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Constancian Foreign Legion

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Traditionally listed as having been founded on 8.X.1677 AN, the Legeóna ton Xénon Konstantinanoú (Constancian Foreign Legion) was a formation of the Imperial Constancian Armed Forces, established during the foundational period of the Primokratía, when Constancia first began to acquire the attributes of the Imperial State.

Granted the designation Imperial by the Basilinna Esmeralda on her accession, in light for their performance during the 1715–1716 eruption of Mount Broadshaw.



  • Legeóna ton Xénon Konstantinanoú (Garrisoned at Vey)
    • 1 Brigade de Légion Étrangère, 1 BLE (Recruits from Cibolan exile families of Alexandria and later from Western Natopia)
      • 1 Régiment étranger de parachutistes, 1 REP
      • 3 Demi-Brigade de Légion Étrangère, 3 DBLE (Area Defence, Combat Support Services)
    • 2 Brigade de Légion Étrangère, 2 BLE (Recruits from Tapferite exile families of Alexandria and later Western Natopia)
      • 2 Régiment étranger de parachutistes, 2 REP
      • 4 Demi-Brigade de Légion Étrangère, 4 DBLE (Area Defence, Combat Support Services)
    • Tercio de Extranjeros (Santander, recruits from Keltian exile families of Alexandria and Caputia, and later Nouvelle Alexandrie)
      • Bandera de Cuartel General
      • Grupo de Caballería Ligero Acorazado
      • Grupo de Artillería de Campaña
      • Grupo Logístico
    • Groupement Tactique Désert-Aérocombat
    • 4th "Highland" Brigade (Recruits from Kingdom of Moorland. Raised 1719.)
    • 5th "Barak" Brigade (Recruits from exile families of Israati-Haifan extraction. Raised 1721.)
    • 6th "Nord" Brigade (Recruits from exile families of Normark extraction. Raised 1737.)
    • 7th "Imperio Anahuacano/Emperador José Joaquín's Own" Brigade (Recruits from exile families of Anahuaco extraction. Raised 1736.)

