Southern Port of Keltiania

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Established in the early 41.20s PSSC, as part of an extensive merger between the West Keltian Trade Association and the Northern Sea of Storms Industrial Corporation, the Port of Southern Keltiania is a Port of Vines-based brokerage which represents all major companies based in non-Haifan territories within the Associate Domain of Keltiania.

Using the Brokerage

Company Descriptions

Agricultural Sector

Company Flag Company Name Company Description Company Type Notes
Sózhazn Laceral Lusazdéiro Agenci Sózhazn Laceral Lusazdéiro Agenci Established in a bid to restore the ranching industry in southwestern Keltia following the Hammish Civil War, and to diversify the Pallisican ranching industry which had formerly focused on the production and export of Eeli-Illt-Eda, the Sózhazn Laceral Lusazdéiro Agenci is today among the largest exporters of livestock in the world. Food
Captive Sea Imperial Trade Company Captive Sea Imperial Trade Company The largest single employer of fishermen in the Captive Sea, the Captive Sea Imperial Trade Company is the only company featured on the Port of Storms which is managed directly by the Crown of Passio-Corum. As such, employees of the company enjoy certain benefits not enjoyed by employees of other companies, including but not limited to the right to receive partial stipends in multiple regions within the Greater Pallisican Trade Association, and the right to petition the Crown for the establishment of chartered communities in any of the lands abandoned by Alexandria or Natopia in the immediate vicinity of the Captive Sea. Employees of the Captive Sea Imperial Trade Company, furthermore, may be issued letters of marque on the basis of which they may engage in limited acts of piracy against the adversaries of the Pallisican nation. Food
Passasian Agricultural Exports Passasian Agricultural Exports Passasian Agricultural Exports oversees the export of the high high quality crops which grow in the region surrounding the foothills of the Southern Hammish Highlands. Food
Cherusken Metal Exports Cherusken Metal Exports Created in an effort to foster industry in Passas and surrounding regions, the Chelkran Metal Export Company oversees the extraction and export of gold from the island of Chelkran Kesh, in Southwestern Keltia. Misc.
Witham Fruit Exports Witham Fruit Exports Witham Fruit oversees the export of tropical fruit from the Skerry Isles from the twin-cities of Ghriba and Aghir. Food
Keltian Drilling and Exploration Agency Keltian Drilling and Exploration Agency Established in 866 WG, the Cherusken Fishing Company is the largest employer of fishermen in the region of Lake Cherusken, in Southern Keltia. Food -
Seed of the East Agricultural Exports Seed of the East Agricultural Exports Located in the far eastern reaches of the Dependency of Tanah-Baru, Seed of the East Agricultural Exports oversees the sale and production of a range of agricultural products found nowhere else in Passio-Corum. Among the products sold by Seed of the East is a type of extraordinarily rich soil found only in a remote location beyond the nation's eastern border. Food -
Anterran Imports and Services Anterran Imports and Services Established in the years following New Zimia's victorious military campaign in the War of Jingdaoese Aggression, Anterran Imports and Services is a leading exporter of the finest pearls and abalone. Food -
Belcourt Coffee Traders Belcourt Coffee Traders A band of Interlandian merchants from near the Alexandrian city of Belcourt, the Belcourt Coffee Traders offer the highest quality coffee beans in the Micrasian east. Food -
Mountain Urchin Harvesting Company Mountain Urchin Harvesting Company The Mountain Urchin Harvesting Company is a company of hunters who specialize in the procurement of the meat of the stone urchins which live on the highest peaks of the Cherusken Mountains, in southern Keltia. Food
Captive Mountain Hemp Traders Captive Mountain Hemp Traders Based around the western slopes of the Cherusken Mountain Range, the Captive Mountain Hemp Traders specialize in the production of high quality hemp and hemp-based products. Misc.
Western Chick Pea Tick Roastery Western Chick Pea Tick Roastery The chick pea tick is a species of swarming tick that is common in the woodlands which surround the mountains of southern Keltia. When roasted, these unusual insects represent a popular snack food. The Western Chick Pea Tick Roastery is, with this said, the region's largest and oldest seller of packaged, roasted and flavored chick pea ticks. Food
Captive Sea Whaling Company Captive Sea Whaling Company Based out of the Port of Fort Carol, the Captive Sea Whaling Company is a community of whale ranchers who specialize in the ethical and sustainable production of whale meat, which is consumed in abundance across the Haifo-Pallisican Imperial Trade Union. Food
Marshmallow Merchants of Captivity Marshmallow Merchants of Captivity The Marshmallow Merchants of Captivity are a collective of confenctioners based in Fort Carol who specialize in the production of giant salt water marshmallows, a favorite delicacy of Bassarid citizens across the Trade Union. Food

Mining/Energy/Manufacturing Sectors

Company Flag Company Name Company Description Company Type Notes
Preservation Hydroelectric Power Plant Preservation Hydroelectric Power Plant Located along the Rodinan River in the northern reaches of the Region of Passas, the Preservation Hydroelectric Powerplant was originally conceived in the late 35.80's PSSC, as part of an effort by the government of Passio-Corum to restore and rebuild regional infrastructure in southwestern Keltia in the aftermath of the Hammish Civil War. Today, Preservation Hydroelectric Power Plant uses state of the art technology to provide electricity to cities and rural communities across much of the Keltian continent. Energy
Trans-Rodinan Granite Agency Trans-Rodinan Granite Agency Founded in the early 35.90's PSSC in response to a growing need for stone following the conclusion of the Hammish Civil War, the Trans-Rodinan Granite Agency is responsible for the operation of a handful of large granite quarries in the Laceran Mountains. Misc.
Cherusken Metal Exports Cherusken Metal Exports Created in an effort to foster industry in Passas and surrounding regions, the Chelkran Metal Export Company oversees the extraction and export of gold from the island of Chelkran Kesh, in Southwestern Keltia. Misc.
Carol Stream Oil Carol Stream Oil Established in the early 860's WG, Carol Stream Oil oversees the export of oil from the Captive Sea and northern Eura. Energy. Carol Stream Oil is Pallisica's oldest brand, insofar as it has been in relatively continuous use since the days of the Republic of Passas.

Service and Other Sectors

Product and Price Listing

Agricultural Sector

Mining/Energy/Manufacturing Sectors

Service and Other Sectors

Investor Rankings

Tier I Investors

Tier II Investors

Tier III Investors

Employment Statistics