Republic of Ashkenatza אשקענעצער שטאט Ashkenatzer Shtat | |||
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Motto: Fun undzer Yiddishkeyt | |||
Anthem: Zog Nit Keynmol | |||
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Map versions | 13.6.4 - Present | ||
Capital | Kolmenitzkiy | ||
Largest city | Benaciastadt, Romersk, Mazeltov, Klymenburg, Nueva Sinagoga | ||
Official language(s) | Yiddish, Ladino, Tellian (official), English (administrative) | ||
Official religion(s) | |||
Demonym | Ashkenatzi | ||
- Adjective | Ashkenatzi | ||
Government | Parliamentary Democracy | ||
- Nohsi (נשיא) of Ashkenatza | 10th Nohsi Guy Zalmanov | ||
- Legislature | Knesset | ||
Establishment | 4th August 2008 | ||
Area | NA | ||
Population | 11 | ||
Active population | 5 | ||
Currency | Ashkenatzi Shekl (ש) | ||
Calendar | |||
Time zone(s) | |||
Mains electricity | |||
Driving side | |||
Track gauge | |||
National website | Ashkenatzi Website | ||
National forum | Ashkenatzi Forum | ||
National animal | Eagle, 'Gustavus the Bear' | ||
National food | Lox & Cream Cheese Bagel | ||
National drink | Schnapps | ||
National tree | None | ||
Abbreviation | AKN |
The Republic of Ashkenatza (æʃkɛnɑːtɑː) was founded by M. Goltz and Hesam Jandahar in August 2008 as an experiment in creating a Jewish micronation along the lines of Yiddish and Ashkenazi Culture (roughly based on the macronational Pale of Settlement). It was felt an overt name such as Ashkenatza would help stress the essentially Eastern European flavour of the nation, thereby alleviating any impression of an Israeli micronation Ashkenatza would cause. Founded after a period of Maximos' inactivity in Shireroth and the death of his young socialist micronation, the Kazari People's Republic, Ashkenatza was quickly joined by the remaining old guard of the former Zatriarchate of Matbaa, and developed rapidly- its existence only being released to the Micronational Community at large after the Constitution of 2008 was ratified and a Government formed.
Today, Ashkenatza remains an active and prosperous micronation and is an important member of the intermicronational community.
The Republic's short history has been surprisingly eventful- a concise record of it can be found below:
Foundation and Annexation of Tellia
August 2008 - August 2009
Ashkenatza's appearance on the micronational stage in August 2008 was during a time of great confusion for the Anglophone Micronational community- the death of Lovely, the Grand Commonwealth, the MCS-GSO divide and the imminent closure of the Micronational News Network MNN made it very difficult to recruit new citizens, leaving Ashkenatza's citizen base a very particular one, mainly old Matbaics and Babkhans.
Ashkenatza's first intermicronational step was claiming land on Benacia, immediately drawing its foreign relations closer to Shireroth, and balancing the Ashkenatzi-Babkhan closeness which had been forming. Babkhan economic and military support to Ashkenatza was highly important, as was contact with Ashkenatza's neighbour Tellia, who shared similar concerns about possible Amokolian belligerence to the North. There had, however, been disagreements with Tellia regarding land expansions, and although Tellia eventually capitulated to Ashkenatzi ownership over the Southern Litovina area, Ashkenatza guaranteed the constitutional rights of ethnic Tellian citizens living there.
The Central Benacian Conference held in Shirekeep was ultimately unsuccessful. Amokolian dignitaries refused to recognise Ashkenatzi rights and in a generous but ill-calculated move, Ashkenatza ceded regions of its Volhyrian province to Batavia, as compensation for Batavia being unable to participate in the Conference. This would later cause territorial disputes between the two nations, only rectified when Batavia created Ashkenatza Minor, an autonomous region for Ashkenatzi Jews who found themselves under Batavian rule as a result of the conference. Nonetheless, the increasingly interventionist foreign policy of the time, credited with the proclamation of the Yiddishkeyt Declaration, eventually led to a short and bloody war with Tellia in January 2009 near to the end of Krakowski's term as Nohsi (and the nation's first Constitutionally mandated leadership since the end of the Provisional Government, also headed by Krakowski, in September 2008), using oppression of Ashkenatzim in a Tellian region referred to as 'South Litovina' by Goltz (later to become a province in its own right after annexation) as a casus belli. By this time, the Rozenkhan Protocols, a military alliance between Ashkenatza and Babkha, had been signed and with the help of Babkhan military advisors and armaments, Ashkenatza annexed the Kingdom of Tellia, renaming its capital Romersk and putting its King, Christopher I, under house arrest for allegedly starting the conflict. He would later take the Ashkenatzi name Chaim Wajnstein and become one of the nation's most prominent politicians. Babkha's participation in the conflict earnt it a strategically important port in Southern Tellia, named Bandar-e-Rozenkhan in honour of the pact. The Tellian question would always remain a heated topic in Ashkenatzi politics, as Tellian provinces were reduced to a heartland of the former Kingdom, and large areas of the Trans-Elwynn became a military frontier with Amokolia, with whom there were diplomatic difficulties.
For the Republic of Ashkenatza to fully realise its aspiration to create a multi-ethnic yet democratic imperium on the Benacian continent it will have to acknowledge fully its actions in the past which have brought it to its present state and also address the consequences of those actions lest if fall victim in the long run to the centrifugal forces of regional nationalism. Failure to do so could bring the Imperial Age of the Republic to a shattering and destructive downfall.
Moshe Goltz's first term as Nohsi under a Bundist leadership in February 2009 saw a consolidation of security forces with the creation of the Oberzekh'er Byuro under the Beth Din and, with Pachad Emet ben Mavet as Defence Minister overseeing further military development. A Constitutional Convention and the introduction of Jewish holidays as national holidays were the only noteworthy events in Goltz's first Premiership, which was quickly followed by a Yashkenatza Beiteinu government under ben Mavet which was also fairly uneventful save for the occupation of former CIS fortress, Base I.D 21, which was renamed Kiryat Mavet and made an important Ashkenatzi naval base. The Omer Declaration issued by Goltz forced Ben Mavet to resign which he did in early May, and called for a provisional government with Goltz as Nohsi. This was, however, short lived and only lasted until the end of May 2009. However, it importantly divided annexed Tellia into two provinces and created the Trans-Elwynn Autonomous Region of Ashkenatza, ending its time as a military frontier as relations with Shireroth improved. Ashkenatzi settlement in Tellia and Tellian settlements in majority Ashkenatzi provinces began, creating the complex demographic mix in Eastern Ashkenatza which can be seen to this day. This however was not without incident as the terrorist attacks by Tellian banditti in the cities of Shkov and Mamehblinij showed at the time.

1. The unclaimed regions of Inner Benacia,
2.Western Benacia after the Treaty of Romero,
3.The former Kingdom of Tellia (green) in relation to the current borders of the Republic of Ashkenatza,
4.Dissolution of Tellia- white areas denote Ashkenatzi settlement, orange denote Elwynnese
Elections in June 2009 produced what was perhaps Ashkenatza's most controversial leadership to date- the GTL-ADP (Green Thunder Legion and Ashkenatzi Democratic Party) coalition, named by its leader Szhmuel Astopov as a 'national unity government'. Keen to implement his peculiar blend of Integralism and Environmentalism, Astopov declared himself and Ben Mavet triumvirs of Ashkenatza and of the GTL movement, pressuring the Knesset to accept populist policy and in retrospect damaging Ashkenatza's reputation with his pseudo-fascist ideology and threatening the very stability of the ADP-GTL coalition by alienating ADP leader Wajnstein and dying opposition the GZP led by Yosef Burg. Setting off 'victory bonfires' in Ruzhin Palace and quickly appropriating the educational system for indoctrination, Astopov and Ben Mavet quickly used the nation's inactivity to declare themselves dual executive heads of state which alienated the GTL's original coalition partner, the ADP. The Bund under Goltz and ADP under Wajnstein, allied with concerned legislator Yusuf Burg, rallied in opposition to this daring display of autocracy. Green Thunder rule collapsed with its leadership's inactivity and once again Ben Mavet declared himself 'Meylekh und Rikhter' (the first use of the title) of the Republic in early July, 'above the considerations of party politics', in a declaration of 'Pragmatisme à Outrance'. Effectively, he ruled as dictator in a period of low activity but of much interest intermicronationally- it was at this time that Ocia had begun to colonise Amokolia and that a major influx of Elwynnese citizens under Prince Isur-Ai of the Elw made their way to the Trans-Elwynn Region from Shireroth. On July 18th Astopov was restored as Nohsi but with a vengeful and hostile Knesset, and on the 12th of August he was deposed once more by Ben Mavet who called for elections. Astopov left, angry at what he saw as a betrayal, and refused to run in the elections, allowing an easy victory for Goltz and a Bundist leadership.
The Amokolian War and Expansion
August - October 2009
Goltz's second leadership under the Bund was particularly eventful; for it was just days after the Republic's first anniversary celebrations when Ashkenatza's first overseas territory, the Mahoz HaSephardim, was claimed on August the 19th as part of an agreement with Babkha, which had already decided to transfer land to friendly nations before departing from Micras altogether. The position of Jajam-Bashi of the Mahoz was created, with Herschel Ziegler as the inaugural holder. However, Ashkenatza had little time to enjoy the fruits of its expansion a situation developed along the border between Ashkenatza and Ocian Amokolia. The Ocians, closing their border with Ashkenatza, began issuing belligerent statements against the Ashkenatzi leadership which was responded to with an Ashkenatzi occupation of the Ocian sector (Ashkenatza now controlled both the Tellian and Ashkenatzi sectors) of Benaciastadt. In a 'pre-emptive retaliation' against Ocia, Ashkenatzi troops began dismantling the border fence and advanced into Amokolia, vowing to eject the Ocian presence from Benacia and the 'pantheon of civilised Benacian nations'. Before a group of soldiers on the 31st of August in Bozparozbany, White Litovina, Nohsi Goltz declared war against Ocia. The war's progress can chiefly be divided into the assault on Ocian Amokolia which was to a large degree successful, and an unsuccessful secondary phase designed to oust President Kovac and humiliate the Ocian War effort by directly attacking its Keltian homeland. From an Ashkenatzi standpoint the war was successful in that it consolidated Ashkenatzi holdings in Northern Benacia and importantly opened up a port for Ashkenatza, Tsofnhafn, on Benacia's northern coast, but failed to address the issue of Amokolia's future stability as Jess Heimer, the Amokolian President, continued to bring Amokolia into less-than-successful unions with more active nations to ensure its longevity, an endless source of worry to Ashkenatza's leadership. In some views the war helped produce a militaristic strain in Ashkenatzi political leadership which continued until Ben Mavet was replaced by Astopov as Ashkenatzi Defence Minister, but the war had in the long term showed Ashkenatzi diplomatic and military development had to an extent paid off.
the unilateral closure [of the border] is an affront to Ashkenatza's natural dignity which makes normal bilateral diplomacy [with Ocia] impossible. The dangerous and militaristic streak of unilateralism inherent in the foreign policy of President Kovac makes him a reckless leader who endangers the civil society in which he has been, regretfully, permitted to operate [...] in light of which the Republic of Ashkenatza cannot tolerate the Ocian intrusion into the civilised pantheon of Benacian nations. As such the Republic of Ashkenatza considers it its moral duty to liberate Amokolia from its disastrous decision to enter into a formal union with this dangerous pariah state.
Goltz was elected as sixth Nohsi on November 10th, after a prolonged Recwar settlement which saw Ashkenatza annex the Benaciastadt salient and create the new region of Tsofnland and exactly a week later began preparations to grant the Mahoz HaSephardim full autonomy under a new Sephardic executive leader, the Jajam-Bashi, with an advisory body, the Casa Ejecutiva. All military and diplomatic administration remained with the central government and with the Tellia question still looming in the background granting any region of the Republic autonomy beckoned envy from the Tellian community and leadership. In a speech on the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, stressing national unity and reminding Ashkenatzim of their victories in Amokolia, Goltz declared the Republic 'never stronger'. Knesset Bills before the war such as the adoption of the Hebrew Calendar in all official correspondence stressed Goltz's distinctly Jewish view of the Republic which several MKs, among them Astopov, declared to be alienating to the Tellian minority communities. This also manifested itself in the transformation of the Interior Ministry to an extended Beth Din, a traditional Jewish court presided over by a Dayan (Judge) which also incorporated elements of Jewish religious law (Halakha) into the civil judiciary, a move which was later swiftly repealed. Goltz had also taken a risk in urging a Knesset resolution on September 5th which essentially outlawed the remnants of the Green Thunder Legion, declaring to the Knesset "I am your Nohsi; not an apologist for your own party's detrimental public image abroad and in the wider micronational community."- to Goltz's relief, Astopov agreed and the controversial chapter of Ashkenatzi Integralism ended. One could also argue, however, that Ashkenatza had become more isolationist after its war against Ocia, as an annexation of the dying Kingdom of Laurant had been rejected by the Knesset on September 3rd. The intermicronational situation at the start of Goltz's term was favourable to Ashkenatza. September 23rd had seen the signing of the Judæo-Antican Accords (formally known as the Eagle-Bagel Pact) which formalised the already close friendship between Antica and Ashkenatza but whose wording would later cause grave disagreements between the two allies. Antican dignitaries had hinted at Ashkenatzi-Antican economic co-operation (Ashkenatza had by this time established its own phpBank which had since the days of Nohsi Krakowski been abandoned by the vast majority of its population), as a result of which Ashkenatza began to seriously consider economic simulation. Batavian dignitaries suggested Ashkenatza join the Small Commonwealth, but just after Goltz suggested the introduction of Orders and Awards of State and an Arms Trade Control Act, the Sixth Nohsi became inactive.
Consolidation and a Divided Knesset
November 2009 - February 2010
Goltz's term was extended by Knesset resolution in late October as Guy Zalmanov, later to become a leading citizen and Nohsi of the Republic, took the Economics Portfolio and began work towards working for an Ashkenatzi simulated economy. Meanwhile Ben Mavet, then also 99th Kaiser of Shireroth Aurangzeb I (naturally ensuring excellent relations between both states despite Shirereithans describing the Ashkenatzim as "paranoid, militaristic lunatics", had been urging Goltz to make Ashkenatza join the Small Commonwealth, hinting that the organisation was fairly loosely tied and that the political benefits gained for the Republic far outweighed commitments to the organisation. Yet another diplomatic incident with Ocia highlighted the need for foreign friends as on December 1st Generalissimo Kolya Radchenko of Ocia deported ethnic Ashkenatzim to a barren former Chinamese island (which would later become part of the Mala'eretz) off the coast of Keltia in response to imagined 'atrocities' committed by the Ocian citizens. Keltian nations such as Uantir were quick to respond as was the new nation of Victoria, which had only days before annexed Amokolia. Victoria's emergence on the micronational scene in late 2009 had surprised Ashkenatza which, impressed at the professionalism of the Victorian government, had also had little contact with the nation besides the dual citizenship of Guy Zalmanov, Victorian Prime Minister and Ashkenatzi Economics Minister. Victorian vessels HMVS Hovag and Chippeway departed to send medical supplies to the refugees and bring them to Ashkenatza, though the Ocian government declared any vessels nearing the island would be fired upon. Ocian statements had been increasingly belligerent for several weeks before, starting with a declaration for war reparations from Hamland. This minor diplomatic incident nearly sparked a war between Victoria and Ocia though it was generally considered in Ashkenatza that the incident was engineered to provoke an Ashkenatzi reaction and the decision was taken to ignore it, though preparations for an Ashkenatzi taskforce, named Ksulles, had already been drafted in the event of a military response. Victorian secretary of state Bjorn Olsen visited Ashkenatza afterwards as Nohsi Goltz gave his thanks for Victorian political support in Keltia. Ashkenatza's first Small Commonwealth conference was also just to begin, with Szhmuel Astopov having been appointed Ashkenatzi delegate to the Commonwealth on October 2nd.
Astopov's appointment on December 23rd as first Speaker Pro Tempore of the Republic heralded a new dawn for the legislative process in the Knesset, as did Goltz's Organised Proposal Bill soon thereafter. Astopov was by the new year of 2010 playing an increasingly important role in Ashkenatzi politics. Early December, however, had seen yet another Foreign Affairs crisis as the Kingdom of Tellia once again declared independence of Ashkenatza, violating the Treaty of Klymenburg, under King Christopher I. The response of the Knesset was swift and uncompromising and the Dayan of the Republic had police units in the Tellian regions placed on high alert. A Bill of Attainer was drawn up for the arrest of Christopher I who was later placed under house arrest and then foreign minister Astopov, through skillful diplomacy, managed to avoid open conflict with Tellian irredentists. Astopov's activity as Foreign Minister was at this time impressive, having contacted nations such as Valencia, Cräiteland, and Nelaga, and had also annexed the formerly Babkhan Benacian port of Bandar-e-Rozenkhan for the Republic, though later on controversially souring his name overseas in the Comme Je Trouve Nuclear Test. Astopov, a business magnate along with Alex Allenby (then Transport Minister), joint heads of Port Side Industries, which by late 2009 had begun to corner Goltz's Shalitov Inc. in indigenously produced weaponry, had designed nuclear armaments in secret for the Ashkenatzi Military despite fierce opposition from Goltz. This streak of militarism had manifested itself in Port Side Industries' November 2009 announcement of the development of the Shark Class Ashkenatzi nuclear submarine, as well as the creation much earlier on of the Oberzekh'er Byuro(Overseer Bureau) under the Dayan to maintain law and order. Ben Mavet, former Feldmarshall of the Republic, had by new year become a provisional ruler, and had no compulsion in immediately dismissing Astopov as Foreign Minister after Astopov announced PSI's intention to detonate its nuclear device on an island off Western Eura (Babkha had by this time decided to become a non-micronational community and had thus abandoned its MCS territories), which caused a minor incident with Alexandria who owned a small archipelago not far from the detonation site. Events in Ashkenatza would however prove more explosive as Chaim Wajnstein, popular former Tellian leader, returned to Ashkenatza in time for the General Election declared on February 5th of 2010 and immediately joined the Bundist Party, campaigning for Nohsi using the new Candidate Manifesto Act. Wajnstein was at this time Speaker of the Knesset and had begun to 'clean up' the Legislature by starting the first debate on Knesset protocol and accepted norms. Wajnstein and Goltz united under a reinvigorated Bundist party whilst Ben Mavet's Natsyonal Farband was supported by Astopov.
Wajnstein's manifesto (announced during Hanukkah 2009) was one of the most comprehensive produced by an Ashkenatzi Nohsi candidate to date and stressed above all else a renewed interest in simulationism, the creation of nationalised government services, and the wide-scale implementation of the Draypintl Bagrif (Three Point-Plan), a document presented by Goltz several months before which outlined primarily a new way of presenting Ashkenatza to the outside world as a professional and mature nation. Wajnstein also was particularly interested in creating a pluralist Ashkenatza with less focus on Jewish identity and culture, which was eyed with suspicion by some who viewed him as seeking Tellian independence through seeking the Nohsi's power. The Bund and Natsyonal Farband's Civic Nationalism differed from eachother chiefly around the issue of autonomy, and the conspiracy theories as to Wajnstein's views on Tellia were used to great effect in the General Election by the Natsyonal Farband's public relations department. Wajnstein also differed from Ben Mavet in his estimation of the Small Commonwealth, which many in Ashkenatza were beginning to see little value in. Despite the Bund's beginning to move away from its Marxist roots, its alleged left-wing extremism was also hinted at by the opposition. However electoral campaigning was cut short as events spiralled out of control in Eura as on January 17th a massive sustained pirate assault on the Mahoz HaSephardim (which had recently been expanded Southwards into formerly Babkhan Euran lands) was underway and the Alkhivan brigands led by Khan Mellah Khan and Yahya 'the Bastard' ibn Yahya pillaged their way across the Mahoz as Jajam-Bashi Herschel Ziegler fled to the Ashkenatzi capital.
Insurrection Overseas and a Cultural Reinassance
On January 17th 2010 the Feldmarshall of the Republic reported heightened civil unrest in the Alkhivan city of Nueva Sinagoga, where civil unrest had turned violent and angry mobs had started attacking the Sephardic Zouave regiments stationed in the region. Babkhan pirate 'motherships' were reported heading northwards from the ruined Babkhi port of Bushehr to the Mahoz proper, and by the evening of the 18th the cities of Toledano and Villa Levi were under a massive assault from Babkhan pirate vessels, whose troops began ransacking civic offices and looting shops- all attempts to contact the remote fortress of Solomon-1 had failed and the lines of the main Zouave regiment, Brigada La Pasionara, had been broken by Fedayeen forces to the south. Meanwhile, Operation Restore Honour was being drafted by Ashkenatzi command, a combined military assault on the Mahoz and a targeted assassination of local Mahoz shipping magnate Solomon Hayyim-Yacoubi, engineered to appear as the work of one of the Mahoz Babkhan warlords Yahya 'the Bastard' ibn Yahya or Khan Mellah Khan. The plan was then to turn the entire provincial ruling classes of the Mahoz against the new warlord occupiers and initiate a grassroots uprising against them. However, military action with the 2nd Ashkenatzi Division and ASCMU detachments under Gyeneral Szhmuel Astopov was deemed more prudent and outgoing Nohsi Moshe Goltz declared Khan and his compatriots 'rag-tag brigand scum'. Operation Restore Honour was a success, crushing insurgent forces with superior air power and alleged Antican support. On January 25th, Jajam-Bashi Herschel Ziegler officially declared the insurgency over, with ASCMU corps under Gideon Perez apprehending Khan and ibn Yahya after a firefight in a small coastal town in the Mahoz, aided by colourfully named local magnate Jenaab Abu Ilyas Eskandar al-Aziz al-Karim al-Rashid ibn Haroun ibn Musa al-Karim ibn Zakhariya ibn Ardeshir Khan Mirza Abdul Shah Kamalshahri, Sarlashkar of the Gârd e Jâvidân, Defender of the Harem Orchards and Holder of the Keys of the Six Golden Cabinets of the Shah’s Bedchamber. In one of the first instances of the Ashkenatzi Judiciary being enacted, a Bill of Attainder was issued for the prosecution of Khan Mellah Khan, closing an interesting chapter in Ashkenatza's history on Eura and serving as a useful milestone in the development of Ashkenatza's armed forces.
As a micronation, there is a limit to the culture we may develop. There can only be so many maps, only so many stories about fictional doo-dahs. Rec-wars aren't fun, generally, at this point. Economic systems fail, usually. Micronationalism, once initial development has been completed, is mostly about politics. I would like to explore new ways of keeping Ashkenatza alive and thriving in this realm.
It was amidst these events that Bundist candidate Chaim Wajnstein won by a small majority and was inaugurated as Seventh Nohsi of the Republic on the 14th of February. The Nohsi's first few days in office saw not only the trial of Khan but interesting developments in foreign affairs as ben Mavet proposed a joint Ashkenatzi-Antican rule of the remainder of Eura which was never realised. Nohsi Goltz had banned paramilitary formations as one of his last Nohsi Orders in office to curtail the possible resurrection of groups such as the Green Thunder Legion and had also implemented a more rigorous sense of decorum whereby standardised signatures for government minsters were introduced. Wajnstein's cabinet was the first to elevate the position of Speaker Pro Tempore to Cabinet level and saw ben Mavet and Astopov share Foreign Affairs and Military portfolios whilst Goltz was returned to the Beth Din to serve again as Dayan. Wajnstein also went to great lengths to standardise the rules of conduct of the Knesset and to make it operate more professionally- the revised rules of Knesset protocol he finalised in late February are still used in Ashkenatza to this day. Not without some controversy, Wajnstein's Sovereignty Bill was passed on the 19th of February which revoked Ashkenatza's membership of the Small Commonwealth. Concerns had been raised about the organisation's ability to be impartial towards its host nation and largest member, Shireroth, whilst it was also felt that the Commonwealth forced artificial relationships between its member nations who in many cases had little or nothing to do with eachother. At a time when Ashkenatza was becoming politically closer to Antica, which was vehemently opposed to the Commonwealth, it was also felt that the Republic's membership of the Commonwealth did not contribute towards a closer relationship with Antica. This was the beginning of a slow downhill slide in Ashkenatzi-Shirereithan relations which would come to a head under Nohsi Henzelli. Only MK Guy Zalmanov voted against the Bill, whilst Wajnstein and Goltz were among its most vociferous supporters. Wajnstein also proposed a great deal of more simulationist legislation at the time such as the Tobacco Control Act, under which the Litovsker Tagblatt was later prosecuted due to its continuing to publis garish advertisements for Fat Solomon's Tobacco Company. Nonetheless Wajnstein came under some scrutiny for his focusing on simulationism from Astopov, who reminded the Nohsi that he had pledged to uphold the Draypintl Bagrif, which had by this time become an official Bundist dogma. Calls for a more presentable, professional Ashkenatza were still many, yet what could be done to remedy the situation was still unclear.
Despite repeated attempts from the Small Commonwealth to invite Ashkenatza to the Summit at the Tree, a conference designed to rethink and reform the Commonwealth for the future, Ashkenatza still focused on its relations with Antica which were under Wajnstein perhaps the strongest in the history of the two nations- Ashkenatzi citizens regularly visited Antica unofficially to get to know the Antican community and a strong sense of friendship developed. Tensions were still fraught at home, however, as Wajnstein began to compromise the independence of large Arms Companies such as Port Side Industries, which by this time was becoming the nation's primary arms producer. PSI had begun to gain a near monopoly on Ashkenatzi Aeronautical sales and had begun at the behest of Yabotinsky to replace aged ex-Matbaic Dipou fighters with the indigenously produced Shturemfoygl-Ashavan variant. A compromised was eventually reached as Astopov was a key government minister, but tensions still remained. Since December, however, there had been a distinct development in Ashkenatzi culture, particularly with Goltz as Dayan who from December to March produced the Ashkenatzi Concise Atlas and Kolmenitzkiy street map. Due to the bureaucratic niceties of the first ever use of an Ashkenatzi Judicial Code Mellah Khan was only sentenced to high treason by late March 2010, his execution being the only result which could 'fully sate the Republic's anger'. An important step in countering his opponents' claims that Wajnstein was in secret a Tellian autonomist was the revocation of the Trans-Elwynn's autonomous status in March 2010, which caused some concern in Shireroth but left Ashkenatza with no autonomous regions whatsoever in its Metropolitan provinces. This culminated in significant military unrest as on April 1st, commanders of the 2nd Ashkenatzi Armoured Division stationed in the Trans-Elwynn, anrgy at the possibility that the province may be amalgamated with Tellian territories to the South. Commanders Altetshkerbarg, Smirnov, Korolyov, Kokoity, Ardzinba, and Bagapsh declared they would fight if necessary to maintain the status quo in the region. Dayan Goltz insisted either on a court martial or Bill of Attainder for a civilian prosecution and within hours the Feldmarshall, Pachad Emet ben Mavet, had the unit disarmed and its commanders exiled to a weather station on the frozen northern island of Leng.
Herr Wajnstein, the Bundist candidate, is an astute politician and a credible leader. Make no mistake he would make an honourable Nohsi worthy of the office. However it would be contrary to the honour of our civic society for him, virtuous as he undoubtedly is, to be permitted to stand unopposed for high office. Indeed for the good of our nation the Bundist Manifesto must not be allowed to pass unchallenged for without that the liberal and social-democratic element of the party will wilt in the face of the Leninist cadres still lurking within the formal structure of the Bundist party lest they and us with them succumb to self−aggrandizement and bureaucratic megalomania. We must never permit ourselves to become a mirror to vanquished Ocia. [...] The fruits of centralised economics are corruption, poverty and servility—and in the socialist society the only medicine which may be prescribed is heavier doses of the same socialist poison.
With the Mahoz beginning to quieten with the Bill of Attainder to execute Khan still being debated in the Knesset, Nohsi Wajnstein's term came to an end after an unexpected and sudden Emergency Executive Order on April 5th, in which Wajnstein immediately tendered his resignation and stated Goltz to be his successor to carry out the remainder of his term as a Bundist Nohsi. This was quickly contested by Pachad Emet ben Mavet who immediately brought a Nohsi Renewal Act before the Knesset later that day, calling for immediate elections for the Eighth Nohsi. Ben Mavet's Natsyonal Farband Party stood unopposed in the election and declarations of support for it came from Zalmanov and Astopov, the latter having already moved toward the Farband during his time as GTL leader, declaring Ben Mavet as an 'august leader'. On the 15th of April 2010 Ben Mavet was officially inaugurated as Eighth Nohsi of the Republic, stressing the importance of social democracy and civic nationalism. There was initially much speculation as to how the Natsyonal Farband would rule in its first term. Bundism's monopoly was seemingly broken, and Ben Mavet's second term would be instrumental in forging modern Ashkenatza.
Trouble at Home and a Tellian Nohsi
Ben Mavet's term began with a flurry of new legislative development. The Farband's position was immensely strengthened by factional infighting between Wajnstein and Goltz, spurred on by Wajnstein's beginning to talk once more of Tellian autonomy. As expected of a government committed to Civic Nationalism, Ben Mavet's response was swift and uncompromising on the issue, earning him tacit support from Goltz. Wajnstein began to drift further towards the ADP, and it was feared that the Bund may become an irrelevance, with Goltz its only supporter and member left. Ben Mavet also began to earn the respect of private contractors such as PSI by making increased use of the simple and effective Credit Note economic system for contracting these firms' services. Immediate security measures were put in place by proscription notice in the Mahoz on the 27th of April by Ben Mavet, increasing exponentially the security forces stationed in the region following the 'extinction in all forms of the hitherto constituted persona' of Khan Mellah Khan on May 11th, in which the accused, declaring his opposition to the 'Noxious Kuffar' to his end.
- Amir Rabin gets citizenship. Number of Ashkenatzi-Babkhan citizens therefore increases.
- May 3rd- Abdulkarim Hamdibaggi al-Hummus, an Alkhivan intern in the Mahoz, is found publishing anti-Ashkenatzi posters. The Nohsi himself demands his arrest and a complex insurgent cell is discovered. Insurgent leaders Ibrahim-Beg and Fuad Al-Basmachi are reported to be alive and still in hiding, whilst this scheme is found to be supported by petty political demagogue Gjørg Galloweg, Ashkenatzi citizen of Stormarker extraction who after doubtlessly excessively vigorous cooperation with the forces of justice is never heard from again.
- May 5th- Henzelli joins the Republic and is made Minister of Public Works and Finance.
- May 12th- A plot is uncovered by the Kolmenitzkiy constabulary in the centrifuge laboratories of A.Q Cohen who is acting as a front for the tattered remnants of Khan Mellah Khan's organisation. Fifty boxes of gem encrusted Kalashnikovs are seized and Cohen is thrown in jail. Christopher I of Tellia, still under House Arrest, is implicated, though theories abound that this is actually just an attempt to discredit Tellian autonomists in the Knesset.
- May 14th- Power struggle between Anandja II and Mors VI in Shireroth. Elwynn River border guards are mobilised and masses of Shirereithan refugees are expected, who never arrive as the situation soon stabilises.
- May 15th- Amir Rabin proposes the Environmental Protection Bill, which is duly passed and creates national parks and nature reserves within the Republic. Ben mavet issues Nohsi Order II on Tellia, restricting calls for Tellian autonomy
- May 31st- Nohsi Ben Mavet declares the 'Great Northern Expedition', claiming Ayzstanstye Gnu, Herzl, and Zebra for scientific research and military deployment to the Arctic regions of Micras, as well as 'exploitation of the Hyperborean wastes'. Wajnstein's Healthcare Bill is passed in the Knesset.
-Jun 1st- A review of the Mahoz Insurgency prompts the General Staff to reorganise and review the Tercios Ladino de Zouave, which are retrained and rearmed.
-Jun 3rd- Wajnstein withdraws his Tellia Bill, a controversial move to make a Tellian Autonomous Region.
-Jun 4th- A Polish Micronation, the Republic of Sclavinia & Trizondal, contacts Ashkenatza and a large number of its citizens join the Republic, very briefly holding positions in the Beth Din and Ministry of Public Works and Finance. Linguistic differences cause difficulties in interacting with the Republic's Anglophone citizens and all gradually become inactive. These citizens are Jonas Jokubauskas, Azarias Potocki, Katarzyna von der Ice, Aliza Abramovich, Tomas Sokolowitz and Izaak Potocki.The Mount Octavius Hydroelectric Plant, jointly built by Antica and Ashkenatza, is overhauled for immediate link to the national electricity grid to further Ashkenatza self-sufficiency. Henzelli devises a working macronational rate of exchange for the Ashkenatzi Shekel by taking the relative GDPs of Macronations upon which Ashkenatza is based/themed- one of the first of its kind in economic advances in micronationalism.
-Jun 11th Treaty between the Nation of Mala'eretz and Ashkenatza. Amir Rabin, last acting president of Cyberia, declares the nation dissolved and cedes the Mala'eretz, a semitic territory of Cyberia, to Ashkenatza as the Mala'eretz territory on Keltia with himself as Shofet, or Councillor, of the Mala'anshi Nation. Causes a minor diplomatic incident between Rabin and other former Cyberian citizens.
-Jun 12th- Henzelli announces a plan for the Nationalisation of Natural Resources
Tellians, together with Ashkenatzim as well as Elw and Babki and even the upland Amokolian primitives are all citizens of this Republic, a national union that is predicated on absolute equality and a common dignity as a part of the brotherhood of man.
Consider now the upheavals that have occurred in the year since the incorporation of Tellia into the Republic, the fundamental nature of the nation has changed. We are no longer an insular shtetl orientated nation-state based on one homogenous ethno-linguistic and religious community, but instead we are a community of many multiple faiths and nations all existing side by side. Consider also the utter folly of trying to disentangle the communities of the Republic now that they have so intermingled. The rapid industrialisation of our economy and the breakneck pace of urbanisation engendered an unparalleled level social mobility which makes it ridiculous to speak of Tellian autonomy when there are at any given moment as many Tellians in Kolmenitzkiy as there are Ashkenazi in Romersk, and who is to tell them that they must abandon their customary laws on one side of the line or another because of some petty diktat that has declared some territory autonomous when they already enjoy a perfect autonomy within their very souls? I believe that there can exist in this Republic a civic nationalism that can accommodate our minorities without diluting the fundamental identity of the nation-state. Autonomy is accordingly superfluous and can only lead to more needless bureaucracy, the dissipation of energy, the duplication of effort and the deepening of antagonisms best left buried. May 15th Nohsi Order ii
Recent History
Zalmanov as Nohsi
The Republic's oldest territories are those on Benacia, known as Metropolitan Ashkenatza, which have expanded to the west and north over time. These include the provinces of Volhyria, Porolia, Merenia, Litovina, White Litovina, South Litovina, Izaria, Zaprogia, the Pale, Tsofnland, Thither Tellia, Hither Tellia (formerly the heartland of the annexed Kingdom of Tellia), and the Trans-Elwynn (formerly an autonomous region), a strategically important territory along the Elwynn River. The capital, Kolmenitzkiy, and the formerly Babkhan port of Bandar-e-Rozenkhan are their own autonomous urban districts within the Republic. At the time of writing, Metropolitan Ashkenatza bordered Shireroth, Amokolia (part of the Victorian Empire), Batavia, and the Republic of Elwynn.
Further afield, Ashkenatza owns three polar research stations, Ayzstanstye (Ice-Station) Herzl, Gnu, and Zebra. Euran territories are known as the Mahoz HaSephardim, a Sephardic Autonomous Region on the continent of Eura. This was divided into the Mahoz Occidental, whose capital is Nueva Sinagoga (Alkhiva and its river delta islands) Mahoz Oriental (a coastal archipelago and peninsulae on the coast of Eastern Eura). The Mahoz Oriental was transferred to Babkha in August 2010, leaving the Mahoz Occidental the remaining Sephardic region of Ashkenatza. The Mala'eretz (Mala'anashi Territory) is another territory consisting of a peninsula, an island, and a small coastal enclave in southern Keltia. Its capital is Bet Mala.
The Nohsi
Ashkenatza is a Parliamentary Democracy led by the Nohsi, who is the executive Head of State of the Republic and whose role is defined as the 'defence of Kehile (community), Land (territory) and Kultur (culture)'. The Nohsi resides in Ruzhin Palace, Kolmenitzkiy, and generally rules for a three month term, with more than two consecutive terms being prohibited by law. The Nohsi rules through Executive Orders and is elected by a constituent assembly of all citizens of the Republic, the Knesset.
The Knesset
The Knesset is the nation's highest legislative body and also has the power to censure the Nohsi or hold a vote of no confidence if the Nohsi is not felt to be acting in the Republic's best interest. There are also limits on a Nohsi's Executive Order- notably, that it cannot contradict passed legislation or the constitution. The Knesset, housed in an impressive neo-classical building in Kolmenitzkiy, is presided over by a Speaker (Redner) who is also appointed by the Nohsi as part of his or her cabinet. A list of Nohsim of the Republic can be seen further down this article. In times of crisis the Nohsi or last active citizen of the Republic may declare a Provisional Government with themself as Meylekh und Rikhter of the Republic.
Other Ministries of State
Other Ministries include the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Public Works and Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Beth Din. The Beth Din's role is as joint Interior Ministry and Supreme Court, led by the Dayan. Although the name 'Beth Din' for a court in a secular nation is somewhat misleading, it was felt that the name added an air of cultural continuity and respectability to the ministry in what would be a conservative, primarily Jewish culture in the Republic of Ashkenatza. The Dayan serves as Chief Justice and through Acts of Attainder may petition the Knesset to act as his court. Immigration and Censii are also handled by the Beth Din.
Constitution and Party Politics
Ashkenatza's Constitution, a radically altered one from that published in Ashkenatza's first few months, is colloquially known as the 'Ben Mavet Constitution' after its author and has been described as 'ruthlessly minimalist'. Controversial yet of immense use to the ruling party, this new Constitution significantly increased the Nohsi's Executive Power, something which many parties have been striving to reduce in recent months.
Politically, Ashkenatza has always been fairly divided, with its wealth of political parties housed in Rubinshteiner Street in the capital and their incessant political infighting more than adequately representing the 'street politics' of Central Europe and the Pale of Settlement, and thus Ashkenatza in a cultural sense. Political parties in Ashkenatza are generally fairly short-lived, the one exception to this being the Algemeyner Bund, named after the macronational General Jewish Bund Party and as of late reformed to become social democratic rather than Marxist as it once was. Centre-right and civic nationalist parties have included the General Zionists' Party, Yashkenatza Beiteinu, the Dray Bagrif Partei, and more recently the Natsyonal Farband. The Bund has won the most elections in Ashkenatzi history though with more of an interest in party politics than ever before and with political parties generally appearing more stable, it is not certain whether the Bund will retain this monopoly for long. The future of Ashkenatza as a culturally Jewish state is a matter often debated, along with approaches to economic policy, criticism of military influence in government, and the percieved lack of a communal identity beyond Ashkenatza's cultural simulation are all issues citizens feel passionate about.
Foreign Relations
As the only existing Jewish micronation, Ashkenatza from a very early age signed a Yiddishkeyt Declaration to protect ethnic Jewish kin in other micronations if they were being persecuted. This has led to some tensions with Batavia (over small regions of Volhyria and Porolia transferred to Batavia after the Central Benacian Nations' conference) and Ocia, and Ashkenatza's foreign policy has often led it into open conflict. A powerful nation on Benacia, Ashkenatza was briefly a member of the Small Commonwealth but then left, and has expanded its territory on Benacia significantly since its founding, annexing Tellia and carrying out a number of frontier adjustments with Amokolia to the north. Ashkenatza had a military alliance with Babkha known as the Rozenkhan Declaration for Babkha's last few months as an active micronation (hence Ashkenatza's possessions on formerly Babkhan Eura), and currently enjoys its most important relationship with Antica, with which it is a signatory of the Eagle-Bagel Pact, a military alliance with clauses for cultural and diplomatic co-operation.
In September 2010 the Second Rozenkhan Pact was reaffirmed with Babkha after a minor territorial dispute about the Mahoz HaSephardim was resolved which saw Ashkenatza transfer the occidental provinces of the autonomous territory to Babkhan control. Strengthening alliances with Hamland, with whom Ashkenatza enjoyed military co-operation during the Ocian War, and Alexandria are also important priorities currently underway.
Ashkenatza has the distinction of being the only Jewish Micronation in the Anglophone sector of micronationalism, with the possible- though debatable- contender for this position of Attera. A German Israeli-themed nation, Medinat Naftael, has also been found but is defunct, making Ashkenatza also the only active Jewish micronation. With Yiddish culture and the macronational Pale of Settlement as its inspirations, Ashkenatzi culture can be generally described as 'Middle-European', with a large traditional Shtetl culture in the nation's countryside. Ashkenatza is notable due to its intense cultural focus, which has been a subject of some division in the Knesset over the nation's history, and encourages its citizens to contribute to works of fiction, city plans, and other such development. As with Matbaa, Ashkenatza boasts a wide range of maps, with the City Map of the capital, Kolmenitzkiy, being its most detailed. Streets are named after macronational Yiddish writers such as Sholom Aleichem and I.L Peretz, and the Jewish root of Ashkenatzi culture is fairly self-evident. The nation's National Library, named after Sholom Aleichem, serves as the repository for all works of cultural development and as de-facto Ministry of Culture.
However in recent history Ashkenatza has expanded her borders into non-Ashkenazi areas, bringing large Tellian, Amokolian, and Alkhivan Babkhi minorities under its rule. Whether Ashkenatza can remain as exclusively Jewish in cultural conception as it once was is an ever-present question, and Tellian seccessionism and autonomist movements' activity show the importance of this issue. The Trans-Elwynn is another non-Jewish region, colonised by Elwynnese settlers escaping from Shireroth in 2009. There are also other Jewish ethnic divisions within the Republic, most prominently the Sephardim, urban inhabitants of the Mahoz HaSephardim, their autonomous region, in Eura. The Mala'eretz is another Jewish region, with the majority of its inhabitants being Mala'anashim, a micronational Semitic people speaking Mala'anashi Hebrew who trace their origins back to Cyberia. Ashkenatza's Jewish population is also very divided between secular and religious, with problems of social cohesion between the two, such as the Haredi Kerem HaShalom riots of 2010. Ashkenatza is a secular state but the influence of Judaism is of course important- Ashkenatza officially uses the Hebrew Calendar in all government communications, for example, and there is an effort to increase the use of Yiddish among non-Jewish minorities. Klezmer music and bagels genuinely feature highly in depictions of Ashkenatzi culture, leading to the Republic often being described in layman's terms as "Fiddler on the Roof with machine-guns".
National Symbols
The Republic's national flag (ratio 1:2) was adopted in the State Symbols Act of October 2008 and is modelled on the Latvian, Belarussian (1991-1995) and Israeli flags, Latvia and Belarus being states on the historical territory of the Jewish Pale of Settlement. The Hebrew letter Aleph in the centre of the flag stands for 'Ashkenatza' and also, as the first letter of the alphabet, reminds citizens to strive to be all they can in life, to their fullest potential, and also as a Hebrew letter shows the importance of Jewish identity of the state. The two thick white bands represent hope for the future and happiness, whilst the thick red band shows the difficulties which must be overcome to attain them. The dark maroon of the flag has become something of a national symbol in its own right and is often used to show patriotism.
The Republic's State Arms and National Anthem were also adopted in the State Symbols Act. The Republic's Arms show an Eagle- Ashkenatza's unofficial national animal- bearing a shield with the letter Aleph- surrounded by a crest of olive leaves (symbolising peace at home and abroad), crowned with a small star of David. The banner beneath the Eagle reads 'Fun undzer Yiddishkeyt' in Latin Yiddish text (Hebrew Yiddish text versions are also used), the national motto- Yiddishkeit a Yiddish word difficult to translate evoking memories of a traditional Ashkenatzi Jewish way of life from the Shtetl.
Ashkenatza's national anthem is the Yiddish WWII resistance song, Zog Nit Keynmol, written in 1943 by the Jewish Partisan and Yiddish-language Poet Hirsch Glick.
Ashkenatza's economy has always been one of the least debated issues in Ashkenatza- a PhpBank system was experimented with under Nohsi Krakowski but was met with little success. Ashkenatzim have generally had little interest in accurately simulating an economy and so passionately rejected attempts to join the Republic as part of a unified, simulationist economy with other members of the Small Commonwealth. However, this is not to say that private industry is not booming in the Republic, with companies such as Osman-Almagro-Mavet GmbH, Shalitov Inc., and Port Side Industries specialising in heavy engineering, aviation and military development, with Fat Solomon's Tobacco Co. as the nation's tobacco giant. Agriculture has generally been the preserve of the Ashkenatzi Kibbutz movement, generally associated with the Bundist Party. Financial transactions are generally simulated using Credit Notes, and with the transformation of the Ministry of Finance into the Ministry of Public Works and Finance in 2010, more of an effort was made to gain some insight into the status of the nation's economy. The Central Bank of Ashkenatza has also printed colourful banknotes in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500 Shekels as well as commemorative issues.
Minister Henzelli concluded that the average Ashkenatzi citizen earns between 6,000 and 8,000 Shekels a month. Manufactured goods remain relatively expensive, whereas raw materials are comparatively cheap. The general economic standing of Ashkenatza was estimated by taking the GDPs of macronational nations with cultural similarities to Ashkenatza- namely Moldova, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, and Israel, and correlating said values. To help tradesmen gain a feel for the value of the Shekel and price their wares accordingly, it was estimated that there were approximately 4.445 Shekels to the US Dollar and 6.529 to the Pound Sterling, based on rates from July 5th, 2010.
Nationalisation has been a heated topic between centre-left and centre-right political parties in Ashkenatza, with the Bundists successfully pushing legislation which would nationalise all raw materials on Ashkenatzi soil under the government, allowing private companies to buy rights to extract them. Nationalisation of public transport, energy, water, and electricity has also been implemented to the dismay of some Ashkenatzim, but given the work which has already gone into these national networks for such commodities it is highly unlikely that such a policy will change in the near future.
Ashkenatza's military forces have undergone significant expansion since the nation's founding in 2008, and consist of the Ashkenatzer Natsyonal Armey (Army), the Ashkenatzer Shlakhter Yamteyl (Navy), and Ashkenatzer Fliikteyl(Airforce), which themselves include a diverse array of forces from the Pansershturem Teyln (Armoured Divisions) to the Bregshomrim (coastguard). Some of these forces are jointly administered with the Police Force, under the Beth Din's jurisdiction. The Gyeneralstab (Staff HQ) is located within Yabotinsky Fortress, in Kolmenitzkiy, also home to the elite ASCMU commando unit and state security apparatus OYVEY. For most of its development the Feldmarshall of the Natsyonal Armey has been Pachad Emet ben Mavet, whose military expertise has been invaluable, and the army's support for the development of indigenous military technology has led to most Ashkenatzi companies expanding into the arms trade. Earlier on, Ashkenatzi military technology had been dependent largely on Babkhan and surplus Matbaic hardware, but this has now been converted almost entirely to Ashkenatzi designed and produced models. The Natsyonal Armey is also noted for its establishment of indigenous regiments for Ashkenatzi ethnic minorities, including the Tercios Ladino de Zouave and Pesmorga-î-Mizrahi divisions for Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews of the Mahoz HaSephardim, and Tellian divisions inheriting military traditions of the erstwhile Kingdom of Tellia.
Ashkenatzi military ranks are generally in Yiddish, being (in order of Private to Field-Marshal): Balfeld, Unterzelner, Zelner, Broshzelner, Ershtbroshzelner, Feldwebel, Leutenant, Oberleutenant, Kapitan, Hauptmann, Pad'palkovnik, Palkovnik, Gyeneralbrigade, Gyeneralleutenant, Gyeneral, Gyeneraloberst, and Feldmarshall. The Ashkenatzi Military has the unique advantage of having a series of commissioned high-quality drawings of its uniforms by State Art Laureate H. Ziegler- uniform designs are generally influenced heavily by interwar Polish, Lithuanian and Latvian patterns as well as those of the Ukrainian National Republic. Israeli influence on Ashkenatzi uniforms is also visible, as are Jewish customs. Field-issue Kippot (skullcaps) have been designed for observant Jewish soldiers and special divisions exist for Ultra-Orthodox soldiers in the Ashkenatzi Army. Conscription is generally assumed to be commonplace in the Republic for both males and females.
The military is a deeply respected organisation for many Ashkenatzim, and the appointment of one former defence minister and one Feldmarshal to Nohsi over the Republic's history have furthered this standing of the military in society. Over its relatively short history Ashkenatza has been involved in one major RecWar (the Amokolian War of September 2009), one minor RecWar (the Ashkenatzi-Tellian War of January 2009), and one insurrection (the Mahoz Insurgency of March 2010).
Ashkenatza's Media output has been copious for most of its history, with two operating newspapers, the Tsayt fun Romersk and Litovsker Tagblatt, both of which reflect on monthly micronational developments with a characteristically satirical twist. The Tagblatt is distributed in Shireroth, Antica and the MCS and has won a FNORD award for journalism. More recently, Ashkenatzishe Englishsprakhige Televiziye (Ashkenatzi Anglophone Television, AATV) has been launched, with limited coverage and only of the most important events.