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Primo de Aguilar Institute of the Humanities

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A Humanist Institute established in 1727 AN, situated in Petropolis. The Institute is established to provide a Humanist education for the scions of notables in the service of the Honourable Company, the Nationalist & Humanist Party, the Raspur Pact, and the Order of the Holy Lakes within Eura, with emphasis in Constancia. In line with Humanist educational theory, the establishment is open to the enrolment of children from the age of seven and upwards. Suitable candidates from amongst the student body may be referred onto the N&H Future Leadership Programme.


The Institute is named for Jaime Augustin Joaquin Primo de Aguilar, Autokrator of Constancia, Prince of Molivadia, Director of the Honorable Company, High Commissioner of the Raspur Pact, Secretary-General of the Micras Treaty Organization and later known as Basileus Giakoumis, who gained renown for his transitioning of Constancia from a sleepy backwater into an economic and political powerhouse. In later years, it has been said to have been named after the dynasty he founded, the Imperial House of Santiago-Santander.

Notable alumni