement officers, warehouse managers, and logistics coordinators who oversee the timely delivery of raw materials and the distribution of finished products to customers across Benacia.
  5. Administrative and Support Staff: The administrative and support staff consists of around 100 individuals who handle various essential functions. This includes human resources, finance, legal, and marketing professionals who ensure the efficient management of the enterprise's operations and support its growth and development.
  6. Security Personnel: The Security Directorate of the Honourable Company (ESB Group) provides an on-site dedicated force of approximately 50 well-trained and equipped security personnel. They safeguard the enterprise's facilities, assets, and personnel, ensuring a secure working environment. These are supplemented by an off-site rapid reaction unit formed around a demi-regiment of six hundred men.

Notable formulations


One of the notable formulations registered by the All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production is Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). DDT has gained recognition and acclaim as a highly effective insecticide, demonstrating exceptional qualities in pest control and disease prevention. Its positive impact on agricultural productivity and public health cannot be understated.

DDT has proven to be an invaluable tool in combating the spread of vector-borne diseases such as malaria, typhus, and yellow fever. Its long-lasting residual effects make it a potent weapon against disease-carrying insects, helping to reduce the incidence of these debilitating illnesses. By targeting the vectors responsible for transmitting diseases, DDT has played a crucial role in safeguarding public health, particularly in regions prone to epidemic outbreaks.

In addition to its significance in disease control, DDT has also made remarkable contributions to agricultural practices. As an effective broad-spectrum insecticide, it has successfully protected crops from the devastating impact of pests, ensuring higher yields and increased food security. By effectively controlling pests, DDT has helped farmers mitigate losses and maintain sustainable agricultural practices, ultimately contributing to the overall well-being of communities and economies.

Furthermore, DDT's chemical properties provide durability and stability, allowing for long-term effectiveness. Its persistence in the environment ensures prolonged protection against pests, reducing the need for frequent reapplication and lowering overall pesticide usage. This not only benefits farmers economically but also minimises potential environmental impact.

It is important to acknowledge the advancements and benefits that DDT has brought to pest control and public health. Its effectiveness in disease prevention and crop protection has undoubtedly made a positive impact on societies across Benacia. The All-Union Enterprise for Pesticide Production takes great pride in its contribution to the formulation and production of this remarkable insecticide, which continues to play a vital role in promoting a healthier and more productive future.

Dimethylamidophosphoric dichloride

Dimethylamidophosphoric dichloride is a key ingredient in several pesticide formulations developed by the enterprise. This compound is known for its broad-spectrum insecticidal and acaricidal properties, making it effective against a wide range of pests. Its mode of action involves disrupting the nervous system of target organisms, ultimately leading to their elimination. The registration of this formulation reinforces the All-Union Enterprise's commitment to innovation and the development of effective pest control solutions.

Dimethylammonium chloride

Dimethylammonium chloride is a compound utilized in herbicide formulations produced by the enterprise. Herbicides containing this compound are widely used in agriculture and forestry to control unwanted plant growth. By inhibiting specific enzymes involved in plant growth and metabolism, these formulations effectively suppress the growth of weeds and invasive plant species. The registration of this formulation demonstrates the All-Union Enterprise's dedication to providing effective tools for weed management and promoting efficient and sustainable agricultural practices.

Experimental products


  • Executive Leadership
    • Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Responsible for overall strategic direction and decision-making.
    • Chief Operations Officer (COO): Oversees day-to-day operations and ensures efficient production processes.
    • Chief Financial Officer (CFO): Manages financial resources, budgeting, and financial planning.
    • Chief Research and Development Officer (CRDO): Leads research and development efforts to innovate new pesticide formulations.
  • Research and Development Department
    • Research Scientists: Conduct studies to develop new pesticide formulations and improve existing products.
    • Formulation Chemists: Responsible for creating and testing pesticide formulations.
    • Quality Control Analysts: Ensure the quality and effectiveness of the produced pesticides.
    • Regulatory Affairs Specialists: Handle compliance with government regulations and obtain necessary approvals.
  • Production and Manufacturing Division
    • Plant Managers: Oversee day-to-day operations at various production facilities.
    • Production Supervisors: Manage production lines and ensure efficient manufacturing processes.
    • Machine Operators: Operate machinery and equipment for pesticide production.
    • Packaging and Labeling Team: Responsible for packaging and labeling of the finished pesticide products.
    • Maintenance Technicians: Maintain and repair machinery and equipment to ensure uninterrupted production.
  • Sales and Marketing Department
    • Sales Managers: Develop sales strategies and manage sales teams.
    • Sales Representatives: Build relationships with clients and promote the company's pesticide products.
    • Marketing Specialists: Plan and execute marketing campaigns to create brand awareness.
    • Customer Service Team: Assist customers with inquiries, orders, and provide after-sales support.
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Division
    • Supply Chain Managers: Oversee procurement of raw materials and manage supplier relationships.
    • Warehouse Supervisors: Manage inventory and ensure timely delivery of raw materials and finished products.
    • Distribution Team: Coordinate transportation and logistics to deliver products to customers.
    • Procurement Specialists: Source and negotiate contracts with suppliers to ensure cost-effective procurement.
  • Human Resources Department
    • HR Managers: Develop HR policies, oversee recruitment, and handle employee relations.
    • Training and Development Specialists: Design and implement training programs for employees.
    • Payroll and Benefits Administrators: Manage employee compensation and benefits.
    • Health and Safety Officers: Ensure a safe working environment and compliance with health and safety regulations.
  • Finance and Administration Department
    • Accounting Team: Handle financial transactions, bookkeeping, and financial reporting.
    • Administrative Staff: Provide general administrative support to various departments.
    • IT Support Team: Maintain and support the company's IT infrastructure and systems.
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance Division
    • Legal Counsel: Provide legal advice and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
    • Compliance Officers: Monitor and enforce adherence to legal and regulatory requirements.
    • Intellectual Property Specialists: Manage patent applications and protect the company's intellectual property.

Domestic customers

International customers