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Party banner of the Einhornselskapet

The Einhornselskapet (Einhorn Society, EHS), formerly known as the Normark Independence Party (until 1679) is a political party active in the Governorate of Absentien that represents the Norse community resettled on Benacia following the East Keltian Collapse. It also maintains offices in Constancia and Nouvelle Alexandrie

History in Normark

It began as an umbrella party for various patriotic organizations in Normark, such as the Norse Farmers' Union, and the Association of Fishermen, Anglers, Whalers and other Maritime Workers of Normark. Although its character might appear social democratic, its values are deeply conservative for Normark. However, despite its traditional name, it has since the 1678 Normark status referendum stopped calling for an outright independent Normark, changed its name to the Einhorn Society. Nonetheless, it called for Norse independence following the formation of the Benacian Union in the aftermath of the Second Elwynnese Civil War.

The Party's head (Archon) is the King, and its chief executive officer (Magister) is Prime Minister Arnold Christianssønn Einhorn.

Since the early 1680s, the party took a more humanist stance in politics, which influenced how it saw the Bassarid occupation, the Storish neighbour, and so on. After several decades of near-uninterrupted coalitions of government with the Nationalist & Humanist Party, stretching from the 1650s, the N&H branch in Normark decided to merge with the Einhorn Society in 1686, after both parties were in opposition together for the first time in Norse history. This helped them coordinate the 1689 Normark coup d'état. As such, Einhornselskapet is considered a party of the world-wide humanist movement. Despite that, it has a unique perspective on things rooted in Norse culture and history.

In 1706 AN, the 18th Vanguard Division was raised to provide the Einhornselskapet with a militia and supporting paramilitary organisation capable of defending the party's political interests.


The ruling Einhorn Society of Normark espouses the creation of a "Harmonious Society" as the ultimate goal of its Humanist ideology and governance. This end state envisions Normark transformed into a perfectly coordinated and unified nation operating in total harmony.

At the core of the Harmonious Society is the principle of coordination - the complete integration and alignment of all aspects of society and the state towards the single-minded pursuit of Humanist aims. Unity of purpose and action is seen as essential to achieve true social harmony and human ascendancy over baser impulses and existential threats.

This coordinated state would be structured along strict hierarchical lines with societal roles and resources meticulously managed from the top by the Einhorn Society's vanguard leadership. A highly centralised system of governance and economic planning would efficiently direct all policy decisions and productive capacities.

The hierarchical model sees society divided into ascending ranks based on each individual's merit, devotion to Humanist teachings, and contribution to the greater good as determined by the ruling elite. Those at the lower rungs are the "degraded masses" who require firm guidance from their enlightened superiors until they elevate themselves through proper ideological conditioning.

Within this framework, the Einhorn Society acts as the a preparatory vanguard to inculcate Humanist values and mould a new societal order free of corrosive outside influences like Ayreonism. Its system of total ideological control is seen as necessary to achieve a truly "pure" harmonious endpoint.

Normark's current system is considered merely a transitional phase on the path to the Harmonious Society. As the Einhorn dogma states:

"Only through the complete coordination of all resources and absolute supremacy of a single will and doctrine can we harmonise the people's actions and beliefs, excise contaminants, and establish a perfect harmonious order uplifting all existence."

Elements of the Einhorn's Harmonious vision already being implemented in Normark include:

  • One-party rule of the Einhorn Society with no opposition permitted
  • A mixed-market economy directed by state command in key strategic sectors
  • Highly restrictive internal security policies to suppress dissent
  • Hierarchical class stratification based on assessed merit and perceived receptiveness to indoctrination
  • State indoctrination beginning from birth to instill Humanist values
  • Programmes to effect the syncretic harmonisation of ethnic, cultural and religious groups

For devoted adherents, the establishment of a perfectly unified, hierarchical and Humanist order in the kingdom is an endeavour requiring maximum vigilance and any necessary sacrifices to achieve its lofty harmonious aspirations.

See also