Worshipful Guild of the Sacred Carnifices
The PAGENAME is a civic and religious fraternity of magistrates and executioners, with the typical carnifex-magister being trained and empowered to perform both roles, established under the terms of the Edict for the Restoration of Justice and Order promulgated by the Congress of Chryse in 10.XIII.1698 AN.
The Second Elwynnese Civil War of 1692 AN to 1696 AN, which culminated in the Scouring, a limited nuclear exchange which had destroyed a heretical liberal rebellion in Amokolia and Upper Elwynn at the cost of seven cities, had fundamentally interrupted the operation of the economy and civil society throughout central, northern, and eastern Benacia. Outrage at the use of orbital bombardments, anti-matter devices, and thermonuclear warheads, had triggered a rash of insurgencies, rural uprisings and urban protests, which were quashed by the Black Legions and the Elwynnese Landstorm only with great difficulty. More insidiously, the despair engendered by the use of weapons of mass destruction, combined with the near universal disruption of agriculture, trade, and tenuous supply chains, to say nothing of the abrupt demobilisation of millions of former UDF and rebel servicemen, produced a malaise that hung over the lands of the future Benacian Union. Corruption, depravity, and lawlessness, had seemingly taken root in almost every bailiwick. Even in victorious Alalehzamin and the Unified Governorates there were to be found knots of individuals drawn to the heretical conclusion that the price paid for victory had not been worth it.
To combat this societal decay, the Congress of Chryse concluded that a severe and exemplary punishment must be laid upon the populace - to either restore them to obedience or to more swiftly bring about their lasting extermination and replacement by a more godly and humble body of subjects, versed in Holodomatic Cedrozurvanism and the principles of Humanism.