Marius Gallo

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Marius Gallo, wearing traditional Shiro-Dalmacijan robes, after his appointment to Thane of Dalmacija.

Marius Gallo, also known as Mariusu Wusi in Jingdaoese, is a Humanist and Kildari nationalist Warlord active in Dalmacija, a secessionist region of the fragmenting Empire of Jingdao. Active during the Post-Chidao Troubles, Marius strives for a free Dalmacija, dominated by Kildarian ethnic groups and receives military and financial support from sympathetic corporate and political benefactors overseas. Acclaimed as an Archon by a consistory formed of the leaders of his warbands at Port Nevermore on 9.XV.1696 AN. Fled to Arboria in 1700 AN. Raised to the Council of Arboria, granted a seat at the Mirkdale Peninsula Development Authority and appointed President of the Northern Arboria Railway Corporation beginning the first day of 1701.