Confederacy of the Dispossessed

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Confederacy of the Dispossessed
Flag of
[[|85px|Coat of Arms of |frameless]]
Coat of Arms
Motto: Sic semper tyrannis
[[|250px|Location of |frameless]]
Map versions
Capital Unspecified
Official language(s) Unspecified
Official religion(s) Unspecified
 - Adjective
Government Resistance movement, pirate confederacy
 - Legislature
Establishment 1717 AN
Time zone(s)
Mains electricity
Driving side
Track gauge
National website
National forum
National animal
National food
National drink
National tree

The Confederacy of the Dispossessed is a resistance movement arising out of the Green of southern and eastern Keltia as well as northern Eura, active as of 1717 AN. It is believed to have coalesced in response to a series of offensives launched by the Raspur Pact to gain control of territories recently vacated by the Haifo-Pallisican Imperial Trade Union.

Towards the end of 1717, the Confederacy of the Dispossessed achieved more or less full control over Moorland following the Evacuation of Moorland. This would be mirrored by successes in Normark and Ostland throughout the final months of that same year. The Eastern Eura Trade Association would also come to be aligned with the Confederacy of the Dispossessed following its successful defence of Norasht and Rei against an offensive launched by the Trans-Euran Command of the Raspur Pact during the same time period.


The Confederacy of the Dispossessed is a loose coalition of pirates, smugglers, and rebels that operate across various seafaring nations, with their base of operations in the lands formerly belonging to the Haifo-Pallisican Empire in Keltia and Eura. Since its creation, however, the group has expanded to include well more than just those affected by the collapse of the Haifo-Pallisican Empire to include other groups and peoples in The Green. The group is often referred to as the "Confederacy" or the "Dispossessed," but the exact origins of these names are shrouded in mystery.

Some members of the Confederacy claim that the name "Dispossessed" reflects their status as outcasts and refugees from the various conflicts and upheavals that have rocked their homelands. They see themselves as a group of people who have been abandoned by their governments and left to fend for themselves, forced to turn to piracy and rebellion in order to survive. According to this narrative, the Confederacy is a coalition of the oppressed, united in their struggle against tyranny and oppression.

However, others suggest that the name "Dispossessed" is more of a misnomer, and that the group is made up of opportunistic criminals and mercenaries who have little interest in political or ideological causes. Some intelligence experts within the Raspur Pact dispute whether the Confederacy of the Dispossessed is even a cohesive organization with a single name, or whether it is simply a collection of disparate groups that have been lumped together by outsiders.

Despite the confusion surrounding its origins and name, there is no denying that the Confederacy of the Dispossessed has become a formidable force in the world of piracy and seaborne insurgency. With its network of bases, fleets, and safe havens, the group has been able to launch daring raids on shipping lanes, coastal towns, and military outposts throughout the region. Its leaders are skilled and ruthless, and their crews are fiercely loyal to the cause, whatever that may be.

For many, the Confederacy of the Dispossessed represents a threat to the established order and a challenge to the powers that be. Its ships fly no flags and follow no rules, and its captains and crews are some of the most feared and respected figures on the high seas. Whether they are fighting for a noble cause or simply looking to enrich themselves, the members of the Confederacy are united by a shared sense of purpose and a determination to survive and thrive in a world that has cast them aside.


In the aftermath of the collapse of the Haifo-Pallisican Empire, the unclaimed lands of The Green became a breeding ground for lawlessness, pirate activity, and small-scale warfare. The Raspur Pact saw an opportunity to expand their territory and launched offensives to gain control of these abandoned territories. In response, the Dispossessed emerged as a resistance movement, with the goal of protecting their homes and preventing the Raspur Pact from seizing control of The Green.

Towards the end of 1717 AN, the Dispossessed achieved more or less full control over Moorland following the Evacuation of Moorland. This would be mirrored by successes in Normark and Ostland throughout the final months of that same year. The Eastern Eura Trade Association would also come to be aligned with the Confederacy of the Dispossessed following its successful defence of Norasht and Rei against an offensive launched by the Trans-Euran Command of the Raspur Pact during the same time period.


The Confederacy is led by a council of captains, with each captain representing a different corsair fleet or group of militias. The council is chaired by a rotating group of three captains, with each captain serving for a term of one year before being replaced by another captain. This ensures that no one captain can hold too much power or influence over the Confederacy. The council of captains meets regularly to discuss and make decisions on matters of importance to the Confederacy. However, the council is advised by a group of clan leaders, who represent the various groups and clans that make up the Confederacy. These leaders are chosen by their respective tribes and clans, and serve as advisors to the Council of Captains.

In this system, the council of captains provides the executive leadership of the Confederation, while the tribal leaders and parliament provide the checks and balances necessary to ensure that the council of captains does not abuse its power. The combination of a Council of Captains and a Clan Confederacy allows for a diverse range of voices to be heard in decision-making, while ensuring that the Confederacy remains agile and nimble in its actions.

As of 1717 AN the Confederacy of the Dispossessed is believed to be formed of twelve corsair fleets operating in the Sea of Storms and a thirteenth fleet operating in the Strait of Haifa. The highly independent nature of these piratical fleets, each purported to be under the command of a captain-general, has meant that, in spite of the rumored existence of an "Emperor" amongst their numbers, has meant that they seemingly lack the cohesion necessary to form a state. Nonetheless, their access to warships, military hardware, munitions, supplies, and trained naval crews, combined with their willingness to rove far and wide in plundering expeditions as well as in support of the disinherited of the Green, means that these corsair fleets, specializing in sudden descents on under defended coastal regions, could become a significant threat for years to come.

Notable figures of the Confederacy of the Dispossessed
Name Role Background Personality Fate
The Red Admiral Captain Former sailor and pirate from the Haifo-Pallisican Empire Ruthless and cunning, with a reputation for punishing disloyalty harshly Active as of 1717 AN
Aida the Avenger Council member Former slave who rose through the ranks of the Dispossessed to become a respected leader Fierce and uncompromising, with a deep-seated hatred for the Raspur Pact and anyone who collaborates with them Active as of 1717 AN
Azizah the Blade Council member Former assassin who now uses her skills to further the cause of the Dispossessed Quiet and calculating, with a deep-seated hatred for anyone who oppresses the weak Active as of 1717 AN
Xander the Wanderer Captain Former trader who turned to piracy after losing everything in the chaos following the collapse of the Haifo-Pallisican Empire Adventurous and resourceful, with a knack for finding new opportunities for plunder and profit Active as of 1717 AN
The Ironclad Duke Captain Former shipbuilder who now leads a formidable fleet of ironclad warships Gruff and practical, with a deep respect for the power of technology and machinery Active as of 1717 AN
Kaida the Corsair Queen Captain Former smuggler who now commands a fleet of corsairs and privateers Charismatic and bold, with a talent for inspiring loyalty and devotion in her crew Active as of 1717 AN
The Ghost Captain Captain Former sailor who now commands a ghostly ship crewed by the spirits of fallen Dispossessed fighters Mysterious and enigmatic, with a reputation for striking terror into the hearts of his enemies Active as of 1717 AN
The Scourge of the Sea Captain Former fisherman who now commands a fleet of fast and deadly warships Relentless and brutal, with a penchant for making an example of those who defy him Active as of 1717 AN
The Viper Guerilla Leader Based in Passas, former Haifo-Pallisican Empire Ruthless, unforgiving, burning hatred for Nouvelle Alexandrie and its Caputian population. Leader of the Dispossessed fighting Nouvelle Alexandrie in Operation Purple Splendor. Active as of 1717 AN
The Gunsmith Ballistics Expert Based in Passas, former Haifo-Pallisican Empire An expert in ballistics and a rumored operator in Passas. Has an enormous cache/stockpile of weapons and missiles from the Haifo-Pallisican Empire that keep Nouvelle Alexandrie from achieving full air supremacy in Passas. Active as of 1717 AN
Captain Flintlock Corsair Captain Leader of the "Flintlock Fleet" Cunning, daring, flamboyant, known for his colorful personality and daring exploits. Active as of 1717 AN
Lady Nightingale Council Member Clan Leader of the Nightingale Clan Diplomatic, intelligent, shrewd negotiator, known for her ability to broker deals and alliances Active as of 1717 AN
Iron Tom Council Member Clan Leader of the Ironclad Clan Gruff, straightforward, loyal to his crew and fellow captains, known for his unwavering determination and uncompromising nature Active as of 1717 AN
Redbeard Corsair Captain Leader of the "Red Fleet" Brutal, merciless, feared by his enemies and respected by his allies, known for his love of battle and his fierce loyalty to the Confederacy Active as of 1717 AN
The Navigator Corsair Captain Leader of the "Navigator Fleet" Resourceful, intelligent, a master of navigation and strategy, known for his ability to outmaneuver and outthink his opponents Active as of 1717 AN
The Marauder Corsair Captain Leader of the "Marauder Fleet" Reckless, impulsive, unpredictable, known for his willingness to take on any challenge and his love of adventure Active as of 1717 AN


The economy of the Confederacy of the Dispossessed is largely based on piracy, with the corsairs raiding coastal settlements and capturing ships to loot their cargo. Additionally, the Disinherited often seize control of resource-rich areas and exploit them for their own gain. These resources include timber, minerals, and fertile land for agriculture.

The lack of a centralized government and stable infrastructure has made it difficult for the Confederacy to engage in any legitimate trade or commerce. However, some enterprising individuals have managed to establish black markets and underground trade networks, dealing in stolen goods, weapons, and other illicit items.


The culture of the Confederacy of the Dispossessed is heavily influenced by its roots in the Green of Keltia, as well as the former Haifo-Pallisican Empire. The Disinherited are a diverse group of people with different ethnic and religious backgrounds, but they share a common sense of identity as the dispossessed and the oppressed.

The corsairs, on the other hand, have developed a unique subculture that emphasizes bravery, cunning, and independence. They often use distinctive symbols and tattoos to identify themselves and their ships, and some captains are known for their flamboyant personalities and daring exploits.


The primary languages spoken within the Confederacy of the Dispossessed are XXXXXX and XXXXXX.


The religious practices within the Confederacy of the Dispossessed are diverse, with many of the Disinherited adhering to traditional tribal beliefs and the corsairs following a syncretic blend of Haifan, Keltic, and pirate traditions.


The military of the Confederacy of the Dispossessed is made up of the corsair fleets and the Disinherited fighters. The corsairs are skilled sailors and fighters, with a wide range of naval vessels at their disposal. Their hit-and-run tactics, surprise attacks, and use of guerilla warfare make them a formidable force to reckon with, despite their lack of formal training and discipline.

The Disinherited, on the other hand, are primarily land-based fighters. They rely on their knowledge of the terrain, their ability to blend in with the local population, and their experience in irregular warfare to fight against larger, better-equipped forces. They often use hit-and-run tactics, ambushes, and sabotage to disrupt enemy operations and harass enemy troops.

Council of Captains

The Council of Captains serves as the primary governing body of the Confederation. The Council consists of leaders from the various pirate bands and warrior clans that make up the Confederation. The Council is responsible for making decisions on matters of war, diplomacy, and resource allocation.

Corsair fleets

The corsair fleets, made up of experienced sailors and battle-hardened warriors, are the most visible aspect of the Confederacy's military power. These fleets are highly mobile, and their expertise in naval warfare and piracy makes them a significant threat to the navies of established powers. Each fleet is purported to be under the command of a captain-general, with some claiming allegiance to an "Emperor" or "Empress." Despite the lack of cohesion between the fleets, their ability to carry out sudden raids and attacks on under defended coastal regions makes them a formidable force.

The Disinherited

The Disinherited form the mainstay of the fighting power of the Confederacy on land. Formed from amongst the defence forces and private military companies of the former regime in northern Eura, southern Keltia, and along the shores of the Strait of Haifa, these militia fighters primarily operate in warbands forty to one hundred and twenty strong but can form into vast divisions and leagues capable of dominating entire regions, especially when operating in conjunction with the corsair fleets.

Clans of the Dispossessed

The Confederation is made up of various tribal clans, each with their own leader and military force. These tribal clans are responsible for providing soldiers for the Confederation's army and are given a certain degree of autonomy in matters of internal governance.

Ironclad Clan

The Ironclad Clan is made up of former sailors and shipbuilders who now serve as the Confederation's naval force. The Ironclad Clan is responsible for maintaining and operating the Confederation's fleet of ships.

Blackrock Clan

The Blackrock Clan is made up of former soldiers and mercenaries who now serve as the Confederation's heavy infantry force. The Blackrock Clan is responsible for defending the Confederation's cities and fortifications.

Nightshade Clan

The Nightshade Clan is made up of former assassins and spies who now serve as the Confederation's special operations force. The Nightshade Clan is responsible for carrying out covert operations, sabotage, and assassinations.

Skywatch Clan

The Skywatch Clan is made up of former pilots and airmen who now serve as the Confederation's air force. The Skywatch Clan is responsible for maintaining and operating the Confederation's fleet of aircraft.

Auxiliary Forces

The Confederation also has a number of auxiliary forces that serve in support roles such as logistics, intelligence, and medical services. These forces are made up of non-combatants and are responsible for keeping the Confederation's military machine running smoothly.

Conflicts involving the Confederacy

The Confederacy of the Dispossessed has been involved in a number of conflicts with various neighboring states and factions. These conflicts include:

  • The Corsair Wars: a series of conflicts between the corsair fleets and various other naval powers, including the Raspur Pact. These conflicts have been marked by hit-and-run attacks, piracy, and naval battles, with the corsairs often coming out on top due to their superior knowledge of the seas and their unconventional tactics.


For the moment an ideas spitballing page - the ravenous land hunger of the established powers causes a powerful and implacably vengeful new force to rise from the Green of Keltia, threatening destruction and chaos for all.