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Aslan Arshak

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Aslan Arshak, looking down on the ruinous Southern Boroughs of Ardashirshahr and the polluted landscape of the "cold desert" beyond.

Aslan Arshak, is an officer of the Worshipful Guild of the Sacred Carnifices, an inquisitorial guild charged with maintaining discipline and ideological purity within the Benacian Union. Primarily active within the city of Ardashirshahr.

For over two decades, Tribune Arshak dedicated himself to upholding the 1698 Edict for the Restoration of Justice and Order, determined to root out corruption and heresy wherever it was found.

Tribune Arshak had by 1715 AN become a seasoned veteran of the guild, and his methods, though controversial, earned him the respect of his peers. He became known for his relentless pursuit of recusants and those who defy the Congress of Chryse, and his unwavering dedication to his duties made him a notable guardian of Ardashirshahr.


Early life and education

Tribune Arshak's dedication to the Worshipful Guild of the Sacred Carnifices began at a young age. Growing up in the aftermath of the Second Elwynnese Civil War, Arshak was deeply affected by the lawlessness and corruption that had taken hold in the region. Determined to make a difference, he joined the guild at the age of 16 and began his training as a carnifex-magister. His brutalised upbringing had made him an ideal candidate for the guild, who prized intelligence, cunning, and ferocity in their recruits.

Under the tutelage of some of the guild's most experienced tribunes, Arshak honed his skills in both judicial and executioner roles. He quickly distinguished himself as a dedicated and capable student, and after several years of rigorous training, he was ordained as a tribune and assigned to the city of Ardashirshahr.

Throughout his time as a tribune, Arshak has continued to educate himself on the laws of the guild and the edicts of the Congress of Chryse. He also studied the principles of Holodomatic Cedrozurvanism and Humanism, in order to better understand the spiritual and moral foundations of the guild's work.

Today, Tribune Arshak is considered one of the guild's most knowledgeable and skilled members. His early life and education have prepared him well for the challenges he faces as a guardian of justice and order in Ardashirshahr.

Notable cases

1708 counter-narcotics action

As a tribune of the Worshipful Guild of the Sacred Carnifices, Arshak was tasked with enforcing the Benacian Union's persecution of drug users in 1708. This was a difficult and unpopular duty, as many of the city's residents resented the strict new laws that had been imposed on them.

Despite the challenges, Arshak remained committed to upholding the laws of the guild and ensuring that the city of Ardashirshahr remained free of the corruption and vice that were associated with drug use. He worked closely with the Benacian Censorate and the Corps of the Gentlemen-at-Cudgels to conduct regular raids on suspected drug dealers and users, and to bring them to justice.

One of the most memorable cases that Arshak was involved in was the arrest and execution of a prominent spice merchant, Samantha Iskandar. After a swift and efficient investigation, Arshak and his fellow tribunes were able to apprehend the merchant and recover the illegal substances from her store. Despite the merchant's pleas for mercy, Arshak knew that there was no leniency for those who broke the law and defied the guild's authority.

As a result, the merchant was brought before the Palace of Justice and sentenced to a brutal execution by disembowelment. Arshak watched as the woman was killed under the supervision of the senior magister of the Worshipful Guild of the Sacred Carnifices, and he knew that the punishment was just and necessary.

Through his efforts, Arshak played a crucial role in the persecutions against drug users in Ardashirshahr. He upheld the laws of the guild and helped to ensure that the city remained free of the corruption and vice that threatened its stability and prosperity.

1709 Southern Boroughs vice

In 1709, the Tribune was tasked with investigating reports of a vice gang operating in the Southern Borough of the city. After a thorough investigation, the Tribune was able to locate the gang's headquarters and rescue a group of trafficked girls being held there.

However, upon rescuing the girls, the Tribune was faced with a difficult decision. The girls were drug addicts, and under the Benacian Union's strict laws on narcotic substances, they would face execution or penal servitude if they were not able to overcome their addiction. In order to spare the girls this fate, the Tribune was forced to transfer them into the custody of the Guild of the Lotus, who would provide them with the necessary treatment and support to overcome their addiction.

Despite the Tribune's initial reluctance to hand over the girls to the guild, he knew that it was the only way to save their lives. The girls were ultimately able to recover from their addiction and rebuild their lives, thanks in part to the Tribune's intervention. In doing so, he earned the favour of the Guild of the Lotus, which would sometimes benefit him in subsequent cases.

1710 riverside horror

As the Tribune of Ardashirshahr, Arshak was no stranger to investigating strange and unsettling occurrences. So when he was called upon to investigate a series of deaths down by the riverside docks in the Bandar-e Osman district of the northern borough, he knew that he was in for a challenging and potentially dangerous case.

The first sign that something was amiss was when the bodies of several dockworkers were discovered, each one horribly mutilated and drained of blood. As Arshak and his fellow tribunes began to investigate, they quickly discovered that there was a creature lurking in the shadows, preying on the unsuspecting workers.

As they searched for the creature, they encountered all manner of strange and unsettling sights. The docks were filled with fog, and the air was thick with the stench of decay and death. And everywhere they went, they could hear the creature, a low and guttural growling that sent shivers down their spines.

At last, they came upon the creature itself - a ghoul, twisted and corrupted by the dark forces that lurked beneath the city. As they fought the creature, they could feel its malevolent gaze upon them, and they knew that they were facing something truly terrifying and evil.

In the end, they were able to overcome the ghoul, but not before it had claimed several more victims. And as Arshak looked upon the creature's twisted remains, he knew that he had faced something truly unimaginable, something that he would never forget.

As a consequence of the unfortunate encounter, Tribune Arshak was brought in for questioning by Samira al-Osman, a representative of the DAAP. Al-Osman grilled Arshak on the details of his encounter, seeking to determine the nature and threat level of the entity.

Throughout the interrogation, Arshak remained steadfast and unshakeable, refusing to be cowed by al-Osman's intimidating demeanor. He provided a detailed account of his encounter, describing the creature's appearance and behavior. Al-Osman listened attentively, taking notes and occasionally asking clarifying questions.

Eventually, al-Osman concluded the interrogation, thanking Arshak for his cooperation and promising to follow up on the information he provided. Arshak was released, but not before being warned to keep the details of his encounter strictly confidential

1713 cull commission

In 1713, Tribune Arshak was summoned to participate in a Cull Commission in the city of Ardashirshahr. The Commission, composed of representatives from the guild, the municipal corporation, and the bailiff, was tasked with reviewing the records of the city's subjects in order to identify those who had failed to contribute to the public good.

As a member of the Commission, Arshak was responsible for reviewing the records and determining which individuals should be deported to the nearest encampment of the Benacian Labour Reserve. He knew that this was a difficult and unpopular task, but he was determined to carry out his duties to the best of his abilities.

One case that stood out to Arshak was that of a young bondsman named Ali. Ali had been reported by his overseer for neglecting his duties, but Arshak could see that he was struggling due to a severe illness. Despite the Commission's recommendations, Arshak advocated for Ali to be given a chance to recover and prove his worth, and the young bondsman was spared from deportation.

In the end, the Cull Commission successfully identified and processed a number of subjects who were deemed unworthy of remaining in the city. Tribune Arshak was praised for his fair and compassionate handling of the cases, and he was proud of the work he had done to uphold the laws of the guild and serve the people of Ardashirshahr.

However, the experience of participating in the Cull Commission also weighed heavily on Arshak's conscience. He knew that some of the individuals who had been deported would face hardship and uncertainty in their new lives, and he could not shake the feeling that he had played a part in their suffering.

1714 True Believers case

Following a tipoff by the Commission for the Panopticon, Tribune Arshak tracked the activities of a group of recusants for weeks during the first two months of 1714 AN. The members of this group, known as the "True Believers", had been spreading their heretical beliefs throughout the city and undermining the authority of the bailiff.

Arshak had swiftly reached the conclusion that the True Believers were a dangerous and radical group, and he was determined to bring them to justice. He spent countless hours following their movements, gathering evidence and tracking their network of supporters.

Finally, after weeks of investigation, Arshak had enough evidence to make his move. He and his team of carnifex-magisters moved in to arrest the leaders of the True Believers, catching them by surprise and seizing their illegal literature and weapons.

The True Believers were brought before the guild's tribunal, where they were tried and found guilty of their crimes. Tribune Arshak personally oversaw their execution, ensuring that justice was served and the rule of law was upheld in Ardashirshahr.

In the aftermath of the investigation, Tribune Arshak was praised for his diligence and dedication to the guild. His success in bringing the True Believers to justice served as a reminder of the important role played by the tribunes in maintaining order and stability in the city.

1715 Aldermen scandal

Tribune Arshak had long suspected that corruption was rife within the city's administration, but he had been unable to uncover any concrete evidence of wrongdoing. That is, until he received a tip from the Guild of the Lotus about suspicious activity at the offices of the Aldermen.

Determined to get to the bottom of the matter, Arshak began a covert investigation, studying the records and transactions of the Aldermen and their accomplices. He quickly discovered that a group of corrupt officials, led by the Bailiff of the Bailiwick, Ahmad Rahimzadeh, and the President of the Worshipful Municipal Corporation, Amir Rezaee, had been embezzling funds and accepting bribes in exchange for favours and contracts.

Arshak presented his findings to the guild's tribunal, and the guilty parties were swiftly brought to justice. The Bailiff and the President were stripped of their positions and sentenced to imprisonment, and their accomplices were also punished for their crimes.

Thanks to Tribune Arshak's investigative skills and determination, the city of Ardashirshahr was rid of a cancerous corruption that had threatened to undermine the rule of law.