Kingdom of New Zimia

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Established in 28.80 PSSC, the Kingdom of New Zimia is the oldest of the states which constitute the Haifo-Pallisican Imperial Trade Union.

Region of the Center

Region of the Center

Laji del hed Banäzde (Land of the Beast)
Flag of the Region of the Center
Coat of Arms of the Region of the Center
Coat of arms
Location of Adarma
Capital Lucíusu
Major cities Lucíusu, Afrikänía, Mina
Demonym Lucinarian, Afrikaanian, Minarian
 - Adjective Centerian
Area 486,432 km²
 - Ranked
Population 5,551,222 (37.20 PSSC)
 - Ranked
Density 11.41/km²
Abbreviation CN


The fearsome Bijeko-Lisea-Nas plays a central role in the history of the Region of the Center.

Along with the other regions which constitute the Kingdom of New Zimia, the Region of the Center was settled in the late 28th era PSSC. The region was settled during this period by three distinct groups of people. First among these were the followers of King Lucien IV, who established in the region's heartland the city of Lucien. Following these were the Kralians, who - along with the first Haifans to settle the mainland - established the city of Afrikaania. The third group of settlers to the region were the Pallisican followers of the sorceress-concubine Madame Lye, who established along the region's northern coast the city of Mina, which was named in honor of Queen Mina I, mother of Lucien IV.


Climate and Topography

Climate V|Topography >
Sea Level Coastal Plains High Plains Highlands Mountains
Cfc X
Dsb X X
Dsc X X X


Region Statistics

Year Population Growth (Growth %) Food Imports (/Person) Fuel Imports (/Person) Other Imports (/Person) Immigration Modifier (%) Seats in Regional Government Seats in Houses of Corum

38.40 PSSC 5,545,032 42,092 (.76%) 1,410,904 (.254) 7,280,542 (1.312) 2,624,945 (.473) .49 55 220
38.20 PSSC 5,502,940 -21,113 (-.38%) 1,648,419 (.299) 8,327,240 (1.513) 3,126,578 (.568) .42 55 220
38.00 PSSC 5,524,054 -5,401 (-.1%) 1,401,914 (.253) 6,169,967 (1.11) 2,657,848 (.48) .54 55 221
37.80 PSSC 5,529,456 -41,722 (-.75%) 934,124 (.168) 6,956,720 (1.25) 2,542,092 (.45) .53 55 221
37.60 PSSC 5,571,179 36,316 (.65%) 879,211 (.157) 6,738,000 (1.21) 2,699,786 (.485) .54 56 223
37.40 PSSC 5,534,863 -16,358 (-3%) 767,535 (.138) 5,771,293 (1.04) 2,101,978 (.379) .64 55 221
37.20 PSSC 5,551,222 -42,877 (-.77%) 752,918 (.135) 6,032,248 (1.08) 2,161,621 (.389) .62 56 222
37.00 PSSC 5,954,100 1,829 (.03%) 760,963 (.127) 6,068,831 (1.109) 1,209641 (.2) .74 60 238
36.80 PSSC 5,952,271 6,611 (.11%) 924,728 (.155) 1,505,029 (.252) 7,321,365 (1.23) .59 61 238
36.60 PSSC 5,945,660 28,941 (.49%) 778,025 (.13) 2,001,300 (.336) 763,806 (.128) .72 59 238
36.40 PSSC 5,916,719 -19,493 (-.33%) 597,095 (.1) 1,636,567 (.228) 690,197 (.116) .74 59 237
36.20 PSSC 5,936,213 19,774 (.33%) 780,686 (.13) 1,364,369 (.23) 722,113 (.12) .64 59 237
36.00 PSSC 5,916,439 -4,276 (-.07%) 730,563 (.12) 1,358,771 (.22) 759,618 (.13) .64 59 237
35.80 PSSC 5,920,716 51,894 (.88%) 794,805 (.13) 1,367,093 (.23) 722,584 (.12) .62 59 237
35.60 PSSC 5,868,822 101,727 (1.73%) 782,754 (.13) 1,643,249 (.27) 712,136 (.12) .65 59 235
35.42 PSSC 5,767,095 33,492 (.58%) 681,567 (.11) 1,066,747 (.18) 761,898 (.12) .9 58 231


The primary mode of transportation across the Region of the Center is rail. The cities of Afrikaania and Lucien are connected to one another, and to cities beyond the Region of the Center, by railways operated by the Corumian Railway Company, which is headquartered in the nation's capital. An informal system of roads, most of which were constructed prior to Pallisican settlement in the region, connects all of the region's major settlements.

Military Installations

The Region of the Center is home to Fort Donnet, the largest of the military installations operated by the New Zimian War League in Corum.

Protected Areas

Protected Areas within the Region of the Center include the Wood of the Gamesmen and the Afrikaanian Woodlands. The former of these is regarded as a favorite haunt of practitioners of the Stripping Path, who worship at a grand statue which depicts the king of the satyrs. The latter of these is the site of a sacred location known as the Valley of the Bijeko, a place well known to be the abode of the fierce spirit of a great, ancient Bijeko-Lisea-Nas. The region is also home to the Mina Monastery, one of several monasteries operated by the New Zimian Temple Authority.

Region of the West

Region of the West

Gunspazós äe Fói (Prosperious are We)
Flag of the Region of the West
Coat of Arms of the Region of the West
Coat of arms
Location of Adarma
Capital Sincláir
Major cities Sincláir, Pallisica, Sëamasi, Shirléi, Port Brent
Demonym Sinclari, Pallisicano, Seemserian Shirlien, Brentado
 - Adjective Westerian
Area 138,762 km²
 - Ranked
Population 2,605,474 (37.20 PSSC WG)
 - Ranked
Density 18.78/km²
Abbreviation WS


Most of the ships used by the New Zimian War League, such as the Kesh Class Modern Attack Submarine, are constructed by the Shirley Stock Fund in the Region of the West.

The Region of the West was established during the 28.80's PSSC by Pallisican and Haifan merchants who sought to establish the region as the central commercial hub of the nation which was then in the process of being established by the heir to the throne of the Passasian crown, Lucien IV. The city of Sinclair - named in honor of the economic innovator Duke Sinclair - was to this end established as the home of the nation's first major marketplace, Grand Duke National Mall. Since the establishment of the National Mall, Sinclair has served as the home of all of the nation's successive marketplaces, including the Port of Storms and the Port of Vines. The region is furthermore the home of the Seemsy Energy Corporation], which along with the Ossyo Energy Corporation, provides electricity to much of the Haifo-Pallisican Imperial Trade Union.

In the 29.50's PSSC the Region of the West was the site of the Conquest of Port Brent, a conflict widely regarded as the first ever formal military operation waged by the New Zimian War League.


Climate and Topography

Climate V|Topography >
Sea Level Coastal Plains High Plains Highlands Mountains
Cfc X X
Dsb X X
Dsc X X X


Region Statistics

Year Population Growth (Growth %) Food Imports (/Person) Fuel Imports (/Person) Other Imports (/Person) Immigration Modifier (%) Seats in Regional Government Seats in Houses of Corum

38.20 PSSC 2,731,683 61,241 (2.24%) 1,919,416 (.7) 10,578,650 (3.87) 3,570,662 (1.3) .17 27 109
38.00 PSSC 2,670,442 41,287 (1.55%) 1,564,960 (.58) 7,686,658 (2.87) 2,886,757 (1.08) .22 27 107
37.80 PSSC 2,629,155 18,862 (.72%) 1,365,484 (.51) 9,430,049 (3.58) 2,350,242 (.89) .2 26 105
37.60 PSSC 2,610,293 31,881 (1.22%) 1,201,513 (.463) 8,838,307 (3.385) 2,381,146 (.912) .21 26 104
37.40 PSSC 2,578,412 -27.061 (-1.05%) 1,073,136 (.416) 7,85,031 (3.04) 1,820,364 (.7) .24 26 103
37.20 PSSC 2,605,474 6,431 (.25%) 1,010,014 (.387) 7,985,645 (3.06) 1,864,143 (.71) .24 26 104
37.00 PSSC 2,599,043 4,753 (.18%) 963,484 (.37) 7,847,030 (.747) 1,188,591 (.45) .26 26 104
36.80 PSSC 2,594,470 -3,895 (-.15%) 1,271,642 (.49) 1,939,520 (.747) 9,756,778 (3.76) .2 26 104
36.60 PSSC 2,598,366 -16,277 (-.63%) 1,188,490 (.457) 3,304,945 (1.688) 988,915 (.38) .22 26 104
36.40 PSSC 2,614,644 -49,769 (-1.9%) 1,090,770 (.417) 4,413,592 (1.688) 934,977 (.357) .22 26 105
36.20 PSSC 2,664,414 42,630 (1.6%) 1,253,258 (.47) 4,419,957 (1.65) 966,281 (.36) .18 27 107
36.00 PSSC 2,621,784 65,598 (2.5%) 1,276,963 (.49) 4,426,302 (1.69) 1,020,622 (.39) .19 26 105
35.80 PSSC 2,556,186 -19,330 (-.76%) 1,256,965 (.49) 4,421,511 (1.72) 966,438 (.37) .18 26 102
35.60 PSSC 2,575,516 42,421 (1.65%) 1,416,335 (.54) 5,393,706 (2.09) 970,527 (.37) .16 26 103
35.42 PSSC 2,533,095 652 (.03%) 1,051,351 (.41) 3,448,682 (1.36) 1,010,273 (.39) .9 25 101


Like other regions in the Kingdom of New Zimia, the primary mode of transportation in the Region of the West is rail. Railways in the region are operated by the Corumian Railway Corporation. Air travel is somewhat common in the region, owing in large part to the region's commercial significance. Skycourt Airways, the nation's largest air service provider, is headquartered in the city of Sinclair.

Military Installations

There are no major military installations located in the Region of the West, though the New Zimian War League maintains a presence in the Gulf of Sinclair and surrounding waters.

Protected Areas

The only protected area in the Region of the West is the location known as the Siroccoan Hinters, a dangerous wilderness region which is regarded as for the fierce Siu-Illt-Nas which inhabit it.

Region of the East

Region of the East

Wisdoämä del hed Hipipantíos (Wisdom of the Hills)
Flag of the Region of the East
Coat of Arms of the Region of the West
Coat of arms
Location of Adarma
Capital Cañaßáos
Major cities Cañaßáos , Sóuzhamäl
Demonym Cannassasian, Southmaner
 - Adjective Easterian
Area 74,880 km²
 - Ranked
Population 3,415,818 (37.20 PSSC)
 - Ranked
Density 45.61/km²
Abbreviation ES


The cavernous silver mines which dot the Region of the East are often inhabited by communities of La-Adred-Nas.

The Region of the East was settled in the 28.80's by Kralians who traveled to the region in pursuit of freedom from religious persecution by Pallisicans, who rejected Kralian sentiments regarding the nature of enlightenment. These Kralian settlers, who envisioned a future in which they would establish an independent nation governed by the enlightened ones of the Hills of Kralia, earned a living mining silver on behalf of Southern Silver Investments, which continues today to operate as part of the Pallisican Central Stock Fund.


Climate and Topography

Climate V|Topography >
Sea Level Coastal Plains High Plains Highlands Mountains
Dsa X
Dsb X X X
Dsc X X


Region Statistics

Year Population Growth (Growth %) Food Imports (/Person) Fuel Imports (/Person) Other Imports (/Person) Immigration Modifier (%) Seats in Regional Government Seats in Houses of Corum

38.20 PSSC 3,405,782 4,643 (.14%) 1,466,599 (.43) 7,600,198 (2.23) 2,677,281 (.78) .29 34 136
38.00 PSSC 3,401,139 9,668 (.28%) 1,228,966 (.36) 5,747,427 (1.68) 2,215,875 (.65) .37 34 136
37.80 PSSC 3,391,471 27,631 (.81%) 924,934 (.27) 6,846,381 (2.01) 1,918,603 (.56) .35 34 136
37.60 PSSC 3,363,840 -22,853 (-.68%) 841,935 (.25) 6,504,127 (1.93) 1,997,938 (.593) .36 34 135
37.40 PSSC 3,386,694 -29,123 (-.86%) 738,938 (.218) 5,780,396 (1.7) 1,537,582 (.454) .42 34 135
37.20 PSSC 3,415,818 -17,217 (-.5%) 705,572 (.206) 5,852,796 (1.713) 1,586,604 (.459) .42 34 137
37.00 PSSC 3,433,036 8,178 (.24%) 692,340 (.201) 5,853,851 (1.7) 910,808 (.265) .46 34 137
36.80 PSSC 3,424,858 7,550 (.22%) 866,073 (.252) 1,846,500 (.537) 6,564,567 (1.91) .37 34 137
36.60 PSSC 3,427,308 -13,427 (-.39%) 796,350 (.143) 2,638,388 (.769) 673,150 (.196) .41 34 137
36.40 PSSC 3,440,736 -30,995 (-.9%) 493,044 (.143) 1,044,732 (.303) 636,058 (.184) .54 34 138
36.20 PSSC 3,471,732 27,423 (.79%) 635,044 (.18) 1,053,623 (.3) 665,821 (.19) .4 35 139
36.00 PSSC 3,444,309 -25,685 (-.75%) 646,451 (.18) 1,057,188 (.3) 716,929 (.2) .45 34 138
35.80 PSSC 3,469,995 8,713 (.25%) 645,117 (.18) 1,055,843 (.3) 668,075 (.19) .46 35 139
35.60 PSSC 3,461,282 2,954 (.09%) 652,102 (.18) 1,274,761 (.36) 665,182 (.19) .42 35 138
35.42 PSSC 3,458,328 120,989 (3.5%) 574,683 (.16) 829,812 (.23) 716,745 (.2) .62 35 138


The primary mode of transportation is rail. Railways in the region are operated by the Corumian Railway Corporation.

Military Installations

There are no major military installations located in the Region of the East, though the New Zimian War League maintains an active presence in the Sea of Sangun.

Protected Areas

The primary protected area in the Region of the East is the Depths of Anatina, a wildlife preserve which is renowned for the density of Petal-Hial-Eda which live there. Although it is not formally recognized as a protected area, the Southern Silver Arena - home stadium of the soccer team Kralia United - is regarded as holy ground. This fact is due to the remarkable success which has been enjoyed by the team since its inception.