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Operation Sentinel Shield

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Operation Sentinel Shield
From left to right, top to bottom: (1) The amphibious landing by Oportian Security Forces at Rocher; (2) A Navy of Oportia carrier group operating in the waters near Rocher; (3) A map of the territory seized and occupied by Oportian Security Forces.
Date 25.VI.1733 AN - Ongoing
Location Eura
Status Active
Oportia Oportia Floria Floria (VII.1723 AN only) Confederacy of the Dispossessed Confederacy of the Dispossessed
Azad Eura Azad Eura
Supported by:
. Oportia Oportian Defense Consortium (VI.1723 AN only)
Commanders and leaders
Oportia Galilea Montijo Floria Michael Hutchinson
Military operation launched by Oportia in response to Floria's intervention in the eastern Euran Green.

Operation Sentinel Shield is a military operation initiated by Oportia in response to Floria's military incursion into unclaimed territories on the northeastern side of the Euran Continent. Launched in 1733 AN, the operation represents Oportia's commitment to countering what it perceives as reckless foreign intervention in Euran affairs, particularly against the backdrop of the ongoing conflict between local factions in the Wars of the Dispossessed and the Alexandrium Wars, Azad Eura and the Confederacy of the Dispossessed.


Operation Sentinel Shield was precipitated by a series of rapid and unilateral military maneuvers by Floria, which aimed to expand its influence in the strategically significant northeastern region of Eura. The operation, named "Operation Darkgreen" by Floria, was publicly disclosed through reports by "Floria Today[1]," indicating an imminent offensive against the combined forces of the Confederacy of the Dispossessed and Azad Eura that operate in the region. These reports highlighted Floria's preparation to deploy a substantial military force estimated at 192,000 troops to the region.

Federal Representative Galilea Montijo, alarmed by the prospects of Floria's expansionism and the recent notorious use of chemical and biological warfare by Florian forces in Keltia, viewed this move as a blatant threat to the regional stability and sovereignty of Euran nations. Montijo’s government, reflecting a stringent opposition to Floria's aggressive tactics, perceived the action as not just a regional threat but a direct challenge to Oportia's national security interests. In response, Montijo ordered a full mobilization of the Oportian Security Forces, initiating Operation Sentinel Shield to counteract Floria's military adventurism. The operation was also seen domestically as a demonstration of Oportia's resolve to protect its interests and those of its allies in Eura, especially given the ongoing complexities of the Wars of the Dispossessed and other regional conflicts that had already strained the continent's stability. Oportia's strategic decision was rooted in both defensive and diplomatic calculations, aiming to prevent Floria from gaining a foothold in Eura that could alter the balance of power. The immediate goals were to deter Floria's advance and reassure Oportia's allies by showing a readiness to deploy rapid and decisive military action. Moreover, Montijo's administration leveraged this crisis to reinforce its alliances within the Raspur Pact and the new Tripartite Pact, framing Oportia as a bulwark against further continental destabilization.

However, while deployments continued, ongoing diplomatic efforts to manage the crisis were underway. The Oportian Department of State engaged in intense diplomatic communications with the Foreign Ministry of Floria, aiming to de-escalate the situation while reinforcing Oportia’s stance against any unilateral military actions in Eura.


The primary objectives of Operation Sentinel Shield were outlined by the Oportian military command, following direct orders from Federal Representative Galilea Montijo:

  • Secure key territories within the northeastern part of Eura that Floria had targeted for invasion and create a buffer zone that would deter Floria from further territorial ambitions on the continent;
  • Disrupt the supply lines and logistical support to the forces of Azad Eura and the Confederacy of the Dispossessed, which relied heavily on imports through the port of Rocher de Calmar for their survival and operational effectiveness;
  • Establish a forward operating base in Rocher de Calmar in the newly secured territory as a launch pad for further operations if necessary, provide a site for monitoring regional developments, and function as a deterrent against future incursions by Floria or other external powers.

Covertly, the operation also provided an excellent opportunity for the testing of a recently developed new weapon by Leviathan Dynamics called Specter Dart.



The territory targeted by Operation Sentinel Shield is marked in striped Oportian and Green colors.
  • 25.VI.1733 AN: Oportia officially launches Operation Sentinel Shield as a direct response to Floria's aggressive maneuvers in northeastern Eura, marked by the mobilization of Oportian Security Forces.
  • 27.VI.1733 AN: Oportian Security Forces begin deployment of special forces near Rocher de Calmar, encountering light resistance. Witnesses report unexpected precision strikes on enemy positions, sparking rumors of advanced, unseen weaponry.
  • 03.VII.1733 AN: High-stakes negotiations between Federal Representative Galilea Montijo and President Michael Hutchinson result in a peaceful resolution and the halting of Operation Darkgreen.[2]
  • 07.VII.1733 AN: After securing diplomatic understanding with Hurmu, Oportia's amphibious forces establish a presence in Rocher de Calmar. Observers note the sudden cessation of enemy fire during critical maneuvers, with some attributing it to "covert technological interventions."
  • 10.VII.1733 AN: During a night operation, specialized units of the Oportian Security Forces utilize a new, secretive weapon dubbed "Specter Dart." Eyewitnesses describe it as a loitering munition capable of precision targeting, significantly disrupting enemy formations without prior detection. The revelation comes as international military analysts note the unusual effectiveness of Oportian operations.
  • 14.VII.1733 AN: Oportian Security Forces achieve full control over Rocher de Calmar, using it as a strategic base for operations into the buffer zone. The rapid success raises questions about the capabilities of Oportian forces.
  • 20.VII.1733 AN: Oportian forces expand operations, dismantling militia encampments and disrupting supply lines to Azad Eura and the Confederacy of the Dispossessed with unexplained efficiency.
  • 01.VIII.1733 AN: A significant offensive deeper into the buffer zone targets key strongholds of the Confederacy and Azad Eura, leading to substantial territorial gains. Unconfirmed reports suggest the use of high-tech surveillance and strike methods, unlike conventional warfare.[3]
  • 15.VIII.1733 AN: Oportian Security Forces establish humanitarian corridors to assist civilians displaced by the conflict, coordinating with international aid organizations to ensure efficient delivery of services and aid.




  • Suren Confederacy Suren Confederacy: At least publicly, the Surenid government refrained from making a comment in regards to the developing situation. However, the merest suggestion that Oportian contractors had, in any small way, been involved in providing training or support to Azad Eura, proved sufficient to see the Oportian representative in Surenshahr quietly called in for an audience with the Surenšāh. During the meeting the Surenids made plain to their Oportian interlocutor that any material support to Azad Eura, even if intended to discomfort Florian forces, would be seen as a threat to the Suren Confederacy given the risk that equipment or trained personnel could be transferred to the rebel forces in Norasht. The meeting, according to some sources, ended with the Surenšāh expressing the hope that the misunderstanding would be cleared up at the earliest opportunity.

See Also
