Kulussi is an autonomous region of Caradia, located in southwestern Eura and was created and organised as part of Caradia's plans of expansion in Eura. While the region is nominally autonomous, it is actually split between two different groups, these being the federal government located in its capital city of Kaleksiss, which is heavily influenced by the presence of Caradian soldiers ordered to keep peace in the area, and the presence of tribal groups in the wastes outside of the city. The only parts of the region that remain under control of Kaleksiss and therefore Caradia are the capital city itself and the roads that lead from Kaleksiss to the city of Porto Vormouna. The region is by far the poorest in Caradia, and has yet to receive any significant funding from the Caradian government. The area is resource-dry, and as such it holds very little interest to the Caradian government, which maintains claims over the area and control in the capital only because it lies between Porto Vormouna and the more resource-rich location of the Euran South, which is also a better location for a port.
Despite ostensibly being a democratic region, Mass Essaga, the current president, has the sole backing of the Caradian crown and has declared martial law, suspending elections until martial law is revoked.