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Beihagh Treaty

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The The Beihagh Treaty, is the final draft of the Treaty between the Imperial Federation and Constancia set forth in 1740 AN, after successful conclusion of the Rusjar Negotiations over the status of Beihagh. The treaty was based off the comprehensive agreement wrote at the event between the parties' delegations (known as the Rusjar Accords or Beihagh Accords), then written more thoroughly in the immediate aftermath of these events. The treaty permanently settled the long-standing issue of sovereignty over the island that first emerged in the wake of the Norasht campaign and subsequent joint occupation of the island by Suren and the Imperial Federation in 1722 AN. In the midst of its ongoing annexation and integration of Suren's former territory, Constancia saw the need to settle the question over Beihagh's confusing, and invited delegations to Rusjar to negotiate a suitable conclusion.

The treaty also laid the groundwork for building a closer friendship between the two nations, formerly tied only by their mutual cooperation within the larger frame of the Raspur Pact. It thus represents the foundation of direct cooperation between the two powers, especially with regards to mutual military security within Eura. The Rusjar Negotiations were subsequently considered one of the most important events in the recent diplomatic history of the two nations, partly due to the mutually favorable results.

The long form of the treaty is: The Treaty of Perpetual Cooperation and Friendship, and Definitive Resolution of Sovereignty over Beighagh Between the Imperial Federation of Ralgon, Eternia, and Haifa and the Imperial State of Constancia


Imperial Federation CoA 1.pngBlank flag.pngBlank flag.pngConstancia Crest.png








His Excellency, Emperor Anarion the Great of the Imperial Federation


Her Imperial Majesty, Esmeralda al-Osman, the Basilinna of the Imperial State of Constancia

The Imperial State of Constancia and the Imperial Federation (hereafter called “Parties” or “Party”), desirous of strengthening the bonds of peace and friendship traditionally existing between them and of encouraging closer economic and cultural relations between their peoples, and being cognizant of the contributions which may be made toward these ends by arrangements promoting mutually advantageous trade, encouraging mutually beneficial investments, and establishing mutual rights and privileges, have resolved to conclude a Treaty of Perpetual Cooperation and Friendship (which may be known as the Beihagh Treaty)

Article I – Peace and friendship
There shall be a firm and perpetual state of peace and friendly relations between His Excellency, the Emperor of the Imperial Federation, Her Imperial Majesty, the Basilinna of the Constancia, and between Their Heirs or Successors, and between the Imperial Federation of Ralgon, Valora, Eternia, and Haifa, and the Imperial State of Constancia, in this treaty the High Contracting Parties, and between their Citizens, without discrimination.

Article II - Sovereignty and territorial integrity
Each High Contracting Party shall respect the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the other party. The High Contracting Parties shall continue to develop and consolidate the relations of sincere friendship, good neighborliness, and comprehensive cooperation existing between them on the basis of the aforesaid principles as well as those of equality and mutual benefit.

Article III - Airspace

  1. Each High Contracting Party commits that any overflight of its airspace by aircraft registered upon the territory of the Other High Contracting Party, whose source and destination are outside the jurisdiction of the Overflown High Contracting Party and which make no intermediate landing upon the territory of the Overflown High Contracting Party, shall be considered to fall outside the remit of customs or immigration regulations and wholly outside the jurisdiction of any Third Parties, without prejudice to the exclusive right of the Overflown High Contracting Party to approve or deny such overflight as it sees fit.
  2. The High Contracting Party can set up a Prohibited Airspace, where an overflight is strictly prohibited. The High Contracting Party shall inform the other about Prohibited Airspace and appropriate punitive measures, in the event of an overflight of an aircraft registered with the other High Contracting Party.

Article IV – Diplomatic mission

  1. The High Contracting Parties will maintain regular contacts with each other on major international and regional problems affecting the interests of both of their countries and governments by means of meetings, and exchanges of views between their leading statesmen, visits by official delegations and special envoys of the governments, and through diplomatic channels.
  2. The High Contracting Party will make an embassy and consulates-general, consulates, and honorary consuls available for each other. For the embassy, consulates-general, consulates, honorary consuls, associated grounds, associated vehicles, leading statesmen, visits by official delegations, special envoys of the governments and ambassadors, diplomatic immunity applies.
  3. Each High Contracting party recognizes and respects the procedures of acceptance by the ambassador, by handing over a letter of credence, which is addressed from one head of state to the other asking to give credence.

Article V - Recognition of bureaucracy
Each High Contracting Party gives to the other full faith and credit to all public acts, records, contracts and judicial proceedings in the field of civil law, including records and documents on marriage, property, titles, death and inheritance, in as much as any act, record, document, contract, proceeding is done according to the law.

Article VI - Visa-free travel
Citizens of each High Contracting Party will be granted 90-day visa-free travel to the territory of the other. This provision may be suspended or limited by either High Contracting Party in the event of circumstances affecting public order, national security, or public health. These circumstances may include, but are not limited to, an outbreak of an infectious disease, a national emergency, civil unrest, or a serious threat to public safety.

Article VII - Sovereignty over Beihagh
The Imperial Federation assumes sovereignty and general territorial control over the island of Beihagh, forming the Special Region of Beihagh that consists of this entire island group of North Beihagh and South Beihagh (known also as Akuma-Jima. This grant of sovereignty is legally bound by all of the following conditions.

  • 1. Constancia has full, permanent control over its choices of former Surenid military bases on the coast of Beihagh.
    • 1a. All joint bases and abandoned real estate are purchased by the Imperial Federation at 20% above fair market price.
    • 1b. The option to make further sales at this price may be exercised at any time until no further assets remain to be transferred or sold under this provision.
  • 2. Constancia is granted permanent extraterritorial jurisdiction on all military bases owned by Constancia.
    • 2a. All military bases owned by Constancia shall include the provision that Constancia also owns the land attached to these bases.
    • 2b. These areas are treated by the Imperial Federation as though sovereignty on these bases belongs to Constancia, until presence on these areas is formally terminated by Constancian authorities.
    • 2c. The laws of Constancia apply to these areas independently of, and addition to, the laws governing the rest of the island.
    • 2d. Where legal conflicts exist in Constancian areas, Constancian law prevails so long as they do not conflict with the provisions of this treaty.
  • 3. Constancia is entitled to treat all assets, land, and personnel on its owned military assets as if they were sovereign territory and assets.
    • 3a. Constancia retains the right to transfer and/or resell any land or assets owned per Clause #1 to the Imperial Federation, and only to the Imperial Federation, at any time it chooses
    • 3b. Constancia may alternatively execute sales indirectly through the Beihagh Commission created by this Treaty for the next 10 Norton years.
  • 4. All persons either born or resident for greater than three years, are given the option of accepting a grant of citizenship from either Party, granted by this Treaty. Eligible persons have one year from the ratification of this treaty to choose either Imperial Federation or Constancian citizenship. Additional provisions follow:
    • 4a. If a legal resident has not registered their decision, Imperial Federation citizenship is awarded by default to all on Imperial Federation territory, or Constancian citizenship to those living directly under Constancian extraterritorial authority (permanent military bases).
    • 4b. Eligible persons may choose to decline this offer of citizenship. Those with the legal right to stay, may thus stay as foreigners, and are subject to usual visa provisions depending on the Party
    • 4c. Eligible persons who are stateless persons shall be awarded citizenship based on the above provisions, 1 year after the ratification of this treaty.
    • 4d. Any person accepting citizenship under this treaty must renounce all prior citizenships, with the sole exceptions of natural born locals and those already holding citizenship from either Party.
    • 4e. All persons retain the option of being transported at no cost from the island to any destination they are legally allowed to enter, subject to space-available basis. They must declare their binding intention to pursue this option within 1 year of ratification of this treaty, and must board the first available transport accordingly if this transport leaves after the deadline expires. Otherwise, other provisions shall apply.
  • 5. All persons resident for greater than three years upon the ratification of this treaty are automatically given right of residence on the island, regardless of citizenship, civilian or military status.
    • 5a. All eligible persons affected by this treaty at the time of ratification are automatically given permanent residency on the entire island.
    • 5b. All citizens of Constancia and the Imperial Federation legally living on Beihagh after the ratification of this Treaty are granted the right of abode on the entire island, regardless of internal boundaries controlled by either Party.
    • 5c. Constancian military personnel are granted the right of abode on the entire island, so long as they are stationed on any Constancian command based on or attached directly to the island of Beihagh.
    • 5d. Those declining citizenship under Clause 4 may still exercise rights to residency under Clause 5.
  • 6. All land owned by private citizens will be retained. All local, proven titles of nobility held by all citizens regardless of nationality for at least 1 year prior to the ratification of this treaty are respected and retained.
    • 6a. All eligible persons must register their titles of nobility with the Beihagh Commission created by this Treaty within one year of ratification.
    • 6b. All local titles shall be respected by both Parties, irrespective of eligible persons' citizenship or their civilian or military status.
  • 7. All private persons who wish to abandon their land holdings may sell those holdings to the Imperial Federation through the Beihagh Commission created by this treaty. Private sales may still occur, but shall be registered and executed according to the laws of either Party's respective jurisdictions.
    • 7a. Within 1 year of ratification, reimbursement shall be at 20% above fair market price
    • 7b. Within 10 years of ratification, reimbursement shall be at fair market price.
    • 7c. After 10 years, this guarantee shall expire; holdings shall be sold only according to the laws of either Party's respective jurisdictions.
  • 8. Clarifications, disputes and official interpretation of this Treaty shall be the jurisdiction of the Beihagh Commission created by this treaty. The makeup of this body shall be governed by the following provisions:
    • 8a. The Beighagh Commission shall consists of composed of one plenipotentiary for each state, appointed by their respective governments. They shall jointly remain the heads of the Commission within Beihagh.
    • 8b. Both plenipotentiaries may jointly appoint no fewer than ten and no greater than twenty-five delegates from among the local population to sit the Commission's governing body.
    • 8c. Both plenipotentiaries hold veto power over any law passed within the locality.
    • 8d. For the next ten Norton years, the Government of the island shall be done by this Commission, after which its functions shall pass to locally appointed bodies.
  • 9. Failure to resolve matters via this Commission shall entitle both parties to agree to mediation by a third party or entity mutually agreed to by both parties.
  • 10. Both parties shall set up a Consulate General in Beihagh City to supervise diplomatic affairs pertaining to the island and otherwise serve their respective citizens resident within the immediate region.

Article VIII - Interpretation
Any difference of interpretation of any Article or Articles of this Treaty which may arise between the High Contracting Parties will be settled bilaterally by peaceful means in a spirit of mutual respect and understanding.

Article XI - Ratification
This Treaty immediately enters into force upon its signature and ratification by Both High Contracting Parties in accordance with their respective domestic procedures.

Signed on 1740 AN at Rusjar, Zeed:

For the Imperial Federation of Ralgon, Valora, Eternia, and Haifa:
Takeshi Nobunang'an Ral

Honorary Chief Ambassador of the Imperial Federation
Emperor Emeritus of the Imperial Federation
Head of the Draconic Humanist Party
The Emperor's Voice to the Raspur Pact

For the Imperial State of Constancia:
Agnar Egbert Oakwood


See also