Great Swords of Shireroth
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The Sword of Chaos, one of the Great Swords of Shireroth.
The cultural term Great Swords of Shireroth denotes certain magical ancient swords which are legendary and even far more ancient than the Imperial Republic itself.
The Great Swords of Shireroth are prestigious objects of tremendous historical, cultural and religious value. They were all crafted by the Gods themselves. Some of the Great Swords were wielded by Kaisers and several other of those blades remained in temples, locked up safely and guarded by clerics to prevent their devastating powers from being unleashed onto the world.
Scroll of Great Swords
The Great Swords of Shireroth are listed on a roll which is known as the Scroll of Great Swords.
The Scroll of Great Swords is the cultural term denoting the list of the Great Swords of Shireroth.
The Blades Listed on the Scroll of Great Swords
- The Sword of Vengeance: Presently lost. A composite blade forged from two swords that claimed the privilege of being the authentic article. The first, formerly held by the Emir of Sathrati, as the direct heir of the Qaisar-e Sathrati Rashid Shahanshah Arsalani, was traded back to the Imperial Throne in return for the island of Zy-Rodun. The second was the mystical sword wielded by Kaiser Aiomide to open a portal to Balgurd and thence to Woodshire Village (which was only a marginal improvement). Attempts to bring the two together for side by side comparison and analysis has invariably ended in accusations of heresy and catastrophe. Undeterred Kaiser Aurangzeb II Steffki had the two rival blades melted down and reforged. Catastrophe ensued. Last reported to be in the hands of Tokaray al-Osman as he passed into the netherworld.;
- The Sword of Fire: Periodically exchanged between Elemental-Chthonic and Celestial-Archonic owners since its creation. Presently in the possession of the House of Yastreb in Kalgachia;
- The Sword of Death: Hereditary possession of the Line of Mortis. Said to be in the possession of the wraith of Mors Nerrolar - unconfirmed reports place it with one Chlorocyphida Pan, Kalgachi goat herder and nominal heiress to the bloodline;
- The Sword of Life: Fate unknown. The sword is said to have remained in the Celestial Temple with the Goddess Viviantia (most unlikely, more probable it's located in the Temple of Mors in Shirekeep);
- The Sword of Light: Granted to Takano Myksos by Imperial Decree #762, which was issued by Kaiseress Kizzy, and is therefore in possession of the House of Myksos; now held by the Heavenly Light of Jingdao.
- The Sword of Madness: Possession of the Line of Grifos;
- The Sword of Mortis: Held by the present descendant of the Line of Mortis;
- The Sword of Chaos: Fate unknown, claimed to be in possession of the Line of Grifos;
- The Sword of Wisdom: Rumoured to have been owned by the Prophet Brrapa Lu'Eraro. Current owner unknown;
- The Sword of Goodness (Meqil Jandui): A forgery interpolated onto the scroll by Hallbjörn Haraldsson. Purportedly an ancient symbol of Elwynnese monarchy, actually cast in the early 1630's. Melted down and cast into the waters of the river Elwynn in 1666.