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[[File:FacechageE.jpg|200px|thumb|left|A priestess of the Maritime Guild of the Cult of Maskmakers alters the appearance of a Noctic smuggler evading arrest in an apple orchard outside of Jogi.]]
'''Noctic-Bassaridia''' is a collection of Bassarid states and territories which fall within the sphere of influence of the [[Alperkin]] and the [[Noctic-Rabrev]] cartels which support them across central and eastern [[Keltia]].
'''Noctic-Bassaridia''' is a collection of Bassarid states and territories which fall within the sphere of influence of the [[Alperkin]] and the [[Noctic-Rabrev]] cartels which support them across central and eastern [[Keltia]].

Revision as of 20:45, 16 July 2021

A priestess of the Maritime Guild of the Cult of Maskmakers alters the appearance of a Noctic smuggler evading arrest in an apple orchard outside of Jogi.

Noctic-Bassaridia is a collection of Bassarid states and territories which fall within the sphere of influence of the Alperkin and the Noctic-Rabrev cartels which support them across central and eastern Keltia.



Flag of Jogi
Coat of Arms of Jogi
Coat of arms
Location of Jogi
Capital Jogi
Major cities Jogi
Demonym -
 - Adjective Haifan
Area 10,224sqkm
 - Ranked
Population 217,998 (35.54 PSSC)
 - Ranked
Density 21.32/sqkm
Abbreviation JG


Pictured: A map of the city of Jogi (34.54 PSSC).

Established in 30.94 PSSC by the Independent Realm of Ergonia as part of an international effort regarding the construction of the Trans-Keltian Raliway, the city of Jogi is situated along the banks of the Strait of Haifa, in the temperate region known locally as the Mists of Keybir-Aviv. Today the city is a hub of local pirates, farmers, and other tradesmen who moved to the region soon after the collapse of Ergonia in 32.02.

The city of Jogi is notably the home of the Ale of the Night Central Brewery, the company which produces the hallucinogenic beer which has traditionally fueled the nighttime raids of the region's pirates, the Ergonian Spy Agency, a company which employs a substantial number of ethnic Ergonians in the field of espionage and intelligence gathering, and the Jogi Regiment, which acts as the unofficial army of the Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa. Jogi, furthermore, is the home of the musical troupe Creatures of Corum.


Climate and Topography
Climate V|Topography >
Sea Level Coastal Plains High Plains Highlands Mountains
Dsc X X


Region Statistics
A view of one of the many fertile, untamed valleys which surround the city of Jogi.
Year Population Growth (Growth %) Food Imports (/Person) Fuel Imports (/Person) Other Imports (/Person) Production Modifier (%) Immigration Modifier (%)
39.80 PSSC 2,142,807 -4,880 (-.23%) 1,450,116 (.67) 56,315 (.02) 2,779,183 (1.29) - .5
39.60 PSSC 2,147,688 11,457 (.53%) 1,622,357 (.75) 47,735 (.02) 3,211,017 (1.49) - .44
39.40 PSSC 2,136,231 -1,576 (-.07%) 2,027,946 (.94) 42,480 (.02) 4,033,093 (1.88) - .35
39.20 PSSC 2,137,808 1,050,261 (49.13%) 2,083,798 (.97) 39,155 (.01) 3,985,096 (1.86) - .35
39.00 PSSC 1,087,547 9,321 (.86%) 1,368,805 (1.25) 42,480 (.03) 2,616,668 (2.4) Drought (-10%) .27
38.80 PSSC 1,078,226 -11,545 (-1.07%) 877,486 (.81) 33,040 (.03) 1,539,987 (1.42) Heatwave (-50%) .44
38.60 PSSC 1,089,772 9,104 (.84%) 1,227,541 (1.12) 51,060 (.04) 2,353,973 (2.16) Piracy (-20%) .3
38.40 PSSC 1,080,668 -9,510 (-.88%) 864,660 (.8) 35,830 (.03) 2,020,236 (1.869) Rebellion (-30%) .37
38.20 PSSC 1,090,179 109,580 (10.05%) 1,078,789 (.98) 39,690 (.03) 2,516,453 (2.3) Piracy (-10%) .3
38.00 PSSC 980,599 767,274 (78.25%) 964,342 (.98) 41,085 (.04) 2,263,238 (2.3) Epidemic (-20%) .3
37.80 PSSC 213,325 4,599 (2.16%) 110,264 (.516) 45,270 (.212) 2,214,750 (10.38) Piracy (-20%) .08
37.60 PSSC 208,726 6,031 (2.89%) 114,600 (.549) 35,830 (.171) 2,458,654 (11.77) Flood (-10%) .08
37.40 PSSC 202,695 -407 (-.2%) 86,154 (.42) 31,110 (.15) 1,882,373 (9.28) Heatwave (-30%) .1
37.20 PSSC 203,103 -5,306 (-2.61%) 82,657 (.406) 24,995 (.123) 1,894,958 (9.33) Crime (-30%) .1
36.80 PSSC 209,119 114 (.05%) 77,445 (.37) 12,555 (.6) 2,399,539 (11.47) Heatwave (-10%) .084
36.67 PSSC 209,005 1,258 (.6%) 148,375 (.709) 9,765 (.0467) 149,786 (.716) Surplus (+40%) .67
36.47 PSSC 207,747 -7,164 (-3.45%) 74,925 (.36) 9,765 (.047) 119,502 (.575) Piracy (-10%) 1
36.27 PSSC 214,912 -4,747 (-2.21%) 70,100 (.326) 12,555 (.058) 128,702 (.598) Piracy (-20%) 1
36.07 PSSC 219,660 -205 (-.09%) 74,925 (.34) 9,765 (.04) 112,502 (.51) Piracy (-10%) 1.1
35.94 PSSC 219,866 1,173 (.53%) 77,445 (.35) 12,555 (.05) 127,011 (.57) Drought (-10%) 1
35.74 PSSC 218,693 695 (.32%) 67,580 (.3) 9,765 (.04) 125,757 (.57) Piracy (-20%) 1.06
35.54 PSSC 217,998 6,333 (2.91%) 70,100 (.32) 12,555 (.06) 115,525 (.52) (Epidemic) (-20%) 1.1
35.38 PSSC 211,665 200,003 (94.49%) 74,925 (.35) 9,765 (.04) 125,975 (.59) (Piracy) (-10%) N/A


The primary mode of transportation in Jogi is sail.

The city of Jogi is home to an Imperial Bassarid Orbital Transit Depot, which connects the city to the orbital trade routes which extend between Corum, Eura, and Keltia.

Military Installations

While there are no official military installations located in Blore Heath, the city is defended by the New Zimian War League, and by the Jogi Regiment. The city is also defended by an extensive intelligence network.

Protected Areas

There are no officially protected areas in Jogi.



Flag of Vaeringheim
Coat of Arms of Vaeringheim
Coat of arms
Location of Vaeringheim
Capital Vaeringheim
Major cities Vaeringheim
Demonym -
 - Adjective Haifan
Area 11,520 sqkm
 - Ranked
Population 40,900 (35.62 PSSC)
 - Ranked
Density 3.55/sqkm
Abbreviation VH


An old house overlooks the waters near the city of Vaeringheim..

Established by the Kingdom of Normark in 24.22 PSSC, during the golden age of Keltian settlement, the city of Vaeringheim sits on the timber covered northern shore of Lake Morovia, in central Keltia. Following the collapse of Normark's Keltian holdings in 24.53, the city fell into a relative state of ruin before coming under the possession of Haifan settlers during the period surrounding the establishment of the Free State of Haifa. In the coming years these Haifan settlers established a number of large, independent homesteads in the vicinity of Vaeringheim, from which they sold timber, and certain mineral resources to merchants from Haifa, Hamland, and Passio-Corum. In the years following the establishment of the Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa, Haifan settlers in Vaeringheim attempted to resist the appeal and influence of the spread of piracy across the Strait of Haifa. These efforts would ultimately prove to be in vain, however, when in the 35.50's PSSC Vaeringheim would come under the informal authority of Captain Ismael Hatch, a notorious privateer who operated out of nearby Black Hatch Island.

The culture of Vaeringheim is increasingly impacted by the expanding influence of Alperkin culture in the region surrounding Lake Morovia. In the period since the end of the Haifan Civil War authorities have struggled to contain the growth of a powerful Noctic-Rabrev cartel which has established its headquarters in Vaeringheim. These efforts failed in the 42.80's PSSC when the city succumbed to a series of several outbreaks of Noctic Vampirism in the aftermath of a sudden decline in Bassarid political control over Vaeringheim. Following the failure by authorities to protect the city's residents from the effects of the fatal disease, Vaeringhiem would fall largely under the control of the Alperkin government in Alpazkigz


Climate and Topography
Climate V|Topography >
Sea Level Coastal Plains High Plains Highlands Mountains
Dsd X


Region Statistics
Year Population Growth (Growth %) Food Imports (/Person) Fuel Imports (/Person) Other Imports (/Person) Production Modifier (%) Immigration Modifier (%)
39.80 PSSC 2,063,074 -38,101 (-1.85%) 1,647,506 (.79) 12,014,397 (5.82) 2,207,996 (1.07) N/A .13
39.60 PSSC 2,101,176 51,585 (2.46%) 1,375,749 (.65) 9,012,333 (4.28) 1,971,776 (.93) N/A .17
39.40 PSSC 2,049,591 -26,276 (-1.28%) 1,568,681 (.76) 9,016,9226 (4.39) 2,224,226 (1.08) N/A .16
39.20 PSSC 2,075,868 53,757 (2.59%) 1,686,985 (.81) 9,021,363 (4.34) 2,265,831 (1.09) N/A .16
39.00 PSSC 2,022,111 -25,636 (-1.27%) 1,340,249 (.66) 7,021,363 (3.47) 1,748,942 (.86) N/A .2
38.80 PSSC 2,047,748 -36,639 (-1.79%) 1,823,203 (.89) 9,038,803 (4.41) 1,936,419 (.94) N/A .16
38.60 PSSC 2,084,388 32,359 (1.55%) 1,257,384 (.6) 7,018,990 (3.36) 1,649,283 (.79) N/A .21
38.40 PSSC 2,052,029 -33,972 (-1.66%) 1,130,267 (.55) 7,021,363 (3.42) 1,619,939 (.78) N/A .21
38.20 PSSC 2,086,002 18,884 (.91%) 1,179,394 (.56) 7,01,053 (3.36) 1,732,896 (.83) N/A .21
38.00 PSSC 2,067,118 7,401 (.36%) 1,098,221 (.53) 5,027,865 (2.43) 1,529,907 (.74) N/A .27
37.80 PSSC 2,059,717 -24,219 (-1.18%) 1,257,100 (.61) 9,021,673 (4.38) 1,837,213 (.891) N/A .17
37.60 PSSC 2,083,837 53,251 (2.56%) 1,311,241 (.629) 9,023,582 (4.33) 1,923,041 (.922) N/A .17
37.40 PSSC 2,030,586 -33,588 (-1.65%) 1,080,890 (.53) 7,021,208 (3.45) 1,562,216 (.76) N/A .21
37.20 PSSC 2,064,175 -37,625 (-1.82%) 1,671,936 (.564) 8,020,898 (3.88) 1,671,936 (.81) N/A .19
37.00 PSSC 2,101,801 2,055,452 (97.97%) 1,120,607 (.533) 8,018,835 (3.81) 1,364,435 (.64) N/A .2
36.80 PSSC 46,349 1,276 (-2.75%) 16,515 (.356) 1,395 (.03) 561,357 (12.11) N/A .08
36.67 PSSC 47,626 236 (.5%) 33,185 (.696) 1,085 (.022) 37,506 (.787) N/A .17
36.47 PSSC 47,390 -359 (-.76%) 16,235 (.342) 1,085 (.022) 29,846 (.629) N/A .45
36.27 PSSC 47,031 -47 (-.1%) 14,820 (.315) 1,395 (.029) 30,708 (.65) N/A .45
36.07 PSSC 47,079 -1,047 (-%) 16,235 (.34) 1,085 (.02) 27,346 (.58) N/A 1.8
35.94 PSSC 48,127 1,152 (-%) 16,515 (.34) 1,395 (.02) 30,531 (.63) N/A .1
35.74 PSSC 46,975 6,075 (-%) 14,540 (.3) 1,085 (.02) 32,103 (.68) N/A .1
35.62 PSSC 40,900 N/A (-%) 14,820 (.36) 1,395 (.03) 24,048 (.58) N/A 1


The primary mode of transportation in Vaeringheim is sail.

Military Installations

While there are no official military installations located in Vaeringheim, the city is defended by the New Zimian War League, and by the Jogi Regiment.

Protected Areas

There are no protected areas located in Vaeringheim.


Blore Heath

Flag of Jangsong
Coat of Arms of Jangsong
Coat of arms
Location of Jangsong
Capital Jangsong
Major cities Jangsong
Demonym -
 - Adjective Haifan, Normarkian
Area 20,016 sqkm
 - Ranked
Population >229,592 (36.96 PSSC)
 - Ranked
Density 11.47
Abbreviation JN
Pictured: A religious wanderer seeks refuge from the bitter cold at a Bassarid temple near the city of Jangsong.


Strategically located at the northern mouth of the Strait of Haifa, atop the ruins of the Norse city of Dalen, the city of Jangsong - known as the birthplace of many Keltian heroes and named after the arctic spice known as "the Song" - was first formally settled by the Kingdom of Juclandia in 24.98 PSSC and subsequently abandoned 34.97. Following its abandonment by Juclandian authorities in Era 34 PSSC, Jangsong, a city traditionally sustained by a vibrant fishing industry which prevails across most of the Gulf of Jangsong, as well as by extensive trade with the nomadic camel herders from the Manduay region of the northern Strait, was overrun by the followers of the infamous pirate Captain Ismael Hatch. Under the command of these piratical militias, Jangsong played a central role in the War of Lost Brothers as as an essential ally and eventual constituent member of the political and economic union between Passio-Corum and the Maritime Markets of the Strait of Haifa, which following the war would come to be known as the Bassarids.


Climate and Topography
Climate V|Topography >
Sea Level Coastal Plains High Plains Highlands Mountains
Dwb X
Dwc X


Region Statistics
Year Population Growth (Growth %) Food Imports (/Person) Fuel Imports (/Person) Other Imports (/Person) Production Modifier (%) Immigration Modifier (%)
39.80 PSSC 32,095 -6,322 (-1.92%) 278,325 (.84) 1,219,500 (3.7) 147,652 (.44) - .2
39.60 PSSC 335,418 17,423 (5.19%) 318,000 (.94) 1,623,750 (4.84) 154,613 (.46) - .16
39.40 PSSC 317,995 4,100 (1.29%) 296,025 (.93) 1,220,250 (3.83) 157,386 (.49) - .19
39.20 PSSC 313,895 54,521 (17.37%) 312,300 (.99) 1,086,750 (3.46) 170,425 (.54) - .2
39.00 PSSC 259,374 5,371 (2.07%) 331,425 (1.27) 1,221,750 (4.71) 175,990 (.67) Floods (-10%) .15
38.80 PSSC 254,003 7,382 (2.91%) 473,025 (1.86) 1,227,750 (4.83) 253,094 (.99) Floods (-10%) .13
38.60 PSSC 246,621 -1,156 (-.47%) 294,600 (1.19) 1,086,000 (4.4) 160,787 (.65) Piracy (-20%) .16
38.40 PSSC 247,778 -977 (-.39%) 230,850 (.931) 816,750 (3.29) 132,295 (.53) Epidemic (-40%) .21
38.20 PSSC 248,756 -37,013 (-14.88%) 116,100 (.46) 6,750 (.02) 125,906 (.5) Crime (-10%) 1
38.00 PSSC 285,770 568 (.2%) 154,800 (.55) 9,000 (.03) 146,820 (.51) Epidemic (-20%) .92
37.80 PSSC 285,202 TBA (TBA%) 159,300 (.55) 6,750 (.02) 119,152 (.41) Drought (-20%) 1


The primary mode of transportation in Jangsong is sail. The city is, with this said, the home of Harpy-Sky Airways, an airway service provider which connects the city to several other major Bassarid cities.

Military Installations

Due to its close proximity to battle lines relating to the simmering Strait of Haifa Campaign, the city of Jangsong is both heavily fortified and defended. Forces which defend Jangsong include the New Zimian War League, the Hatch Ministry, the Jogi Regiment, and several others.

Protected Areas

There are no formally protected areas in the lands claimed by the regional authority of Jangsong.