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Elsje Gezina Bakker-Vaaksteik

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Elsje Gezina Bakker-Vaaksteik
Elsje Gezina Bakker-Vaaksteik 1698.png
Physical information
Species Human
Gender Female
Eye color Brown
Skin color White
Biographical information
Father Louis Vaaksteik
Mother Fenna Bakker
Spouse Fredrik Michael Tarjeisson
Date of birth 12.II.1678 AN (aged 64)
Place of birth Niyi
Residence(s) Chryse
Allegiance(s) Nationalist & Humanist Party Nationalist & Humanist Party
Occupation Nurse

Wed to Fredrik Michael Tarjeisson (1673– ) at Chryse during the festivities of the Second Session of the Congress of Chryse in the year of his arrival in the city, 1703. The wedding feast was a society occasion held on the exclusive island of Botha and attended by three members of High Presidium of the Benacian Union, as well as many representatives of the house of Einhorn and the line of Simrani-Kalirion, and the blessing was done in the Zurvanite fashion - with Ayesha al-Osman presiding at the bedding ceremony.

Became de jure Queen of Normark from 13.XV.1719 AN. Spent time in Chryse caring for her ailing mother, Fenna Bakker. Upon death of her mother on 13.XV.1740, was repatriated to the Imperial State of Constancia as a guest in the Imperial Palace, Astérapolis, just before the Petropolis Gala.
