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Political Consultative Committee
CSSO policon flag.png
Abbreviation Policon

As council of the USSO: 1645

As legislation of the CSSO: 1683
Chairman Masamune

8 with voting privileges

2 without voting privileges
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The Political Consultative Committee and the Commissars in a joint meeting, 1674 AN.

The Political Consultative Committee, usually abbreviated to Policon, is the highest authoritative legislative body of of the Confederation of States around the Sovereign Oceans. It was originally a committee consisting of the top leadership of each respective Union State of the USSO, but those tasks where - throughout the years - delegated to diplomats who acted as representatives of their administration. While a State in the early days sent its head of state (or head of government) to meetings, it became handled by a high-up diplomat and only - in rare cases - the head of government. Only full members of the Union had a vote, while Associate Members had the right to speak and participate, but not the right to vote.

The committee originally met at USSO Command Enterprise. In case of large-scale reforms, a Union Summit was opened, but this had only happened twice in the Union's history: in 1643 AN and 1682 AN. The summit, or Conference of Leylstadt, meant the definitive end of the Union as an organisation and led to the creation of the Confederation in 1683 AN.


Constituent States

Member State Representative
Flag Jingdao 2.png Jingdao Zhang San, Diwang
Passasflggz2.jpg Haifo-Pallisican Imperial Trade Union Díapaza Bréidle
Flag of Kingdom of Krasnocoria.png Krasnocoria Obrad Bošković
Palesmeniaflag.png Palesmenia Amí Asovoé
-- Ralgon --.png Ralgon Draeg'ar Ral
Lengflag2.png Iron Cult of Leng
Refliasia Flag.png Refliasia
Flag Leylstadt.png Leyl André Vales

Associates and Observers

Member State Representative
Nova English flag.png Nova England
Refliasia Flag.png Refliasia Lewis Godfree

Legislation during the Confederation Era

Subject Period Votes Status
Confederation Treaty 1683 AN (April 2020) In favour: Jingdao, Haifo-Pallisican Imperial Trade Union, Krasnocoria, Palesmenia, Ralgon, Iron Cult of Leng, Refliasia, Leyl

Abstain: Nova England, Craitland

Reformed the Union into a confederal state.

Revoked / non-active
Failed to gather support / pending

Legislation during the Union Era

Discussed treaties and legislation:

Subject Period Votes Status
Treaty of Voorpost 26th February 2017 In favour: Craitland, Gerenia, Jingdao, Passio-Corum, Xang Muang


Replaced by the Union Treaty (July 2017)
Admission of the Florian Republic [1] 29th June 2017 In favour: Craitland, Gerenia, Jingdao, Passio-Corum, Xang Muang


Florian Republic later downgraded to Associate Member.
Union Treaty (July 2017) [2] 23rd July 2017 In favour: Craitland, Gerenia, Jingdao, Passio-Corum, Xang Muang, Florian Republic


Passed during the First Summit.
Admission of the Brettish Isles [3] 25th July 2017 In favour: Craitland, Gerenia, Jingdao, Passio-Corum, Xang Muang, Florian Republic


Downgrade of Florian Republic to Associate Member Status [4] 7th October 2017 In favour: Jingdao, Passio-Corum, Xang Muang, Florian Republic

Abstain: Craitland, Gerenia, Brettish Isles

Withdrawal of the Florian Republic From the USSO [5] 25th October 2017 In favour: Withdrawal recognized by Chairman.


Admission of the Kingdom of Coria as an Associate Member. [6] 18th December 2017 In favour: Brettish Isles, Craitland, Jingdao, Passio-Corum, Xang Muang

Abstain: Gerenia

Admission of the Hondonese Empire as an Associate Member. [7] 2nd Janurary 2018 In favour: Craitland, Jingdao Passio-Corum, Xang Muang

Abstain: Gerenia, Brettish Isles

Admission of the Florian General Government as an Associate Member. [8] 2nd Janurary 2018 In favour: Jingdao

Abstain: Brettish Isles, Craitland, Gerenia, Passio-Corum, Xang Muang

Admission of Alrig as a Full member. [9] March 3, 2019 In favour: Jingdao, Xang Muang, Bassarids


Admission of Krasnocoria as a Full member. [10] April 25, 2019 In favour: Jingdao, Xang Muang, Bassarids, Alrig


Revoked / non-active
Failed to gather support / pending