Coronation of King Arkadius IV

The coronation of king Arkadius IV as King of Batavia took place at the Cathedral of 's Koningenwaarde on the 9th Sprokkelmaand 1669 AN (9 February 2019). Arkadius Frederik Gustavus des Vinandy had been elected during the 1668 Lagerhuis elections and had received popular support from both the Ultraroyalists and Conservatives to re-establish the monarchy under the House of des Vinandy. David Ayreon-Kalirion, a nephew of the Kaiser of Shireroth, had been the first choice, but opposition from both within and outside cabinet Baerdemans and the instability of the political situation had made a coronation impossible without endangering the young prince's life.
In the end, using the popularity of Arkadius, who had been elected prime minister in 1668 AN, the Constitution was changed and Arkadius' family restored to the Throne. The date was chosen on purpose, as it was exactly 13 earth years earlier (156 Norton Years) that Batavia had been established as the Free States of Batavia.
The ceremony remained a largely conservative affair and closely followed the ceremonial of earlier Kings and Queens. It began with a royal procession through the streets, from Huys te Vredebregt (which served as official residence of the prime minister) to the Cathedral of 's Koningenwaarde. Certain changes were made to the pledges of loyalty, to reflect the transformations which the country had gone through. The crowning and enthronement by the Archbishop, representing his assumption of temporal powers and responsibilities with the blessing of the Catologian Church of which he himself becomes the head was followed by the signing of the new Constitution. Thereafter the peers of the realm then paid homage to the new King.
Crowds of people lined the streets to watch it, over 12,000 soldiers (most of them members of militia from all across the Kingdom) took part and 30,000 police officers lined the route. The coronation was commemorated by the issuing of official medals, coinage, and stamps, by military parades across the nation, and by numerous unofficial celebrations, including street parties and the production of memorabilia.

In 1668 AN the Kingdom of Batavia was slowly gaining momentum. The elections had ousted the corrupt and tired former Vryheer, August Baerdemans, from the office of prime minister. His party - the Ultraroyalists - had suffered a stunning defeat at the hand of the Conservative Monarchist Party. Those who remained in the party rebelled against their leader under leadership of Joseph Bartholomeus des Vinandy-Windsor. The lack of any progress in regaining land from the Shirerithians had also diminished the chances of David Ayreon-Kalirion to ascend the Throne as new King. The bitterly fought for constitution - which assured David of his Crown - was swiftly replaced by one which gave it to the House of des Vinandy.
Talks between the Cabinet des Vinandy and the Imperial Republic eventually also ended up in a treaty proposal, which granted the Kingdom all of its old territory back (and more). Popularity of the future King rose to unknown heights, with even the most staunch anti-vinandists admitting defeat.
In a show of unity from both political parties, Joseph B. des Vinandy Windsor (chairman of the Lagerhuis and president of the Ultraroyalists) published the following invitation:
Members of the Royal Family attended while all peers of the Realm (including those who had gained nobility under the Shirerithian or Jingdaoese authorities) and members of parliament were invited. Leading provincial administrators, ambassadors, and royalty of Nations who were soon to join the Batavian Confederation were also on the guest lists.
Several heads of state were invited as special guests:
- Margaery des Vinandy, Queen of the Beneluccas
- Gustavus des Vinandy, King of Arcadia
- Reginald de Montfort, Magistrate of Kasterburg
- Ayreon IV, Kaiser of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth
- Siwu Ersan, representative of the Chidao Emperor, Heavenly Light of Jingdao
- Rubina Yastreb, Chair of the Lord Lieutenants' Council of Kalgachia
- Nathan II, Emperor of the Natopians
- Clara Sundara, Chancellor of Natopia
The Royal ceremony
Procession to the Cathedral

As is tradition, the new King is brought from the palace - where he has to meditate half an hour in the presence of a catologian monk to find the strength to start the difficult task which lies ahead - to the Cathedral. Small changes were made during Arkadius IV's route, as he left Huys te Vredebregt, which acts as official residence of the Prime Minister. Leaving the residence as prime minister, while returning as a King, symbolised the people's willingness to accept the changes.
The procession, while short, took the Arkadius through the most important boulevards of the capital, while large crowds tried to see a glim of His Majesty. The carriage, made from gold and only used for important royal ceremonies, can be traced back to the coronation ceremony of Arkadius the First and was still in excellent shape (last repaired on behalf of the Jingdaoese commander of the city, Xi Tab, before the hand-over to the Batavian authorities).
When passing by, the crowds went wild and cheers like "Leve de Koning!" ("long live the King!") filled the air. Police officers and army personnel were reported to have difficulties of stopping the enthusiast crowd of running over the street towards the carriage. Nonetheless, the procession happened without any serious troubles and the King arrived safe, and in time, at the Cathedral.
Question of willingness
When having arrived at the Cathedral, he's awaited by several members of the clergy. They loudly proclaim the presence of the King-to-be, bow to the monarch and open the gate. In the meantime, they shout "De Koning - geprezen zijt Cato - is hier!" ("The king - Cato be praised - is here!"), and repeat those words until he's half way the corridor. By then the Royal March resounds through the cathedral, while the honourable guests show their respect while the King walks slowly towards the Archbishop.
Once seated on the Throne, the Archbisshop asks the King a question:
"Hear! Hear! The powerful Cato has been asked for a new king for Batavia. The mighty Cato has answered and appointed Arkadius Frederik Gustavus des Vinandy. That is why I ask you, Arkadius Frederik Gustavus des Vinandy, the question: are you willing to be crowned King of Batavia?"
The King shows his willingness to accept by repeating the words:
"I am willing."
This is followed by the archbishop nodding and the King standing up, raising his hand and pronouncing the royal promise of office: *
"I promise to the peoples of the Kingdom that I will always preserve and maintain the Constitution. I promise that I will defend and preserve the independence and territory of the Kingdom with all My ability; that I will protect the freedom and the rights of all Batavians and all residents, and to maintain and promote prosperity will employ all means which the laws make available to Me, as a good and faithful King is to do. I promise."
Crowning of the King
The choir starts to sing "Vivat in aetuernum" on the sign of the Archbishop. He beckons his two fellow bisshops (one of Vinandy, the other from Davignon) towards him. They bring the crown jewels towards the King and Archbisshop.
It once again becomes silent and the choir starts playing the "March of the Dietse Dukes". Meanwhile, the Archbisshop takes the crown from a gilded coffin and holds the crown above the head of the new monarch.
Firstly, the Archbisshop hands over the Willemian crown with the words:
"I hereby grant you the Willemian Crown, forged on behalf of good King William the Second, which serves as a symbol of dignity. It connects You with Your function as head of state of the Nation and as Ruler over Your subjects."
This is followed by the passing down of the royal globe, with the words:
"This globe symbolises Your power, both wordly as spiritually, as King over Micras and this Kingdom."
Thereafter follows the royal sceptre, which was in safekeeping with the bisshop of Davignon.
"The sceptre symbolises justice, and the King as highest shepherd and judge of the nation."
The final piece of regalia is the golden fleece, handed over by the Bisshop of Vinandy. The Archbisshop proclaims the words:
"You are hereby granted the Golden Fleece, a woolen robe made of the finest gold wire. It has been part of the regalia for many generations and was in the possession of the Royal Family which once ruled the Kingdom of 's Koningenwaarde, before it united the territories into one country. Made with the gold of the mines to the east of Bosdaal and fabricated by crafstmen from all across the country."
Throughout the catodral, a choir of angels starts to sing. The catologian bisshops bow towards their new King and make a catologian sign. The faithful attendees follow the example of the clergy.
"May Cato bless You, Arkadius the Fourth, and protect You against evil and protect our Kingdom, as it has in the centuries before."
Signing of the Constitution
Then Joseph Bartholomeus des Vinandy-Windsor, speaker of the House of Commons, stands up. Bends for the King. Then he presents the new Constitution for the Kingdom of Batavia, which is written on a parchment role, provided with the state arms and beautiful calligraphic letters.
Troonrede (1669 AN) |
"Hear! Hear! After a long period of disintegration of the Kingdom of Batavia and many unrest about it, we proclaim the restoration of Batavia, as they were at the origin of the Kingdom of Batavia, with the insertion of all the honour and glory that our rich history has brought forth. We declare ourselves free and sovereign. No foreign ruler or power will oppress us. That is why we long for the restoration of our country and territory, under the Batavian flag and sovereignty. We declare us neutral in armed and political conflicts between other nations. After our recovery under the flag of the Free and United Batavian States, we restore the kingship and place us under the royal authority of His Majesty Arkadius Frederik Gustavus des Vinandy, King of Batavia, Prince of Vinandy, Archduke of ‘s Koningenwaarde, Duke of Gascony, Duke of Levensburg, Count of Bourbon, Count of Dasburgh, Count of Girond, Baron van Ammerswoude and at the Loet, Baron van Bergkirche, Baron van Heydelberg, Lord of Audinghen, Lord of Paravel. " |
The King takes the quill pen and signs the Constitution for the Kingdom of Batavia. A servant drops red candle grease, on which the King places his seal in the fresh wax with his ring.
The organ begins to play and the choir sings the State Hymn of the Batavians:
Batavian | Translated in Common Tongue |
O prachtig Batavië |
O beautiful Batavia |
Troonrede (Royal speech)
The formalities within the catodral end with a royal speech. The so called troonrede:
Troonrede (1669 AN) |
“Highly honoured Batavians and guests, The very important honour and task that you have assigned to us, makes us deeply moved. It is still less than 10 Norton years ago that our nation was only a memory. Until the late Gustaaf Vermeylen jr., who together with other Batavians, brought about the revival of this nation. The road to this day has not been a smooth flat road, but one of highs and lows. It threatened to happen that our nation would become a republic and it threatened to happen that a non-Batavian king would sit on this throne. Those threats have not failed our nation in its revival, but have prepared the way to the extent we have now come. To the Emperor of Shireroth we express our great gratitude in particular because of the selfless donation of territory to our nation. More than what was once Batavian land was given to us. To this end we have named a city after His Majesty the Emperor of Shireroth: Vidarstadt. We also express our gratitude to the Emperor of Jingdao that our capital in particular may again be under our sovereign flag. To commemorate this permanently, we ordain the construction of a monument in honour of our benefactors. Our thanks also go to those who have conducted the negotiations on behalf of our nation. His excellency August Baerdemans and his excellency Jacobo Castrigo Alvaréz. To them we grant the honorary title "Minister of State" for their important services to our nation. We have just signed the new Constitution for the Kingdom of Batavia. The third constitution in a short time and the twelfth constitution since the creation of the Free Batavian States. Yet the hope and expectation is that this constitution may serve our nation for a long time as the foundation of our institutions. This Constitution contains provisions that assign exceptional powers to us for at least the next period. We thank the House of Commons for the trust in its award of these exceptional powers. But, with these exceptional powers, we will not want to lose momentum if it is time for elections before the set period. We have the deep desire to see the democratic principle of our nation active and working again. The establishment of the Batavian Confederation with Arcadia, Beneluccas and Kasterburg is more than an honourable restoration of the glorious Batavia of old. More than our hope was when the first steps towards the restoration of Batavia were taken, is now the hope for a glorious future of our nation, of the restored Batavia. More than ever we can say: Batavia will continue to exist until the end of the world!" |
Along aisle soldiers pose with the flags of all parts of the country. The King begins to walk towards the main entrance, where the soldiers spread the flags in front of his feet. The King walks over the flags.
The king stands on the steps of the cathedral, the speaker of the House of Commons, the archbishop and the commander of the Batavian Armed Forces stand around him. The Batavians cheer and the royal guard marches past the platform. Then the Golden Carriage is prearranged, the King descends the stairs and gets into the carriage.
Procession to the Arkadiusplein
The carriage sets course towards the Arkadiusplein and Royal Military Band starts the music.
The Royal Air Force flies over the city:
A canon salut is given in a park by the river:
And the carillon of the cathedral makes the bells ring:
Batavian men from all regions sing together the "This land of ours"
Then it's up to the women. Batavian women, so pretty, so beautiful, so powerful dragon.
When a Batavian drinks wine or beer, it will not be long before he starts singing. The favorite song is then the drinking song.
Everywhere throughout the Kingdom, fireworks is shot into the sky:
Batavians and very honored guests,
Our king already has three approved laws on his desk for signature. Before the Batavians are drunk, we wish our king good luck with his duties and say: We'll meet again!