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1702-1703 Northbloom Expedition

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The 1702-1703 Northbloom Expedition was a joint mission of the Benacia Command of the Raspur Pact and the Benacian Union, led by Zurvanudin Miran al-Osman, with Kurgoko Vecht of the Upland Confederation as second-in-command. It's purpose was to establish direct contact with the entity known as Mondo, further to a series of communications emanating from Northbloom in the form of psychic and electro-magnetic phenomena which had been growing increasingly insistent regarding a particular subject over the preceding few months.



The objective of the mission into Northbloom was summarised succinctly as being:

  1. To establish contact with the Mondo entity;
  2. To obtain from Northbloom its accession to the Raspur Pact;
  3. To facilitate weapons sales and technology transfers in return for Cibolan gold;
  4. To obtain guarantees concerning the restriction of necromantic activities on the continent of Benacia, particularly with regards to the raising of revenants;
  5. To obtain the good favour of the Mondo entity and acquiescence to the above proposals in return for the transfer of Entity 4279 into its custody.

Course of the expedition


In spite of being casually introduced to Lystasia Steerswick by the minions of the Mondo entity, the Commissioners, after firm directions communicated from Chryse in response to their urgent queries, were directed to continuing working towards the formulation of the Fort Ermingander Treaty.