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- (13/08/23) Senya win their second FMF World Cup title, beating Calbion 1–0 in the final in Mercury.
- (08/06/23) Naoufal Molenaar (pictured) steps down as Grand Vizier of Kurum Ash-Sharqia after controversy on the Nobility Bill. He is succeeded by Hayat Markenburger.
- (06/06/23) Caroline Griffiths is elected President of Mercury following a landslide election victory for the Mercurian Labour Party.
- (03/05/23) Craitman resigns as Administrator-General of the MCS, with Joe Foxon being elected by the Council as his successor.
- (12/04/23) The Haifo-Pallisican Imperial Trade Union loses its MCS membership. As a result, the Collective Security Association is disbanded.