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Healthcare in the Benacian Union

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Benacian Union Benacian Union
Country Benacian Union Benacian Union
National Health Information Network No
The Benacian Union prides itself on the cleanliness and good order of its Guild Hospitals.
Charitable hospitals for Subjects without Merit include facilities, such as operating theatres, previously unavailable to the unlawful poor when the continent was dominated by Shireroth.

Healthcare in the Benacian Union is defined by three acts brought to the Chamber of Guilds and Corporations in 1715 AN, these being the following:

  1. 1715 Act Relating to Public Health in the Benacian Union‎‎;
  2. 1715 Act for the Administration of Guild Hospitals‎‎;
  3. 1715 Act for the Exclusion of Subjects Without Merit from Guild Hospitals‎.

The practical effect of these acts was to see healthcare divided into two broad categories: care for meritorious subjects and public employees, and care for subjects without merit. Meritorious subjects and public employees are entitled to healthcare services at Guild Hospitals, which are funded by membership fees and contributions from enrolled guild members and public employees, as well as by the Civil Executives of the realms. Subjects without merit, on the other hand, are excluded from receiving care at Guild Hospitals, except in cases of emergency. They may seek healthcare services from the United Ecclesiastical Corporation of Benacia or other charitable organisations, or may seek treatment at hospitals operated by the municipal corporations of their bailiwicks. The provision of healthcare for subjects without merit is funded by the charity of the United Ecclesiastical Corporation, as well as by a poor rate paid by the bailiwicks on a voluntary basis, and a punitive tax on subjects deemed to have indulged in unhealthy or unproductive lifestyles.

General healthcare schemes

General medical practitioners

General medical practitioners are doctors licenced to establish and maintain their own liveried companies devoted to the practice of medicine within the bailiwick of their residence. They are obliged maintain consulting practices in accordance with the laws and regulations of the particular realm wherein they operate, for which they may charge their clients an agreed fee. These practitioners are also expected to contract to provide services for the guild and charitable hospitals operating within the bailiwick wherein they are active, as well as with any realm specific healthcare scheme that may be in operation.

The division between the Guild of Academicians and the Guild of Apothecaries over the licensing of general medical practitioners within the Benacian Union has been a long-standing issue since the formation of the Union-State. The Guild of Academicians, holding the authority to grant liveries to physicians and surgeons, traditionally maintained a strong hold on the field of medicine through its affiliation with the Benacian Academy. This created tension with the Guild of Apothecaries, which seeks to expand its own scope to include the licensing of medical practitioners.

One of the main sources of contention between the two guilds is the Guild of Academicians' privilege of appointing delegates to the Chamber of Guilds and Corporations, a privilege that the Guild of Apothecaries does not possess. This has given the Guild of Academicians a significant advantage in influencing the policies and decisions related to medical licensing within the Union-State, often leading to the backing of the academic guild over the vocational guild.

The Union-State has historically sided with the Guild of Academicians due to its influential position and close ties to academia. The focus on academic training and the reputation of the Benacian Academy have lent credibility and prestige to the physicians and surgeons licensed by the Guild of Academicians. As a result, the Union-State has tended to support the guild's authority in licensing general medical practitioners, despite the Guild of Apothecaries' efforts to expand its own role in this field.

Guild hospitals

Charitable hospitals

Charitable hospitals across the Union-State are controlled and operated, in the majority of instances, by the Ecclesiastical Corporation of Hospitaliers, answering ultimately to the Congregation for the Protection of the Faithful within the United Ecclesiastical Corporation of Benacia. Accordingly the operation of these hospitals are provided for by a combination of funding through tithes reallocated to the hospitaliers by the Divine Chancellery of the UECB and direct charitable endowments made to the institutions in question.

Realm-specific healthcare schemes




Sovereign Confederation

Unified Governorates