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Elian Trading Company (Whales): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 14:07, 4 August 2022

The Elian Trading Company (Whales) (ETC Whales; Hurmu: Elianska Koopmannasamhevasamlageð (Hvalrike), ; Saxon: Elianisches Handelsunternehmung (Walstaat); Sangunese: 恵理貿易會社(鯨國), Eri Bōekigaisha (Kujirakuni)) was the Whales filial of the Elian Trading Company until the acquisition of available shares by the ESB Group of Cibola in 1704 AN. Registered in Walstadt, Whales, it cooperated with the Elian Trading Coordination Company and the Elianska Koopmannasamlageð i Hurmu in ensuring trade, mostly, between Whales and Hurmu, and benefitting from the Hurmu–Raspur Pact Free Trade Agreement.

Its ownership is as follows:

Owner Share
ESB Group (Cibola) 35%
Principality of Whales 25%
Lordship of Kigazeki 10%
Hurmu Gate Company 10%
Order of the Holy Lakes 5%
Government of Hurmu 5%
Lordship of Delfinenstrand 5%