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From 1655 to 1658, the Kasterburger borders have expanded significantly to the North and the East so that Kasterburg now closes the Benacian coast gap between West and East Shireroth. The northern expansion into the green has resulted in colonisation of southern Porolia. Although Batavian culture continues to be prominent in the republic, a distinct Kasterburger identity has emerged over the years, due to the often isolated and barren landscape, and the colonial history.
From 1655 to 1658, the Kasterburger borders have expanded significantly to the North and the East so that Kasterburg now closes the Benacian coast gap between West and East Shireroth. The northern expansion into the green has resulted in colonisation of southern Porolia. Although Batavian culture continues to be prominent in the republic, a distinct Kasterburger identity has emerged over the years, due to the often isolated and barren landscape, and the colonial history.
==Calendar and Holidays==
===Kasterburger Calendar===
The Kasterburg Republic uses a syncretic calendar, with the years being based upon the Norton Calendar, and most of the names for the Months and Days being taken from the Bataafse Kalender as established by the Lagerhuis.
The Months of the year according to the Kasterburger Calendar are as follows:
===National Holidays===
There are several official national holidays in the Kasterburger Republic, these are:
*9th Sprokkelmaand: New Year
*1st Bloeimaand: Day of Labour and Trade
*12th Middenmaand: Independence day of the Republic
*4th Oogsmaand: Beerday, Catologian holiday
*16th Wijnmaand: Batavian Day
*29th Slachtmaand: Micronational Day


Revision as of 16:38, 1 June 2018

Kasterburg Republic

Kasterburger Republiek
Flag of Kasterburg
Coat of Arms of Kasterburg
Coat of Arms
Motto: Heft op een Baniere, op eene Hoogen Berch
Raise up a Banner, upon a High Mountain
Anthem: Awake, the Voice calls to Us
Location of Kasterburg
Map versions {{{mapversions}}}
Capital Kasterburg
Largest city Litkov, Feldkirche, Nieuw Ingelheim
Official language(s) Batavian, Common Tongue, local dialects
Official religion(s) Reformed Catologian Church
Demonym Kasterburger
  Adjective Kasterburger
Government Autocratic Republic
 • Magistrate Reginald de Montfort
 • {{{headoflegislaturetitle}}} {{{headoflegislature}}}
 • {{{headoflegislature2title}}} {{{headoflegislature2}}}
Legislature Consistory
Establishment 1655
Area 492,880 km2
Population 2.220.300
Currency Thaler
Abbreviation KAS
Driving side
Time zone(s)
National animal Tyrannocricetus aliger
National drink Smoked Beer
"This now here is our Land, it is the Promised Land. Has it not been said that whosoever does not despair, but maintains in good will and hard work, will succeed? So now let us rejoice in our destiny and let it be known to the nations that we are a Chosen People, blessed by Cato's mighty hand from on high, because His Voice has called us, and we have followed. Now raise up a banner, upon this high mountain and work the earth and grow this Kasterburger Republic."
—Magistrate Reginald de Montfort, upon entering the city of Kasterburg and proclaiming the Republic

The Kasterburg Republic (Batavian: Kasterburger Republiek) is a country on the continent of Benacia which was founded in 1655 by Shirithian colonists, largely of Batavian origin. Since its conception as a nation, it has expanded significantly. The Kasterburg Republic is one of the nations of Inner-Benacia and as such borders Kalagachia to the Northeast, Shireroth to both the East and the West and the Green Wastes to the Northwest. The coastline of the Benacian Sea forms the southern border of the Republic.


The Kasterburg Republic has an area of approximately 500,000 km2 and is almost entirely made up of forest, flatlands and plains, populated by settlers, farmers and some nomadic tribes. The rough landscape makes that the Republic is sparsely populated.

The landscape of the Republic can be unforgiving. As this photograph, taken in Northern Ostesia, shows however, it is also magnificent.

The Southern border of the Republic is the shore of the Benacian sea, almost entirely dominated by cliffs except for a few natural harbours, around which Republican settlements have grown. The Republic has a harsh and unwelcoming climate, which makes it difficult to sustain agriculture, intensive farming, made possible by an ingenious irrigation system, can only be found in the proximity of the capital city. As if the weather didn't provide enough challenge, the steppes are also terrorised by flocks of Tee-al, who come to the lowlands in order to mate and breed, causing havoc among the population.

To the Northwest, thick forests cover the landscape, interrupted by mountains whose peaks reach higher and higher as one travels further North. The Porolian landscape is quite diverse with mountain ranges, forests and plains.

The political centre of the Republic lies at the city of Kasterburg, located in the Southwest of the nation, a walled city located on a mountain range, approximately 900 meters above sea level. From the city, the government of the Republic exercises its control over the land, albeit with limited success.

Kasterburgers, in contrast to their neighbours, have been noted for retaining some of their ancestral Batavian stolidness, a certain level-headedness that was forever in danger of shading over into the prosaic.



The Batavian Unification Treaty, here discussed by the signatories (Prime Minister Mackay is seen holding the red case containing the treaty), did not lead to Batavian stability.

Roughly half of the current area of the Kasterburg Republic was part of the gewesten Hoorne and Baronië within the Kingdom of Batavia. Beginning in the late 16th century, the Batavian nobility entered an arrangement with the Jingdaoese Empire to consolidate the Batavian lands in Benacia, which had been subjected to a steady decline. A civil war between the Benacian faction and the Free State faction, supported by the Republic of Flanders defined much of the later years of the Batavian Kingdom.

Around 1613, Batavian nationalists, under the leadership of Joachim Mackay, entered negotiations with the Free State, ensuring a short-lived reunification of the Batavian Kingdom. It was during this period that tensions arose between the Jingdaoese-backed puppet government and its supporters, and the pro-unity faction of Mackay, who by then was appointed Prime Minister of Batavia. The results of this split, both politically and socially, continue to influence Batavians until this day. It was also during his period that a schism occured between the Bataafse Kerk, whose Catologist beliefs where colluded by Jingdaoese influences, and the Reformed Catologian Church, which saw itself as a continuation of "pure Catologism". Eventually, the collapse of central authority, as well as the growing polarisation wihtin Batavian Benacia lead to the final collapse of Batavian nationhood. The parts of the nation controlled by pro-Jing forces where annexed by the Empire, whilst the provinces of the Kingdom lost self-determination and were eventually annexed by the Imperial Republic of Shireroth between the years 1638 and 1642. The greater part of old Batavia endured aggressive Froyalandisation, a process of forced assimilation into an utterly alien system of rites and customs, imposed by the colonial Elwynnese rulers of Amokolia whilst the remainder escaped Vanic domination only by dint of local "collaborationist" governments in Dietsland, Puritania, and Voltrue coming to an arrangement with the Imperial Republic directly.

Minarborian Rule

"The Plight of the Batavians", a painting from 1649, depicting the few remaining Batavian citizens of Kasterburg after the fall of Minarboria

The ancient Batavian city of Kasterburg (formerly Caesterburgh) became the primary settlement of Poroly (Porolia) during the period of Minarborian occupation known as the Jollification of the Kossars, in which time Kasterburg, along with Kolmenitzkiy, was ruled by the Shophate of Siyachia, a quasi-autonomous fief of the Minarborian Empire under the dictatorship of Zemphirius Karymov.

The terrain around Kasterburg is noted for its flat topography, except for the mountain range on which the city of Kasterburg is situated, becoming somewhat arid and steppe-like toward the continental interior, where Kossars reverted back to a primordial pastoralism, complementing their tendency towards warlordism, fratricide, and the light shrugging off of distant central authorities.

At the time of the collapse of the Empire of Minarboria, the Kasterburg Garrison consisted of four battalions of professional soldiers, sixteen companies of Kossar levies, one SAM missile battery, and four Whirdlebirb flights, alongside a throng of armed partisan groups allied with the Western United Shrubagogue, a tolerated deviant sect of Minarborealism. Unfortunately the looting, the internecine fighting, and the western spread of the dreaded Tee-al, scattered this meaningful accumulation of military hardware to the four winds. Much of that which survived wound up in the possession of the Kossar brigands who would go on separately to occupy Kolmenitzkiy and found Kalgachia in the mountain fastness of Oktavyan.

Following the fall of Minarboria and the retreat of the majority of the residents of the Kasterburger plains to Kalgachia, the population dropped significantly. The city of Kasterburg was almost deserted and only a few families remained, largely those whose ancestors had continue to live in the city even after the demise of the Batavian kingdom.

The Awakening

Magistrate Reginald de Montfort, minister in the Reformed Catologian Church, organised the largest Batavian migration to the East.

The Auspicious Occasion, occurring suddenly in far off Eliria during the year 1651, allowed the Batavians, with some considerable vehemence, to cast off the Froyalanish yoke. Whilst it was true that the ancient homeland remained divided between Shirerithian and Jingdaoese areas of occupation, the people themselves were at least able to once again enjoy a measure of self-expression, however limited, and to practice their own beliefs and customs without being continually pestered for sexual favours by an aristocracy comprised of mead-sozzled deviants.

It was in this environment that expressions of Batavian heritage once again became more prominent. Former Prime Minister Mackay established the "Vrye Bataven", a society that strove towards the re-establishment of the Batavian state. However, Batavian nationalism was far from hegemonious. Especially after Mackay retired from public office due to his age, a lack of leadership and organisation contiued to haunt the Batavian nationalist cause. The old schism between the pro- and anti-Jing forces remained a force of seperation, as was the degree on cooperation with the Shirithian authorities.

In this tumultuous environment, a faction arose surrounding Reginald de Montfort, a minister in the Reformed Catologian Church and author. In several pamphlets, he called for what he called "true Batavians both in the flesh and in spirit" to come together and protect their heritage. The group around de Montfort soon included several high-ranking officials within the army, as well as political figures. An important part in the group's philosophy was the inclusion of the displaced Batavian population in the green wilderness that were the lands of former Minarboria. De Montfort visited the cities of Feldkirche and Kasterburg, once cultural centres of the Batavian kingdom, and was impressed with the determination of its few remaining citizens, describing them as "the ones who not only truly understood, but encapsulated in their lives, the essence of the Batavian spirit". The harsh conditions of the land strongly suited de Montfort's stoic and determinist philosophy and he began to use these encounters in speeches and publications to expouse his views, which were shared by many of his listeners.

The Drang Naar het Oosten

The settlers under leadership of de Montfort entering Kasterburg Castle, which would become the centre of the Republic

Following a sermon given by de Montfort, and a subsequent appeal in the Bataafse Klaroen, the newspaper that he by then had taken over, the Vereniging tot Oostwaartse Migratie (Society for Eastward Migration) was founded, which had as a goal to arrange a large exodus of ethnic Batavians to the green wilderness in the East. Several reasons were given for this cause. In the first place, the loss of Batavian identity and autonomy under Shirithian rule, where even the appointment of a native son as governor of Batavia could not disguise the grasping nature of the regime overseen by the revenue men. Secondly, the situation of the Batavian citizens of old Minarboria, and the harsh living conditions of those families separated by the border. Thirdly, the economic situation in the Batavian lands had significantly worsened following the exploitation by both the Iron Company and the ESB-group. Promises of natural riches (which eventually turned out to be greatly exagerated) and liberty convinced many ethnic Batavians, and even some Shirithians, to join the VOM.

The gradual repopulation of Kasterburg appears to have been driven by a steady eastwards drift of Batavian refugees and migrants fleeing the occupation, first Elwynnese then direct Imperial, of Batavia and the grinding, endless, war with Jingdao. In 1655, the largest column of migrants, lead by Reginald de Montfort himself, left Shireroth and reached the city of Kasterburg. The historic significance of the city made for it to be the centre of what was to be a new nation. The party crossed the steppes and rebuilt the deserted city. Initially, there was discussion on the type of society that was to be formed. With some people propagating a democracy, or an absolute monarchy. Eventually, the "Autocratic Republic" was chosen and Reginald de Montfort was proclaimed Magistrate, and de facto dictator of the new nation.

The Kasterburger settlers of the inland steppes are used to the rough climate

The Republic

With de Montfort becoming Magistrate, the government of the Republic was defined. The autocratic nature of the government resulted in swift and efficient progress, which lead Kasterburg to flourish almost from the start. In the years that followed, the Republicans gradually expanded their influence over the plains, although the local population in the Southern regions of the country has a high degree of autonomy. Efforts by the Republican government to centralise the country have not been as succesful as intended, but did result in the establishment of a transportation route from the city of Kasterburg to the coastal settlement of Nieuw Ingelheim.

From 1655 to 1658, the Kasterburger borders have expanded significantly to the North and the East so that Kasterburg now closes the Benacian coast gap between West and East Shireroth. The northern expansion into the green has resulted in colonisation of southern Porolia. Although Batavian culture continues to be prominent in the republic, a distinct Kasterburger identity has emerged over the years, due to the often isolated and barren landscape, and the colonial history.

Calendar and Holidays

Kasterburger Calendar

The Kasterburg Republic uses a syncretic calendar, with the years being based upon the Norton Calendar, and most of the names for the Months and Days being taken from the Bataafse Kalender as established by the Lagerhuis.

The Months of the year according to the Kasterburger Calendar are as follows:

  • Louwmaand
  • Sprokkelmaand
  • Kreeftsmaand
  • Grasmaand
  • Bloeimaand
  • Middenmaand
  • Hooimaand
  • Oogstmaand
  • Ramsmaand
  • Wijnmaand
  • Slachtmaand
  • IJsmaand

National Holidays

There are several official national holidays in the Kasterburger Republic, these are:

  • 9th Sprokkelmaand: New Year
  • 1st Bloeimaand: Day of Labour and Trade
  • 12th Middenmaand: Independence day of the Republic
  • 4th Oogsmaand: Beerday, Catologian holiday
  • 16th Wijnmaand: Batavian Day
  • 29th Slachtmaand: Micronational Day


See for the current legislature: Second Consistory

Kasterburg is a republic, but not a democracy. The nation is governed by the Magistrate (Magistraat), who as head of state embodies both the executive, legislative and judicial branch. The Magistrate is aided by an appointed legislature, consisting of the most prominent members of Kasterburgish society, which is called the Consistory (Consistorium). The country, as an autocratic republic, does not have the possibility for political parties to contest offices. However, political factions do exist within Kasterburg.

Membership card of the Kasterburger Volksbond

The largest political organisation is the Kasterburger Volksbond (Kasterburger People's Union), which is alligned with the ruling government. For many public positions, for instance in education, government or the military, membership of the KVB is required. Organisations that actively oppose the government are not officially banned but actively discouraged. Registered political organisations other than the KVB are the Women's Front, Unified Worker's Action, Shirithian Solidarity Society, Mercantile Interest First and the youth branch of the Volksarmee, the Patriotic Youth Rally.

The influence of the Magistrate in the country relies heavily on infrastructure. The area surrounding Kasterburg city, which houses around half of the population of the republic, as well as its largest farms and industry, is firmly under control of the government. A guarded road, connecting the capital with the coastal settlement of Nieuw Ingelheim serves as a means to transport military personel and control trade. The inland steppes, as well as the barren plains near the coast and Northern forests, are generally self-sufficient and independent. Almost exclusively made up of settlers, they remain loyal to the government in Kasterburg. Largest source of disarray are the Laqi, who at best tolerate the official rule, and steppe raiders, a semi-criminal horde that uses the wilderness to hide. The main goal of the government is to advance influence throughout the Benacian inland.

New laws and decrees are published in the Kasterburger Staatsblad upon their adoption by the Consistory and promulgation by the Magistrate.

Administrative Divisions

The Republic is divided into four provinces, or Gouwen, for administrative purposes. The Gouwen have little self determination due to the centralised nature of the Republic's government. Every Gouw has a council of Aldermen tasked with the daily governance.

The internal borders and most important cities of the Kasterburg Republic as seen on a map.
Coat of Arms Gouw Capital Population Date of Establishment
Horne Provincial Coat of Arms.png Hoorne Feldkirche 560,300 1658
Kasterburg Provincial Coat of Arms.png Kasterburg Kasterburg 210,800 1655
Ostesia Provincial Coat of Arms.png Ostesia Nieuw Ingelheim 226,100 1658
Porolia Provincial Coat of Arms.png Porolia Litkov 1,120,500 1658

In 1659, the Binnen-Benacische Militaire Zone (Inner Benacian Military Zone) was established, which links Kasterburg directly with the Garden of Kalgachia. The IBMZ/BBMZ is directly governed by the Magistrate as Commander of the Kasterburger Defence Forces. As such, it's not designed as a Gouw but as a region with special status.

Coat of Arms Name Capital Population Date of Establishment
BBMZ logo.png Binnen-Benacische Militaire Zone
Inner Benacian Military Zone
Gravia 102.600 1659

Diplomacy and International Relations

Although a young nation, the Kasterburg Republic has been diplomatically active and has shown significant willingness to engage in foreign relation. It has become a member of the Micras Treaty Organisation and ratified the MTO charter, as well as the Law of the Seas. The Republic's strategic location on the Benacian continent has made it an important ally for its direct neighbours.


In 1655, unverified reports were received by the Shirithian intelligence services that a pair of adventurers, Batavian in origin, had established a self-declared republic in the region. Shortly thereafter, a detachement from the Kasterburg Republic arrived in Shirekeep where, after a brief episode of misunderstanding, formal relations were established, which eventually lead to the ratification of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, which was formalised in 1659. Kasterburg also opened its borders to all Shirerithian citizens who could claim Batavian heritage.

In the dying days of 1656 a joint Imperial-ESB expedition was dispatched into the green to investigate and make contact. This expedition however turned around in terror at it's first sight of a Tee-al. The survivors were gunned down as they tried to cross the border back into Imperial territory. A second attempt was made in early 1657. It was soon clear to the Kasterburger authorities that the Imperial Republic tried to gain a foothold in the new nation, to expand their influence as part of the Shirithian ideology of Benacian hegemony. The Kasterburger government decided to use this inclination to gain Shirithian military support in fighting the harsh weather as well as the Tee-al investation. On the other hand, however, the Republic now found itself in the centre of the delicate diplomatic balance between Shireroth and Kalgachia.


The Garden of Kalgachia, although only neighbouring Kasterburg through the green waste, did not offer an immediate public response to the proclamation of the Republic but quiet contacts were established via KDF cossacks operating near the Kasterburg frontier. Following the establishment of relations with Shireroth, Kasterburger diplomats reached out to the Kalgachian government in order to maintain a balance. This resulted in the joint command over Operation Beefsteak, in which Kalgachian and Kasterburger forces organised an expedition against Laqi nomads and Tee-al. In 1658, Kalgachia and Kasterburg signed the Sterklucht Agreement on Airspace Security. In 1659 The Republic gained a land border with Kalgachia through the addition of the Inner-Benacian Military Zone.

Other Nations

The Kasterburg Republic has diplomatic ties with the Union of Caputia, and has had informal discussions with the Old Oilrig and the Transbatavian Free State.


The Kasterburger population can be roughly divided into two categories: Staatsburgers, those considered to hold full citizenship, have the right to vote and do not suffer any officially sanctioned discrimination and persecutions, and Onderburgers, those residents of Kasterburg who are not accepted as part of the Kasterburger society and culture. The latter group does not have any rights granted by the government, and are considered non-citizens. As such, they often face a decree of persecution, although this greatly varies depending on ethnicity. The Kasterburger government has received international criticism for its treatment of Onderburgers, especially the semi-official policy of passive genocide against the Nezeni, or Deep-singers, who are considered unnatural elements.


Although Kasterburg is a multi-ethnic nation, it can hardly be characterised as a pluralistic society. The dominant culture is a distinct mix between Batavian heritage and Shirithian militarism. Kasterburg public life is dominated by ethnic Batavians, and critics define the Kasterburger society as racist and narrow-minded. The perception of non-Shirithian foreigners is often hostile, degrading or insulting. In general, a fine and extensive ranking system exists with regards to the hierarchy of different ethnicities. Although only rarely expressed by public officials, this hierarchy is omnipresent and obvious to any observant visitor.

Batavians are on top of the ethnic pyramid, followed by the Shirithians. Due to inbreeding during the period of Shirithian occupation, many Batavians closely observe the purity of the Batavian line. The level of pureness of the blood often determines the social standing of a family. Shirithians are acknowledged as equal, and will find no problem when applying for a job.

The Kasterburg government strongly promotes expressions of Batavian heritage

A second tier of ethnicity is reserved for the descendants of the Ashkenatzi and Kalgachian immigrants. They are both admired and envied for their historic connection with the Kasterburg lands. The profoundly different cultural and religious mindset of the Ashkenatzi however, makes them also subject to suspicion. Kalgachians are also often treated with suspicion due to their religious practices and the fact that most Kasterburgers know next to nothing about the nation of Kalgachia. Aside from these common prejudices, these peoples are accepted as belonging to the Kasterburger society, although they are rarely found occupying positions of power and influence.


"And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me: I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn, and they shall not enter into the land of the mountain: and ye shall know that I am the Lord Cato."
—Ancient Catologian scripture

Another story is the perception of Laqi and Jingdaoese. These peoples are considered enemies of the Kasterburger people. Due to their different racial treats, they are an easy target for the xenophobic minded Kasterburgers. The fact that Laqi bandits are active in Southern Kasterburg, and the Batavians have had a difficult relationship with the Jing nation does complicate their position. Members of these two ethnic groups are highly overrepresented in Kasterburger prisons, and sometimes victims of lynching or vigilante courts.

The fourth and last tier is occupied by the Nezeni, the only group that is officially regarded as "non-citizen". The blue skin and magical connection is highly bewildering and offensive to the Kasterburger citizens. The Kasterburger government is accused of persecuting Nezeni by housing them in internment camps, forcing them to do heavy labour. Unsubstantiated rumours that Nezeni are put to work in the government's nuclear and biological facilities are also common. The solidification of the Republic has lead many Nezeni to flee the country, and their number is drastically reduced over the last years.

Ethnic groups in the Kasterburg Republic (1657 AN)
Ethnicity Population Size Percentage
Batavian 421.500 75.6%
Shirithian 71.300 12.7%
Laqi 26.100 4.7 %
Kalgachian 19.500 3.5%
Ashkenatzi 13.200 2.4%
Nezeni 4.500 0.8%
Other (primarily Jingdaoese) 1.400 0.3%
Total 557.500 100%
Ethnic groups in the Kasterburg Republic (1658 AN)
Ethnicity Population Size Percentage
Batavian 1.478.100 69.8%
Shirithian (including Mishalanski) 354.700 16.7%
Ashkenatzi 173.100 8.2%
Laqi 48.300 2.3 %
Kalgachian 42.400 1.9%
Lywaller 12.200 0.6%
Nezeni 5.500 0.3%
Other (primarily Jingdaoese) 3.400 0.2%
Total 2.117.700 100%


Lumber mills can be found in Porolia and are an example of the importance of natural resources for the Kasterburger economy.

The Kasterburger economy is largely based upon natural resources and agriculture. The plains of central and Southern Kasterburg are home to large farms, mosly producing corn, wheat and cotton, as well as ranches that are important for the Republic's meat production. To the North of the country, lumber mills can be found everywhere.

It is also in the Northern part of the Republic that the industrial heartland can be found. Litkov functions as the main hub for steelworks and manefacturing. The KasterWagen plant in Litkov employs a significant number of people.

Much of the Kasterburger products are meant for national use, although some export exists, mainly to neighbouring countries. International trade is operated by the Kasterburger Handelsmaatschappij. The largest export product of the Republic however remains energy, both nuclear and natural. There are currently 4 fully operational nuclear reactors in the counry, all located in Porolia near the border. Nuclear energy is exploited by the state-owned Atoomkracht company.

The official currency of the Republic is the Thaler, divided into 12 Stuyvers which in turn are divided into 28 Duyten. Aside from the Kasterburger currency, which are coined in the Staatsmunt in Waldstein, the Shirithian Erb is also used. A small amount of Kalgarrand circulates in the black market, brought into the country by fish smugglers and valued for its gold content.


For the main article: Kasterburger Defence Forces.

The security of the young Republic is safeguarded by three separate institutions, each under the direct supervision of the Magistrate. The Volksarmee (People's Army), the armed forces, is the largest of these. Tasked with Border control, safeguarding Kasterburger settlements and operating as a standing army in case of war, it is the primary defense force of the nation. The Beschutting (Roughly translated as Guarding) is the national office for state security, as well as the department of intelligence.

Standard uniforms for the Kasterburger armed forces

This office is of paramount importance, considering the fact that Kasterburg is bordered by larger countries such as Shireroth, Jingdao and Kalgachia and as such has to find a crucial diplomatic balance. The final institution is the Landswacht, the national police force that is mostly confined to the city of Kasterburg and surrounding area.

To secure its existence in a dangerous and politically complicated part of the world, the Republic of Kasterburg has begun production of so-called weapons of mass destruction. Details of the weapon programme, called "Zwaard der Wrake" (Sword of Revenge) are unknown and classified, but the programme is rumoured to contain both the development of biological weaponry, as well as establishing a nuclear capacity.

In addition to national security forces, Kasterburg has welcomed support from Kalgachia to counter the threat posed by the Tee-Al.


See also National symbols of Kasterburg.

Benacian Horror is the latest blockbuster of Kasterburger origin

Kasterburg has been strongly affected by external cultural influences, most notably those originated in Batavia. In the years following the development of the Republic as an independent nation, there has been more synthesis between the dominant Batavian culture and the indigenous cultures of the Azkhenatzi and even Laqi.

Kasterburg city houses the National Museum and the Jodocus van Haltna University, showing permanent exhibition on the cultural and natural history of the Republic, as well as conservation of Batavian cultural heritage.

Famous historical sites in the country are, aside from Kasterburg castle, the old city of Feldkirche, the Settler's Monument and the Old Sjoel, one of the few original Azkhenatzi buildings left in Porolia.


For the main article: Cinema of Kasterburg

Kasterburg is home to a surprisingly innovative cinema scene. Biggest production company is Lost Mind Productions, which is well known for its low-budget horror films, which are by far the most popular movies in the Republic. Some of the most internationally well-received actors and directors come from Kasterburg, such as directors Peter Backson and Marcus Brühl, and actors Rath Basilbone, Greta Orlando and Zelda Maria Copernicus.

Some movies that have gained international acclaim are Breakfast for One, The Castle of the Giant Falcon, The Battle for Litkov and the recent thriller Benacian Horror.

Although popular, Kasterburger movies are often the subject of controversy due to its portrayal of ethnic stereotypes, violence and thinly veiled propaganda.


For the main article: Reformed Catologian Church

The official state religion of Kasterburg is the Reformed Catologian Church, a distinct brand of Catologism that originated in Batavia. Central to the Reformed Catologian religion is the belief in Cato as the one God, in which five different aspects are present, depicted as gods (with a non-capital letter). Reformed Catologism is strongly dogmatic and determinist, with an important role of fate, called Schicksal. Drinking of sacred beer is also an important sacrament in the Church.


Sports in Kasterburg are regulated by the Nationale Vereniging voor Lichaamsoefening (National Union for Physical Exercise). The NVLO organises mass sports events, school gymnastics and various sports organisations. Two sporting organisations under the NVLO mantle have professional leagues: The Kasterburger Boxing Competition and the Kasterburger Footbal League. The NVLO is also responsible for the national football team and the Kasterburger delegation to the Micras Games.



The Kasterburger rail network connects the largest cities of the republic

The republic has a developing infrastructure. The harsh southern climate, and the thick forests in the North make it difficult to reach certain parts of the country. Major progress was made in 1658 when the Kasterburger Spoorwegen, a new railway network, was founded, and a decent railway connection between the largest cities was established.

The rail network consists of three lines, that come together at Kasterburg Hoofdstation in the city of Kasterburg. These three lines are:

  • The Batavian Line, which connects Kasterburg with the Shirithian province of Batavia and passes through the city of Hoorne, and also stops at Jodocus van Haltna International Airfield.
  • The Northern Line, which connects Kasterburg with Litkov and the Litkov industrial district, it also stops at St. Elmo military base. This is a major line used especially for the transportation of goods to the industrial district, which is the economic hub of the republic. In 1659, this line was extended to cross the Inner Benacian Military Zone and cross the border to Kalgachia, which means that it is now possible to travel directly from Kasterburg to the Kalgachian capital of Oktavyan.
  • The Republican Line, which connects Kasterburg with the coastal city of Nieuw Ingelheim, stopping in Waldstein, from where a different branch continues to the Kasterburger-Shirithian border, stopping in Daschau.


The main airport of the Kasterburg Republic is Jodocus van Haltna International Airfield, which also is the only airport to connect the republic with other nations. Smaller airports for domesic and military flights also exist within Kasterburg. The only airline of Kasterburg, Nakalma, operates from Jodocus van Haltna IA.