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The Gazette of Dos Gardenias/002. Proclamation of Dos Gardenias

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Proclamation of Accession
Full Greater Arms of the Empire WP version Nathan III crest.png
Government House (Western Natopia)
Subject Proclamation of Dos Gardenias
Decreed by Empress Vadoma I-in-Council
Extent Western Natopia
Imperial Assent 2.12.1709 AN
Commencement 2.12.1709 AN

Imperial Decree 002, or 002. Proclamation of Dos Gardenias, is the second documented use of the statutory instruments of the Bovic Empire of the West after the division of the Natopian Empire was formalized on 13.10.1709 AN. The division of the Natopian Empire was formalized by the Declaration of Lindstrom, later confirmed by the Micras Cartography Society[1] and the Micras Treaty Organization[2] in 1709 AN.

Imperial Decree 002 was issued by the Empress of Western Natopia, Vadoma I. The decree is countersigned by a myriad of government officials, nobles, and other diplomatic or political officials, including the Emperor of Eastern Natopia, Nathan III. It was issued from Government House, the current seat of the Transitional Government of Western Natopia.

This Imperial Decree serves as the foundational document for the nascent, independent Bovic Empire of the West, establishes the Provisional Government of Western Natopia, establishes key transitional government policies and bodies, and calls for a Constitutional Convention of Western Natopia to draft a new Constitution for the Bovic Empire of the West.



ID-002 was countersigned by a long list of public officials. As the second official Act of the Empress, it was seen as important and prestigious to be part of the signing of the Proclamation of Dos Gardenias.

Empress of Western Natopia

Emperor of Western Natopia

Provisional Government

Representatives of the Demesnes and other sectors of society

Eastern Natopian Representatives

Other diplomatic and political officials

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WHEREAS Bous is pleased to call upon all of the Lords and Ladies of the Realm, and upon the people of the Western Natopian Nation, to rise and create a new nation in accordance to the principles established in the Declaration of Lindstrom: -

WE, therefore, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of this Realm, assembled in the first session of the Court of Geneva, in the city of Dos Gardenias with representatives of Eastern Natopia, and with other Principal Ladies and Gentlemen of Quality, do now hereby with one voice and Consent of Tongue and Heart publish and proclaim that We establish the BOVIC EMPIRE OF THE WEST, with its temporary Capitals established as follows:

  • For administration, the monarchy, and the executive: Dos Gardenias;
  • For the legislative, judicial, and other executive functions: Chancellorsport.

WE, therefore, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of this Realm, do ordain and establish the document attached to Appendix A, the Transitional Charter of Western Natopia as the temporary but absolute law of the land and the basis of governance and order in the Bovic Empire of the West; provided that whenever the law is unclear, governance and policy draw from the well-established Natopian legal traditions and precedents provided that:

WE, therefore, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of this Realm, do express our full Consent and accept the Will of the people of Western Natopia by installing and establishing the Transitional Government of Western Natopia and appointing the persons listed in Appendix B.

WITNESSED BY the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of this Realm, being here assisted by the First Consul and the Consuls and Secretaries of the Provisional Government of Western Natopia, and with other Principal Gentlemen and Ladies of Quality and other Officials;

Given at Government House this 2nd day of the 12th month of 1709 AN.


Transitional Charter of Western Natopia


VADOMA I and EDWARD I, by the Grace of Bous and His blessings, Empress and Emperor of the Bovic Empire of the West, Queen and King of Neridia, Queen and King of Thalassa, Duchess and Duke of Dos Gardenias, and Constitutional Defenders of the Realm: - SEND GREETING TO ALL whom these Presents may come:

In the course of natural and human events, times may arrive in which we may need to address the constitutional form of the state, especially during times of great political and internal distress. Advised by Our Transitional Government, and by the leaders and Lords and Ladies of the demesnes of the Empire, we do establish the below as the Transitional Charter of Western Natopia:

Article I - The Bovic Empire of the West.

  1. The sovereign Western Natopian state shall be officially known as the Bovic Empire of the West; consisting of many people and nations, seeking prosperity, justice, freedom, tolerance, equality, individual rights, and security under the Empress and Emperor of Western Natopia.
  2. The government of the Bovic Empire of the West empowers the Western Natopian people above all, and is a representative democracy, with only essential and emergency powers reserved for the Emperor and the Empress and executive for judicious and prudent use.
  3. The Western Natopian Nation refers to all peoples, nations, ethnicities, races, tribes, bands, and other groups that proclaim and possess citizenship and allegiance to the Bovic Empire of the West.
  4. A person is born into the Western Natopian Nation if one of their parents is a Western or Eastern Natopian at the time of birth; or if the person is born within any Natopian jurisdiction. Any other person may pursue Western Natopian citizenship through a formal immigration process.
  5. The Bovic Empire of the West shall have two temporary capitals, to serve as capitals until the restoration and reconstruction of the city of Geneva:
    1. For administration, the monarchy, and the executive: Dos Gardenias;
    2. For the legislative, judicial, and other executive functions: Chancellorsport.
  6. There shall be an Imperial Capital Commission, to be organized via Imperial Decree or Order-in-Council, to re-establish and rebuild the city of Geneva and move the capital of the Bovic Empire of the West to Geneva,which shall not be part of, or governed by, any demesne. The Transitional Government of Western Natopia and all agencies and bureaus will meet in Geneva as soon as the move can be supported, whenever practical.
  7. To assist in communication among the various peoples of the Western Natopian Nation, the official languages of Western Natopia shall be Natspeak, Istvanistani, Alexandrian, and Martino. However, no local, cultural, ancient, or minority language shall ever be suppressed by Western Natopian laws and this may be recognized by the Transitional Goverment via Order-in-Councils.
  8. The government of Werstern Natopia will protect the Western Natopian people and defend their inherent rights to freedom, justice, peace, and equality.
  9. The Dozan Bovic Church and the Bovinist religion has a special and formal relationship with the Western Natopian Nation; however adherence to any religion shall never be used to discriminate against a person.
  10. The special status of the Melusinian and Alexandrian faiths is established and guaranteed.

Article II - The Co-Emperors

  1. The term "Co-Emperors" shall be constrained to Empress Vadoma I and Emperor Edward I.
  2. The Co-Emperors will defend this Charter, protect the Western Natopian Nation from all threats foreign and domestic, display exemplary moral and civic character, and serve as a living symbol of the unity of the Bovic Empire of the West.
  3. Executive power over foreign affairs and responsibility for defense of the Nation is vested in the Co-Emperors and exercised through their Most Bovic Majesties' Court of Geneva.
  4. The Co-Emperors hold power to regulate and define the structure, officers, and symbols of the Court of Geneva.
  5. The Co-Emperors serve jointly as the Head of State, a symbol of the Bovic Empire of the West and its the Natopian legacies, and guardian of the unity of the Western Natopian Nation.
  6. The Co-Emperors appoint ambassadors, liaisons, and delegates to foreign states, entities, and organizations and receives foreign heads of state, ambassadors, ministers and other envoys
  7. The Co-Emperors grant amnesty, commutes punishments, and issues pardons.
  8. The Co-Emperors issue Imperial Decrees that have the authority of law to conduct matters as head of state; to administer foreign and military affairs; regulate and administer the Court of Geneva; to protect and enforce the Instrument of Succession; to create and bestow titles, honors, and awards; and to temporarily govern the entire Transitional Government in such dire national emergencies as declared by the Constitutional Convention.
  9. The Co-Emperors remains in their authority until their uncontested death or abdication(s). Further details as to the succession of the Co-Emperors shall be established through the Instrument of Succession, reserved for the Co-Emperors.
  10. The Pentheros of the Dozan Bovic Church confers Bous' divine approval of Co-Emperors and any future Emperors by officiating the ceremonial coronation. During the coronation, the Co-Emperors or any future Emperors must swear or affirm an oath to maintain, expand, and protect the Western Natopian Nation and Dozan Bovic Church.
  11. The Co-Emperors must appoint a Regent and the Regent must be able fulfill all critical responsibilities of the Co-Emperors during any absences that exceeds three continuous Norton months (6 Gregorian days).
  12. There will be no other self-styled emperors or kings in the Bovic Empire of the West; except ancient royal titles and kings of sovereign nations that have since entered into the Bovic Empire of the West.


Given at Government House this 2nd day of the 12th month of 1709 AN.


See Also

Preceded by:
Imperial Decrees of Western Natopia
Series 1
Succeeded by