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Galinn Karisson

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Galinn Karisson (sometimes written Kárisson, né Franz Caprivi), known also under his ecclesiastical names Pope Camillus I and Gallius Puccis Camillus (born, 1479; legal death in 1614), was a GotzborgStorish Nazarene cleric (Church of Stormark; Church of Treisenberg), theologian, politician, historian, military officer, and royal. King of Nidaros, 1509–1515; husband of Kronjarla (Crown Princess of Stormark) Aoife the Celt from 1552. High Justiciar (chief executive) of Stormark, 1561–1586.


Coat of arms of Camillus/Galinn Karisson

Born in Gotzborg in 1479 to a family of Tellian extraction, he began his adult life by training to be an officer in the Royal Army of Gotzborg. By 1497, he was Lieutenant-Colonel (RA) (Royal Guard) and Colonel-in-Chief Praetorian Guard (6th Regiment Royal Guard Infantry), as well as liaison between the Army and the legislature of Gotzborg. From 1503 to 1509, he was General of Police (RSPS). He travelled regularly to Treisenberg in the early 1500s to study religion, and became an ordained priest in the Church of Treisenberg.


He is mostly known today for his ecclesiastical and theological work, starting his career in the Church of Treisenberg as a priest. He rose in the ranks, becoming bishop and, later, Pope. After that, he became Pope of the Church of Stormark. As pope of the Church of Stormark, he transformed the church from a conservative church aligned with the mainline Catholic churches, such as the Autocephalous Nazarene Church of Alexandria, to Vanically aligned church. While some of the changes occurred reluctantly, he did, nonetheless, oversee them. For example, High King Harald (to be said, was not a Nazarene believer or follower) was – unique for Nazarene churches – declared a "living saint", on part with the other venerated saints of the church, with a feast day ("Feast day of Saint Harald"), and intermissions as applicable. Moreover, the church ordained female priests – which over time became more Vanically aligned (e.g., naked female priests leading services – note, however, this change occurred after his legal death in 1614).

His relationship with the Holy Nidarosian Church began well, when it was a diocese of the Church of Stormark. In 1539, the Church of Nidaros was separated from the Church of Stormark, but relations continued cordially for a while. They soured once Galinn was made pope of the Storish church and began the more Vanically aligned reforms of the church. The Holy Nidarosian Church protested against the female priesthood and papacy, but the final straw appeared to be Pope Camillus's marriage with Storish crown princess Aoife the Celt in XX, whereupon he was excommunicated.


When in 1509, the Nazarene–Norse country of Nidaros was annexed to Stormark, Camillus was declared by High King Harald to be the country's first king. As king, he appears to have been a proxy for the Vanic elite in Haraldsborg. "Unnatural" borders (but which had an aesthetic value, such as rivers within a city) delineated local governments, and the most unpopular of these changes were the province of Kjærlighet ("Love") and creating the capital of Nidaros to also be called Kjærlighet. Local Nidarosians scoffed at these changed, considering them tacky and unbecoming, creating discontent in Nidaros. The unpopular king appointed Anne Marie Dagmarsdottir, a popular native noblewoman, his regent in 1514, and she succeeded him in 1515 as Queen of Nidaros, whereafter Galinn would devote his time to ecclesiastical matters, or, political matters in Haraldsborg.


As a politician in Stormark, Galinn was one of the few non-Vanics allowed to the upper echelons of Storish society. As a "token Nazarene", he mainly aligned himself with the nobility, but, at some, and important points, diverged from the Vanic nobility's point of view. As he was not Vanic, he could speak up on things in a different way, similar to the role of a fool in some courts – and could point out the absurd and stupid in decisions or proposals. Commoners in Stormark – Nazarenes and Vanics alike – took a liking to him, and he became one of the most popular (among the commoners) politicians, allowing him to become High Justiciar (chief executive of Stormark) in 1561. His political marriage to Aoife the Celt, crown princess of Stormark, in 1552 helped him secure the nobility's and royalty's favour.

As High Justiciar, he was a skilled diplomat. In 1564, he signed a treaty of alliance with Shireroth (Treaty of Sula Sgeir). In 1573, when the reputation of Stormark was at (for the time) all-time low after Natopia broke relations due to concerns on how women and children were treated in the country, he managed to steer Stormark away from pariah status, by urging the nobility of Stormark to "tone down" their Vanicness outwardly. He urged the nobility of Stormark to "tone down" their Vanicness outwardly. Nudity became rarer in gatherings, a law for the age of consent was enacted (though it was 13, it was certainly better than no law). These changes helped bolster Storish relations, with Emperor Nathaniel of Natopia even paying Stormark a state visit in 1609.

Gotzborg connections

While staying mostly with Storish affairs, he travelled regularly to his native Gotzborg, and was given medals for various matters.

Disappearance and legal death

He decided not to stand for re-election for High Justiciar in 1585. He felt burdened by the weight of Storish politics, and departed Stormark in 1596 on an extended stay to his native Gotzborg. He tried to bring about the establishment of the Church of Gotzborg, but disappeared before the plans could be brought into fruition. In 1614, his wife, Lady Aoife the Celt, sought a declaration of legal death from the courts (which was accepted). It is believed (by some) that he began, in these later stages of his life, to reassess his role in Stormark and Storish Nazarene religion, and began a hermitage into the Green. Others believe he had simply been murdered by the Vanics or the imperial family of Stormark for his non-conforming behaviour and outspokenness.

See also

Preceded by:
No one
King of Nidaros
Succeeded by