1723 Party Congress (MSM)

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The 1723 Party Congress of the Mango-Strengthening Movement was held in Shirekeep at the start of 1723 AN, after the split between Verionists and other members of the party. It was held to prepare for the 1723 Shirerithian general elections and during a period of upheaval - both domestic as foreign -, as a result of the ongoing Floria–Shireroth diplomatic conflict. Therefore, the congress focused on issues like increasing the military budget and expanding the armed forces, as a growing share of the party members felt that the Raspur Pact was unable to keep the Imperial Republic safe. Issues like the Florian Situation and the membership of Raspur Pact were also on the agenda.


  • At the start of the congress in Shirekeep, riot police had to stop Humanists protestors from entering the building and harming the party representatives.


Speech by Li Suyi

Liu Siyu holding a speech in front of the party congress.

Li Suyi, honourable representative from Port Nevermore, spoke to the Party Congress with a stern warning for Humanism:

"Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, it is my honor to speak before you today regarding recent events involving our supposed allies and the state of affairs within Shireroth itself. It is no secret that Shireroth has faced numerous challenges in recent years, including internal strife and external threats. However, what may come as a surprise to some is the extent to which our so-called friends have attempted to manipulate our political landscape.

I am speaking specifically about the actions taken by members of the Humanist parties, which act as lackeys of the Benacian Union, who have repeatedly tried to exert their will upon us. From attempting to sway elections to influencing policy decisions, their meddling has gone too far. We must recognize that true friendship does not involve manipulation or deceit. Instead, it involves mutual respect and support.

Furthermore, we cannot ignore the fact that membership in the Raspur Pact has failed to bring the benefits promised. While we appreciate the desire for unity and collaboration among nations, the reality is that Shireroth has received little tangible benefit from participation in this organization. Our economy collapsed and remained stagnant, with little to no support of our Allies when we really needed it. Where were they when the Natopo replaced our currency on the international markets? Our military strength declined tremendously and our voice on the world stage grew quieter. Where was the aid, where were the benefits that our opposition talks about? There was none, or it should have benefited them more than it benefited us. Shireroth climbed out of its misery thanks to its people: millions of Brookshirians, Batavians, Jing, Kildari and so many more. It was the leadership of men and women like our Kaiseress, Salome, Chrysostom Wythe and Louis Thuylemans whom led the country on the right path.

It is time for us to take action and reclaim control over our own fate. There are still several non-Humanist political parties which feel that Raspur deserves their loyalty. We can only hope that you as voter realizes that a vote for them, at the moment, is the same as voting for further subjugation of our nation to foreign powers. We must stand firm against those who seek to manipulate us and pursue our own path towards progress and prosperity. Glory to the Kaiseress! Glory to Shireroth!"

Speech of Sanada Taro

Sanada Taro, honourable representative from Daocheng, was more focused on the positive achievements of the party and the government in the last few years:

"Dear fellow citizens of Shireroth,

Today - with the upcoming 1723 elections - marks another milestone in our journey towards becoming a stronger, fairer, and more prosperous nation. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of each one of us, we have achieved remarkable progress in various aspects of life. Let us take a moment to celebrate these accomplishments together.

First and foremost, I am proud to report that our government has successfully implemented measures to improve the wellbeing of every citizen, from 's Koningenwaarde to Talenore. Through targeted programs and policies, we have seen a marked increase in access to quality education, healthcare, and social services. Furthermore, we continue to make great strides in addressing issues related to poverty, inequality, and discrimination.

In addition to enhancing social welfare, we have also witnessed tremendous improvements in living standards thanks to the funds partly invested by the Dalmacijan gold mines. Our cities became cleaner, safer, and more livable than ever before. New homes and apartments have been built to accommodate our expanding population, and we have invested in upgrading existing infrastructure to meet the needs of modern life.

One of the most pressing concerns facing our nation has always been employment: with over a billion Shirerithians, we hold a large fraction of Micras' population. Through civil unrest, we saw our industry collapse and many jobs lost. Yet here again, we have reason to be optimistic. The Erb is standing strong. Our grain supplies are higher than ever and ready to be exported to willing partners, like Natopia and Nouvelle Alexandrie. Unemployment rates have steadily declined thanks to strategic investments in industries that drive economic growth. Whether through supporting small businesses or attracting major corporations, we are fostering an environment conducive to job creation and career advancement.

Finally, let us turn our attention to the industrial sector. Our manufacturing base continues to grow and diversify, with industrial hubs in Shirekeep, Xiacheng, Gangdiguo, 's Koingenwaarde, Port Nevermore and many more, providing high-quality goods and services both domestically and internationally.

These achievements would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of the Mango-Strengthening Movement and its commitment to building a better future for ourselves and future generations. Together, we can continue to build a brighter tomorrow for everyone in Shireroth."

Outcome (draft)

1. The Florian Issue is one of great importance, as it directly threatens the borders of our Empire and therefore the livelihood of our population. The party sees no future in further cooperation with the Florian nation, who have proven time and time again to be an unreliable partner. If Shireroth would remain in the Raspur Pact, Floria needs to be thrown out.

2. Through small-scale reforms and recruitment programs, the administration succeeded in expanding our army from a small elite unit to a force of one and a half million soldiers. It is estimated that we have 13.5 million reservists ready to be called up. These are impressive numbers, but it should be remembered that many of these are ill-educated or trained with military doctrines that are not always perfectly aligned with ours. Our party will continue to focus on this in the coming term of office: better material and better training.

3. The navy and air force also need to be further expanded. Further research, and collaboration with nations such as Sanama, should be encouraged. As in our last campaign, we keep stimulating our own companies to make our military production independent from other nations.

4. The MSM does not endorse any expansion of our territory through force and warfare, nor do we seek to pressure former territories of the Imperial Republic to re-incorporate into our nation. Our Armed Forces are here to protect our territory, not to expand it. If the threat of war on the Benacian continent becomes true, then the Benacian Union and their greed will be to blame and not us.

5. The last few years it has become increasingly clear that we want to remain in friendly relations with our fellow Micrasian countries. At the same time, however, it also became clear that certain aspects of the Raspur Pact currently harms us more than it benefits us. Unfortunately, the greatest threats to our independence lie within the Pact. We therefore wish to leave the Pact peacefully, as Sanama has shown. Our Imperial Republic is strong and capable of standing on its own two feet. We will forge new bonds that will fully benefit both Shireroth and her allies.