Operation Bauk
Operation Bauk is an operation, initially of the Hurmu Peace Corps, and since 1696 between the HPC conjointly with the Society of Yeshua, in bringing about peace, order and good government in the Green Srbozemska area between Çakaristan and Lontinien, including the cities of Krava, Ravna, Palanka, and Niš).
Beginning in XV.1695, it was motivated with the knowledge of former Krasnocorian ammunition factories and storages in the Srbozemska area. As such, in order to control Hurmu's border and ensure its safety, it was better to control these ammunitions, know-how and factories.
After the Society of Yeshua had given its full support behind the operation, on 4.I.1696, the Hurmu Peace Corps, the Corps and the Society jointly coordinated the operation.
The Hurmu government, led by Prime Minister Daniyal al-Osman, thus requested the Senate's assent of annexation of the Srbozemska area.