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دولت تالنور
Dewlet-ye Talnûr
State of Talenore
Flag of Talenore
[[file:|85px|Coat of Arms of Talenore|frameless]]
Coat of Arms
Motto: "Strength through diversity"
Anthem: n/a
[[|250px|Location of Talenore|frameless]]
Map versions Pending
Capital Talenore City
Largest city Talenore City
Official language(s) Babkhi (national)
Istvanistani (administrative)
Elw and Sani coofficial where spoken
Official religion(s) None; Zurvanism and Cedrism widely practiced
(Pragmatic toleration of local heresies)
 - Adjective
Government Constitutional monarchy
 - Sardar Salome
 - Governor General Mahmood Ali Caprici Maleki
 - Legislature Legislative Assembly
Establishment 1613
Area 5,040 km sq
Population 16,500,000 (1680 approx.)
Currency Natopian natopo (₦)
Tali (former)
Time zone(s)
Mains electricity
Driving side
Track gauge
National website
National forum
National animal Talenore tiger
National food Saffron lamb
National drink Talenore wine
National tree Cypress
Abbreviation TLN (FMF)

The State of Talenore is a sui generis division of Shireroth. In many ways it is like a protectorate, but other areas of its governance are similar to that of ordinary imperial dominions.

Talenore was founded as a refuge for various displaced Micran cultures, particularly the Babkhi, Elw and Sanis. Talenore is a former independent state.


Main article: History of Talenore

From its inception, Talenore was a semi-presidential republic. The guiding impulse behind the establishment was to escape the misrule then endemic in the Imperial Republic of Shireroth, circumstances that were ironic considering the island's long-term fate.

The State of Talenore was led by Malliki Nur Pinito from independence until the establishment of the protectorate.

Laws were passed by Parliament, which consisted of the Legislature and the President. The Prime Minister was appointed by the President and responsible to the Legislature as well as the President. The country was ruled by the National Development Party, a centrist-right wing, liberal-conservative-populist party, from independence until the establishment of the protectorate, there was a power struggle between the President and Prime Minister, where the former tried to abolish the latter. The Prime Minister chaired the Cabinet, consisting of several ministers appointed by the President.

The protectorate relationship with Shireroth was established in (continue with when, why and how)

On the surface Talenore had a democratic government, with an elected city council and mayor. What was rarely noted though was that the council and mayor had virtually no authority over the city. According to the provisional city law passed by the board of Talcorp, the city government had authority over all areas of the city "not of strategic, commercial, or security value" to the state, that is, Talcorp. This excluded all parts of the city except for a few housing estates and even there security was handled by either the gendarmerie or Vanguard, both controlled by Talcorp. While Talcorp focused on crime that could potentially threaten their position as effective owners of the state, they let petty and violent crime go rampant. Before the coup, Talenore was a well organized and safe city. Afterwards, it slowly deteriorated into chaos. The upper classes, with both inherited money, jobs and contacts in Talcorp, hired Vanguard for personal protection. It was like a business model of Talcorp; make the city unsafe and cash in on private security. The only problem was that despite the official image of Talenore as being extremely rich and egalitarian, its Gini coefficient was off the charts. The failure of the corporate government to protect the public began to undermine its legitimacy and right to rule. Local community groups began to organise mutual assistance committees, first in the housing estates controlled by the city government, and from there they spread across the island.

Their first task was public security and safety, but it quickly expanded to other areas. The committees began to quietly take over the staff of an ostensibly private hospital from whence they organised a healthcare committee, providing healthcare via the backdoor to the island community. They stepped in where Talcorp failed to provide services and were rightly rewarded with massive popular support. Independent candidates backed by the committees swept the city council election, taking all seats but three in a 101 member assembly. Their leader, Mahmood Sadri, became mayor, running against a an NDP candidate who enjoyed the support of Talcorp's media outfits. The company responded as most authoritarian governments do, by breaking up demonstrations and arresting officials. Unfortunately for them, most staff of the central prison were committee members.

The tipping point came in 1651 in an incident on Independence Plaza. A large demonstration against corporate rule was broken up when Vanguard officers started firing at the protesters. 31 people died and many were injured in what became known as Red Friday. Deadly force by law enforcement officers was hitherto very rare in Talenore, ordinary officers did not even carry firearms, so the outrage was massive. The board of Talcorp tried to lessen the impact of the incident by prompting the government into prosecuting several members of Vanguard, but the damage was already done.

Mahmood Sadri, as a well placed and eminent local political figure, established quiet contacts with the Imperial Forces garrisoned in the region. For them the island was a base of operations and protection was a quid pro quo for supporting home rule on the island. It made little difference how that home rule manifested itself. Whilst there was hardly an Imperial officer in existence who did not detest the hateful doctrine of egalitarianism with every fibre of his or her being, Talcorp's mismanagement of the local situation had made it a liability - and, in the aftermath of the Auspicious Occasion, liabilities were something to be dealt with in as summarily a fashion as possible.

In a highly coordinated action launched in the third month of 1652, the entire board of directors and most top level officials of Talcorp were arrested by the Gendarmerie with the quiet blessing of the Imperial Commander on the island. The rest fled to Shireroth where they subsequently were permitted to live out quiet exiles, provided they did not complain too vocally. Following this, the city council assumed control of the entire island and banned Vanguard. This prompted a few weeks of street battles between the Gendarmerie and army on one side, and Vanguard officers on one side. Vanguard was vastly outnumbered though, and running low on supplies since the local defence forces controlled the ports and airports. The decider came in what became known as the Battle of Fleet Street, where a smaller but better equipped army unit, supported by Imperial Auxiliaries managed to surround and defeat a large part of the remaining Vanguard officers. The trials that followed were not lenient against the old regime, with several top level Talcorp and Vanguard officials receiving death sentences. The officials that fled to or remained in Shireroth were banned from returning.

Talcorp was subsequently restructured as a publicly owned corporation with representatives of the City Council sitting on its board of governance. The MoMA Station continued to expand as the aftermath of the Alexandrian Flu and the Hammish Civil War increased the strategic significance of the island.

In 1655 the island came under a sustained siege by the New Zimian War League.

In 1674 the Governor General of Talenore Mahmood Sadri Maleki, with support from the Talenore Defense Force, staged a successful coup d'état and seized complete power over the island. Several people in the opposition leadership have been prosecuted for treason or economic crimes, or are currently under investigation.

In 1680 Keltia Command established a small eight-man planning and logistics cell on the island with the intent of coordinating the support of a multinational force operating on the island of Nijima.


In 1674, the constitution was suspended following the coup d'état. Executive, legislative and judicial power is temporarily vested in a military-civilian council headed by Mahmood Sadri Maleki.

The supreme law of the state, under the provisions of the Treaty, is the Constitution of Talenore. The current constitution was passed by referendum in 1665 and promulgated shortly after. The constitution contains a bill of rights with basic rights and liberties valid for all citizens. The Governor General serves as head of government, while the Kaiser of Shireroth serves as head of state. After each election to the National Assembly, and whenever the office of Governor General is vacant, the Kaiser appoints the leader of the largest party constellation Governor General. According to convention established by Kaiser Ayreon IV, the Speaker of the National Assembly meets with the party leaders and then recommends a candidate to the Kaiser. The government of the state is formed by the Council of State, appointed and chaired by the Governor General. It is supported by a chancellery divided into departments for various policy areas. The judicial power is vested in a Supreme Court appointed by the Governor General for six year terms.

In 1727, Mahmood Sadri died at the age of 102. His son Mahmood Ali Caprici Maleki was appointed Governor General thereafter.

National Assembly

The National Assembly has been suspended since the coup d'état in 1674.

The legislative power of the state is vested in a 380 member National Assembly. Elections for the assembly are held every three years. The elections are proportional within each governorate, with the seats allocated to each governorate according to its share of the citizenship. 40 seats serve as leveling seats. The chamber is dominated by the two party Sadrist Alliance, and primarily the Social Democratic Party and the Progressive Union - Green Society make up a strong opposition.


Main article: Subdivisions of Talenore

Talenore is subdivided into 26 governorates and 125 districts. 17 of the governorates make up Metro Talenore, the main urban area on the island. The governorates all have elected assemblies as well as governors appointed by the Governor General. The districts have elected councils and presidents appointed by the governors. Metro Talenore also has a statutory coordinating council, made up of the various governors as well as representatives from the assemblies.

The governorates of Talenore within Metro Talenore are 24.VIII, Alexandria Town, Cedar Gardens, Central, Hangman's Corner, Harbour, Independence Plaza, Ken Lee Hills, Little Elwynn, Morningside Heights, Qarb Town, Regent's Park, Shahrdari, Shotaki, Slaughterhouse, Talota Hills, Vinfetto Avenue, and White Hill. The governorates outside Metro Talenore are Ardashir City, Blue Valley, East Bay, Eastern, Marwarad Shahr, Northern, Pasdaran, and Tosha.


Main article: Judiciary of Talenore

The judicial power of the state is vested in the Supreme Court of Talenore. It is the highest court in Talenore with jurisdiction over all cases heard by any state court. There is also an Imperial court that hear cases brought under Imperial law. Each of Talenore's 125 districts have courts of first instance. Cases from there are appealed to eight courts of appeals.


Talenore consists of a single island located in the Skerry Isles. The country is subdivided into governorates and districts.


The two largest economic actors on the island are the Imperial Garrison, particularly MoMA Station Talenore which serves as a naval base and logistics hub, and TalCorp a monopoly company that dominated most other aspects of the island economy.

In 1673, after the Kalirion Fracture caused the collapse of the Erb and subsequently also the Tali, Talenore adopted the natopo as its official currency. It remained, however, loyal to Shireroth.


Main article: Education in Talenore.

