Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï Treaty
The Treaty between the Order of the Holy Lakes in right of Hurmu and the Phineonesian Confederation on the shared ownership and sovereignty over the Territory of Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï is a treaty between Hurmu and Phineonesia with the object of making the territory of Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï a shared condominium. It was signed on 6.I.1714 in Longhïa'pyōn Tawao by Patrik Djupvik, Prime Minister of Hurmu, and Muhammad Furkorn Mat Jeen, President of Phinbella.
Hurmu ratified the treaty on 8.III.1714.
Treaty between the Order of the Holy Lakes in right of Hurmu and the Phineonesian Confederation on the shared ownership and sovereignty over the Territory of Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï Now have come Hurmu, represented by the Prime Minister of Hurmu, the Right Honourable Patrik Djupvik, Senator of the Lakes, and the Phineonesian Confederation, represented by His Excellency Muhammad Furkorn Mat Jeen, President of Phinbella, with the object to bring their friendship to a higher level, by sharing the sovereignty over the Territory of Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï and making such adjustments to their legal relationship as thereby may be necessary. To these ends, they have decided to conclude a treaty over the same, and after exchanging their powers and authorizations, have agreed as follows:
Article 1.
A state of perpetual peace, friendship and good neighbourliness shall define the relationship between Order of the Holy Lakes in right of Hurmu (hereinafter Hurmu) and the Phineonesian Confederation (hereinafter Phineonesia).Article 2.
The sovereignty of Territory of Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï (hereinafter TTT) shall be jointly vested in Hurmu and Phineonesia. Phineonesian citizens and Hurmu citizens shall have full right of free movement in and out of the TTT in accordance with law.Article 3.
Phineonesia and the TTT will belong the same customs area to which Amaland and Karnamark belongs, which is that of Hurmu. As such, Hurmu’s regulations on trade with third parties will extend to Phineonesia and the TTT.Article 4.
Phineonesia shall support the efforts of Hurmu to pacify and bring order to the entirety of Karnamark.Article 5.
The TTT shall furnish the Hurmu Peace Corps with such manpower, equipment, financing, and property as is necessary for the Hurmu Peace Corps to perform its duty under the law of Hurmu and this Treaty. It is moreover the duty of the Hurmu Peace Corps to defend the shared sovereignty by Hurmu and Phineonesia, as well as all other territory of either part on the mainland of the Keltian continent, and for that reason, both Hurmu and Phineonesia shall do their utmost in securing manpower, equipment, property, financing, and such moral support as is necessary. Phineonesia shall, in its own territory, also allow the Hurmu Peace Corps to access such ports and airfields that are necessary for the Hurmu Peace Corps to achieve its goals under the law governing the Hurmu Peace Corps.Article 6.
The TTT shall be governed by a Council of Shared Sovereignty (CSS). It shall consist of:
• 3 members appointed by the Government of the Phineonesian Confederation
• 1 member appointed by the Hurmu Peace Corps, who shall chair the Council
• 1 member appointed by the Prime Minister of Hurmu
• 1 member appointed by the Chancellor of the Order of the Holy Lakes
Decisions are made by a majority vote.
The CSS holds all legislative, executive and judicial supreme power of TTT, subject to this Treaty.
Article 7.
In the event that one Party shall wish to evacuate from the TTT, or from any of its other territories, the other Party, both Parties agree that the other Party shall be given the right to claim such vacated land, before the land is given to a third party or to the Green.This article does not apply to any agreements that Hurmu shall, from time to time, conclude with other powers, nor in the event that Phineonesia is dissolved into its constituent states of Phinbella and Forajasaki.
Article 8.
The flag and coat of arms of the TTT shall remain intact, unless the CSS agrees otherwise. The Norton calendar shall be formal calendar of TTT.Article 9.
Municipal autonomy in the TTT shall be guaranteed. The municipalities (collectivities and autonomous sub-districts) shall remain intact.Article 10. Tanah Tōnán'hyôrï Chartered Company shall henceforth be owned with half its shares belonging to Hurmu and half of its shares belonging to Phineonesia. It shall be headquartered in Hurmu as a joint-stock company (samlag).
Article 11.
Any disputes under this treaty shall be attempted to be solved diplomatically by both states. In the event that a diplomatic solution is impossible to reach, the Parties agree that the judgment of the Senate of the Lakes shall bind the two Parties on the dispute.Article 12.
This treaty shall be ratified. Once ratified by both Parties, they shall communicate to the Micras Cartography Society their shared desire to bring this treaty into force.
For His Excellency the President of the Federal Republic of Phinbella:
- Muhammad Furkorn Mat Jeen
- President
For Right Honourable the Prime Minister of Hurmu:
- Patrik Djupvik
- Prime Minister
Done at Longhïa'pyōn Tawao, this 1 November RP 2618 corresponding to 4 Gormaanuðr 1714.