Pattern M1698 Field Uniform

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Pattern M1698 Field Uniform.png

Camouflage was removed from field uniforms for personnel assigned to the Trans-Euran Continental Theatre in 1698 AN as being 'contrary to the martial ethos of the Constancian and Euran tradition'. The standardisation of the uniforms of the regular and home guard elements of the Imperial Constancian Armed Forces on the Pattern M1698 Field Uniform removed an element of competition between regiments that had become increasingly fixated on peacock displays of sartorial superiority over their rivals.

For personnel who absolutely required to conceal their position for extended periods, such as scouts, sentries, and snipers, scrim nets and a chit providing permission to befoul their uniforms with mud and foliage could be given by commanding officers at the squadron level and higher.

The M1698 Field Uniform was also issued to Surenid troops as well as to Alexandrian personnel deployed on Operation Paramount. For this reason tunics and outer garments featured an inverted chevron on the left sleeve; coloured purple for Constancians, red for the Surenid, and white for Alexandrians.

Division, corps, and higher formation badges are to be worn on the left sleeve above the elbow whilst regimental or squadron affiliation is to be denoted with a brassard worn on the right shoulder. Troops raised from the Honoured Sons or a Vanguard Division will wear an armband on their right arm below the brassard detailing their corporate or political affiliation. Non-commissioned officers will wear an agreed ribbon or badge indicating their rank appended to the front of their uniform whilst officers will wear the symbol of their rank on the collar of their uniform.

Officers of the rank of Taxiarchos (Brigadier) and higher wear a purple lampasse on the outside seams of their trousers. For an officer of the rank of Arteshbod (General) and above this is a double-lampasse of purple with a single band of gold running down the middle.